Sunday, January 31, 2021

Tarot for Spiritual guidance -Fire signs -Leo, Aries, Sagittarius [Feb. 1-15 ]

 Fire signs 

    For all signs with fire element, also for people with rising sign (ascendant) in fire sign, the major theme for the month is transformation, going forward and achieving your goals. The power is within you, so you need to be aligned with the universal energy. Let go of any fear of failure, your success in near.

LEO energy:   King of Wands  ❥

    Represents manifesting your desires in reality, focusing your energy in one direction. Pay attention to important daily tasks and time management; Taking important decisions –and starting activities that are for your highest good in the future. This king indicates working with Root chakra and red colour.

King indicate strong leader energy, being in your power, taking back your Power, control, defence and boundaries from other energies. Qualities of self-discipline, willpower and persistency in any sphere of life.

King of Fire is arch. Metatron, he is master of transformation, achieving goals and desires, also master of manifestation. It can be a man or person who likes travelling, adventures, he is dominant, possessive and often arrogant. He is very intelligent and ambitious, and he likes social connections, power and fame.

It can indicate raising in work to higher position, or being in manager position; new achievement at work or in business.

With this king you are in charge of your destiny.

Crystals to work with: red jaspers, black tourmaline. Activate the energy of Fire with lighting up red candles in South direction.

Energy of grounding and back to stable progress.

Be careful of expressing your emotions, anger, frustration, anxiety with others.

Angel message for Leo: 39. Gateway of Clouds

Transition in life path, choices about carrier, express your true self in work. Something is still unknown, you need to go through the gateway, so to see the result. Clouded vision, illusion. 

ARIES spiritual guidance:  VIII. The Strength ❥

 This card expresses the energy of fire in perfect way. Strength is quality of being aligned with your inner compass and guidance, with your own abilities, resources; knowing what you want and where is your way going. Nothing can stop you in that time of assertiveness, love to the world. Balancing your inner fire is important – pay attention to feelings of anger, impatience, frustration, and how you communicate.

  Someone is related to power or dealing with people in power. This card is sign that you need to nurture and grow more confidence in front of others, resilience and persistency. All things will come your way, if you can balance your character. Valuing your choices as well as choices of others. Avoid arrogance and being too proud on past achievements. Real warrior has character of nobility and grace in front of challenges. 

Work with archangel Ariel; enhance your Solar Plexus chakra in meditation; and crystal fire opal, carnelian.

Angel message for Aries: 24. Sun:

   New life direction, discovering your goal, mission, love and commitment; Respect, Confidence in your power; Work by your passion.


Sagittarius spiritual tarot:  XXI. The World  ❥

   You need to go on with your plans and schedules. In this time you have sense of optimism, openness to the world and need to go out and express your creativity. Leaving all hard situations behind; Understanding your true call.

There will be sense of completion of major projects at work or in family. Possible journey to a place far from home, or gathering with friends from afar. That card gives you higher guidance and protection to be sure that all is well. Things are synchronising and you are exactly where you need to be. Don’t be worried about every day matters or finances; Success, completion and abundance will be with you. Need for travelling, going out of your zone, or connecting with foreign people, exploring new cultures.


Angel message for Sag. :34. Emerald cup: Healing energy from arch. Raphael; any health issues will be resolved soon; be patent and take steps to improve. Reiki practicing.  

 { cards used: "BEautiful creatures tarot" by J.R. Rivera, illustrated by Jsamine Becket-Griffith 

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 

© Feb. 2021

Saturday, January 30, 2021

List with Archangels, Divine qualities & Crystals

 Nina Lea-Nour *

Archangels  ❥

Divine Qualities

Spiritual help

Crystals and sacred stamps



(Deep Blue, Purple, golden-white aura)


Qualities of fire el.- courage, determination, persistency,



Spiritual protection, shielding aura cleanse, cutting of negative cords


Ruby, red stones, blue topaz;

Triangle in circle, 3 sided pyramid

3 –Fire



(emerald green, pale green, golden aura)

Qualities of Earth –

Patience, grounding, motivation,

healing, resilience

direction: East

Cleansing and healing of physical body, repairing tissues, dna, muscles, bones;

Inner organs


Releasing past trauma

Emerald, malachite, green aventurine, jade; Pyramid in a cyrcle;

4 sided pyramid

4 - earth



(White, deep golden and copper shine)



Qualities of Water –

Nurturing, calmness, truthfulness,

Creative inspiration,

Honesty; empathy



Angels of White ray, realizing your desires and manifesting; revealing the truth, connect with your inner child.



White opal, moonstone, citrine; clear quartz; milky quartz, calcite

Pentagram in circle

Feather stamp

Infinity rings

2 - water




 (Shining yellow, white and golden shine)


Qualities of Air – transmission, change, adaptable, wisdom, mindfulness, tolerance, understanding


Sphere of knowledge


Cleansing of Aura and infusing it with clean white Light; Infusion of golden light; elevating vibrations; removing blocks and entities



Amber, citrine, topaz, aventurine; smokey quartz; clear quartz


Seven pointed star in a circle; 7 light.



Thursday, January 28, 2021

Full Moon in Leo -Portal of Raven -Spiritual tools, Tarot & Kabbalah (28)


 This beautiful Full on Portal opens on 28. of January, this is the first Full moon of the year, creating magical energy of devotion to your path, assertiveness, determination and passion.

To activate this energy in zodiac sign of Leo, you need to integrate the divine qualities of Leo, to be passionate, resilient, and ignite your inner fire.

     As with all fire signs, transformation and movement is required. Even so with Leo energy you need to be also aligned with the subtle power of the nature and people around you.

    Be aware of your strength and use it in perfect way and time. Be aware of the people`s strength and weaknesses, and that all can be achieved when you have this inner fire.

The question to ask yourself is “What do you really want in life?” What are your desires and dreams in this moment? Whatever comes to your mind with that intuitive energy, take it as guidance from angels. Nothing is impossible.

 - The number Gateway of the full moon is [1] which refers to Phoenix or Raven portals. These are strong energies of underworld power. Be aware of your subconscious mind and what you desire. You will attract this power.

The main themes of this Full moon are attraction, passion and desire.

[ Portal of Raven -28 ]

     The Raven is a bird significant in many cultures mythology, it symbolizes the connection between underworld and earth, between human and spirit, it reveals acquiring inner wisdom. Raven is also strong omen for spiritual protection, and shape shifting someone deceased from your family who is taking care of you. This shining black feather bird has strong magical power, it awakens your connection to Higher self, intuition and magical practices. The black colour have deep meaning of protection, night, underworld, opening Third eye chakra, connection with Akashic field. It is also bird spirit of many shamanic rituals, invoking ancestral connection.

     With this Full moon and Raven portal, we feel attraction of wisdom, mystical knowledge and intuition, about who we are. We are also messengers of deep change that starts from the inside.

Spiritual tools and angels ]:

     In this Full moon you can activate the energy of success in work or in any sphere with lighting up candles, making ritual and writing down your goals for the next 3 months. The colour of candles is orange, opening the Sacral chakra – your creative passions and joy of life. Work with crystals of joy and warm energy: carnelian, fire opal, orange aventurine. The archangel you can connect in prayer are Nathaniel and Michael. Essential oil you can use are orange, yilang-yilang.

 [Moon Tarot cards ]:

XI. The Strength

        This major arcane shows woman taming a wild lion, so they look in happy union together. It can represent balanced sexual energy, need to align with your inner power, courage, passions and determination to succeed. It points out ways to overcome your inner fears and doubts, to stand in your power and to control your feelings. It`s card of nobility, charity, appreciation of your strengths. Being in the world requires boldness and daring. Mastering your courage to act on what you want.

Queen of Wands *

This is High Priestess of Fire, Feminine energy merging with the element of Fire –masculine. The harmony between Yin-Yang is wonderful to achieve. This queen is mystical, she is female magician, and has power to attract all things from universe. It`s important to be swift and don’t wait for the perfect circumstances, as fire brings strong transition to the higher level. This queen indicates success in all your endeavours, but only if your are fearless and do your part.

 Moon Kabbalah ]:

      Sefira linked with the number [28] is [1] Keter and 10 Kingdom (Malkut); It represents oneness of all, spirit, body and Soul in one. This is the sphere of Super consciousness, divine presence and radiance. One reveals the essence of the Egyptian god Amun Re –the Solar deity. Spirit animal of [1] is Phoenix – divine protection, death and rebirth.

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium
© Jan.2021

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Divine qualities and blocks in Muladhara chakra -II

 ...continues from part I

Blocks in the Root chakra *

   II. The next important block for your Root chakra is: home energy –the place you are living, or house of inheritance. Ask yourself the following questions: how is the energy of my house? What places do I need to clean, declutter or change? What things need to be removed from your house? Do you see any blocked flow of Chi around the doors and entrances? (as they represent Muladhara). If you are woman, this energy and relation with your father (older brother) will affect strongly your future (or present) romantic relationship. That’s why you need to start from the root.

    You should have in mind that in Muldahara blocks are linked also to the house of your parents and grandparents,what is their condition, is there any stagnant energy? 

   III. The third thing to consider in healing the first chakra is your attitude to your money and finances. Regardless of your income, or ways you earn money, do you feel secure and safe or do you feel any lack of money?

   To conclude: any of these important points can make imbalance and block of your Root chakra: fear around your money and home, fear, anxiety or resentment in relationship with your father (grandfather, elder brother, cousin); or fear to lose money and home; uncleaned or stagnant energy in your home; 

Sadly most people have in one degree or another imbalanced Root chakra; in different times of their life.

   IV.  Interestingly with this chakra you can link also fear of death or illness, which is essential. If you are too much afraid of your death or death of your family member, that is indication of blocks in Muladhara. If you have inherited property, that is abandoned, empty or has dark energy (like haunted spirits) inside it, that will surely affect your Root chakra –and from here it will continue to create conflicting relationship with your father, older brother. (All things are connected). 

     Also if your father, grandfather, older brother (older first cousin) once needed your help, or you felt you should have taken care for them, but you didn’t, that will affect your balance in Root chakra. 

If you didn’t feel guilty in this situation, it could be fine for you, but its quite possible to affect your next life time (Karmic cycle).

If you have complicated relation with both your father, elder brothers or first cousin, then you need to slow down and observe the problems with each one of them. Then cut negative ties in meditation,

After that you should start to build up new loving and harmonious relationship with them.

Muladhara feelings *

    Another aspect of block in this chakra comes from stress, insecurity and anxiety. If you cant sleep well at night or have too much pressure and fear around your obligations, then be sure to stop and observe that feelings. They will affect you negatively very soon, even on physical level.

    Once the Root chakra is blocked, you will experience more fear, more lack of security, and that can result in health issues like problems, pain or illness in your backbone, tailbone, excretory system, bones, knees, muscles, tendons, ankles, toes, feet, teeth. These are common problems with people with blocked/ imbalanced Muladhara.

What you need to do?

Important is to make meditations for grounding, exercises of any kind, running outside, or yoga. You can also remove the negative ties and blocks specially with your father (older brother or older cousin) from your chakra grid.  

   In order to have pure foundation, safety, good money flow, you should start with relationship with your father, elder brothers. They can affect your feeling of respect to all elderly people and what is your view to them. 

 art by Nicoletta Ceccoli

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 

© Jan. 2021

Divine qualities and blocks in Muladhara chakra I


     Muladhara is our Root chakra related to feelings of safety, security, home and money. It is glowing red light in the base of the spine. Here I want to explain how you can understand and examine the negative ties or stuck energy in this chakra, what are the divine qualities you need to master here. 

     Root chakra is called so, because it has special connection to the earth, its essential for our protection and feeling of grounding. This chakra is one very strong foundation, and to achieve its balance is crucial for our wellbeing.

    As Muladhara has good initial connection with our Earth Star chakra (2 inches below feet), it` s good exercise to expand this chakra by visualizing red sphere of light in your chakra, then connect it with ruby red roots with the chakra under ground. These roots are moving and growing strong under your feet, similar as tentacles.

This is the energy vortex connecting us to all life on Earth, and to magnetic core of Gaia.

    The divine qualities of Muladhara are grounding and respect to all living things – that includes the earth, forests, trees, animals and humans. Short affirmation on this basic chakra is:

I`m grounded and safe to the core of our planet. My home is protected, safe. I m protected and my roots go deep into the earth. I have abundant resource of money flow.”

 In order this chakra to be balanced and healthy you need to observe some important relationships in your life. Root chakra is connected with your ancestral line and DNA memory of your family; so all relationships –past and present with your father, grandfather, older brother or older cousins (male and 2 or more years older than you) will affect your Root. What you need to do is to examine and see the patterns of these relationships, for example with asking questions.


1. What is your relationship with your father? Did you have positive memories from your childhood? Did you experience fear, resistance, anxiety, and stress, related to him before or now? How are your relationships now? What is your feeling to him now and why? Do you blame your father for something he did or something he didn’t? (It`s good to take time and think more deeply about that relationship.)

Do the same for your relationship with your elder brother, cousin, grandfather. You may have interesting result. 

Include a special dreams or something that you remember from childhood? What are your feelings?

From here you should start to dig deeper into the imbalance of Muladhara.

Then you can make meditation for cleansing and healing the relationship with your father (grandfather, elder brothers).

    This meditation will take 11 days and can be related to just One chosen family member. It includes cutting of negative ties; sitting in a recharging activation red light in a pyramid. Working with arch. Michael to remove the ties and negative patterns from your Muladhara chakra with your father (1) then in all other chakras from down to up, reaching to Third eye. These 7 days you work to heal, balance and activate one chakra –for one person. Then the last 4 days you cleanse and activate your aura, infusing in it only positive light of love and appreciation between you and your father.

 Art by Nicoletta Ceccoli 

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium
© Jan.2021

Monday, January 25, 2021

List with Chakras and divine qualities [ Heart, Throat, Third eye ]

 Nina Lea-Nour * 







Third eye



Divine Qualities



Love, trust [Pure heart]


Truth, Justice [Pure intention]

Wisdom, mindfulness [Pure vision]





Raphael, Chamuel


Gabriel, Raguel


Jeremiel, Zadkiel


Negative qualities


Hatred, distrust, malice, suppressed love, depression, unforgiveness



Lie, cheat, gossip, hypocrisy, manipulation,

rat (snitch)

Narrow minded,


Racism, intolerance,


Judgement, prejudice


Tarot cards


  1. The Fool

VI. The Lover

Princesses (pages)

V. The Hierophant

Knight of Swords

Knight of Pentacles


II. The High Priestess

VIII. Justice

 All Queens


Opening stones


Green jade, green agate, rose quartz, pink opal, kunzite


Celestine, blue calcite, aquamarine kyanite

Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, ametrine, Tanzanite


Zodiac signs



Virgo, Libra, Taurus (higher heart)


Cancer, Gemini





Connection with






Romantic partner,

People you  have loved in the past; 

fairies, elementals

Social circle, teacher-student,

Class mates,



foreign friends 

Astral plane,

Astral body; 

spirits in Astral, your past lives;

 your aura; 



 Sacred Geometry in 5 D



6 pointed star –Hexagram -Pink


5 pointed star –Pentagram -Blue


Eight Pointed star –Violet, dark blue




 Sefira Chesed [Loving Kindness]

Health, compassion

 Sefira Binah [Understanding]

Study, education

Sefira Chockma [Wisdom]

Sleep, psychic abilities


Human Body

Heart, Lungs, veins, skin

Throat, ears, trachea, sinuses, nose

Brain, head, nervous system, eyes 




Gardening, trees connection, animal care

Baby sitting

Singing, writing, poetry, theatre performance, play music, languages learning

Reading, self analysing , learning; Meditation, dreaming, Travelling


Seed Mantra



 Tibetan bowls 


 wind chimmes


List with Chakras and divine qualities [Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus ]

 Nina Lea-Nour *

Chakras ❥






Solar Plexus



Divine Qualities



 Grounding, Respect [Pure foundation]


Gratitude, joy [Pure Values]


Power, self-believe [Pure self worth]











Negative qualities


Fear, anxiety, stress, resentment

Lust, carving, envy, jealousy

Greed, addiction, gluttony, obsession


Tarot cards


IV. The Emperor


III. The Empress [High Priestess of nature]


VII. Chariot [Warrior of Light]

Knight of Wands



Opening stones and flowers


Red Jasper;

Hibiscus, rose

Carnelian, orange rose, hibiscus

Amber, cintrine, Gold, calcite yellow rose


Zodiac sign










Connection with




Grandfather, older brother -2 years or more

Older first cousin

Divine Masculine


Grandmother, older sister -2 y. or more,

Older cousine female

Divine Feminine

Children, your children

 niece, nephew;

your Inner child

Close friends

Younger siblings


Sacred Geometry in 5 D


4 sided pyramid


9 pointed Star


7 pointed star




 Sefira Malchut [Kingdom] 

 Sefira Tiferet [Beauty] 

 Sefira Gevurah [Might] 


Human Body


Backbone, bones, tendons, muscles

Bladder, Urine tract, kidneys, sexual organs


Stomach, intestine,


Seed Mantra


Drums, trees


Water, sea salt




Activities, art


Yoga, exercise, grounding, pottery, sculpture, jumping, shamaninc dance

Dance, fine arts, drawing;

Aquarium, swimming

Mosaic, Sun walking, yellow mandala; candles


Related to

Safety, home, protection 


Romance, partner



Carrier, money, power, confidence