Lavender Blossom

Page with collection of all essays and thoughts on different topics, related to mind, soul, human qualities, observations, spirit expansion, angels revelations...I`ll write more and more. Enjoy!  

[ nina Lea-nura * ]

Stages of Soul transition -I (what happens after death of the physical body?)

Stages of Soul transition -II 
Stages of Soul transition -III 
Stages of Soul Transition -IV 
Stages of Soul transition -V 

Karmic Relationships -I 

Karmic Relationships -II 
Karmic Relationships -III 
Karmic Relationships -IV

What is a curse? -I (article on curse and its consequences) 

What is a curse? -II 
What is a curse? -III 
What is a curse -IV 

What is cords cutting?  (explanation of cords and attachments)

Energy cords and colors -Positive 
Energy cords and colors -Negative 
Cord cutting ritual -I 
Cord cutting ritual -II  (last part of the text about cords cutting)

Astral Body -I 

Astral Body -II 
Astral Body -III (ritual for soul cleansing and purification) 

Revelations -life cycles -I

Revelation -life cycles -II (revelation by angels about life cycles and karma)

Numbers secrets & symbols -I (text about some special esoteric secrets of numbers) 

Numbers secrets & symbols -II (4, 5 and 6 esoteric meanings) 
Numbers secrets & symbols -III ( 7, 8 and 9 esoteric meanings)

Energetic chakra imbalances -I (about chakras and their illnesses in energy level)
Energetic chakra imbalances -II (Observing heart and Throat chakra) 
Energetic chakra imbalances -III (Observing the Third eye and Crown chakra)

Twin Flames - what they really are? -I (answers on Twin flames -revelation) 

Twin Flames -what they really are? - II (answers on Twin flames revealed)

Love mates -insects -I (psychological types in relations -spider, scorpion) 

Love mates -insects -II (psychological types - mosquito, honey bee) 
Love mates -insects -III (psychological types - snail, butterfly, dragonfly)

Love tree & Lovers -I (first part of text about lovers and relationships)
Love tree & Lovers -II (about lovers and relationships) 
Love tree & Lovers -III (passion and romantic time sharing)
Love tree & Lovers -IV (inspiration and believes) 
Love tree -questions to yourself (questions to help you in right direction)

Friends -weeds -I (text about friends, who have negative effect on our energy) 
Friends -weeds -II (second part of negative friends ) 
Friends -weeds -III (third part of friendship observation ) 

Friends and Soul mates -I  (text observing qualities of friendship) 
Friends and Soul mates -II (part two of friendship observation)

What is ugliness? I (part one of my essay about concept of "ugly")
What is ugliness? II (part two of my essay about ugliness and beauty -Emotional level)
What is ugliness? III (part three of my essay about ugliness and beauty -Spiritual) 

How to cleanse your home from negative...? (cleansing from negative energy part I)
How to cleanse your home from ...? -II (cleansing from negative energy part II) 

Which people to allow in your world? -I (part one) 
Which people to allow in your world? -II (part two) 

What really belong to us? -I (part one) 
What really belongs to us? -II (part two)

Destructive emotions  (essay about destructive emotions, what are they?)

About Bulgarian people (essay about why we should be proud to be Bulgarian?) 

What is happiness?  (text about my views on happiness, short) 

About education -I (part one views on educational system at schools) 
About education -II (part two )
About education -III (part three) 

What is illness? (essay about what is the reality of being ill) 

X Obligations -Nature -I (including text about Karma and free will)
X Obligations -Home -II (home energy and Feng Shui) 
X Obligations -Brothers & Sisters in spirit -III
X Obligations -Parents and children -IV
X Obligations -People in need -V
X Obligations - Body -VI
X Obligations - Mind - VII
X Obligations - Soul -VIII
X Obligations - Spirit -IX
X Obligations - Creative self - X

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