Thursday, July 28, 2022

Types of Crystalline Light - Aquamarine 💎


Aquamarine Light is one of the highest level cleansing and purifying light for the whole human energy. It has properties of energy shower and washes away any negative feelings, blockages, leaving your aura pure and shining.

Aquamarine crystalline light is sent with the transmission from Arch. Haniel and arch. Gabriel and your guardian angels.

This is the light of cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of your Throat chakra (in Higher 5D plane), it has properties for alignment with your Soul Star and life mission here. It has the vibration and properties of the crystal Aquamarine in its purest form. 

Aquamarine blue light will cleanse all your aura and Etheric template body, it has ability to strengthen your immune system, to cleanse and remove all dark energy (bacteria, virus, infections) from your Thyroid, lungs, sinuses, nose, ears, mouth. It improves and heals the lungs and quality of the oxygen in your blood.

On a spiritual level this light will cleanse all your aura, chakras and remove all unwanted bacteria from your system.

The work of the aquamarine light is very gentle and subtle, so you will need to incorporate it in your body for loner time. (depending on how deep cleansing and healing you need, you can focus on meditation with this light for 3 days or 7 days in a raw for about 60 min. session).

Aquamarine light is amazing for restoring after long time of illness, after virus infection or any illness connected with your Throat and lungs; it also balances the levels of your hormones, and harmonizes your Thyroid gland.

You will receive insights what foods and substances you need to avoid, and what foods you need to consume, in order this light to be fully integrated.

Aquamarine blue light will affect your immune and respiratory system, ears, nose, face, the way you breath. 

Crystal healing that perfectly works with this light includes crystals aquamarine, celestite, aqua aura quartz, blue topaz, angelite.

You can place all of the blue crystals or only one kind on your chakras and Throat, then invoke the angels Haniel and Gabriel. See the stream of sparkling aquamarine blue light from your Soul Star, to your Crown, opening a light blue lotus flower. See this beautiful light pouring down to all your body and all chakras. Stay in this light for a while and breath deeply.

This is one of the crystalline lights, responsible for cellular regeneration, for smooth and glowing skin and looking younger. Other lights are celestial Diamond white light, pearl Opal light and Amber light.

Nina Lea-Nour  ©
Angel`s medium 

Monday, July 25, 2022

New Moon in Leo -Portal of New Inspiration (+ Journaling) 🦁


The new Moon is portal of awakening, cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole energy body, and mostly we feel light in our Third eye, Sacral and Earth Star chakra.

Moon is related to the Third eye in Esoteric astrology –which represents our psychic senses, awareness, sub-conscious mind, dreams and body of Astral light, our ideas and imagination. 🌒

   ♌This new moon is in the Fire sign Leo opens on 28 July bringing  flow of creativity, passion, inspiration and many new opportunities! 

    Notice that all New moons in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) make 3 complete cycles. The period from the New moon in Aries to the New moon in Leo is the first one. They are related to our inner strength, resilience, courage and power, and the ability to start again new life.

These are the moons of alchemical Fire element, revealing your highest potential of the soul. So this New moon in Leo is perfect time for setting intentions, planning changes and new beginnings.

Now you can notice and think about the whole cycle of Fire – from the New moon in Aries until now. Journal about it – what have changed in your life – within and outside?

These are some nice questions to journal and answer in your diary ✎ 

   What are the places you want to visit?

   What are your creative passions?

  What things you want to create?

  Do you have any hidden fears and doubts that stop you?

  What are the spheres that you have made changes?

 What are the spheres you need to make changes?

 What are the attachments or negative habits that are stopping you?

 What in your daily routine makes you really happy?

  What activities make you more inspired to create?

Leo is sign that will help you connect with your true nature, to love being in the spotlight, to let your light shine and attract the perfect people.

This is portal of New beginning, rejuvenation, transformation and deep changes in all levels.

In this new moon cycle it`s important to focus on what you desire only – don’t let any hidden fears or agenda of others stop you. 

The change comes from your thoughts and intentions first.

Here are some aspects you can use to connect with your powerful Self in this new moon.

You can use orange crystals to bring more strength and optimism in your life: carnelian, fire opal, orange aventurine.

 💗 Work on your Sacral chakra for creative flow. 

Work on your qualities: passion, determination, resilience

Archangel of Leo that will help you to shine your light is arch. Ariel.

The Tarot card of Leo is Major arcana 8. Strength. This card shows that you are the real warrior and you need to be proud of your achievements and to not let anyone come on your way. Create healthy boundaries and know where to say no.

 New Moon ritual ⭐

This is New moon ritual for inspiration, setting intentions and new beginnings. You can ask for anything that you want to create now!

On the day of the New moon (or within next 3 days) light up 3 (6) orange candles in the south- north corner of your home/ garden. 

Sit in a peaceful meditation, breath deeply and imagine exactly what you need to create. See your beautiful future unfolding in front in the perfect way.

Now say the following prayer >

I ask my guardian angels and arch. Ariel to be with me and surround me with shield of light and Love. Dear Ariel, please help me to go on my way with courage, grace and confidence and to achieve my desires (….) for my highest good! Thank you! And so it is.

In this prayer you set your intentions and desires, and let them go to the angels. Be sure they are always around you when you think of them. Then imagine brilliant orange sphere of light above your head. This is light of new inspiration. It flows down to your heart and you see it spinning in harmony. Then it flows to your Sacral chakra and spins slowly, opening beautiful orange lotus. This is lotus of your new creation, joy and passion.

Feel peaceful and filled with love.

Know that the universe is bringing what you desire in the exact time –and space.

You can read more about me here >

Nina Lea-Nour © ✫
Angel`s medium 
Crystal healer
July_ 2022 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Elements and their Alchemical aspects on Earth -II

 Continues from part 1 here > ✪ 

Celestial Water element

This is very important primal element with Yin (feminine) energy. The qualities of water are: fluidity, shape-shifting, cleansing, healing, purification, coolness, letting go, gentleness, care, love.

Water is element that connects us to our Sub-conscious mind –there are many layers of Sub-consciousness.

Through water we connect and cleanse our Sub-conscious mind and our memories.  

All waters on the planet –oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, waterfall, are expressions of the Collective Sub-conscious. They hold secret keys to it.

Colours: blue, navy blue, dark blue, indigo, violet, black

Numbers: 2 (222), 8 (888) – Number of Goddess

Vibration 2 represents the “still waters” –lake, sea, ocean, and the Snow. Vibration 8 is rivers, mountain lakes, waterfall, springs.

Angels: Gabriel, Jeremiel, Celestia

Geometric shape: Sphere, Cone, Icosahedron (Platonic solid)

Water is the most cleansing and balancing element, it releases all toxins from your energy body.

Souls that connect mostly to water have deep blue (or green-blue) Astral seed in their Third eye in form of Eight pointed star. Such souls can often have high intuition and multiple psychic abilities.

Water also is link with our past –memories from this life or other life times. People with water element also have strong healing abilities.

Celestial Earth – Tree 

This is alchemical element of Tree which includes earth, roots, blossoms, fruits. The main qualities of Tree are stability, protection, safety, empowerment, healing, grounding, understanding.

Tree represents the bridge between sub-conscious mind (Roots) and the Conscious mind (Fruits). This is element of creation, it shows us how to manifest things into reality.

This energy is steady and very slow, going deep within. It represents awakening and growth in this reality.

Tree is our connection with earth Gaia –and all living things.

Colours: green, deep green, all shades of green, brown and pink

Angels: Raphael, Ariel, Chamuel

Numbers: 4, 6

Geometric shape: pyramid, hexagon in a circle, hexahedron (cube)

Tree is the most healing element, but it is the slowest one. Souls with element Tree have different shades of green or pink Astral light in their Third eye. They connect very fast with nature, tree spirits, fairies and elementals.

Element Crystal –Rock

This element contains combination of Yin and Yang principles – in different proportions. Crystal is element of transition and acts as a bridge between sub-conscious and Super-conscious mind. It opens multiple levels of existence and connects with Ethereal plane and crystal spirits. (Some people call them Crystal angels or faeries).

    Qualities of crystal are: resilience, inner strength, healing, cleansing, transformation. We need to understand that Crystals connect with all existing elements – Earth, Air, Fire, Light, Water – and shape an amazing kaleidoscope. Depending on which element the crystal “absorbs and reflects” crystals have different qualities.

For example, crystals with red and orange colour absorb and transmit Fire element, with bright yellow colour –Light, with deep green colour –earth, with white colour – Air and water, with deep blue colour –water.

Crystals connect all elements a priori.

Number 5 is vibration of crystal element

Angels: Sandalphon, Azrael, Seraphiel

Colours: all colours, rainbow,  turquoise

Geometric shape - varies depending on the element of reflection

People with crystal element influence will be using more the predominant element within the crystal.

Very rarely these souls will have turquoise–golden Astral seed within their Third eye. All people with this element have special abilities and they are healers with psychic vision.

There are many other elements – like noble metals –gold, silver, copper, platinum –but here I`ll not talk about them.

Nina Lea-Nour ©
July_2022 ✫
Angel`s medium

The Elements and their Alchemical apects on Earth -I


   Elements are expression of Higher Power in the Universes, they represent forms of eternity and connect with patterns of all existence in Spiritual planes. In part one of the article I examine the elements Celestial Fire, Light, Air. 

Each alchemical element corresponds to specific vibration – quality, geometric shape and more. In each individual his Mind and Pineal gland (Third eye) are made up of different element (That is in the so called Astral light within the Pineal gland).

Through this element the person can perceive the world, feel and have healing abilities.

These are the elements:  

Celestial Fire 

    Fire is primal element of Yang (masculine) energy; it has qualities lightness, transformation and connects with our Super Consciousness. Fire is element that brings activation, passion, creation, change, swiftness. The number of Fire is 3, 333

Angels : Arch. Michael, Nathaniel

Geometric shape: triangle, prism, Platonic - tetrahedron 

Fire and Light are the lightest and the fastest elements in the existing levels here. It is element of balancing and cleansing the old paradigm.

Souls that can interact with fire element have ruby red or orange colour Astral light (in form of Eight pointed star on ethereal level) in their Third eye.

Celestial Light 

Light is alchemical element with higher vibration than Fire, but with similar qualities. It is Yang –masculine element, its qualities are transformation, Ascension, illumination, wisdom, expansion.

Through Light we connect to our Super Conscious mind and our Higher Self presence.

Colours of Light: bright yellow, golden

Angels: Uriel, Ambriel

Geometric pattern: 2 triangles within each other and a spiral inside

Light is the element of wisdom and illumination, the number vibration is 7 (777). We receive this element through our Solar Plexus chakra when it is on 5D plane. People that can connect with this element are rare, they have golden-yellow Astral light in their Third eye.

Air element 

Air is alchemical element with Yang (masculine) qualities; it provokes transition, travel, shape-shifting, inner change, and moving to higher Octave. Air connects us with our Conscious Mind and process of thinking, knowledge and mindfulness.

It is element of rejuvenation, truth, purity and being open to change.

Air, as well as Ether are elements that connect all existing in Unity and oneness. They both represent beginning and endings of cycle. Numeric vibration of Air is 1 (111) and of Ether is 9 (999).

Colours: white, light blue, silver

Angels: Zadkiel, Haniel, Muriel

Geometric shape: Mer-Ka Ba star & octahedron (Platonic solid)

Souls with Air element connection have white, silver or aquamarine Astral light in their Third eye.

(Which is your dominant element can be revealed from your date of birth, Sun Sign, Moon sign and Ascendant. Which element will influence your life, like Karmic events is the energy of your year of birth).

Continue to part two of the article here > ✪

Nina Lea-Nour ©  
Angel`s medium

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Energetic Body System (Higher dimensional bodies) II

 Continues from part 1 here >

Energy system is complex and multilayered. We have many bodies in different dimensions and levels of existence. I observe them in details in part 1 and part 2 of the article.

I.               Astral body – related to the Astral realm (in state of sleep).

It`s also our Heart (Divine Soul) body that we travel, so it is one of the strongly connects to physical avatar. Your Astral body is important in the process of Astral projection, in any form of meditation and dreams. It carries feelings and gifts from astral realm. Astral body is one of the body in between physical energy system and the Spirit. This body receives light codes, healing, cleansing from the crystalline core of the Earth (Gaia) and it is connected with the Moon energy, even with your Moon sign and phase.

II.           Etheric template – body of Life path and spiritual gifts.

The field of this body we can read like a map- all experiences of the past/ future of the soul, especially decease or karmic illnesses, also keys to spiritual gifts and connection to the world. In this template you can find imprints of the important souls and karmic relationships or people from your soul family that you meet in this life.

III.      Etheric template 2 – related to your higher 5D Vishudha chakra, to other dimensions, past lives, other planes, holding keys to your past life missions and soul gifts, soul family.

IX. Spiritual Body onePsychic body > This body is related to first Spiritual levels and higher dimensions. It is connected with indigo blue and golden light in your Third eye chakra. This body (in many known systems we call it Celestial),  contains the Blue-prints (blue Light) of the soul. The Psychic (Spiritual body) is related to all your psychic gifts and to the 6 higher senses: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clarcognisance (clear knowing), clear smell, clear taste, clear-aliance (clear feeling). This is the blue light energy that has ability to channel messages through psychic visions and Third eye chakra. It is also body of Inner realms (Sub-conscious mind). Psychic body needs to be protected as it can be attacked by lower frequencies: thoughts, entities and demons from lower plane. Psychic body is also connected to Astral body in Astral-mental light.

The Psychic body has indigo (sapphire) blue Light imprint of 8 pointed Star within sphere (in the Pineal gland). it receives light codes, healing, cleansing and activation from the crystalline core of the Moon. (In the process of Soul transition after death on this plane, the Astral body merges with the Blue Psychic body.

X.Spiritual body – Psychic body 2 – this is energy imprints in the aura, related to your Third eye which connects you with your Blue light, psychic gifts and soul family, sub-conscious mind and dreams from past lives, from other planes and dimensions. This is your “Akashic records” library, or access to Self-knowledge and past lives.  


XI. Spiritual light signature – it is connected to your Crown chakra, aura colours, vibrations in this life time, in different cycles and karmic points. This body is your first purely spiritual high Dimensional body, which shows your capacity to hold light, to cleanse your energy, to perceive the invisible and to expand.

Spiritual light contains your aura colours in this life.

XII. Spiritual light signature 2 – related to your past lives, incarnations, different planes and dimensions. This body holds record of all your past aura signatures. It is usually activated only 10-30%, as well as all Spiritual bodies above it).

XIII. Crystalline Earth body (This is the energy body system that connects to the core of Gaia), it has potential to draw energy, healing codes and alignment from the core of the Earth.

XIV. Crystalline body of the collective consciousness – it is connected to the collective evolution of earth and energy imprints of collective connection to core of Gaia (for most people activated only 10-30%)

XV. Crystalline body of the Moon (holds the energy path –connection to the crystalline core of the Moon from our energy system, draws to us healing codes from the Moon. Activated between 10-30%).

XVI. Crystalline body of the Moon for the Planet – keeps collective imprints of all the connections of the souls to the moon core. Expanded has beautiful silver-white opal light.

XVII.  Celestial body (Crystalline body of the Sun) – connection of each individual soul with the crystalline core of the Sun from our system. Expanded has beautiful golden-white light.

XVIII. Celestial body 2 (Crystalline body of Sun 2) – it represents the individual connection of our energy with the Central Sun, activated by the Golden light from the central Sun and angelic Universes. (This body is rarely activated more than 5%-10% - only for souls with spiritual mission and who lived in higher dimensions).

All our bodies are part from the energy grid, they are all interconnected, they constantly receive and emit light and frequencies. These bodies (when not inactive state) like our physical body are changing, expanding and evolving. All energy bodies after 15 have the ability to hold higher light and shape shift into other forms.

When we move beyond 7D plane we will be able to drop the lower bodies (lower emotional for example) and to incorporate more light in our Spiritual bodies.

Thank you for tuning in! ♥

Nina Lea-Nour ✫ ©
July_2022  ©
Angel`s medium

Energetic Body System (How many Energy bodies do we have?) I


       We all know very little about the reality of our body, which we perceive as “physical” avatar. What we see as physical and tangible is just a small part of our Divine Spiritual avatar, that we are. It is sad to really use only what we can “see” as the physical body is like vessel of the eternal soul. In this article I`ll examine in detail all energy bodies and how they are related with our system. 

We have our chakra system energy grid in our body. But we have also constructs of energy bodies. Each of them has specific function, capacity to hold light.

We have totally 18 energy bodies (* that information was given to me by arch. Chamuel). They are not all activated, so we don’t use their potential. These bodies are described below.

I.              We have Etheric body (or the body that is closely connected to the Root chakra) within the physical energy system. Etheric body is the vibration of our physical cells, bones, blood, nerves, lymphatic system, molecules, atoms. This body is strongly connected with all physical activities, the food we eat daily, our patterns of sleep, self care, water and more. The Eteric body is the first one to start the change in the whole system. This energy body vibrates with white and ruby red colours and receives healing codes and activation from planet Mars and sometimes Saturn and Earth.


II.           Emotional body is connected to our emotions, it consists of Lower emotional imprints looking like changing clouds of emotions within aura. These clouds need to be cleansed away, as they hold negative emotions like resentment, anger, worry, anxiety, sadness, depression, jealousy. (This body receives healing codes from the planets Venus, Lilith and our planet. 🌎)

III.      Higher Emotional body is connected to the Sacral chakra too, but in the 5D Consciousness. It is infused with high vibrational feelings of joy, gratitude, love, being open to love, self-acceptance, self-love, forgiveness, happiness, inner peace. These emotions bring much higher frequency to the body-Soul. This body receives light codes of healing and cleansing from some stars – Sirius, Pleadeas, Venus and planet Earth).

IV.          ★ Lower Mental – this body vibrates with yellow light, in some parts can be connected with dark or dusty yellow. It relates to the 3rd chakra Solar Plexus bringing success, power and confidence. When this body is healthy it sends feeling of joy from success, inner power and letting go of control or judgement. Many people have blockages in this body as they have negative, destructive thoughts – like being not successful, being powerless, too powerful, with lower self esteem or too high self esteem, arrogance, and feeling that you can control everyone else. This body is often place filled with false ego programs, fals believes, fanaticism, intolerance and feeling that you are greater (or lower) than others.

V.                Higher Mental body – connected with the Solar Plexus chakra but in its 5D expression of Golden light. It holds the Solar power keys and Solar wisdom. This body is source of inner power, being true to yourself and your values, confidence of the Soul. Within this body we have awareness, intelligence and higher consciousness, we can perceive the truth in feelings (what we know as gut feeling or intuition).

Solar Mental body receives light codes, healing, cleansing and activation from the crystalline core (heart) of the Sun and from planet Earth.

If you are curous to know more about other energy bodies, read part 2 here > ✪

> read more about me here > 

Nina Lea-Nour ✬
July_2022 ©
Angel`s medium

Friday, July 22, 2022

What is Energy Protection - Methods of Protection -II

 Continues from part 1 here

Some of the most famous archangels for protection are Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel, Sandalphon, Azrael. Raphael is also great archangel to ask not just for healing energy, but also for protection of emerald Ray of light.  💜

He carries also Golden ray, the same as Uriel. Arch. Gabriel has more ability of purification and cleansing so she will come for that.

So the most well known and easy way for energetic protection is calling on archangel we choose (one or more), and then visualizing the Bubble of liquid light, spreading far away from our aura.

It` s good before that to raise your frequency by simple aura cleansing method and meditation. (For that you can call arch. Gabriel and White Ray of light). Then see your cleansed aura expanding far from your body like a strong bubble. When you have done that whole energy cleanse, you can start the energy protection with Arch. Michael, or other angel. Visualize the Blue light around your pure aura field, which extends and becomes stronger and stronger.

Do that every day, and thank the angels.

★ You can try also in this exercise to connect with your guardian angels and imagine how arch. Michael is in front of you (your Astral body), and other 3 angels standing behind you, on your left side and on your right side. See beautiful transmission of Blue light coming from palms of their hands to you. They make your shield of light around, and place special sigils of protection. Trust that you are protected.

Archangel Zadkiel can protect and cleanse your whole energy, and uplift your heart vibration instantly with Violet flame. Arch. Raphael will cleanse and shield also all of your chakras with emerald light. Arch. Uriel can use the Yellow-Golden ray of light to cleanse and remove all existing negative energies, patterns or stagnant energy from your body. It` s interesting to mention that Uriel works with Divine codes of Golden light and his spiritual sigil (sign) is also yellow Five pointed star, which has protection and cleansing properties.

Angels Sandalphon and Azrael are very good in shielding when you stay in place with many people or have work related to connection or teaching others. One of their spiritual sigil is also Pentagram, five pointed star or a rose in a triangle.

If you are familiar with your own guardian angels it`s wonderful to work with them for protection.

It`s nice to do that protection blue sphere every day in the morning, and specially before going outside or to a crowded place. 

Another method is by drawing Crystal light sigil of protection. That sigil is a magical sign that you draw in the air in front. Of course you need to know how to make this sigil, and second you will need a small crystal in your hand, preferably clear quartz. It is nice if this crystal has the shape of a wand or hexagon, as it can make the sigil clear. With your intention draw the sigil of protection, and better to do it fast and focused. Then stretch your right hand with palm out and say or think: I activate this sigil of protection now to protect my aura in all times and space. Imagine it (see it) in the air with white or golden light. So it is activated. Of course that cant happen without support of God and your angels, so you need to thank them.

This sigil will be active with you like magic talisman for the next 24 hours then it will disappear. If your energy is strong enough you can activate this sigil for longer time. 

Be aware that there are many factors affecting on length and efficiency of spiritual protection. Some of them are: the cleanness of your aura, cleanness of your emotional body (if you are feeling sad, fearful or depressed), your environment and people (if you encounter too much dark or toxic energy). Some of the very dark energy can be when you are around person who is thinking constantly something negative or pulsing dark thoughts to you - so he transmits dark energy to you. You need protection. Or if you are with someone who is an energy vampire and wants to “drink" from your energy. With empaths that happens frequently.

Some things that you should remember before reinforcing your protection are 

1. ⭐ You can use crystals or objects for protection, but noone is stronger than Angels. 

2. ⭐ You should be confident and trust in your own inner power and protection.

3. You can`t make protection with dark or black energy, even you can use a black crystal for sigil. 

4. When you make protection you should have clear mind and pure (open, flowing) heart. 

5. When you make protection you should be preferably alone and in clean and safe place without people.

6. You cant make protection if your aura is unclean, or if you have imbalanced emotions.

Very good method of activating divine protection for a long time is working on your MER KA BA star. That’s the star in your SOUL star chakra. 

You can choose special colour for your energy protection, but the most powerful colours are Royal blue, White (Selenite), Golden, Turquoise and Violet-Purple. They all have also transmuting and healing properties.

Thank you for tuning in! 

Read more about me here 

Nina Lea-Nour 
July_2022 ©
Angel`s medium 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Full Moon in Capricorn - Portal of Ancestral Karma cleansing (+Journaling) 🌕


This is energized Full moon Portal of healing, releasing and restoration of past traumas. When this beautiful Full moon shines in the night sky we are encouraged to release and let go of any old and stagnant energies, patterns and believes that are no longer in alignment with our true Self. Here you will find what you need to know about this Full moon, what are the questions to practice self-reflection, a short ritual for Ancestral Karma healing + Oracle card🌕

The Full moon connects on the ethereal level with our Third eye chakra (or Pineal gland) and activates it. Third eye and the Subconscious mind are strongly influenced by the Moon phases.

The Key to this full moon potential is the activation of the alchemical element Earth. It represents places of safety, stability, but also stamina, resilience, persistency and personal growth in our life. Everyone needs to think about what things makes him feel more safe and grounded in his life.

  ♑As Capricorn is a sign of the Sacred earth, we activate in this Moon the Earth element in our body: represented by bones, skeletal system, tendons, muscles, backbone, skin, hair, knees and feet. This is element urging us to reflect on our earth qualities: perseverance, strength, persistency, courage, resilience and letting go.

On emotional level this moon brings hidden agenda, hidden fears and resistance to surface, so to be released and removed.

That’s why the theme of LETTING GO is very powerful in this Moon.

Here are some amazing questions to your Self to write and answer in your journal for spiritual growth ✎

📖   What are the things in my life that make me more safe and secure?

📖       What are the areas in my life where I don’t feel safe?

📖        Who are my most trustful people, alias and friends?

📖       Do I feel grounded, safe and secure in the present?

📖    What makes me motivated and strong on my way?

📖       Am I persistent and resilient on the way to my goal?

📖       What are my best qualities at this time?

📖       What things or people do I need to let go of?

📖        Do I feel worried about past or future too much?

📖       Do I set time for remembering and honouring my ancestors?

📖        Do I need to help more my parents and older family members?

📖     What is my connection with my parents and ancestors?

When you write down these questions in your journal and honestly answer them, you will feel much more clarity about who you are and how you transform. Questions to self is a powerful practice to know the depths of your soul and explore your sub-conscious mind.

Mantra of the earth element  🌕

You can repeat the mantra of Earth in this Full moon cycle:

“I`m like the Earth – I`m stable, grounded and safe. I have all I need here and now.”

This moon is a perfect time to make energy protection ritual or ritual for cleansing ANCESTRAL KARMA.

Short Ritual for Ancestral Karma cleansing 🌕

You can create crystal grid with black obsidian or black tourmaline and clear quartz. Or you can just add some black obsidians on your altar for a short ritual.

The Angels you need to work with are: Sandalphon, Azrael, Jehudiel

You can light up 1 (3) black candles in the direction North-West on your home or garden. Focus on what your Ancestors and deseased family members. You may call on their presence and support, if you want. Now center in your Heart and take deep breath in.

We all have Ansestral Karma which needs to be cleared and removed for good. You can say the following affirmation:

I call upon archangel Azrael, Arch. Sandalphon to be with me now and surround me with shield of protective Light. I choose willingly and from my heart to cleanse and remove all my Ancestral Karma, trauma, abuse and negative patterns from my lineage in all timelines, levels and dimensions, for the highest good of all. And so it is!” 

Repeat this affirmation 3 times.

Imagine how all negative energy being released from you like a dark smoke going out from your aura. Feel relived and thank all angels and your Ancestors for the support.

For best result you can repeat this ritual for 3 full moon cycles.

Oracle card 🔮

From “Gateway of Light Activation oracle” by Kyle Gray

Sirius Star blessing

This card draws the bright light of Sirius and the support of Sirian star  beings into our world. When it comes to us, it helps us to find light in moments of darkness and uncertainty, and to continue on.

The message that comes with this gateway is giant Yes. It brings the energy of wishing on a star and seeing that wish to come true. This is a time for you to move forward with any projects or ideas that you have felt called to carry out. There is an energy of positivity, abundance and excitement surrounding you at this time. Whatever dreams you ve been revising recently aren’t dreams, but premonitions. Know that whatever you are connecting with on the inside, is soon to be something you will be experiencing in the physical. So think about what you desire instead of what you fear.


Nina Lea-Nour ✫
July_2022 ©
Angel`s medium
Crystal healer