Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What is Merkaba? -II

 Merkaba - part II 

        Merkaba star has the colours and light of one of the chakras of truth and purity (which are above Heart). Usually it vibrates with light soft blue, blue-green, light violet, light purple, lavender or mixture between them. It can have also pink, golden or silver shades or sparkles.

      Merkaba Light has 3 main functions: Celestial Light I-one helps for protection and cleansing of all physical chakras, by activating merkaba light and descending from up to down. That is slow process and requires patience, willpower and daily practice. This is the beginning of Merkaba integration which lasts 22 days.

My Merkaba integration started this year on 25. September and my leading angel is Haniel. That means in each meditation I receive guidance and messages from arch. Haniel (who is also my Karma angel).

     My Merkaba Light has Light blue and silver colour. Integration of your Merkaba will require discipline, devotion and persistency. First each day you need to record your meditations, as possible, and write down the messages you received. Your visualization will be stronger. I specially started to see colours of my chakras much more bright, light and clear. Each chakra needs to have/ incorporate inside the structure and Light of the Merkaba. That means it will be filled with protection and cleansing celestial light.

After process of 22 days of integration, Soul will have 22 days of activation of Merkaba. That means now you need to start working with the celestial light within your chakras. It`s like process of incorporating special templates of light which need to suit all your physical centres.

The second function of Merkaba Light is Celestial light 2 – which is protection and keeping record of your Soul experiences, and connection with your Higher Self. That Celestial light stays in the place of Soul star and is used to keep your “Celestial twin” or Higher self. You connect with Higher Self the same way as you connect with spirit guides and angels. Just this is your True form of Self, and its not restricted from physical body, time or space.

     Remember, your celestial light is important tool for Spiritual ascension and connecting with planes beyond physical. But as most people for now in heavy matter of earth, are quite trapped by physical senses, most of them wont need such activation of Merkaba. The one who needs it, it will work on it, without doubt.

The Third celestial light of Merkaba is in the form of energy cords circulating around your energy, aura and protection spheres. They look like circles of pale silver light (in way equator encircles Earth), and are 3 or 4 silver discs. Their function is to protect the Soul in time of her transition after death of physical body. These silver cords will be tied around the Merkaba Light (where Soul is situated after death), and will have also silver-white grain which will be the Soul, encircled by the silver cords. This is the safe way to travel through time-space, when the soul will be going into the High vibration tunnel (spinning spiral) after death.

Activation of Merkaba takes 44 days, the watcher of the process is arch. Jeremiel or arch. Metatron, as well as one of your Karma Angels. For me activation of Merkaba light is under guidance of arch. Haniel and arch. Jeremiel.

Merkaba Light was known from Ancient societies – Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Persia, China.

Mer – refers to the Divine Light or all seeing eye of God (Aamon Re)

Ka – refers to the pattern of the individual Soul and it`s transitions beyond time and space in different rebirth.

Ba – refers to the particular space or shape where the body manifest itself. In humans it’s the physical body and earth plane; Ba also points to activation and harmony between spiritual and physical bodies.

      Merkaba Light is activated with process of daily meditations and integration of light into the physical body. First we start from each chakra in body, then the last 22 days we make activation of the whole energy body and aura, surrounding the physical.

Final notes: Merkaba light helps to integrate Mind- Body –Spirit as one harmonious sphere of elements. It also aids the soul in process of her awareness of the world, life mission, inner truth, which way to go, and process of Ascension. Merkaba is high vibration celestial and crystalline light, that encircles our physical and energy body and should be activated consciously and slowly.

It can provide also amazing energy protection, cleansing, healing, mindfulness and connection to past and future Self of the Soul.

That’s is basic element of Ascension process, and of understanding higher realities and planes beyond our. Merkaba also is able to release old patterns, healing tissues and stagnant energy, remove blocks from physical body, activate the flow of energy, restore DNA.

Note: although we can see 7 dimensions in Merkaba star, it is eight dimensional Star.

Thank you for tuning in, children of Light! Now is the time to work and activate your Merkaba. 

 Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Reiki master 

What is Merkaba -I ?


In this short article I`ll try to explain in simple way about Merkaba, what is it, where it is situated, what is its function, and how we can integrate and activate Merkaba.

With help and guidance of arch. Haniel and my angels.

        Merkaba is high vibration energy star with special form and shape, situated in the place of Soul star chakra (or around 60 cm abouve your head). Soul Star chakra is called so because it has the Merkaba light in it, which is eight pointed celestial Star). So here we can say is the “seat of the Soul”. This chakra is one of the highest in vibration and when activated it provides protection and healing to all physical, ethereal and mental body.

     The light of the Merkaba is Celestial light. (* While Heart chakra contains grain of Ethereal light, and Third eye, Pineal gland contains grain of Astral light). In all of them we can find pieces (or we can call it fractals) of what we know as being human SOUL. Celestial Light from the Merkaba star has special Celestial light, and it`s real home of the Soul, as there are kept all experiences and memories of the Soul from all past lives. That`s why Merkaba has amazing function of radiating and illuminating protection light to all down chakras.

     Each soul has unique colour, light and patterns of the Soul Star chakra and Merkaba. The more past lives and past wisdom Soul has gained, the more its Soul star looks bright, bigger and with beautiful colours.

Even so not all Souls born in physical plane can have connection to Merkaba (even potentially they should have). Souls who didn’t work on their physical chakras, or have blocked chakra system, are likely to not connect with their Merkaba. That simply means they wont be able to receive guidance and messages from their angels and Higher Self. So the more you work on all your physical chakras by meditation, clean food and pure connections, the more you will succeed in opening your Merkaba.

About chakra system }

     I wrote many articles about all chakras and each one in details. Now I want to make general summary about chakra system. We have seven chakras, related to physical body: three are lower or warm chakras, (situated below the Heart), they are called “chakras of Joy and Ancestral energy” (Muladhara, Svadhishtana, Manipura are chakras of Joy). They have strong connection to one chakra which is under your feet (like 33 cm) called Earth Star chakra. The ties with this chakra are sometimes very thin or not existing, if person has problem in any chakra or ungrounded. 

The chakras above the Heart are Vishudha (Throat area), Ajna (Third eye, mind, brain), Sahasrara (Crown, just above your head). Crown chakra is also related to physical chakras. These are chakras of Soul transition, Soul truth and purity. They are responsible also for mission of the Soul in this life, for memories, Mindfulness, higher consciousness and wisdom through life). These are very powerful chakras, closely connected with the Soul Star chakra or Merkaba star. Merkaba celestial Light, which is different with each individual, due to very different soul experiences, has function of descending and spreading Light to all physical chakras in body. 

The chakras above the Crown chakra are: Soul Star -8, Solar Gateway Star (Blue-Green- Golden) -9, Celestial Heart Star (Pearl, Opal and Pink sparkle) -10, Celestial Voice star (or Galactic activation) - Amber Opal Orange White light -11, Celestial Spirit Star (Crown of the Creation, or Divine Imprint Star) -Pure Golden shine -12. And the Earth star chakra under feet - Silver, dark golden chakra -0. 

    The celestial Light of Merkaba has role of protection, cleansing and healing all chakras and all types of energy bodies. Which makes it powerful tool in Ascension process. Merkaba Light is also related to dreams, visions and remembering Souls past lives.

Please continue to the second part of Merkaba here....

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Reiki master 

Ascension Energy for September 2020


September energy was revealed to me though archangel Haniel – in smooth blue light, white and golden sparkles. 

That means ascension energy is here and we feel much intensity- many things are changing on the inside and outside simultaneously. The subtle changes and cleansing already took place in Summer months from June to August. Now is time for activation of changes, but also for Higher consciousness, choices and realising how all things are connected in the universe. You are paying the consequences of your choices, intentions, actions and thoughts. All of that are elements of the picture of Mindfulness.

     We need to realize our true potential is preparing like a cocoon before the appearance of a butterfly. We need this time to acknowledge where we are exactly in the ascension, or where we are in the life path. What do we really want? Who do we want to be in a relationship? Are we in stagnant place of relationship that is holding you back? Do we refuse to see the true in the mirror. That all will come with very full force in September. But energy will be very intense and sometimes sharp.

What is to be released should stay behind. No turning back.

For some people now is the time to see and integrate their personal Merkaba Star. (More information on Merkaba here…)

I started meditations for integrating and activating my Merkaba in September, and it will last 44 days.

That’s quite important process of Soul awakening and understanding the true Self. Protection is important too.

     This is time of the year of Self-reflection, meditation, look inward, realizing the truth about Self, seeing the Bigger picture, looking from above with eagles eyes. Vibration of September is 9 which is related with arch. Haniel, angel of Divine feminine, awakening of sensitivity, dream connection, Psychic visions, ethereal world, fairies. Also it helps you recognize your inner voice and to stand up for your true self. Believe in your power and speak up. Whatever your passion is you need to find out, and take it into the light of world. So this month first you connect with your inner Voice and Higher Self, in isolation and private space; then you connect with others to show your value and true position, or why you are here.

 September is beautiful month, which holds the keys of Expansion, transition, grounding, rejuvenation, quietness of mind. It resonates with Earth element and 9 is the spiritual number related to Archangel Haniel group.

In Tarot symbols Earth is represented with Nine pointed star, means Growth, expansion, connecting with Higher self and angelic guidance. September energy is also about trusting in the process of Transformation, as universe is proving exactly what you need in the right time.

It represents also steadiness, persistency, work, active power, nature connection, determination, boundaries, protection.

Arch. Haniel has magnificent, gentle and very soothing energy with pale opal blue, opal white and lavender shine. She is angel of opening of intuition, feminine energy and end of cycles. She will help you with anything that needs to be released, completion and ending. She opens up the senses for the Astral realm and with her you are able to open your psychic abilities and see things in the spiritual realm.

September will bring you energy of Activation, movement and conscious choices. 

    Arch. Haniel is your dream keeper and voice keeper. What you should reveal about yourself that was so deeply hidden from you? 9 is also related to vibration of Major arcana Tarot XVIII. The Moon – mystery, psychic vision, dreams, shadow self, subconscious mind, surfacing of deep fears and hidden emotions. This is very emotional card of darkness and light, and mystical world of illusions, dreams, something hidden from eyes. So it`s exactly world of Moon fairies, elementals, ethereal space.

     Another major Arcana which reveals energy of the month is IX. The Hermit – self-reflection, connection with Higher Self, ascension and power of inner wisdom. You see the world and contemplate all happening from higher perspective. You understand where is your spiritual way going. This also can indicate being withdrawn, and time alone from social activity. Even September energy could be challenging exactly because of need for balance between Inner and outer space, being alone and connecting with others. Sharing emotions and understanding feelings of others.

This is all part of the puzzle of September.

      The Hermit holds the spiritual energy of 2 main zodiac signs ,who love thinking, being in solitude, and analyzing – Virgo and Libra.

      The fulll Moon portal opens on 2. September and relates to mystical knowledge, wisdom, self-development, and hidden truth about Spiritual world – II. High Priestess and Goddess Isis; Full moon is powerful opening of vision, intuition and Crown chakra activation. New moon is on 17. September – Portal of XVIII. The Star – and arch. Jeremiel – understand your life mission and acknowledge your divine Power and Self. Be true to who you are. Listen to the your angelic guidance and inner voice. All things are in perfect Synchronicity.

You can have also great inspiration, but mostly connecting with your Spiritual energy and self. This is really perfect time to activate your Merkaba star.

Thank you for tuning in the beautiful month of September and energy update! Sending you blessings and healing light.

Nina Lea-Nour*

Angels medium 

Reiki master 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tarot for September Energy: Libra

 Tarot for Spiritual guidance for Libra 

 (Happy Birthday, Libra! Close your eyes and make a WISH).

 Theme of the month: Imagination (Let your imagination fly freely)

Stone to work: White OPAL (feminine energy, balance of emotions, love, purity, angelic guidance, self-reflection, releasing fear, energy cleansing, healing, self-love, moon connection, fairies)

 Key words: Love, inner self, reflection, mediation, healing, time alone, rest, dreams, psychic energy, going on a mission, travel, change 


Tarot cards guidance:

Dear Libra, be aware where your inner Light is guiding you. Are you aware of your fears and darker side? Did your forgive yourself and others for the past? Don’t let anything holding you back from your higher path and mission. 

I. Chariot VII - motivation, discipline

Archangel Metatron is your spiritual guide through difficult moments of determination, self-discipline and removing your doubts. (Usually about your own abilities!). Beginning of September is not a time for contemplation and delay, but rather for taking action in all spheres. Pack your journey with courage, confidence and believe in success. Be sure, higher Powers are involved on that way. You are not alone. Balance your Yin and Yang energy before getting things done. Leave sentiments and fears behind or thought of “what other people think or how they will react”.

Travel away from home will be very beneficial. It`s important to have self-control over your thoughts and emotions. You need to be in good balance in order to know the right direction. With motivation and power all things are possible. Going on a spiritual quest, that will improve your discipline, and self-control. Overcoming your negative emotions, doubts, fear or self-criticism is the key.

II. The High Priestess (Isis) Water

Beautiful energy of second Major Arcana is here. Two is also special sign of Libra and of the whole 2020, lead by arch. Gabriel and Raphael. Two is balance and harmony of Yin and Yang, synchronisation of opposites, cold and hot, feminine and masculine, mind and body, love and fear, dreams and reality, past and future. All they have the balancing point in 2. It`s also unity of Souls, mystical divine feminine, water element. The key isto go with the flow, without resistance. Don’t try to move mountains, but be connected to your Higher Self. So you will receive guidance from Spirit, angels, ancestors, masters, god. You are precious as you are in this form. Believe in your magical union with all that is.

Not everything you do needs to be revealed in this point. Be cautious when sharing your sacred dreams and goals. Better for now some things to be known just by you.

Now is time of deep reflection, cleansing aura, healing, meditations. Observe surroundings and understand the hidden nature of the world.

Maybe you will be drawn to divination practice, time alone, you feel increased intuition, visions and signs in dreams.

In this time you have powerful help from Goddess Isis. Be totally in yourself.

I.                   Eight of Wands (Fire element, Karma forces)

There is support of the universe in the end of September if you make decisive quick action. No delay, no over thinking. It`s related to education, project or work. Now is the perfect time to move in the right way. Possible travel, which could be not in your plans. The way is opening for you with sudden support, use this opportunities.

Thank you for tuning in, have a beautiful, blissful, inspirational month ahead!

(for this reading I used "Crystal Tarot" by Philip Permutt & Amethyst pendulum) 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Spiritul sensitive 

Tarot coach 

Tarot for September energy: Aquarius

 Tarot for spiritual guidance for Aquarius 

Theme of the month: Rejuvenation

Stone of the month: Green aventurine (exciting new opportunities, emotional healing, gentleness, understanding, giving and receiving, abundance, ideas)

 Key words: Advancement, self-reliance, transition, reflection, stillness, clarity of mind, important connection, decisiveness

Tarot cards and spiritual advice:

I.                   Ace of Pentacles (Doorway to Prosperity)

Dear Aquarius, you are receiving this month the important gift, opportunity of prosperity and money is opening for you. Could be in form of new idea, proposal, or successful investment. New opportunity for work, study and education. For some could mean new home, property or renovation. You will see your idea unfolds in amazing way. Persistency is needed in order to get things as you want.

Take care to be grounded and go to natural places or frequent walks in the garden.

II.                 The Hanged Man, XII

This is  a time for rest, rejuvenation and reflection on the past. Think which qualities and mistakes hinder you from achieving your best results? What you could do better? You need to see the bigger picture, before making any conclusions. Avoid being trapped in extended analysis and puzzled thoughts about how things “could be”. Rather remain in the present moment. Now holds powerful keys for self-discovery. Clear your mind, think objectively, let go of any judgement. This is the time of clarity before process of transformation and change. Don’t be afraid of stillness. In this time you could have vivid dreams, lucid dreaming and cleansing of subconscious mind. It would be helpful to have dream journal.

III.              Knight of Swords (stright forward) 

End of the month is marked by strong determination to succeed, fast actions. Making priorities and plans is the key. Be certain of the way how to achieve your goal. Possible communication problem, as your intentions will not be seen in clear way or will be misunderstood by others. Make sure that thought – intention –action are aligned, and express your desires clearly and honestly. Let go of hesitation and inner conflicts. A fruitful time for any kind of study, education, training or language, literature courses. A male friend can help you to overcome challenging situation. 

It`s recommended to take care of Throat, lungs, ears, also nervous system or head). 

(for that reading I used "The Crystal Tarot" by Philip Permutt & amethyst pendulum) 
Thank you for tuning in, dear Aquarius! Happy month of September! 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Tarot intuitive 

Tarot for September energy - Gemini

 tarot for Spiritual guidance - Gemini (♊︎)

Theme of the month: Motivation (find a goal that worth fighting for)

 Stone for the month: Selenite – cleansing, clarity, purity in relationships, angel connection, intuition, purity of mind, opening Throat and Crown chakra

 Key words: self-discipline, motivation, going forward, persistency, quest, valuable friends and soul mates

Tarot cards & Spiritual advice }

I.                   Knight of Wands (Warrior of Fire, Dragon)

Dear Gemini, you are going on a spiritual quest, where self-discipline, motivation, determination, strength and confidence are essential. Maybe you are on the verge of a change, or desire for change in work. Ask yourself, What is your life mission? What are you passionate about? Are you satisfied with your work, relationship, environment? If answer is “hmm…no”, then go ahead and defend what belongs to you. This fire warrior indicates: new creative ideas about business, inspiration, travel for business purpose. Thinking about vision and goal. Change of the way is possible. Remember, you are a fighter, and nothing is given so easy for you indeed. You need to deserve the victory.

 II. Six of Cups (precious friends)

This is card of very loving and gentle flow of emotions, past memories, spending time with people dear to you, going to places of your past or meeting souls from your past (or past life). You can trust on your friends and people around you. This is time of free flow of love, from your heart and from heart of your friends. Remember that some connections are life long and everlasting! Purity of heart is what matters to you.

 II.                 Knight of Cups (Warrior of Water )

Another warrior brings gentle energy of love, spirituality, going in deeper emotions. Now is good time to meet important friend, who will influence your life in positive way and help you to move forward. Knight is oriented to future goals and visions. Possible romantic relationship or strengthen existing friendship. The challenge for you: express your feelings clearly with don’t hide yourself in a shell. Focus on healing the Throat chakra. Being overly sensitive to feelings and reactions of others, can drain your own energy.

Take good care of sleeping and resting habits, as well as drinking good amount of water. 

Thank you for tuning in, dear Gemini! Happy month of September! 

(For the Tarot reading I used "Crystal Tarot" of Philip Permutt and amethyst pendulum)

Nina Lea-Nour* 

Angel`s medium 

Tarot intuitive 

Tarot for September energy: Cancer

 Tarot for Cancer (♋︎)

Theme of the Month: transformation

Stone to work: Smokey Quartz (protection, cleansing of energy, grounding, connection with others and Higher Self, understanding)

Key words: protection, taking action, decisions, your future star is shining, change in the plan, loving angelic guidance, painful situation


Tarot guidance:

 I.                   Knight of Wands (Warrior of Fire)

Dear Cancer, you are going on a spiritual quest, where self-discipline, motivation, determination, strength and confidence are essential. Maybe you are on the verge of a change, or desire for change in work. Ask yourself, What is your life mission? What are you passionate about? Are you satisfied with your work, relationship, environment? If answer is “hmm…no”, then go ahead and defend what belongs to you. This fire warrior indicates: new creative ideas about business, inspiration, travel for business purpose. Thinking about vision and goal. Change of the way is possible. Remember, you are a fighter, and nothing is given so easy for you indeed. You need to deserve the victory. Consider changing your environment, or quick promotion, which will bring you benefits, but also tiredness.

 II.                 The Star XVII. (enlightenment, inner guidance)

This card indicates Portal of Soul ascension. Your heart grows older, many things were revealed for you in the last months. You are about to realize and connect your past and future in this special moment. Karmic cleansing and karmic relationships are here to help you. You are releasing the old, and making room for the new. Hear the message from the stars, what belongs to you will not be taken away. You are on a spiritual crossroad in your journey. The direction is important, choose carefully. Consider taking care of your artistic talents and hobbies, things that help your dreams and visions to come true. Which talents and gifts you locked up inside your heart and forgot? It` s time to follow your hearts desire without fear.

III.              Three of Swords (painful communication)

Offensive and harmful situation could make your energy drained and down. This is a card of heartache, in some cases feeling alone, or not appreciated. In the positive aspect, you need to release some hidden dark emotions to person from your past (or a family member, someone at work). Let it go, and don’t look back. Time for healing the heart and connect with like-minded people and friends. Don’t think only from your perspective, but see the bigger picture – the other person is also in loss and grief.

Remember, you always have support, and people who love you.

Thank you for tuning in the monthly energy for Cancer! Have a happy and bright September!

(* For this reading I used "The Crystal Tarot" of Philip Permutt and amethyst pendulum)

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium

Tarot guide 

Tarot for September: Pisces

 Tarot guidance for Pisces  (♓︎) 

Theme of the month: Enthusiasm

Crystal of the month: Clear quartz (higher spiritual power, strength, energy, purity of heart and mind, cleansing aura, protection)

 Key words: decisions, delays, confusion, active approach, sensitivity, intuition, spiritual power, gentleness, giving and receiving, friends

Tarot guidance:

 I. Two of Swords (winds of clarity)

From numerology perspective two is important sign of Ying and Yang balance, masculine and feminine, hot and cold, stillness and movement, giving and receiving. It has the meaning of balancing opposites, fairness, justice and harmony of relationships. Two resonates with feminine Water element and it`s specially strong for zodiac signs of Libra, Gemini, Pisces, who have flow of duality.

Here two of Swords indicates need of balanced mind and higher consciousness. Take time to contemplate on important decision that will affect your future. Need of clarity, honesty without fear that you may harm someone`s feelings. You need to overcome inner doubts, struggle to be in harmony with others in all cost. You can be on a crossroad, which way you will choose?

 II.                Six of Cups (water, friendship, support)

This is card of very loving and gentle flow of emotions, past memories, spending time with people dear to you, going to places of your past or meeting souls from your past (or past life). You can trust on your friends and people around you. This is time of free flow of love, from your heart and from heart of your friends. Remember that some connections are life long and everlasting! Purity of heart is what matters to you. For some could mean appearance of karmic relationship or old lover.

 III.                 Knight of Cups (Warrior of Water)

The water warrior-Knight brings gentle energy of love, spirituality, going in deeper emotions. Now is good time to meet important friend, who will influence your life in positive way and help you to move forward. Knight is oriented to future goals and visions. Possible romantic relationship or strengthen existing friendship. The challenge for you: express your feelings clearly with don’t hide yourself in a shell. Focus on healing the Throat chakra. Being overly sensitive to feelings and reactions of others, can drain your own energy. You may feel urge to express your feelings to someone, who you know for a while.

Take good care of sleeping and resting habits, as well as drinking good amount of water.

Thank you for tuning in this Tarot guidance for Pisces! Have a happy month of September!

(* for this reading I used "Crystal Tarot" by Philip Permutt & amethyst pendulum) 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Tarot intuitive 

Tarot for September Energy: Scorpio

Tarot for guidance: Scorpio *

 Theme of the month: Inspiration

Stone to work: Green moss agate (healing and balancing emotions, opening heart, forgiveness, generosity, calmness, focus)

 Key words: be aware of underlying conflicts, fight of power and ego, understanding, control, action, defending your ideas.

 Tarot cards guidance:

I.                   Three of Swords

This is a card of heartache, in some cases feeling alone, or not appreciated. In the positive aspect, you need to release some hidden dark emotions to person from your past (or a family member). Let it go, and don’t look back so much. Time for healing the heart and connect with like-minded people and friends. Don’t think only from your perspective, but see the bigger picture – the other person is also in loss and grief.

II.                 Knight of Wands (Warrior of Fire)

Dear Scorpio, you are going on a quest, where self-discipline, motivation, determination, strength and confidence are essential. Maybe you are on the verge of a change, or desire for change in work. Ask yourself, What is your life mission? What are you passionate about? Are you satisfied with your work, relationship, environment? If answer is “Not at all”, then go ahead and defend what belongs to you. This fire warrior indicates: new creative ideas about business, inspiration, travel for business purpose. Thinking about vision and goal. Change of the way is possible. Remember, you are a fighter, and nothing is given so easy for you indeed. You need to deserve the victory.

This Knight also point that you need to take action or position regardless of how uncomfortable that may be for other people.

Confidence, decisiveness and persistence are required with Warrior of Fire. Change and transformation are before you.

III.              Five of Wands (tension, test, strategy)

Five indicates return of Karma and the 5 senses, that you feel the real physical world. That senses are higher also in spiritual realm. In this time your energy, view point and understanding are challenged. Difficult communication with others, and conflicting ideas are very possible. Either you struggle to accept reality, or others point of view and actions, or they are intolerant to your own ideas. Be careful to control your feelings of anger, resentment or restrain yourself using offence, in language or thought. You need clear communication, even though you will be challenged to defend your boundaries.

 Work with the deep healing energy of Green moss agate, in order to have emotional balance and strength.

Thank you for tuning in my Tarot spiritual guidance for Scorpio! Have a fulfilling, happy month! 

(* I used " The Crystal Tarot" by Philip Permutt for my reading and amethyst pendulum) 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium

Tarot intuitive 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tarot for September energy: Capricorn

 Spiritual quest Tarot for Capricorn (♑︎)

Theme of the month: Vitality

Stone of the month: Labradorite (intuition, psychic connection, imagination, visions, Third eye, meditation, angelic guidance)

Key words: Creative inspiration, nature connection, ideas and projects, rejuvenation; cleansing of aura, nurturing


Tarot cards:

A.      I. The Magician:

You are in a creative period of life – using all your potential, abilities and talents with confidence is the key. You`ll know where to go and what to do, as you are supported by the universe. There are many options in front of you. Feel the flow of your own power and use your resources wisely. Consider working on your heart`s desire.

 B.     Two of Swords

Need to take important decision. Emotional confusion and inner doubt, which way to go. Need to consider all sides, the main options are two. Need of cleansing your mind, releasing negative thoughts. Don’t block your heart, as you will be trapped in doubts.

Need for depth and analyze the options objectively, without judgement or feelings. You will find the right way, when you tap into your inner guidance. Feel what is your desire and follow it.

 C.     Queen of Cups

Energy of gentle Archangel Haniel is here. Need of self-care practices, healing, time alone. Look inward and connect with your Divine feminine. Go with the flow. Cleansing and clearing of emotional and spiritual body. Use salty water for cleansing your energy field; Hydration is important, as it flushes away all toxic elements from your body. You are sensitive to the feelings of others, be well protected. Connect with natural water sources –sea, river, lake, waterfalls. Deep healing and rejuvenation requires you to be present and aware of your own needs. Pay attention to your dreams, visions and signs.

(* This card has appeared for Taurus monthly energy too, but in Capricorn is in the end of the month).

Spirit guide: Arch. Haniel

Haniel is ruling over the whole month of September. That’s why all your endeavours will be have victory in the end.

Dear Capricorn, please observe your cards below. Use your intuition to guide you, what are your feelings about them? You are in a special path in your life, when everything is possible. Angels are with you, so share your challenges. Cleansing energy and past traumas is important in this time.

(* For that reading I use "The Crystal Tarot" by Philip Permutt, and amethyst pendulum for the stone.) 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Spiritual intuitive 

Tarot for September energy: Virgo

 Virgo Tarot spiritual quest (♍︎)

Theme of the month: Wish (all your wishes can come true, when you have purpose)

Stone of the month: Green Flourite - communication, clarity, cleansing, protection of emotional and spiritual body, quest, travel on water. 

Key words: determination, motivation, self-control, spiritual quest, overcoming fears and doubts, connect with sub-conscious mind, Moon Portal

A.      VII. The Chariot

Overcoming challenges with self-discipline and assertiveness. You have many things to act upon, use all your motivation, power, and inner strength. Travel away from home will be preferable for you. It`s important to have self-control over your thoughts and emotions. You need to be in good balance in order to know the right direction. With motivation and power all things are possible. Going on a spiritual quest, that will improve your discipline, and self-control.

B.     Knight of Wands 

Fire energy in action is here. You will overcome all challenges with inner determination, enthusiasm and passion. Moving forward in your creative ideas, assertiveness and optimism, confidence are required for that period. Consider working on your throat chakra – clear, honest and direct connection with people and friends around you, will give you bonus points. Time of travel, many activities, helping others; Possible passionate (sexual) affair, which has short life.

C.     XVIII. The Moon

Fears, illusions and delusions are stopping you from connection with your Higher self and your spirit guides. Maybe you want to see the “dark side of the moon”; Anxiety or deep cleansing of emotions; Something hidden needs to be revealed. Weird dreams connect you with your sub-conscious fears; being awake at night. Don’t think much about the future, go with the flow and focus on the present moment.

Don’t let confusion and doubts block your intuition. In this time you have high sensitivity to others emotions, even thoughts.

 Spiritual guide: arch. Metatron

Dear Virgo, take a look on the cards below - this is your spiritual journey in month of Spetember. You decide what is your direction; Do you have any feelings and visions when you observe it? 

(*Tarot usedfor the reading: "The Crystal tarot" by Philip Permutt, amethyst pendulum) 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Ascension teacher