Friday, June 30, 2023

July Energy - Angels, Kabbalah, Crystal healing [ 5 ] ⭐

  July is month with many waves of different frequencies. I see the energy as magnificent spiral of yellow, golden and turquoise light. This is the light of knowledge, wisdom, creative expression, truth and personal freedom. 

★ Cosmic Vibration 

  July is very different from the vibration of June (4), where we were focused more of healing our connections and relationships. In July we have the cosmic vibration 5 – Karmic lessons, karma cleansing, releasing of old negative patterns. In the collective field (and Akasha of earth) are rising higher consciousness, Divine karma and lesson learning.

Some spiritual themes this month:

  💜       Cleansing your Throat chakra – your Divine light of Truth, purpose and integrity. Cleanse your Throat and feel grateful for all connections, friends, soul mates in your life.

  💜        Appreciating your family and Ancestors – At this time you can tune into your Ancestral wisdom and make Ancestral karma cleansing, which will uplift your soul in present life.

  💜      Understanding and acting upon your divine mission (life purpose) with clarity and open heart. Don’t be afraid to be in the spotlight and draw attention.


  This is energy of arch. Sandalphon – angel with shining turquoise light, angel of soul lessons, cleansing of aura and all old programs of mind, of serenity, wisdom, music and harmony spheres, of newborn babies. Sandalphon will help you also with spiritual lessons, releasing karmic cords with people close to you, speaking your truth and tuning into vibration of divine harmony and peace. This is angel observing the fairy and elemental realms, trees, flowers and crystal wisdom. Sndalphon will make you attuned to energy of Divine nature and creative flow. Another angel we work this month is Haniel – angel of feminine energy, the moon, cycles of life, truth and integrity. Both these angels can help you with spiritual lessons, finding the right books, people, places for your soul development, and tuning into your future soul path.


You need to be more open to subtle energies this month. Meditate on the vibration of your Throat chakra, imagine crystal clear sky blue sphere spinning in your Throat, spreading light to your whole body. In this time you can be more sensitive in your liver, intestine, gal bladder, digestive system. There can be some blockages in these organs (also on energy level). This is energy of inner challenges, conflicts, oppositions. Some things could go not as you wish, but be sure to recognise where your energy is blocked.


You can work with the energy of Divine masters: Anubis, White Tara, Green Tara.

★ Kabbalah 

This month we are entering into the Sephira (Divine emanation) Da`at (Divine knowledge), as we reach to it to it through all our divine gifts and talents. Divine knowledge is the sephira connecting us with the power of our thoughts, intentions, also memories from the past and visions for the future. This is important sphere for each human on their soul of awaken wisdom.

Da`at is also related to multiple kind of knowledge that we have: Higher knowledge (super consciousness), Hidden knowledge (mystical), lower knowledge (intellectual), extending knowledge.

The spiritual state of sephira Da`at is Yichud (unification).


Divine elements this month are Mountain / crystal and flowing Water. The energy of 5 represents the element mountain (rock) which has the intention of setting goals, overcoming obstacles, tuning into your lessons, karma and higher guidance. This element synchronises all deep Earth elements – tree, earth, flower, herbs.

Element flowing water is element of Cancer season, bringing nurturing, healing, rejuvenation, rest and emotional cleansing.

☆ Crystal Healing


   As always if you like crystals you can use their beautiful energy for healing. In this season work with crystals of AA Sandalphon for grounding, purification, tapping to your creative power, connection with fairies and crystal spirits, your personal truth – these are the crystals you can use daily: amazonite, celestite, blue calcite, aqua aura, turquoise, blue fluoride, angelite.

   Choose your crystal for meditation (you can use one or multiple) and relax in a comfortable position with your back straight. Hold one of the crystals in your left hand (or if you are lying down place it on your stomach area). Breath deeply and tune into the energy of the crystal. Feel deeply relaxed, let your mind drift gently and let go of all worries, fear and anxiety. Visualize now turquoise –golden light in your Throat chakra. See this light as a sphere spinning slowly. The sphere is growing bigger and bigger, until it encompass your whole body. Now see the turquoise sphere around your whole aura, protecting you and radiating light.

Say the affirmation: “I m safe, grounded and protected in this moment. I am being of Divine light, I am loved, abundant and in perfect health.”

Angel message for you >

River - going with the flow, freedom, going on a journey, feeling refreshed, renewed; new doors are open for you; Synchronicity, meeting exact people along the way; Joy of life.


Have a wonderful July! 🍨

Nina Nour Bluebell ©
medium, crystal healer
Tarot teacher 
June_ 2023 
More about me here ★
More about my services here★ 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

New Moon in Gemini - opening to New Horizons (Turquoise Portal)🌙


    This magnificent new moon portal is opening in the sign of Gemini on 18.June, its energy is filled with enthusiasm, new opportunities and deep cleansing of mind. This is energy of change, movement and focus on new intentions. As we are in the season of Gemini, we are invited to work on aligning our consciousness (mind), emotions, intentions and actions. All things will manifest in our reality if we are able to be in alignment and connected to our Higher Self.  ★ 

This new moon in cosmic portal of renewal and awakening, amplifying our ability to speak the truth in the world. We receive Turquoise ray of light at this time, opening our Throat chakra and Soul star chakra.

Now is perfect time for manifesting :

🌙         to amplify and work on your Air qualities: flexibility, intelligence, speaking your truth, creativity, wisdom, honesty, finding soul mates, like minded friends, social connections.

🌙        We work on manifesting social connections, friendship, soul mates and all kind of relationships.

🌙          Study, new course, creative hobby, new project, innovative ideas.

   🌙    Study languages, writing and working on social media.

🌙          Writing a book and spreading knowledge in any field.

🌙        Meditation, connection with angels and Higher Self, receiving divine guidance, understanding lessons from the past.

All New moons in Air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) signify and amplify the energy of new beginnings, renewal and revealing the spiritual gifts of the soul. This is perfect time to feel where is your soul path, what you need to do, what do you need to change in your life, environment? This moon is about deep connection to others and to yourself. It can bring changes and turns of the way –in your profession, friendship, personal life.

   This moon invites you to get out of your shell and be more social, have fun, enjoy the simple things in life, be in nature, go hiking in the mountain, create social events. There are always many ways to celebrate life, and one of the reasons we are on this earth is to enjoy and have fun. (angels always encourage you to look from the bright side of life).

★ Gemini season 

Gemini sign is the traveller and shape-shifter of Air – that means his mind always travels before him, he is open to amazing new ideas and downloads from higher realms. Gemini thrives in social places, but they also are sign of duality: they like to change and shape-shift their state of mind and environment, so people who are surrounding them change too. They can be in some moments very quiet and observant, going inwards, while in another moment they become full of energy, talkative and enjoying to be with others.

★ Tarot card ★ 

  Gemini is the sign of soul mates and lovers – in Tarot this sign is represented by the Major arcana VI. Lovers. This card has interesting interpretation, as it means love, devotion, falling in love, sexual energy, merging with another soul, soul union, but also it can represent the need to make hard choices in love, going through hard times in relationship, having doubts about your partner.

This is card of love, connection, but also honesty and sharing all things with the one you love. It reveals how we share the truth with another and show our real face.

★  Element -Air  

The element we work on in this season is AIR – this is Yang (masculine) element of change, shape-shifting, travel, diversity, lightness, knowledge, higher consciousness, connections, creativity, flying above the obstacles, wisdom, following your soul truth. It`s element of Truth and clarity, so at this time you can think about what truths you need to speak out? What you were hiding and why?

Here are some great questions to ask in your journal in the time of this New moon *

-          Do I speak my truth and what I am hiding?

-       What in my social life needs to change?

-       Do I feel happy and fulfilled in my relationships?

-       What are the qualities that my friends can teach me?

-       How do I express my creative self?

-      Do I feel need to enjoy life, how much I celebrate and have fun?

-      Am I too serious, where I can break the ice?

-      Do I have optimistic approach to life?

-     What in my friendships needs change?

-   What are the new things that I want to study and practice?

-       Do I feel attracted to study language or write a book?

-        Do I have some hidden truth that I never shared?


Answer all these questions (or add your own) in your journal, then read the answers in the next New moon in Air sign (Libra).

 Crystal healing and activation ☆ 

   Crystals are amazing conduits of angelic light. They can bring healing, love, cleansing and alignment to your energy. For this new moon you can meditate with crystals of Gemini: turquoise, amazonite, yellow fluorite, honey calcite, citrine, smoky quartz. They will amplify your inner light and create connection circle between your Throat and Solar plexus chakra. This is circle of truth and power.

   Relax in comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and breath deeply. Hold one of the crystals (for example citrine) in your receptive hand. Feel the energy of citrine and imagine golden-yellow tube of light going in the middle of your back, though all your chakras, connecting your Crown with your Root chakra (at the base of your spine). Feel the this light becoming brighter and stronger with each breath. You are at peace and in your own power, you can speak your truth freely.

Thank you for tuning in! You can like, share and subscribe or buy me a coffee! 🍵

Nina Nour Bluebell ©
Medium, crystal healer
J une_2023 *
More about my services here...> *
More about me here...*

Monday, June 5, 2023

Full Moon in Sagittarius - Expansion, Joy, Adventure 🌔


   ☆Full moons are powerful energy portals of cleansing, purging and releasing what no longer serves your life. Full moon energy is strongly connected to our Astral body and subconscious mind. Therefore at this time we feel need to cleanse and release many subconscious fears and traumas from the past. 

 ♐ This full moon in Fire sign –Sagittarius brings rejuvenation, need to bask in the new reality, discover, learn, expand, travel. This is sign of adventure and childlike joy and optimism, but also archetype of the scholar, wise man, philosopher. 

At this time the moon has ethereal yellow-golden light that can enhance our intuition, visions and need to discover new worlds.

   We need that have in mind that all Fire Sign full moons make an ark of warrior energy, that strives becoming the best version of yourself, taking exact action, releasing all fear and resistance, manifesting things into reality, focus on your goal, trust and believe.

  Very important for this Full moon is being in your power, realizing who you are in the world and how you can achieve your goals. 

It`s perfect time to Heal, cleanse and rejuvenate your body and mind, letting go of anything that is not for your highest good.

You can work on the following for inner healing: 

  🍋      good diet, healthy food regime, weight loss, sport.

    🍋         releasing addiction to unhealthy habit, food or alcohol.

🍋       Healing and rejuvenating your digestive system (stomach, liver, intestine).

🍋        Healing and rejuvenating your mental body – pay attention to your thoughts and believes.

🍋        Healing childhood trauma, connect with your inner child

🍋        Releasing negative believes about Self and your abilities

🍋   becoming more popular in social platform, spread of information, gaining followers and customers;

🍋        working on your Solar plexus chakra, releasing any resistance to power and control, feeling confident and believing in your own abilities.

   At this time you can work on the divine qualities of celestial fire: strength, resilience, rejuvenation, inspiration, self-trust, activation, swiftness, transformation, self-discipline, empowerment,  letting go of the old.

Angel that will help you to focus on your goal: Uriel (angel of celestial fire, knowledge and wisdom).

You can journal and write down some important questions to your Soul ✎

-        What are the things that stop me from being my best Self?

-        Do I spend enough time doing the things I love?

-        Do I have creative inspiration, what form of art I like?

-        Do I need to let go of any unhealthy eating habits?

-        What I need to do to bring more joy and adventure to my life?

-      When was the last time I visited interesting new place?

-      What is my connection with my friends and soul mates?

-        What new thing I `m willing to learn?

-     What are the activities that make me inspired and fulfilled?

-       How often I travel to new or foreign places?

-    What was the last book that I read, what valuable wisdom it gave me?

Of course nothing can be manifested without willing and intention in the first place. Also without letting go of what no longer serves you. As we are constantly changing, transforming and evolving –as Fire – our soul needs to change and grow.

Planets: JUPITER

Jupiter is planet ruler of Sagittarius, and has important influence on the energy of this full moon. Jupiter is the planet of expansion (of mind and heart), of big opportunities, luck, fortune, abundance, going in the unknown, travelling to far places, education. Expect all lucky things if you have positive aspects of Jupiter in your chart.

In this full moon Jupiter is in sign of stability –Taurus. Which makes our desire for expansion in any practical sphere, also education and knowledge. There is much hidden potential this month, also for personal healing and seeing the bigger picture of your life.

Jupiter in esoteric astrology is Tarot arcana X. The Wheel of Fortune –which is the wheel of karma, turning in your favour. You left behind many challenges, now is the time for renewal and opportunities, which may appear out of nowhere.

Moon is Sagittarius reveals in Tarot the High Priestess (depth, spirituality, wisdom, psychic power) in the palace of Temperance (14) – which represents balance of Yin-Yang, giving and receiving, harmony in relationship, alchemy and working with your shadows. This can indicate for some people letting go of some deep fears in the sub-conscious mind and divine healing.

  This Full moon will be important and with big potential for you if your Sun, Moon or Ascendant is in Sagittarius. Then be prepared for beautiful expansion.

Thank you for tuning in! I appreciate if you like, share and subscribe or buy me a coffee! 🍦

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©
medium, crystal healer
Tarot reader 
June- 2023 *
More about my services here...>
More about me here ...>

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Chennelled message from AA Raphael for the Ascension (June) 🌟


Greetings children of Earth, 

I m happy to be with you and feel the ascension energy waves of this time. Earth is going higher on a spiral of spiritual evolution – that is valid for all souls. Regardless of their believes, karma, religion and division in the world.

  At this time I want to bring the higher frequency message of Love, healing and Rejuvenation.

What is healing and how you can achieve health and healing on this earth?

What are the qualities you need, so you can be truly healed?

There are many things you still are behind the veil of illusions and cant reach to the truth. Healing is like a spiral – it goes through stages, it needs time. Your healing here starts with self-love and letting go of any old believes, ideas about yourself and the world.

Without releasing, purging and cleansing of your soul, healing is not possible. 

But before that purging you need to have simple understanding of yourself, your true nature as a Soul. Here you are on a journey, going through multiple tests, you need to make choices, often quite challenging. That’s part of the process of evolution.

Before you reach to the stage of releasing the past, you need to turn to your shadow Self, understand what is your darkness, what are the qualities that stand on your way; and ask the question: Why am I here, why am I afraid of certain things? Why I can not let go of these?

        The second stage on the golden spiral of healing is releasing of the past trauma and karma. 

 All these past experiences, pains, conflicts and doubts served their purpose. Now you need to let them go, be free, so that your aura can be cleansed in higher level. Your karma is also in the process of purging, so you will raise in higher Consciousness, you will understand who you are.

        The third stage of healing is self-love and realisation of who you are. What are your principles, values and believes. 

   Human cant go beyond his human soul, he is equation of his values and believes. But all of them are linked to Self-love. If you value and cherish yourself – then you will also have your values and believes in a sacred box. If you don’t feel and practice self-love, then your self values become week more and more. You cant stand in front of test or pressure. Reality is what you believe it to be. That’s why too many souls are easily manipulated by external world images”.

      The fourth stage of Healing is acquiring qualities and abilities for yourself. It is connected to what are the spiritual tools and gifts you have, so to achieve healing. As you can see the word “healing” has much deeper meaning than you thought. Your spiritual qualities can be also given and enhanced by your angels, archangels, Higher Self and Ascended masters, who work with you. They are – persistency, patience, compassion, kindness, understanding, truth, knowledge, devotion, strength, resilience, empathy, inspiration, creativity, joy, love. All of these are like special pearls for your Soul.

        The Fifth stage of what we call spiritual healing is cleansing and rejuvenation of your emotional and mental bodies. They are connected to your energy field, to your Sacral chakra and Solar Plexus chakra, and Heart center. Without them you cant achieve healing, nor become a healer.

        The sixth stage of spiritual healing is called energy alignment and balance.  You need to align all of your chakras (etheric template), and ground yourself to the energy of the earth. Receive the pure light codes from the Archangels and central Sun. That alignment comes with 2 things: Gratitude and Forgiveness. Most souls know this words in theory, but they cant still go to the meaning and depth of them. When you reach to true gratitude and true forgiveness, your soul will be healed in magical way.

In order to achieve healing, you need to feel, acknowledge and know yourself. Forgive yourself completely for anything in the past. You can not reach any manifestation without healing first. So, this is the first important thing for your Soul. Don’t think that healing is possible at once, without putting efforts in all directions. There is such thing as “miraculous healing” but it comes only as Karmic dharma (bonus) for your achievements.

As your life is projected in the linear time-space, nothing can come without its own unfolding and time. So healing in any way –mental, emotional, physical, will take certain time and space. 

But this will be crucial for your soul purification and evolution.

Even if you cant comprehend this now –we tell you, that any form of illness is a disguised healing, or comes with the keys of healing.

Also, any misfortune, depression comes with keys of abundance, wealth and success. Just you need to find your door and open it.

Sending you emerald light, love and healing.

AA Raphael *


Channelled by >

Nina Nour Bluebell ©
medium, reiki healer
Tarot reader 
June * 2023 
More about my services read here!

Friday, June 2, 2023

June Energy - Angels, Kabbalah, Crystals, Angelic guidance [ 4 ] 🌟


  * June is very special month of 2023, it has higher octaves energy of healing, grounding and rejuvenation. Now is the time to feel and connect with the nature around you, to understand the laws and cycles of life, to feel how far you have come on your journey. 

  Cosmic Vibration

   This month has magnificent energy of expansion of the soul, nature wisdom presented as waves of emerald green and shimmering white colour. Allow yourselves to be nurtured and healed by this energy. This is profound time of cleansing and healing of your emotional and mental body. Some of the spiritual themes in June are:

        Letting go of your 3 D paradigm and mindset of how things should” look like.

        Nature is perfect even with imperfections.

   Slow down to restore your energy, focus on your body.

      Opening your heart to what is most precious for you now/ being present in the moment.

  Realizing what needs to be healed in your relationships



    We are receiving love and support from our guardian angels and angels of the Emerald green flame and AA Raphael, Arch. Chamuel. The fifth green ray represents higher Truth, Self-love, nourishing and healing abilities. People with green colour in their aura have spiritual mission of healing – if that is energy healing, or any kind of other healing method available. Green ray is also dedicated to knowledge (also spiritual knowledge, alchemy) and science.

With this emerald ray of light we are invited to tap into emotional, mental balance and receive healing in all our systems.

Call on Arch. Rapahel if you are in need of healing for your body and mind, or in relationships.

 Chakras to work on and activate with light: 

Heart (Anahata) + Sacral (Svadishtana)

Cosmic vibration of June is revealed in number  4  – this is number of Divine nature and healing. This is number corresponding to the element Cosmic Tree, earth. At this time you will sense the presence of tree spirits, nymphs, dryads and faeries stronger than usually. 

You can contact with the deep healing and replenishing energy of the earth and all plants.

In your body you need to be mindful of your Heart chakra (emotions) and your skeletal system, bones, tendons, muscles, teeth, feet, toes.

Practice emotional cleansing and emotional intelligence, which are so important at this time, as your energy is still adjusting to higher light. 


   In June we are in the energy of Sephira Chesed / Loving Kindness. This is sephira on the Tree of life that brings qualities of compassion, humility, devotion, healing, love, openness, honesty and truth. It corresponds to the right Arm in human – or the power of giving (blessings, love, support). In this time acknowledge what do you give to others, to yourself and to the world. The spiritual state of Chesed is divine Love.


The active element this month is Earth / Tree, which has the qualities of divine feminine and Divine child. Earth element remind us about the qualities we need in life like safety, security, protection, grounding, self-love, nurturing, care, compassion, patience, persistence, balance of giving and receiving. This is time for Yin energy practice, having more time for rest and relaxation.

You can really benefit from light exercises, yoga, chi gong and walking in nature, enjoying the beautiful scenery of trees, river and birds.

Crystal healing 

smoky quartz

   As always if you like crystals you can use their beautiful energy for healing. In this season work with crystals of AA Raphael for cleansing, grounding, protection and peaceful mind: green jade, malachite, smoky quartz, emerald, green fluorite, green calcite, crysoprase, moldavite.

Make meditation as you hold one of the crystals in your left hand. (or both hands if you have 2) and then visualize emerald green flame expanding in your heart. Then see pyramid of green light surrounding you, your aura and space. Say out loud: “I m safe, grounded and protected in this moment. I am being of Divine green light, I am loved, supported, abundant and in perfect health.

Angel Guidance

This month your angel message is: Stars Merkaba star activation; Star of Compass; where is your true direction, Calling of the soul; work on your life mission (what do you want to achieve). Universe is giving you sign –everything is possible.


Wishing you wonderful June! 

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©
Medium, crystal healer
Tarot reader
June, 2023 ★
More about my services read here!