Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tarot for September energy: Capricorn

 Spiritual quest Tarot for Capricorn (♑︎)

Theme of the month: Vitality

Stone of the month: Labradorite (intuition, psychic connection, imagination, visions, Third eye, meditation, angelic guidance)

Key words: Creative inspiration, nature connection, ideas and projects, rejuvenation; cleansing of aura, nurturing


Tarot cards:

A.      I. The Magician:

You are in a creative period of life – using all your potential, abilities and talents with confidence is the key. You`ll know where to go and what to do, as you are supported by the universe. There are many options in front of you. Feel the flow of your own power and use your resources wisely. Consider working on your heart`s desire.

 B.     Two of Swords

Need to take important decision. Emotional confusion and inner doubt, which way to go. Need to consider all sides, the main options are two. Need of cleansing your mind, releasing negative thoughts. Don’t block your heart, as you will be trapped in doubts.

Need for depth and analyze the options objectively, without judgement or feelings. You will find the right way, when you tap into your inner guidance. Feel what is your desire and follow it.

 C.     Queen of Cups

Energy of gentle Archangel Haniel is here. Need of self-care practices, healing, time alone. Look inward and connect with your Divine feminine. Go with the flow. Cleansing and clearing of emotional and spiritual body. Use salty water for cleansing your energy field; Hydration is important, as it flushes away all toxic elements from your body. You are sensitive to the feelings of others, be well protected. Connect with natural water sources –sea, river, lake, waterfalls. Deep healing and rejuvenation requires you to be present and aware of your own needs. Pay attention to your dreams, visions and signs.

(* This card has appeared for Taurus monthly energy too, but in Capricorn is in the end of the month).

Spirit guide: Arch. Haniel

Haniel is ruling over the whole month of September. That’s why all your endeavours will be have victory in the end.

Dear Capricorn, please observe your cards below. Use your intuition to guide you, what are your feelings about them? You are in a special path in your life, when everything is possible. Angels are with you, so share your challenges. Cleansing energy and past traumas is important in this time.

(* For that reading I use "The Crystal Tarot" by Philip Permutt, and amethyst pendulum for the stone.) 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Spiritual intuitive 

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