Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Meditation for cleansing with arch. Raphael & arch. Michael I

     This meditation is designed to help you with healing, purifying and alignment with all bodies: physical, emotional, mental, celestial. All you need to do is be in a quiet atmosphere without noises, warm space, and in comfortable position of the body (preferably lying).

    The meditation will is also connected with the powerful archangels Raphael and Michael and blue Flame angels.
Lets begin. Lie down in comfortable position, relax and breath deeply.
Take a few minutes to focus on your breath. Empty your mind from any external thoughts, and feelings. Breath, hold the breath counting to 5 and breath out. Do that five times, or as you feel comfortable.

II. Visualization

      You are working now with your Astral Body that is your energy form. This body is always connected to your physical, but it has unlimited abilities and can do anything you want in spiritual realm. Astral body can be used for connecting with angels, flying and astral travel, healing, moving to different dimensions and meeting other Souls of departed people, or other entities in astral realm. This is your body of light used for channeling, visualizations.
Imagine yourself in your Astral body – it is always young, full of energy and shining with light of your aura. That’s your truth self. Astral body is connected with your Spirit stamp and your Higher Self. That’s why its safe to travel in your astral body. (also when you dream it is awaken.)
Imagine your body is now floating in the air. Feel calmness and peace deeply. You are safe in this realm of angelic light. Flying higher and higher, with to angelic dimensions of love and peace. Feel serenity…
You are relaxed now and totally at peace. See your astral body from aside.
It has young and fresh energy and beauty. Now focus visualize arch Raphael standing right in front of you. Feel his presence and take a moment to get aqcuianted with his emerald crystal energy. He is archangel of healing light, and repairing any problems in physical and emotional body. He is here to help you to release unwanted dark or stagnant energy in your body.

      Observe archangel Raphael, his hands are open and radiating soothing green light. His eyes look with deep compassion and love. He radiates peace. His energy wings are sparkling with emerald dark and lighter shades of light. He is smiling. …He comes close to you now. Feel his presence behind you, wrapping your back with his emerald wings. He puts his hands gently on your shoulders. Breath and adjust to his energy.
Feel how powerful he is.

3. Now be aware of new flow of healing energy coming through your body from the hands of Raphael. Focus in the area of your head. See expanding sphere of green light above your head. In that sphere bubble there is a closed green lotus flower. See how it opens slowly and gently, each petal opens and shines soothing light from the middle. Take some minutes to visualize that beautiful lotus blossom in the Crown of head.

Then see golden white light streaming from the middle of it down to your body. The light is soft and healing. That’s the pure energy from Source and from arch. Raphael. Feel it circulating within all your energy body, and filling all your cells, organs, molecules with wonderful angelic light. See all of your body shining with this light.
Now see how the light streams from your Left arm, hand, fingers and out and transforms into beautiful emerald light. As if you are radiating Light. See it flowing from your right hand, palm, fingers…from your left leg, foot, toes, then from your right leg, foot, toes. The light is circulating now through your body and flushing away all negative energies out from you.
See the green light coming out of your hands and feet, while you are connected with the power of Green lotus in your Crown chakra.

4. Now you feel lighter and lighter. See how the green light is filling and circulating like healing water all your organs. Starting from your head, brain, eyes, ears, face, nose, cheeks, mouth, teeth, tongue…Feel the muscles of all your face relaxed. Accept this light. See the green streams coming down to your neck, Throat chakra expands, to your chest, breasts, heart, lungs. Heart chakra expands with green light.

     Then the light flows down to your liver, stomach, intestines…kidneys -left and right. Solar plexus chakra expands. Then the light goes down to your intimate area, ovaries, bladder…and all, Sacral chakra expands. See it with sparkling green light.
Then the light goes down to your Root chakra, cleanses all toxins and lower energies from your body. And expands.
Feel the soothing and rejuvenating energy of the Green light moving and circulating though all your energy body. Feel peaceful, relaxed. You are healed now. This is deep healing, cleansing meditation, which connects your energy with the Higher self, and the power of archangel Raphael.
Stay a while now, until your body is ready.

5. Archangel Raphael steps back and smiles, thank him for that beautiful healing. He assures you that you can call on him with intention of healing and repairing any time you want.
    Arch. Michael ~
    Now arch. Michael is here, in front of you. See his powerful wings and energy of deep blue Light. He looks so strong and confident. He will send empowerment to you. Visualize from the Crown of your head streaming golden or white light, it flows down to your heart, and to your Solar Plexus. In this area is your Tan Tien – or willing, intention, identity energy. In this area you can plant any seed of flower, which can blossom with intention and willing. We grow now the seed of Blue flame lotus flower, it is designed to release any negative emotions, to release fear, and to boost willpower, self-discipline, strength, independence. This flower will make you aligned with energy body and accept the will of God. It will help you build good boundaries with others, be Confident about who you are, be persistent. All these are the qualities of the Blue flame.

Nina* Lea-nour 
Angel`s medium 
© Copyrighted material 2019

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