Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Meditation for cleansing with arch.Raphael & arch. Michael II

     Visualize now the seed of that plant in shining blue. It comes in the middle of the spiritual lake -Tan Tien. See the seed giving roots, growing, expanding, see the leaves and water around. The lotus flower grows slowly, but you see it now in this area. It has deep blue color. It becomes bud, grows and finally it opens -gently and slowly, each petal opens. Observe that and feel it inside of your astral body. See how the blue lotus opens, and generates blue light from its heart. Feel that you are magnificent being and supported now with amazing and loving light from arch. Michael and all angels. The lotus flower expands and gives you gifts of strength, confidence, independence, willpower, boundaries, safety, psychic protection. It sends you waves of new fresh energy to begin, and grow the Intention-will- identity. Know who you are.

6. Sacred space of your inner Lake

     See yourself at the sacred space. This is only your space of Soul and you are the one who creates everything here. See the beautiful mirrored lake in front of you. It has flashes of sun light. The sky is blue, there are trees and flowers in different colors around. You sit down and meditate near the lake in a garden with white roses. Observe the lake…in the distance you notice a small fountain, from another side you see a little waterfall. The water makes fresh and soothing sound. Smell the fresh aroma of flowers. Now you see the waterfall has shining blue light flowing with water. You see blue lotus flowers on the lake surface. They look like magical and spinning in one direction. They have white and blue color and radiate light. You are feeling relaxed. If you feel like, come and swim inside this beautiful lake in your garden. The water in it is specially made to replenish and rejuvenate your soul. You let go of anything that is not in alignment with your higher purpose. You feel free, and infused with amazing power. You are calm, and totally inside yourself, nothing is in your mind to bother you. The water of lake has deeply purifying effect, It will fill you with new energy. You swim inside the lake and breath.
That’s the beginning of your connection with sacred garden.

7. Visualize now archangel Michael standing in the garden. He is surrounded by Blue flame angels and shining blue light aura. He has very strong presence, and he looks to you with determination and love. He is smiling and firm in the same time. Feel his presence. You are now in the garden, sitting on a bench, surrounded by all blue flame Angels. Arch. Michael moves his hands over your aura field, and by doing that he dissolves any negative cords and attachments from your energy. They are going to the way of Light. His hands radiate strong blue light, which is able to cut away and transform any lower energies, or cords that you hold – maybe from fear, negative thoughts or believes, hard relationships, or things that you cant let go of. He is scanning all your energy body. Then you feel amazing white and golden light start to fill in like a bubble your aura. Until all of you is immersed in light. You are divine body of light, you are safe and protected always.
You say thank you” to arch. Michael and blue Angels from his group. They cleanse you all, and now you appear in shining light, confidence and courage. You have now good boundaries to express who you are.
And you can call anytime to the Blue flame angels to make this cleansing work for you.

8. That was your journey to the inner sacred Lake and garden.
Be sure to come here often, to connect with angels and with your higher Self. Remember you are magnificent being of Light with great potential. You cant lose your divinity, if you follow the light and peace.
Now breath deeply several times….and slowly come back to the waking world.

Have a wonderful day, dear light worker! Be blessed.
art by Hiroyuki Satoh

Angel`s medium 
© Copyrighted material 2019

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Meditation for cleansing with arch. Raphael & arch. Michael I

     This meditation is designed to help you with healing, purifying and alignment with all bodies: physical, emotional, mental, celestial. All you need to do is be in a quiet atmosphere without noises, warm space, and in comfortable position of the body (preferably lying).

    The meditation will is also connected with the powerful archangels Raphael and Michael and blue Flame angels.
Lets begin. Lie down in comfortable position, relax and breath deeply.
Take a few minutes to focus on your breath. Empty your mind from any external thoughts, and feelings. Breath, hold the breath counting to 5 and breath out. Do that five times, or as you feel comfortable.

II. Visualization

      You are working now with your Astral Body that is your energy form. This body is always connected to your physical, but it has unlimited abilities and can do anything you want in spiritual realm. Astral body can be used for connecting with angels, flying and astral travel, healing, moving to different dimensions and meeting other Souls of departed people, or other entities in astral realm. This is your body of light used for channeling, visualizations.
Imagine yourself in your Astral body – it is always young, full of energy and shining with light of your aura. That’s your truth self. Astral body is connected with your Spirit stamp and your Higher Self. That’s why its safe to travel in your astral body. (also when you dream it is awaken.)
Imagine your body is now floating in the air. Feel calmness and peace deeply. You are safe in this realm of angelic light. Flying higher and higher, with to angelic dimensions of love and peace. Feel serenity…
You are relaxed now and totally at peace. See your astral body from aside.
It has young and fresh energy and beauty. Now focus visualize arch Raphael standing right in front of you. Feel his presence and take a moment to get aqcuianted with his emerald crystal energy. He is archangel of healing light, and repairing any problems in physical and emotional body. He is here to help you to release unwanted dark or stagnant energy in your body.

      Observe archangel Raphael, his hands are open and radiating soothing green light. His eyes look with deep compassion and love. He radiates peace. His energy wings are sparkling with emerald dark and lighter shades of light. He is smiling. …He comes close to you now. Feel his presence behind you, wrapping your back with his emerald wings. He puts his hands gently on your shoulders. Breath and adjust to his energy.
Feel how powerful he is.

3. Now be aware of new flow of healing energy coming through your body from the hands of Raphael. Focus in the area of your head. See expanding sphere of green light above your head. In that sphere bubble there is a closed green lotus flower. See how it opens slowly and gently, each petal opens and shines soothing light from the middle. Take some minutes to visualize that beautiful lotus blossom in the Crown of head.

Then see golden white light streaming from the middle of it down to your body. The light is soft and healing. That’s the pure energy from Source and from arch. Raphael. Feel it circulating within all your energy body, and filling all your cells, organs, molecules with wonderful angelic light. See all of your body shining with this light.
Now see how the light streams from your Left arm, hand, fingers and out and transforms into beautiful emerald light. As if you are radiating Light. See it flowing from your right hand, palm, fingers…from your left leg, foot, toes, then from your right leg, foot, toes. The light is circulating now through your body and flushing away all negative energies out from you.
See the green light coming out of your hands and feet, while you are connected with the power of Green lotus in your Crown chakra.

4. Now you feel lighter and lighter. See how the green light is filling and circulating like healing water all your organs. Starting from your head, brain, eyes, ears, face, nose, cheeks, mouth, teeth, tongue…Feel the muscles of all your face relaxed. Accept this light. See the green streams coming down to your neck, Throat chakra expands, to your chest, breasts, heart, lungs. Heart chakra expands with green light.

     Then the light flows down to your liver, stomach, intestines…kidneys -left and right. Solar plexus chakra expands. Then the light goes down to your intimate area, ovaries, bladder…and all, Sacral chakra expands. See it with sparkling green light.
Then the light goes down to your Root chakra, cleanses all toxins and lower energies from your body. And expands.
Feel the soothing and rejuvenating energy of the Green light moving and circulating though all your energy body. Feel peaceful, relaxed. You are healed now. This is deep healing, cleansing meditation, which connects your energy with the Higher self, and the power of archangel Raphael.
Stay a while now, until your body is ready.

5. Archangel Raphael steps back and smiles, thank him for that beautiful healing. He assures you that you can call on him with intention of healing and repairing any time you want.
    Arch. Michael ~
    Now arch. Michael is here, in front of you. See his powerful wings and energy of deep blue Light. He looks so strong and confident. He will send empowerment to you. Visualize from the Crown of your head streaming golden or white light, it flows down to your heart, and to your Solar Plexus. In this area is your Tan Tien – or willing, intention, identity energy. In this area you can plant any seed of flower, which can blossom with intention and willing. We grow now the seed of Blue flame lotus flower, it is designed to release any negative emotions, to release fear, and to boost willpower, self-discipline, strength, independence. This flower will make you aligned with energy body and accept the will of God. It will help you build good boundaries with others, be Confident about who you are, be persistent. All these are the qualities of the Blue flame.

Nina* Lea-nour 
Angel`s medium 
© Copyrighted material 2019

Monday, January 28, 2019

Four of Swords

Sun and Moon Tarot - Vanessa Decort

     All suits of Four represent exposing of negative qualities – feeling of loss, fear of loss, isolation or failure (in any sphere –material-pentacles, emotional-cups, psychological – swords…) Four is fear of something coming into living presence – or manifesting your fears.

Four as numerical value corresponds to earth element, grounding, limited choices, limited in the physical world, practical approach, focus on the material. It also can mean: lesson of healing (or letting go of negative traits or attitudes.)
4 of Swords is related with time of tiredness, feeling out of the world, wounded, need of healing mind and body.

-      Need for rest, retreat, recuperation, relaxation
-      Time of recovery from emotional challenges, hard period
-      Time of contemplation, meditation
-      Recovery after illness, time alone, isolation
-      Contemplating of the past loss
-      Need of spiritual insights, meditation, prayer, reaching purity of mind
Spiritual message: I need to heal, relax and rejuvenate in order to continue my path with focused efforts.

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

© copyrighted material 2019

Three of Swords


       The 3 is associated with fire element – and forms the trinity groups of three – Chariot – Knight. Three in all suits represents spirit of togetherness, cooperation, social time. In Swards the meaning is reversed, it means someone is left, abandonment, loss and grief.

3 of Swords is card of broken heart, time to let go of someone in your life, losing hope, feeling alone, your heart needs to recover from painful events. It`s card of painful separation, rejection, love triangle, truth that was revealed, betrayal, hard lesson to learn. With this card there are often issues involving third person in your life. Experiencing consequences of your actions, you need to allow pain to wash through you, accept loss and move forward.
Spiritual message of 3 of Swords is: Through pain you will become stronger and learn your lessons.
Affirmation: I become stronger after period of sorrow and pain, I`ll use my faith, self-love and forgiveness to overcome that situation.
The three of Swords also represents cutting cords of attachment to someone, who is no longer in your life, someone dear to you.

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

© Copyrighted material

Two of Swords

    Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot                                                Tarot of the Mystical Forest     
       In all suits two (2) signifies union of two souls (relationship), connection with a person, or a conflict between two sides, hesitation, need to choose the best option between two. (two of Swards). Always it includes kind of decision, doubt and choices between two options. 2 usually relates as numerical value to feminine energy (corresponds to High Priestess 2).

      The archangel of 2 is Gabriel, color is indigo-blue (violet), it brings the energy of water, insights, dreams, past lives, sub conscious mind, moon energy, world of feelings, clairvoyance, clairallience.
    The energy of the card relates also to the court card Queen and the trinity – Two – Priestess – Queen (water element).

     Two of Swords is very clear card showing need for making a decision. You need to use the power of intellect, and mindfulness. But this will be period of confusion, rather than clear thinking. This card is usually represented by a maiden holding two swards crossed in opposite directions. She has tied eyes, so she cant see the world around her. That signifies her need to look inside and to calm her mind. This is a painful decision, that can take time, it can show the person has blocked heart energy, he is on a cross road.

This card can be connected to: fears, denial to see the truth, being caught in a cage, past pains or relationships are affecting you now, being unable to see situation clearly, hard choices. Indicates indecisiveness, time hard to make choices between two options; This is a time to not rush to take any decision. First be sure to quiet your mind, take time inwards, feel and think over.
Spiritual message: Don’t be afraid to face the truth, clear your mind. Now is not time to take any fast or emotional based decisions.
Spiritual affirmation: My mind is open and clear, I`m strong so I can make the right choice corresponding to my life purpose. New horizons will open for me. 
Planet: Moon (mystic, psychic connection, feminie) in Libra.

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

© Copyrighted material 

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords I.
From Crystal visions Tarot by Genifer Galasso
     In all suits Ace represents positive qualities, abilities to manifest, new beginnings, union, positive energy, high personal power, inspiration, new opportunities, new doors are open. It`s up to you though, if you will use these qualities and if you will walk through the doors of Light. It signifies that you have all what you desire, just if you are able to use your positive qualities, stay focused on your goal.
All aces are associated with the card 1 – The Magician – who possesses and works with all elements. (The energy of Aces is also related to the court card King, as abundance (of emotions, creative energy…), and manifestation. So the card forms the trinity – Ace- Magician -King.

     Ace of Swords gives the aspect of Power of mind to manifest things, the challenges, battles of mind. Here we have the potential of ideas, new projects, process of awakening and ability to transform reality. It shows sphere of Intellect, mind, power and victory, strength of mind, mental clarity, decisiveness, time to act, assertiveness, confidence in own abilities, brake through. The question of this card is: how your mind will be used – in positive or negative way? You are on the verge of bringing new ideas, creative inspiration, clear decision. Also be prepared for a battle and period of strength to overcome challenges. You need to use your intellect in order to win this situation. Ace of Swards will give you victory, action, epiphany. Use power of your intellect to act and don’t be slow. Start your battle in very positive sense. Be clear and open in your communication. Solving through discussion. Consider new opportunities.
Spiritual affirmation: I`m powerful being, I can achieve all things with clear mind and intelligence.
In combination with Justice card – achieving Justice and truth revealed.

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

© Copyrighted material 2019

Suit of Swords (Tarot)

     Suit of Swords represents the air element (usually season spring), power of Mind, intellect, ability to make right choices, mindfulness, overcoming inner struggle and sorrow. Swords are connected to deeper psychology of mind, and from there they are related to darker aspects of confusion, doubtfulness, being lost, loneliness, feeling sorrow and need to clear the Mind. Swords are quite important for reaching higher levels of Consciousness and being aware for the worlds challenges. It is element that cuts the energetic cords of attachments, its power is with arch. Michael, and it gives person the positive quality of releasing, letting go of any pain.
     Swords are associated also with important aspects of Truth and Justice, and learning Karmic lessons. How we can express our truth, are we mindful and aware in the situation. They are revealing Higher Consciousness, karmic relationships, overcoming obstacles and illusions of life, Mindfulness.

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 
© Copyrighted material 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Black Obsidian ~Crystal of protection

Weekly post on Crystals ~ 

     There are so many precious stones with function of protection, shielding and cleansing aura. But these are particularly strong: black obsidian, black onyx, black tourmaline.

      The black color in stones are very good working to absorb the negative energies and to amplify quality of protection of human energy and mind.
All of these stones work as powerful shields against psychic attacks or negative vibrations, intentions or entities that may come in the space. Another important feature of these stones is their ability for grounding and receiving stability from earth` s energy. That’s why they are connected with the source of Root chakra.

I.             Black Obsidian ~
       It is a pale black to translucent variety of volcanic glass, which is lava formed cooled fast. That’s why its energy is combined from elements of fire and earth.  Sometimes it is called “wizard stone”, as it brings all energies in balance, removes negative thoughts and feelings, enhances self-control, self-power and positive attitude. This is amazing stone for grounding and releasing anger or anxiety.

Obsidian can also shield you against electromagnetic stress and negative fields of television, devises and mobile phones. Good idea is to put a black obsidian egg or sphere near to your PC when you work. In the same time this magical stone can aid good understanding and cleansing karma from family relationships; if you have psychic gift you can use black obsidian to connect or bring light from your ancestors to your life, or to ask them for assistance in hard situation.

This stone is also known as “stone of truth”, so you can use it to remove any illusions, darkness and lies in your relationships and life. It can “cut” cords of negative relationships, helps in karma cleansing, clears away inner blockages, fears or resistance. That’s why this black stone is so powerful and often used in magical or shamanic rituals.

-      Another important property is protection of person to whom obsidian connects in energy level. It vacuums out the negative vibrations from the aura and leave it cleansed. In the same time use obsidian to surround your body with beautiful sphere of dark blue light of protection, which will make you feel safety and stability.
-      Black obsidian can also help in concentration, and aids psychic abilities, as the person will be able to perceive near events, or to understand truth about important questions of his life.
-      In Feng Shui you can use this magical stone in the North part of your home (room), where it will protect with energy of black water element.
-      the stone can be used as physical cure for detoxifying body, improving blood circulation, helping physical pain, specially in bones, joints and nervous system, comforting nervousness.

-      Take one black obsidian – or any of the three protective stones (tourmaline, onyx), when you travel. It can clear away obstacles (when it is programmed so), and surround you with field of protection. Before travel you can use the stone, praying to arch. Raphael, or arch. Michael for safe travel.
-      It helps to overcome bad habits, addictions, and eating disorders

       All of three black stones have ability to heal and enhance your past life karma and past painful experiences. That’s why use them in practice of past life travel, regression and karma cleansing rituals. These stones will return your inner power and remove any fears from your life or around situations of uncertainty.

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

© Copyrighted material

Angels and Crystals correspondences ~

This is list of the angelic correspondences with crystals, flowers, forms, grains, nuts, elements, colors. It can be used in a ceremonies for angel invocations, prayers and rituals for cleansing.

I. Transformation and Power angels ~
 ~ Michael (red jasper, Sunstone, tigers eye, Ruby)
 ~ Nathaniel (fire agate, carnelian, garnet, sardonyx)
~ Uriel (yellow aventurine, yellow jade, yellow calcite, golden Topaz, amber, heliodor, carnelian, yellow selenite) 
 ~ Metatron (red, green Quartz, smoky Quartz, diamond, topaz)

Sacred flower: red, orange hibiscus
Grains food: beans, broad beans, string beans  
Nuts: Pistachio, pumpkin seeds
Fruits: pomegranate, orange, grapefruit, tomato
Sacred geometry sign: Triangle, Pyramid (inside circle)
Symbol: Sward (of gold), torch, flame
Totem bird: Eagle
Element: Fire, Sun light
Elementals: salamander
Candle color: red, golden
Ritual days: Sunday, Tuesday, 3 rd.

II. Love and Healing energy angels ~
  ~ Raphael (emerald, green jade, green quartz, green calcite, malachite, prehnit, peridot, Chrysocola, Chrysoprase, green aventurine)
  ~ Ariel (Rose Quartz, pink, green jade, aventurine, lemon jade)
  ~ Chammuel (Rose Quartz, cherry quartz, red aventurine, pink kunzite, pink selenite, pink moonstone, pink rainbow fluorite)
  ~ Haniel (Pink and mauve moonstone, angelite, pink selenite, morganite, rhodonite, pink jade)
Sacred flower: pink rose (for Raphael –pale yellow rose)
Grains food: yellow lentils, green peas, green beans
Nuts: almonds, Indian nut, macadamia
Fruits: lemon, lime, strawberry, cherry
Sacred Geometry: equal arm cross in a circle, eight pointed star
Symbol: Planet earth, pink butterfly, Lemon tree, lemon
Element: Earth, Tree, flower, Air
Totem bird: peacock, hummingbird
Elementals: gnomes, elves, tree spirits
Candle color: light green, pink
Ritual days: Wednesday, Friday, 4.

III. Purity, cleansing, clearing angels ~

~ Gabriel (white, blue opals, selenite, white, blue moonstone, sapphire, aquamarine, white, blue jade, pearls, white agate, blue calcite, clear quartz, citrine, angelite, aqua aura quartz)
~ Jophiel (peach tourmaline, pink tourmaline, pink jade, pink moonstone, pink, peach, blue opals, pink selenite, morganite)
~ Raguel (Angelite, blue jade, blue calcite, kyanite, blue halcedony, blue moonstone)
~ Muriel (blue and white moonstone, blue opals, kyanite, aquamarine, aqua aura quartz)
~ Sandalphon (blue turquoise, howlite, sapphire, blue quartz)
Sacred flower: white, light blue lotus (water lily)
Scent: Jasmine, snowdrops, lily of the valley
Grains foods: rice, sesame, poppy seeds
Nuts: coconut, sesame, hazelnut
Fruits: white grapes, coconut; melon
Sacred Geometry sign: crescent moon (left side*), nine pointed star, blue fish
Element: Water, sacred water: river, lake, waterfall, sea, ocean, snow, rain;
Totem bird: white dove, swan
Other flowers: snowdrops, white bells, lily of the valley, white narcissus, white rose.
Elementals: nymphs
Symbol: chalice with water, crystal glass, potion, moon; white butterfly
Candle color: white, silver
Ritual days: Monday, 2, 22.

IV. Sacred knowledge & Spiritual awakening angels ~

~ Raziel ( Tanzanite, kyanite, blue topaz, Lapis Lazuli; sodalit, Aurora quartz, blue quartz, clear quartz)
~ Remiel (Amethyst, Ametrine, kyanite, purple jade, charoite)
~ Zadkiel (Amethist, Ametrine, Danburite, Purple fluorite, Aurora Quartz)
Sacred flower: iris, purple orchid
Scent: Lavender, myrrh, vetiver
Grains food: Chiya, amaranth; Oats  
Nuts: Pecan, walnut, brazil nut
Fruits: plums, figs, blueberries, cranberries; purple grapes
Element: Ether, Spirit, Aroma essential oils
Sacred Geometry sign: Violet spiral in a circle, pentagram in circle
Totem bird: snow owl
Elementals: spirits
Symbol: Spiral, mirror with a sign of pentagram, crystal comb
Candle color: violet, purple
Ritual days: Thursday, 5 of the month.

V. Soul transition and soul soothing angels ~
~ Azrael (black obsidian, black tourmaline, black jade, black onyx)
~ Cassiel (obsidian, black tourmaline, black onyx, black spinel)
~ Seraphiel (Cryolite, Brookite, Datolite, danburite, white spinel)
~ Sariel (datolite, white agate)
~ Samael (bloodstone, ruby, garnet)

Sacred flower: Edelweiss, white oleander, white anemone
Scent: Basil, Frankincense, angelica root
Grains: wheat, cumin, oats
Nuts: acorn
Fruits: plum, blackberries, bclackcurrant
Element: all elements
Sacred Geometry: sign of infinity (horizontal eight), 3 circles inside each other and two petals from right and left; downward crescent with circle under; 2 crossed circles.
Totem bird: raven, crow (white owl for Sariel)
Elementals: ghosts, spirits, lost spirits
Symbol: book with infinity sign, cup of sacred water; black butterfly
Candle color: white, cream white
Ritual days: Saturday, 9. of the month.

Nina *Lea-nour
Angel`s medium
© Copyrighted material 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Weekly Oracle card (Master Buddha)

Master Buddha
Deep connection, trust your inner voice. 
[ Keepers of the light Oracle by Kyle Gray ]

     This week master Buddha lead us to higher awareness, finding truth in your inner self. Open to the light within you, and listen. The message of this card is silence, meditation, quiet mind, going beyond the mundane world and business of life. Being in yourself, and feeling the life from that higher perspective. Buddha shines the way of all souls now, to not be afraid to go on a spiritual path. He will guide you now!

[ Message from book: You are moving beyond the illusions that fear has created so that you can be more focused on your priorities and what is serving you on this path. All suffering eventually comes to an end, and acknowledging how you really feel and what occurred in order to feel this way will help you move beyond it. Call on master buddha now to help you remember you are part of something that is greater than suffering. The wheel of karma is turning in your favour and all your acts of kindness and goodness will benefit you. Thoughts may arise now that solve issues in your life, home, relationships or work. They are being sent to you from your inner teacher, the Buddha within. [ by Kyle Gray ]

     Be silent and meditate with the card of Master Buddha. He works in beautiful violet ray of ascension (with arch. Zadkeil) of purification, transmutation, forgiveness. He has deep healing vibration. Visualize deep violet lotus flower above your head, in Crown chakra. It is closed and starts to open slowly. As it opens you can see its petals are glowing with violet light and stream of light is coming from the centre. See how the light comes from the lotus flower in your Crown and flows down to all your body, connecting and purifying all your chakras. Feel peaceful, as the amazing power of violet ray and master Buddha cleanse your body and mind.

Thank you for tuning in! Blessings on the way of divine Light!

Nina* Lea-nour 
Angel:s medium::
© Copyrighted material 2019