Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What is ugliness? III

- Please, read parts I and II ...

   * Spiritual level (mind, understanding, seeing behind).

Here i`ll say few words about how we observe and perceive the world through our mind. The mind is given to us, to use it properly – that everyone knows. But we don’t actually know that mind is the activator of all what we call “reality” –outside and inside –and its connected with complex net of images, neurons, energy links to all other systems –physical and emotional. Losing the mind as a main part of engine” means to lose everything. Mind is connected with heart and emotions in strong node; we often feel they work separately, but this is not truth. We have such illusion only because we don’t know how to use them in proper way. The more we go inside the science of Spirit, spiritual development, soul connections and energy work, the more we`ll discover amazing properties of these ties and links. We have mind, which can be expanded so much to encompass all universe inside and all galaxies and stars.

    The way our mind is directed and developed means everything and creates everything in our life. We can have hard emotions, sadness, be hurt and broken in heart, but the mind is the conductor who help us to be aligned again and in harmony with our inner self.
If the soul- emotions and heart are linked to effects, feelings and attachments we have to others and their relation to us, the spirit and mind are related to observance, high level feelings and understanding we have to ourselves. That’s the main point of any development. We should know first who we are –understand yourself, feel yourself, study yourself in all moments of life – then you`ll be much stronger and the visible reality and relations with others wont delude your mind, wont be able to hurt you. That’s why the mind connected with the developed spirit will create “expansion”. To be expanded in mind, means to be flowing like water, to go through all obstacles, to see all from above, to feel all with eyes of your mind. Here concentrated the sense of third eye and Crown chakra. We should know we are always connected to the main source of energy as we are part of the universal plan, part of divine plan, part of universal expansion. That’s why we need to have knowledge, to fall and rise, to sleep and wake up, and then we experience what we call wisdom.

      In respect to concept of ugliness (and beauty) I can only say- we need to strive to see them through our minds eyes, and with our heart. This is where the truth lies. We don’t need illusion created separately by what we think is “our heart”; love is created illusion as we create it with universal mirrors, for which I talked before …(*…).
But real preserving of what is ugly and what is beautiful has direct link to what is Light and what is dark –what is bad and what is good, and take care –it is not “subjective”. The universe has own laws which are valid for all life. we cant call a star a “planet”, or the sun “moon”, or human “animal”; so there are objective realities, that we can only feel, perceive in subjective way. That’s how just emotional –psychology level is subjective, as its linked with our senses, and still physically “present”. Indeed what we create in our mind –the energy of spirit us purely physical –just still not well known or observed from the science.
When our spirit is awaken, when we feel need to strive to the divine light, to the divine and white energy within us, then we can see all things have beauty. There is always a dark side next to the light –yin and yang principle is roaming in atmosphere. But there is always strive for light; that’s why with our mind we observe ugliness as part of the whole divine plan, or part of the beauty. If there is no “ugliness” beauty will be very fuzzy concept, not stable and finally just fall apart. In world of angels there is no beauty, as all they live inside is Light.
We have to go above all concepts, above all understanding, above all personal experiences, hurt, painful events …and see all the beauty around. Then we`ll surely understand why “ugliness” exist here, and why we see it and experience it. It takes time and takes expansion.

Good luck all Light workers!
Abide in divine light ~

[nina Lea –nura * ]
1129 - 9 -

What is ugliness? II

     - Please read part one : ...

    * I continue my thoughts about “ugliness” on the second level – Emotional; Its also linked with Soul-heart, our psychology, reactions and temperament. This is the actual point of “difference” or the intimate zone, where everything we perceive in our own unique way. We accept here what is ugly by very individual way. All about the people attractions to “another side”, to someone or something opposite of their social values, can be included here. I`ll give one very real example about that. If I`m born in a place, where women right and value are very little, constantly ignored, moreover where I feel personally abused or mistreated, most probably I`ll develop feeling of fear and disgust to many people or objects in this place. Moreover if I have some knowledge about other places, far away from my home, I would develop dream attitude to them, as well as consider people and objects there more beautiful and in higher level; I may even create all beautiful opposites for them, compared to my sharp and ugly reality. So if I live in India for example in such environment, I may feel very attracted by someone foreigner, no matter of the country – but who comes from another place and has obviously different face features and character than Indian people. In this way I can perceive all or most Indian people as not beautiful or “ugly” and all or most foreigners as nice or beautiful. The same personal psychology values are stamped for the land-country, for society on the whole. Another way of developing this inner attitude for “attracted by another side”, is when you felt sad, ignored, lonely, unsuccessful in your life and relationships, mistreated, anxious, miserable – reasons can be millions – in your environment. You most probably will develop the this longing for another side; you may feel need to complete your life moving to another place, or build family –friendship with someone foreigner. Finally the economic and social environment of the country you live is also a prerequisite for your feelings about the place. The more sadness you experienced in one place, the more you are disconnected, dissatisfied from people there, and the more prone you ll be to see them as “ugly” and disgusting. That’s how we work on a deep sense with the social norms; and that means – we cant directly observe and take the norms and laws as constant,  cancelable , always existing.  We develop together with social values, also our own values for life –for beauty, ugliness and human relations, going through our life experiences. The first that affect on our senses directly is –environment around us – home, family, institutions, school, shops, markets, transport, nature, all what is around is collected in our emotional memory. The second thing that is tied to our psychology and soul are relations with others. They are one of the most significant factors from all for our personal growth, attitudes and forming of our perceptions for ugly and beautiful. Relations like – inside family relations, behavior, methods of education, friendships, attachments, love-relationships, marriage –all that range is connected with the developing the soul. As we can see soul is a very vulnerable and complex matter (even not visible). Now at this point I want to explain the concept of ugliness. Someone or something can not be ugly, and even can be regarded as “nice or beautiful” from others, but can be seen and felt as “ugly” for us alone. Why? Imagine a situation of aggressive behavior from one person –like young boy –who make attempt of rape a girl from the school. The boy is tall, blond, with blue eyes, wavy hair...he is dressed in blue jacket, has smell of alcohol mixed with men aftershave which reminds smell of bark and cinnamon. The boy is from the same class of the girl; so he makes attempt , and the feeling he arise in the girl as “victim”, no matter if the attempt was successful, are strong fear, panic and disgust. After the accident the girl develops fear from being alone, fear from going to school, as she wants to avoid seeing the aggressor; This is just the beginning of what happens inside of her-on a surface level. With the time her emotional memory will keep records of these emotions, and will make links of any similar experience with the emotional button of panic and fear; for example whenever she sees a man with the same characteristics, face features, clothes and smell, she will by nature evoke the same emotions. Going on this path –in short terms –she will feel disgusted and view as “ugly” most of men with blue eyes, blond hair and tall, men who wear blue jacket, men who have smell of aftershave –with barn and alcohol. So all of these separate elements are mixed, but they can appear also very separately in her emotional memory. She wouldn’t like in the future the “blue jacket” of her boy friend…smell of alcohol and so on. On the other hand –due to unique nature of every individual on earth –all these elements of emotional memory can have even very different effects –some can cause slight disgust, or forgetfulness as method of “overcoming” the hard event from past – some can result as avoiding at all men company, and disgust and fear from all men regardless even of their appearance or status. The more sensitive is the soul ,the more it will have hard consequences for her future.
To conclude on emotional level “ugliness” is perceived as complex and individually developed net of negative qualities, connected to our conscious life, memories and subconscious mind; the formation of what we feel as “ugly” starts from hurts, damages and painful events in life line, specially childhood, which are aggression, abuse, physical violence, emotional violence (shouting, disrespect), sexual violence, arrogant and offensive behavior, offensive speech, and so on. All these sharp and negative qualities come from the dark side of emotions and create first of all fear, then lack of balance in real life,  feeling of disgust, sorrow, depression, anxiety, fearfulness. All that aggressors and their features –separately and on the whole are seen as “ugly”.

    Another aspect to the topic of ugliness of the “Soul” as we can say – is related to our emotional relationships. All our relationships are important, but the most significant are relations with our closest people –family, parents, brothers, friends, soul mates, beloved, spouses. That’s why any mischief, evil, hard situation, behavior, abuse or offence from their side will create wounds inside our emotional memory – and heart.
Heart is most sensitive organ and key to all human feelings, key to all beautiful emotions and in the same time all bad emotions, if allowed to collect them. If your heart is hurt, whole your body is in pain and you`ll be ill in reality. That`s how our relations pay highly important part in our life lessons, achievements, success and personal development. As living in a social groups, we always feel influenced from relation of others –how they see us, how they accept us, how they approve us is very important. Very few are people who are not tied in any way to the social or family opinion – or the stigma “what other will say/ think about that?”, how other will accept me? “do they love me?” The search of love and approvement from others is in the human nature. That`s why is important to feel what others feel, but to the limit of our own values and inner truth. In other words –when our inner truth is totally different from inner truth of others –then there is no pint of comparison or any striving to fit in their “expectations”. What we need to realize that we have to “meet our own high expectations” first; and most. Then we`ll be already valued enough for what we are.

    The feeling of broken heart, failed relationship, failed marriage, broken friendship can strongly affect on our soul, and develop in us specific criteria for understanding “ugly” and “beautiful”. When we observe all general cases together, we`ll see all qualities linked with ugliness” come from the dark negative behavior of others – lies, betrayal, hatred, disrespect, unemotional, cold, insensitive, not compassionate, conformist, humiliating…and so on. Multiple are the bad and negative shades of relationships. Sadly this negative qualities can create inside of us others also negative features in response to them, -which sadly happens very often in childhood. For example sensitive child, beaten for his mistakes or bad marks in the school, can easily develop attitude to lie and untruth, as a defensive reaction to save him from aggression. This is common case; Fear of aggression and fear of loss (to lose love of someone close, to lose appreciation) is indeed in the core of many such cases of lies, cheating and untruth. From another side, the same behavior to less sensitive child can lead to different behavior – to be aggressor by himself, he can become arrogant, dull, non empathetic, cold, and disinterested to others. The child with the flow of time could even become criminal or will have need for aggression and violence by himself, or combination of all that plus creating illusions and blocking his mind by using addictive substances like drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. All of that is linked to “emotional relations” – heart and soul.

Its obvious from all that statements – the ugliness sensed and observed by emotions and soul experience is much more “ugly” and sharp compared with ugliness” on the physical level –and with much deeper psychological consequences.

Antoine de Saint- Exuperi wrote in is remarkable well known booklet "Le Petit Prince", “Little prince”: “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye…so it’s the ugliness.  

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
1129 - 9- 

What is ugliness? I

In the Latin dictionary for ugliness stand terms "turpitudo" with synonyms deformity, ugliness, foulness, obscenity, unsightliness, humiliation"; some of them are with very different connotations as you can see; other terms describing the same word are "deformitas", "foeditas" with meaning disfigurement, unshapeliness, degradation, hideousness, horror. In Greek language the sharpest expression for ugliness is ασχημία (ashimia), in Persian [ veqaht ] obscenity, زشتی [ zashti ] disproportion. 

I want to write about one very important, but little discussed topic; which is even avoided in society today, but in the same time pieces of it are spread daily. About ugliness as a concept. Think inside yourself, what do you see as ugly? What is the most common sense for perceiving something as ugly or not beautiful? I specially use this word in its sharp, extreme connotation, to have an echo in your mind. Moreover not everything, which is “not beautiful” can be called “ugly”. I start developing my thoughts with the levels of perceiving the world around and reality. I accept existing of three general levels of our reality, where our energy is spread: 1. physical level (material body, features, organs); 2. Emotional level (Soul, heart, psychology, reactions, temperaments); 3. spiritual level (Mind, higher connection, intuition, Third eye sensation, mass consciousness).

~ Physical level ~
Physical level and what we call “matter” is related by inner connections to the physical world –and that from our human perception means only –the world that we can observe with our senses. Having in mind that our senses are far more imperfect compared to many animals, we can sense the physical “matter” by seeing (with eyes), hearing (with ears), smelling (with nose), tasting (tongue), touching (with fingers and hands). That are all usually accepted methods of perceiving reality around. I`ll concentrate now on how we can understand “ugliness” by this senses. Ugliness is rarely used term, but widely spread in society, on a subconscious level. Even we don’t admit, many things in daily life we can see – feel as ugly. Ugliness on this level is a form of distorted, crooked matter, which seems unusual to us and even could make us afraid. This crooked matter” has affect of “distorted mirror” image and can be object or subject. Related to both we see this object – subject with crooked features, which are going out of the frame of “socially spread and accepted image” for specially this object-subject. That means –if you see a person with little bigger nose than normally (or than your own nose), you may not accept him as “ugly” as there are also many examples of such people; but if you see person with two noses on his face, or with unusual or big pimple on his nose –you`ll perceive him as “ugly”. That means also,  if we never met or see one particular object before –we cant recognize it as any kind – ugly or beautiful, exactly because we are not familiar with its “normal state” and features. For example if we see an alien of any kind, we cant perceive him the way we view humans, so we wont have exact idea what to expect to be “ugly”, moreover our standards of ugliness differ from aliens ones.
Related to people ugliness has quite social stamp and value, which is related to mass consciousness and the way everyone sees something. It was transformed to a norm; as we live in a group as humans, in circle of family –school, institutions, work, society – we are always affected by this norm. If a hermit came from the desert, who never lived in between this society, he will have different perceptions for “ugliness” and “beauty”, because his mind was growing out of the society.
Now we see “ugly” object or subject, who has some specific qualities. First it should possess asymmetry; then it should be unusual by look (out of the normal visual standards for this general object); third it should be unusual and “crooked” by social acceptance – out of the social norms; These are the most evident cases of “ugliness” on a physical level. Asymmetry – when you see an animal or human with more than normal parts of the body – or with additional parts –like two heads; three eyes, two mouths; (even we don’t see such examples in real, we have them in subconscious level and reveal them in fairy tales and fantasy movies or in dreams). I concentrate on the most visible example –human body and face. On a physical level asymmetry for human face could be – someone without one eye; someone without ears, someone without leg, and so on…even someone without hair can be seen as “ugly” in some eras when this was accepted as unusual and “strange” f. e. woman.
Second criteria – unusual by look –its related to some extend to: cleanness and purity;  in all eras regardless of the beauty standards, everything clean is looked as “beautiful” and all dirty –belongs to ugliness. So ugly is something unclean by look – you can see a woman with dirty clothes, or covered with mud, or with garbage, or with spots of blood on her dress – this can be regarded as “ugly”. Unclean face is also very close to be “ugly”, when you add to it asymmetry or bad look. So ugliness in most cases don’t belong to “sadness” or what we feel pity, but rather something that make us afraid or shocked. When we feel pity for unclean homeless woman, we wont assign her as “ugly”, exactly because of our inner compassion. Out of that cases, ugliness – as unusual or crooked ,out of the social norms, have movable frames. That means its not strictly related. Why is it so? Because every social group has different norms, every continent, place, country, city, area has different developed standards for “beautiful” and ugly. Moreover every single individual has his own private standards and views for “beauty”, depending on his background, family, society where he was born, family relations, emotions, preferences, past lives experiences...So each single human is a made of complex qualities, characteristics and features, that can create for him unique sense for perceiving “beauty” and understanding “ugliness”. This is the private, intimate criteria for beauty- that shows us why some opinions and tastes are so much different in different parts of the world.
Now I want to concentrate on very favorite for most people topic – ugliness (and respectively beauty) in humans face –more specially woman`s face. We can appoint here hundreds of different opinions and views to what most beautiful” woman face should look like; as well as most “ugly” which is very not pleasant topic. Here the direction of my thoughts will change from beauty –to ugliness; as beauty has more admirers in world; So the first general criteria for beautiful women is her symmetric face; that’s very wide spread social opinion, which can be seen only through having a norm for “symmetry linked to general model of human face. (if we see cat as sweet and lovely, we cant compare criteria for beauty” for the cat and a human being, as they belong to different species.) Symmetric face has good (exact) proportions of eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, hair. For example if one of women eye was in closer distance to the forehead or to nose –this wont be regarded as beautiful. The same we can see ugliness in anything which is out of symmetry for face – too narrow forehead, little eyes and big nose, big eyes and big mouth, and so on. Here there is also factor of personal unique sense of beauty, but we wont go in details to it. The second criteria for beautiful face is flawless skin and nice shining complexion. Regardless of the era, country, place, all people love flawless skin in woman face. It`s simply linked to understanding of cleanness and purity. The same as we like clean clothes, nice body proportions, nice face proportions, we are attracted by clean and shining skin. That`s how most of women give much money and crazy efforts to look beautiful” even in older age, and the best sign of it is skin. Related to the concept of ugliness – all things in opposite direction of beautiful, will be considered as part of ugliness”: wrinkles on face, wrinkles, lines on forehead, under eyes, dark circles under eyes, uneven complexion, red eyes, sometimes many freckles, pimples on skin, and so on. In this respect cosmetic industry is very wealthy, as it gives good illusion to women that they can “keep their beauty” forever. On the market there are tones of products for flawless skin – creams, concealers, foundation makeup, powders…And you would drown inside this sea of cosmetics, if you cant swim.
So this is about women face general criteria. From here there are thousands and millions different views on perfect “beauty” (not on perfect “ugliness”); People from AsiaJapan, China, Korea…are more attracted by view of big eyes and white skin tan, that’s how they create characters in (manga) anime magazines. This is the psychological effect of “attracted by another side” something that I don’t possess seems more beautiful and attractive. They have different shape of eyes, narrow, so they like wide; the same way person living in Europe, with European type of face can be attracted by African, Indian, Asian, middle eastern type of face and complexion – as what is far from me looks more attractive.
Of course this is kind of psychology effect and its not possessed by everyone. Even less people in number have this attraction –compared to the big number –and they are more romantic, dreamer, adventurous by nature, or people dissatisfied from their reality and life. (and they were not so many, but as the world changes, their number is growing).
I return again to the concept of ugliness”. As we revealed ugliness is tied and connected with understanding of “beauty”, seeing as its opposite side. Yin and Yang; Beauty should be shining, attractive, pure, clean, flawless, full of light, soft, symmetric, smooth, gentle. On the contrary – ugliness will be dull, unclean, dirty, unattractive, asymmetric, sharp, unsmooth, noticeable, without light, flawed;
In the same way we can observe the other parts of “physical level perceiving of ugliness (and beauty); We turned attention mostly to sense of eye sight, because its most obvious and promoted sense. We are always still affected by what we see, and many times all other senses stay in the back side. But if we are blind for example, what will be our sense of beauty? Then we ll be forced to use our ears, touch, taste, smell.
One of the best senses for attraction is smell. That’s the way of another million dollars industry here –perfumes and scents. When we feel nice aroma scent we are easily attracted by it, and easily it makes links in our mind. That`s how smell of baked sweets, ginger, cinnamon and chocolate is linked with “Christmas fest”, smell of bread with home…our mind is very well attached with smells from nature, so we pick the special ones for us and memorize them. Smell of “beauty” is smell of cleanness, of creating memorizing essences, that can evoke our deep emotions; its smell of gardens, flowers, tree, ocean, rain, fruits…That`s how many amazing perfume compositions are created. Opposite of that –smell of ugliness is connected with bad smell, stink, garbage, uncleanness, sweat, bad body odor; smell of ugliness here can be consider as smell of the outcast of society, usually homeless, poor people, living in miserable conditions, sick, psychologically ill people, who cant take care of their physical body. They belong to “ugliness”. I wont observe other senses in details, as that was not my aim, just I `ll point out, with hear, taste and touch –ugliness is mostly linked to concept of unknown, unusual, fearful, unclean, asymmetric, disgusting. The more sharp is the feeling we perceive this object, the more we consider it as “ugly”.

         From another point, on a physical level, everything can be seen as “ugly” depending on humans own perception, inner acceptance, inner principle, Inner views, inner love, ethics and aesthetics. All things cover with the rough material can be “ugly”. Only the inside energy makes them actually beautiful. That’s why beauty is so by “feeling” (Third eye chakra, Sahasrara) and ugly is “ugly” by seeing (physical senses, fears…)

Moreover there can be ugliness by both seeing and sense. We can see one prostitute as “beautiful” in some cases, but we sense her regressive, damaged and unclean energy, so she become “ugly”. Another way to distinguish beautiful and ugly –is by way of Purity. Anything which is impure is not beautiful – high levels of impurity reveal Ugliness , as it equals to dirtiness. Ugly cant be accepted only by “viewing” the ugly object. So by both beauty and ugliness there are senses. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
1129 -9- 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Angels quotes

  1. Humans are like iceberg – the visible part is much smaller than the hidden one under water.
  2. People who are thankful feel the happiness of life every day and enjoy simple things. You cant have the golden temple, but you can create it inside of you.
  3. Love your soul more than any other friend, love your body more than any material thing, love your spirit more than any religious law –then you`ll abide in peace and Light.
  4. We need to overcome our mistakes and our weaknesses in this life-time. It`s given to us, not to collect roses, but to deserve them, after going trough the hard thorn way. In the same time we can enjoy the smell of gentle field flowers, not to look at the spiders.
  5. You`ll achieve what your higher mind is connected with – if you are connected with wealth on energy level –you `ll have money; if you are connected with spirit – you`ll achieve peace; if your heart is connected with others –you`ll achieve love. You need to strive always from inside –out.
  6. Your body is a temple – but not a temple of gold, its temple of divine Light. Nurture it, take care of it. And it will give you back with strong health.
  7. We are so blind by nature, that we cant see even the little dust in atmosphere. What we expect then about all energy waves around? We need to feel that with another sense from inside; Most of our senses are closed and imperfect, but the place to feel and see energy is heart. First open your heart and let the angels come inside. Then you`ll see.
  8. Don’t feel sad for anything in your past – if you lost a friend or lover – that means your energy will be cleaned with something new. You were simply not in energy match with that person. If you had higher vibration –he had a low and opposite. By the universal low you cant be happy with this person. Let archangel Michael – or arch. Rapahel to cut and release the cords that hold you connected with this person.
  9. Practice grounding every day by the sunrise, make meditation even for 10 min. and breath deeply. The more you grow, the more you return to your roots. Be like the trees, and feel your deep connection with the Earth. The stronger your roots are –the healthier you`ll be, and stronger your leaves and more splendid your fruits will be. 
  10. Losing something or someone always means that you`ll soon receive or be connected with something much more important for your life. 
~ Abide in divine light !

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
1129 -9 -

Guide to fruits & vegetables for chakra balance

     I already wrote about importance of using natural medicine and activate your energy in every day life, for healing the human body. Body is a whole connected system, working on many levels – psychological, emotional – energetic, spiritual – mind, consciousness –and physical. The same way inside this system all physical centers are connected, and all chakras have links – from Crown on the top of your head –to the Root and earth chakra (your feet). For keeping your body in good health, you need to keep the moving energy clean and flowing. The blockage or illness of one of the centers (for example imbalance in Heart center) will affect soon in significant way all other chakras;

    That’s why we need to cleanse our energy daily, the same as maintaining physical hygiene, the same as cleaning our home, garden, space. The cleansing of the energy can be made by many ways, most famous of them are: practicing daily meditation (20-50 min); daily exercises, yoga poses, using crystals for cleansing, using essential oils for therapy, growing home plants and flowers for emotional cleansing and relaxed mind, drawing and coloring mandalas; visualizations, listening Tibetan bowls and soothing music; All of that are methods of healing. You can add more: creativity – drawing, writing, creating art; gardening –planting and taking care of trees; cooking and baking different dishes; helping other people (poor, old, orphans); walking in the nature and mountain; photography, seeing new places, observing religious places. (you can add more to your own list).

   One of the most important healing and prevention methods is healthy nutrition. Everyone agrees now that the best nutritional value - minerals, vitamins, acids - are contained in fruits and vegetables.
Today we don’t plant them in our own garden – even there are such amazing people, who return to the nature life again – but others are still in the speed rhythm of the big city. They buy everything ready from the market place, so they (we) have to be careful about what kind of fruits and vegetables they choose, to be organic or with less pesticides.

The color of the natural foods indeed is linked with their nutritional and healing properties and chakra centers in the body. I`ll suggest here list of most well known fruits and veggies for each chakra; adding for which particular organs they can help most. We should have in mind that as all chakras are connected in one energy column in our body, the cure for them are also complex and combinations of many remedies. That`s why we use colorful diet.

 ~ Muladhara * fruits: pomegranate, cranberries, cherries, sour cherries, strawberries, goji berry, raspberries, red apples, blood oranges, red pears, watermelon; veggies: red peppers, radishes, tomatoes, red onions, red cabbage, red potatoes. It helps in cleansing and cures: back bones, skeleton, bones, tendons, joints, muscles, knees, hip bone, feet, toes, blood circulation, blood cells. Closed by fear of negative qualities and situations – fear of failure, of guilt, of judgment, of instability, loss of work, loss of someone close, financial loss; Morning drink for Root chakra: pomegranate (or mix of red fruits cherries, cranberries, strawberries); Best other food for Muladhara: wheat;

~ Svadhishtana  * fruits: oranges, tangerine, mandarin, pumpkin, peach, apricot, mango, papaya, melon, squash; veggies: potatoes, carrots, yellow peppers. Other foods: lentils, garlic; promotes cleansing on physical level- intimate zone, womb, ovaries, kidneys, bladder, urinal tract;
Blocked by suppression of positive feelings – abundance, happiness, joy, sexuality, pleasure, laughter, sharing with others, sensitivity; Morning drink for Sacral: orange and mango juice.

~ Manipura (Solar plexus) * fruits: banana, pineapple, melon, lemon, yellow apples, yellow kiwi, pomelo, pears, persimmons, apricots. Veggies: corn, yellow bell peppers, onion, potatoes, corn, yellow tomatoes, squash, turnips. Heals and prevents illnesses of the Manipura area: stomach, small intestine, pancreas, adrenal, digestive system, liver, gall bladder; more foods – almonds; milk, coconut butter; closed by: fear of positive qualities – of success, self-esteem, personal willpower, responsibility, action, fear of change, transformation, moving to another place or city; Morning drink for Manipura: banana and milk smoothie, lemon juice.

~ Anahata (Heart) * fruits: grapes, pears, green apples, kiwi fruit, avocado, limes, honeydew melon; veggies: broccoli, artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, lettice, arugula, spinach, cucumber, kale, celery, green onions, green beans, fennel, green peas, okra,  parsley, dull, nettle; heals and prevent almost all chakras illnesses, and specially in areas: heart muscle, chest, breasts, lungs, circulation of blood and liquids, arms, hands, palms, fingers, thymus gland. Blocked by suppressed negative emotions – sadness, anger, fear, pain from loss, envy, jealousy, hatred, intolerance, inability to feel or understand others, lack of interest to others; fear of hurt in relationship, fear of losing someone beloved, fear of losing your love; fear of betrayal; distrust, dishonesty; cruelty; sadistic behavior. Morning juice: apples, kiwi, avocado.

~ Vishudha (Throat)  * fruits: grapes, pears, elderberries, plums, pomelo; Vishudha is easily blocked by the following defects: suppressed self-expression, inability to share and speak, to be creative through art, writing; feeling disconnected; dishonest, two-faced, wearing many social masks, lack of social connections, feeling not understood, not felt by others, afraid of the truth, afraid of social judgment and criticism; unwilling to see (say, hear or know) the truth; impurity of body –mind –home. Blocked creative energy. Afraid to show your real face. Afraid to be open and honest. Morning juice: grapes; inhalations with salt and peppermint also help very well.

~ Ajna (Third eye) * fruits: figs, purple grapes, blueberries, plums, blackberries, black currants, elderberries; veggies: eggplant, purple pepper, purple carrot, purple cabbage. Inactive Ajna affects as: unable to see the reality, your current situation, poor memory, lack of self-discipline and organization, lack of time, lack of interest to others, unable to feel and see others in psychological way; unable to feel others aura (sensory, colors); disrespect, lack of knowledge about world and others; lack of spiritual activities; lack of sleep; insomnia, sight problems; headache, migraines, apathy, living in illusions; lying to yourself, imbalance of visible-invisible world; ungrounded, unforgiving, blind, lack of spiritual connection and self-connection. Lack of self-knowledge, not learning from past experiences. Morning juice for Third eye: blueberries; Meditation is best way to open it with lapis lazuli, purple fluorite.

~ Sahasrara (Crown chakra)  * all colors of fruits and vegetables are linked to active and healthy Sahasrara. Its energy is blocked from: excessive consumption of meat (specially of 4 legged animals), flour products, and sugar products.
Defects in Crown chakra lead to: emotional, energy, spiritual imbalance, unclean energy; toxic atmosphere, toxic people close to you, energy vampires; unable to see the whole universe, life from above; dull, uncreative; disconnected from earth, not believing in spiritual world, disbelieving in god and yourself, obsessed by the material world and possessions; addicted to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, meat; addiction to negative people, disrespect, aggression; unable of self-control; malicious, envy, jealous, unable to forgive, nervousness, aggression, lack of physical and emotional cleanness, unable to sleep calm, insomnia, restless, not peaceful.

For maintaining good health you need to observe surely your diet and what is your daily consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, water and juices. Add meditation and prayer in your day regime (as long as possible for you) and you`ll feel fast difference in your life.

Abide in divine Light, dear light workers!

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Svadhishtana related diseases and natural remedies (2)

(* Please read the first part )

    Another important side to observe is strong link between Sacral and Heart chakra issues. Always the imbalance in pleasure center will lead to imbalance in Heart chakra – even on subconscious level, so the effects wont be visible at the moment.

For example: if you are in a toxic or improper relationship, but are afraid to be alone for some reasons, this situation continued for long enough can bring you intimate problems (of any kind shown from above –obsessive feeling, jealousy, lack of trust, and problems in the body) You may be unable to have children (many “unknown and unexplained” by doctors symptoms and reasons why they happen, if both partners are perfectly healthy), will affect on your intimate zone and emotional psychological patterns in direction you to not want to be committed or have fear of motherhood or children. Once your inner issue is solved –or once you are separated from that person affecting you negatively; or if your relationship goes in positive direction in respect of love, emotions, and sharing- all your problems will be solved. Acknowledging the root of the cause is the first step.
From another side you cant expect all of the improper, toxic, energetically imbalanced relationships to have the same result. (in this way we`ll be without population). As I said many factors are combined together, so we make real “cocktail” from defects and illnesses. You may stay in the same relationship, continuing the negative circle, which without a doubt will lead to trapped negative emotions for a long time –and finally result in a disease in Sacral or heart area with tag “incurable” or “sudden” (cancer, heart attack, diabetes).
That is to show how Svadhishtana and anahata are strongly connected –in link “emotional flow”. The difference in the symptoms for both are – in Sacral center cases you are unable to express positive emotions, or have suppressed sexuality, fear of commitment, while in Heart center you have suppressed negative emotions (sadness, anger, jealousy) letting them to overflow your energy, without to make a way out. Because human is first signal creature, based on primitive instincts of survival, so the emotional- neurons net in the body is connected –as well Heart with Sacral zone. Even so they have different result and effects.

In order to maintain balance for your intimate area, kidneys and bladder, you need to find the core of the problem and solve it. Then you can continue with the cure.

-      leave the hard toxic relationship and find a partner you feel really happy.
-    Be more lovable, find things that make you happy, laugh more; smile more, relax more, sleep more;
-    Express freely your emotions and feelings with others, without fear of judgment and criticism;
-    Be self-loving and self-accepting; embrace your negative sides and realize it;
-   Don’t allow any kind of disrespect – aggressive behavior, anger and so on –to yourself in your relationship.
-     Don’t allow any kind of disrespect from any of your close people
-     Trust others, be tolerant, believe in yourself

These are some of most important advises in psychological level. All of them need dedication, devotion and fearlessness to be achieved.

** As with other chakras – be sure –all kind of problems have solutions, just you need to be determined, take time for healing and take steps.

Sacral chakra issues have many remedies from nature and God given – make meditation with crystals or wear stone bracelet (specially good are carnelian, amber, fire agate, orange opals, orange aventurine, cherry quartz, citrine, orange calcite) Meditate daily for 20 min with one of these crystals. Make aromatherapy with some amazing essential oils of joy and abundance: orange, tangerine, ylang-ylang, neroli, rosemary (or make a morning mist for personal perfume with 3 of them).
Use some base oils for massage like: evening primrose, calendula, apricot kernel, safflower, grape seeds, strawberry seeds.

The nutritional value of fruits and vegetables for Sacral chakra activation is amazing: eat daily oranges, tangerines, mango, papaya, pears, pumpkin, nectarine, peach, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, yellow peppers.

Your recipe for the healthy sacral chakra can be:
Morning drink fresh orange juice – 1-2 cups.
Morning breakfast – one orange fruit (or pumpkin, or papaya)
Lunch – eat salad with green leave vegetables, tomatoes and red lentil soup with garlic. (basic foods for Svadhishtana – garlic and lentils)
Evening – baked pumpkin slice, salad with carrots and cabbage, potatoes.
Evening drink – juice of carrots and oranges.

Taking care of potted flowers is great source of stress and anxiety relief; make a little home garden with flowers: Chinese orange roses, marigold, zinnia, orange orchid, begonia, freesia. Place objects around from orange glass and candles.

If you have artistic talent or you can make nice drawings you can try painting color therapy. Draw a rose in a glass vase, color its petals in details with orange color.
Draw orange mandala – in a circle with six flowers petals;
3. Draw autumn tree with turning attention to each leaf – with orange and yellow colors.
4. draw a girl with a long plaited hair and color it in orange.
5. tie your hair with orange bundle.
6. any dance practice is perfect for the sacral chakra energy and will bring you happiness –but specially belly dance.
Make yoga exercises for the chakra: make sun salutation every day, Balasana (childs pose), Trikonasana (twisting triangle pose), half lorn of the fish pose; bridge pose with hands up; hips opening poses.

Make a cleansing visualization for energizing the chakra:
Sit in lotus pose, visualize sphere of orange light with closed orange rose in the middle –in your Soul star center (2 inches above third eye). See the energy from that sphere flowing down to your Crown –Third eye, Throat, Heart …and all until Sacral chakra center – bringing cleansing light and energy to all your inner organs. Imagine this light concentrating specially in your intimate area, cleansing all organs there from inside –womb, ovaries, vagina, kidneys, bladder. Feel the energy circulating for around 15 min. Then drink cup of orange juice –you are perfectly cleaned.

Foods to avoid for healthy sacral center: all sugar, chocolates, flour sweets, candies, bonbons, cakes will make you feel imbalanced if you eat too much. Substitute them with raw vegan biscuits, honey, peanut butter, coconut butter.
Angels that you can call upon when you need help in healing Sacral chakra are: Chammuel, Haniel, Jophiel.

* abide in divine Light!

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
1127 - 9 -

Svadhishtana related diseases and natural remedies (1)

    I started writing about diseases and how they are connected with human body as a whole system. The same as all well known illnesses in our organism, also the remedies have complex work and work with combination of many remedies. For more information, please read the first part " Muladhara related diseases and natural remedies”. 

Now I dedicate time for Svadhishtana related most spread diseases and what are the possible cures for them. Sacral chakra imbalances on all levels are often symptoms of many people in contemporary society. Large range of factors add to this – polluted atmosphere in the big cities, work over time, stress, lack of sleep, lack of sport activity, lack of time devoted for things you love, interests and people. These factors influence actually the whole human energy and all chakras. I mention them here, because they are particularly related with Sacral center. Why?
Svadhishtana is very special chakra, related to sexual power, joy, abundance, ability to share with others, ability to share your emotions, to trust and be trusted, to show affection, to believe in yourself, to be confident, and allow yourself relaxing and indulging in joyful activities.

It`s actual source of happiness. Many people living in the fast speed of work-life-daily worries can`t allow the natural flow of energy and joy inside them. Sacral area is related physically to: intimate zone, ovaries, womb, genitals, kidneys and bladder. It is the reproductive system of human – its main element is low water and fire. Because of many reasons this chakra can be out of balance and inactive. The social related norms, issues, high expectation of other people close to us (parents, family, friends), high expectations from ourselves and self-criticism are some of the main problems with the orange center. We need to be enough confident, self-loving, self-accepting, not afraid of showing our real feelings and emotions to others, not wearing social masks –in order to have brilliant Sacral chakra. Sadly this is not fact in today society, that`s why many people make trap for negative energies inside their reproductive center, which leads to many diseases in all levels.
What causes the most common defects and illnesses in this center of emotions?

~ suppressed sexual energy (sexuality) - related to Sacral chakra defect 
~ suppressed positive emotions (lack of emotions like joy, happiness, pleasure) - Sacral
~ not trusting yourself (lack of self-confidence, self-criticism) (Sacral & Heart)
~ not trusting others emotions (lack of tolerance and acceptance of others) (Sacral & Heart)
~ being in a toxic relationship (person who is not energetic match for you and drains your energy) (Sacral & Heart) 
~ feeling lonely and depressed (Sacral & Heart )
~ allowing emotions of others, and feeling of others to affect on you (fear of others expectations, criticism, fear to share inner emotions to close people) (Sacral & Root )

    All of these feelings can be a cause – and will be if they stay long enough inside you – for wide range of diseases. As we know first the disease appears on energy and psychological level, then it spread to the physical body. Some of the downfalls of Sacral center are: the fear of commitment, not trusting others and yourself can lead to kidneys and bladder problems; toxic relationships (not receiving or giving enough love, unable to share emotions with your partner) leads to blocked or ill intimate center – womb, ovaries, irregular menstruation, cyst on ovaries, vaginal problems and itching, as well as sexual problems for men; Suppressed sexual energy (or suppressed emotions and sharing with your partner) can be a cause for excessive sexual desire, nymphomania, sexual disorder (on psychology level), inability to stay in one relationship, need to frequently change sexual partners; You`ll feel as if you are in a trap of emotions and unable to go out, feel afraid to express and show your feelings, and your femininity (male qualities); in an extreme cases the defect of this chakra can cause – strong affections, inability of control over emotions, deviances in mind leading to aggressive sexual behavior, sadism, masochism, increased animal instincts, perversions…)

With risk to be criticized I would say, that what we see sadly in many Muslim societies – like repression of women, allowing aggressive behavior as a norm, blocked sexual energies for the young people from the main social norms –leads to bursting of all these defects and perversions. 
This is due to polluted and misdirected sexual energy. We need to be aware of that process, as it`s lying in deep subliminal level; (* the levels of rape and domestic violence in Islamic countries are much higher than in other countries).  Discrimination of sexual energy is also a cause for illnesses and defects – in Iran and Saudi Arabia cases of homosexuality are punished with dead penalty. That does not lead to decreasing such cases, but just opposite – leads to defected sexual energies in whole society.
In similar manner obsessive behavior with the love-partner, feeling of possessiveness, burst of anger, aggression, jealousy – are entirely related to Sacral chakra blockages.

In strictly Muslim societies we`ll often see the pattern of relationship based on psychological issues –master-slave. The male energy is dominant and female energy are suppressed. Not all relationships are experiencing this pattern, because of the openness of the world, modern technologies and general raise of Mind for people. 

* Please read the second part - "Svadhishtana related diseases and natural remedies -2 "

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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Muladhara related diseases and natural remedies (2)

(* Please read part one )

* The fruits for Root balance are red color: strawberry, cherry, pomegranate (the fruit of arch. Michael), cranberries, raspberries, red apples, blood oranges, red pears, watermelon, red grapes, goji berry, sour cherry.  
Vegetables: here come one of the most important and my favorite veggie for salad –tomato; red bell peppers, red onion, red cabbage, radishes, red potatoes;
By regular intake of daily doze of fruits (3 fruits apple size for people 60 kg and above – and 3-5 vegetables – middle size tomato) you`ll ensure the good health of your body and psychological health.

Moreover we can use all kind of natural medicines not just internally, but also externally as preparing home creams, anti aging masks, skin toners, perfumes, ointments, elixirs.
Many of the red color fruits are cancer preventing and cells, blood cleansing.

Recipe ~ for imbalance in blood, low blood pressure, headaches, arrhythmia, self- doubt, lack of motivation, lack of confidence, lost connection with reality, fear based thoughts, fear of failure, aggressive behavior (thoughts), egoistic behavior, intolerance, fearful, unsafe, illusion filled, lost nature connection, lost purpose – make every morning juice of pomegranate (or juice of cherries, strawberries, cranberries, apples); At lunch take tomato salad with olives and green onions. Afternoon – red apples and tea from cranberries (goji berry) warm drink with honey. At the evening – red cabbage, radishes, tomato soup. Add these products to your menu daily for 10-12 days excessively. Combine that regime with yoga exercises and jogging. You`ll feel big improvement just after this short period of time.

Some of the common illnesses and chakra imbalances:

~ Pain in back bone – (Muladhara affect) 
~ problems in bones and joints – (Muladhara)
~ blood cells, heart, blood pressure problem – (Muladhara & Heart )
~ Arthritis – ( Muladhara, Sacral )
~ Teeth, gums care –  ( Muladhara & Throat )
~ Varicose veins – ( Muladhara & Heart )
~ Headache, migraine – ( Muladhara & Third eye )
~ Cold feet, cold hands – ( Muladhara or Heart )
~ large intestine, digestion – ( Muladhara & Solar plexus )
~ Obesity, belly fat – ( Muladhara, & Solar Plexus * Crown )
~ feet skin, knees, hip bone – ( Muladhara )

   The dominant problem of the Root chakra is: lack of physical activity (sport, yoga, walk) – effects: lack of courage, motivation – result in fear, illusion, feeling unsafe, insecure; lack of memory, lack of strong will, unwilling or afraid of changes; strongest deformation of Root is aggressive behavior (uncontrolled emotions- imbalanced fire energy), allowing aggressive behavior to one-self (from side of fear and low self-esteem); strong egoistic and eliminating others behavior (based on receiving without giving – things or emotions; steal of objects or emotions; sucking from energy of others, energy vampires, feeling of stress, helplessness, anxiety; feeling that situation is out of control.

If you want to be in absolute loss of your Root chakra all you need to do is lose connection with nature, concentrate and see only material things, want only to receive objects, properties, money without to give – then your Muladhara will be soon blocked, and along with it also the Crown chakra. The basic energy –flow is between Muladhara – cleansing from toxins –and Crown – receiving energy. If these two connection centers are closed soon the energy will be dull, darken and illness will appear –most heart attacks, cancer, bones and muscles diseases are related to that.

Other important foods that increase the balance of Root chakra are:
~ crystal salt
~ olives
~ grains
~ almonds
~ fish
~ wheat
~ quinoa

It`s easily blocked by excessive use of sugar and sugar-flour products (baked sweets, spaghetti, pizza).
If you are prone to Muladhara imbalances and diseases you can do more things additionally:
~ practice jogging, exercises daily
~ walk in the nature for 20 min daily
~ wear red jasper, fire agate, red agate, black onyx) bracelet (or red jasper pendant)
~ drink infused sun water with jasper crystal for 12 – 22 days
~ make spray mist for courage, new beginnings, luck in carrier:
( Mix in a glass bottle 30 ml (1 oz) pure water, sandalwood, myrrh, ginger: (by 3 drops each) spray on your arms and neck.)

The main chakra for protection, against fear is connected with power of arch. Michael. Make little home garden with red roses, geranium or red hibiscus, poinsettia, for flowing energy of success and stability in your home. Place the garden in suitable area near the window –south –east; use some pebbles and decorate with little red candles.
Potted flowers in home space will help you with anxiety and lack of sleep, will reduce stress greatly.

For emotional and mind healing and make the root flowing – make simple drawing of: 
1. Mandala – circle, inside square and inside circle; make petals of flower and color them in different shades of red, dark orange and brown.
2. Make drawing of autumn tree with crown of leaves; take attention to make every leaf, or more leaves, and branches; color them in soft red, orange and brown colors, and make the root of the tree as well.
3. Make color drawing of red flower –the best is rose; take care of details and the inner feeling of rose petals.
4. if you are into drawing and art you can try making portrait of girl with red hair and red plait. Color it carefully and turn attention to details. Color the lips in red too, and make blushed cheeks.
5. Make painting or drawing of still life with red apples and walnuts.

Muladhara visualization ~

The best way to activate energy in the root chakra is observing the sunrise (and sunset) for 15 min. Watch the sun when you are in a mountain or hill, and you`ll enjoy the amazing warm energy. If you don’t have chance to watch the sun make meditation-visualization:
Imagine the shining sun rise in front of you in loving red color. You are on a mountain hill, beautiful view is spread before you: autumn trees in red, green and yellow color leaves. The sun is rising slowly and you see it like big red ball. Breath deeply.
Another way for activating and cleaning is visualizing warm red light coming from your Soul star –(2 inches above your head) from a big sphere of light, in which there is a rose flower. Its closed, but while you receive the energy, the sphere is glowing and rose petals start to open slowly; the energy flows down to your Crown chakra –Third eye – Thorat –heart...until it reaches to all your centers and activates and move your energy. Feel it warmth and imagine the light spread all over your body –back –bones, kidneys, organs, hands, stomach, legs, feet, blood and cells. This is cleansing body exercise and should be done for 10 min daily.

* Abide in divine light! ~

[ nina Lea-nura * ]

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