Sunday, November 27, 2022

New Moon in Sagittarius - adventure, passion, creation 🌙


New Moon is portal of awakening, cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole energy body, and mostly we feel light in our Third eye, Earth Star chakra and feet chakra.

Moon is related to the Third eye in Esoteric astrology –which represents our psychic senses, awareness, sub-conscious mind, dreams and body of Astral light, our ideas and imagination. 

The new moon in Sagittarius brings new feelings of adventure, attraction, passion to create, active imagination, desire to go out in the world.

-        New moons in Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) open a cosmic portal of new beginning and personal transformation and enhancing your deepest passions, desires, talents of the soul They will be challenging if you don’t follow the path of your soul. These moons are with most flow of inspiration, understanding life lessons and going out of your shell. Some of the best things to do during these moons are: travelling, experiencing new things, meeting new people, dedicating time to your creative self, being inspired and letting go of old fears and programs.

    This beautiful new moon in Sagittarius is portal of adventure, travelling and discovery of the world and others. This is the perfect time to let go of all old fears, programs and limiting believes, that stop you from being who you truly are.

   🍂It`s time to see also the bigger picture in your life, to understand the hidden meaning behind all life lessons and to set new intentions.

   Portal of Light  ★

      Sagittarius is sign of shapeshifter, traveller and mutable Fire element. That means he loves taking risks and going in a new direction. This sing loves meeting new people, adventures and not afraid following his passions. That’s why he may learn many different life lessons.

    During Sagittarius new moon we are opening to world of new possibilities, also new challenges. One of the most prominent qualities of Sagittarius is optimism and enthusiasm for starting something new. With this energy you can transform your life, if you want to.

In this time we can work on our Solar Plexus chakra and Soul Star chakra to activate the Divine warrior energy and fire element within.

The best crystals you can work with are: orange aventurine, yellow jade, amber. You can also wear accessories with colours of Sagittarius – yellow, peach, golden, light orange, green.

This is perfect time for ★

-        cleansing and charging your yellow crystals, amber, citrine, aventurine

-        for meeting new people, friends

-        Planning a long trip, new adventure

-        Starting new creative project 

Alchemical element: Light ★

Light is alchemical element with higher vibration than Fire, but with similar qualities. It is Yang –masculine element, its qualities are transformation, Ascension, illumination, wisdom, expansion.

Through Light we connect to our Super Conscious mind and our Higher Self presence.

Colours: bright yellow, golden

Angels: Uriel, Ambriel

Geometric pattern: 2 triangles within each other and a spiral inside

Light is the element of wisdom and illumination, the number vibration is 7 (777). We receive this element through our Solar Plexus chakra.

Some great questions to ask yourself in your journal at this time } 

-        What are my deepest desires? What do I want to create?

-        Am I connected to my creative Self?

-        How much time I dedicate for my talents and hobbies?

-        Am I on the path of my Soul?

-        Do I feel complete and enough in myself?

-        What are my greatest fears/ challenges at this time?

-        DO I have unfinished project and business?

-        What new things I feel attracted to?

-        What is my communication with others?

-        Do I spend enough time with my friends?

Answer these questions in your journal, so you can have more clarity and self reflection, which is very valuable on your journey.

Thank you for tuning in! Please like, share and subscribe, or buy me a coffee. 🍨

💭#new moon #Sagittarius # energy #Astrology #elements #angels 

Nina Nour Bluebell ©
Medium, reiki healer
   Nov. -20-2022 ★

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Full moon in Taurus & Lunar Eclipse - Emerald light of Safety 🌔


   Full moon connects on the ethereal level with our Third eye chakra (or Pineal gland) and activates it. Third eye and the Subconscious mind are influenced strongly by the Moon phases.

As the moon grows and becomes full, we feel where are our strengths, talents and gifts and where are our weaknesses, on what we need to put our focus. 🌔

🦋      All Earth signs full moons make ark of end of Ancestral karma cleansing, healing of physical body, connecting with earth, grounding, nature, elemental, fairies, persistency, making meaningful progress, daily habits, organization of space, home, family, money and material world. This is time for connecting with your body, inner self, reflecting on your diet and eating habits, gardening. 

In this full moon we need to observe and acknowledge the qualities of Taurus sign – persistency, stability, acceptance, self-discipline. Taurus is a beautiful fixed sign, and one of the positive characteristics of it is builder and keeper of home. This is energy of steady progress and diligent efforts to the goal.

Nothing happens for a day or overnight – and most of our goals need daily efforts. Building habits of persistency and discipline is the key to all what we need.

Alchemical Element *

  This shining full moon reflects our need to be who we really are, without pretending. The element that we activate and nurture in this time is Earth (Taurus sign) and Water (Scorpio), both are elements of divine feminine (Yin) energy. We activate the sense of stability, safety, nurturing and care of the physical body, self-love. This full moon has the colours of Taurus – emerald green. 

Major themes in this full moon to focus on are: family, ancestors, home, children, nature, safety, money, carriers, health.

There is always perfect time for understanding why certain things, issues or repeated cycles arise in life. At this time you can observe some patterns in your family relationships, illness or healthy habits, connection with your children and connection with your home and money.

Taurus is sign of Keeper of Earth, so on this full moon we can reflect on our connection to the Earth in all its forms (as Gaia, nature, elementals, fairies, trees, crystals). Earth is our source of health and gives us immense power.

The chakras to work on are: Earth star, Throat and Higher heart.

This is perfect time for journaling and here are some questions as usually for you to write down *

-        What things I could change in my home or environment?

-        Do I feel satisfied with my carrier and income?

-        Do I have good connection with my children?

-        What do I need to change in my relationship with children?

-        What do I need to change in my relationships with my parents?

-        Do I have healthy eating habits?

-        What do I need to change in diet so to be healthier?

-        Do I practice sport or daily exercise?

-        What is my dream job and what income I want to have?

-        Do I spend enough time outside in nature?

-        DO I speak my truth in all times?

-        Do I feel safe and grounded to earth?

The best way is to write down these questions in your diary and then answer them as you think about each one. 

Chakras to work on: Throat, Feet, Earth star

Angels to connect: Raphael, Ariel

Crystals for meditation and grid: emerald, green jade, malachite, green moss agate.

You can use also essential oils for the full moon, and make your intentions for the next Moon cycle; suitable oils are cypress and pine oil.

Say the mantra of Earth every day to help you feel more grounded:

“I`m like Earth, I `m stable, safe, grounded and persistent on my goals. I connect with all nature and trees. I know all seeds planted will bear fruits one day.”

(If you want to know more about effects of this Full moon and Lunar eclipse in Taurus, you can check in which house is Taurus in your natal chart, and in which sign is the planet Venus.)

Thank you for tuning in! Please like, share and subscribe, or buy me a coffee. 💜

#full moon #Taurus #Lunar eclipse #Taurus moon #journaling

Nina Nour Bluebell *
Medium, reiki healer
Nov. -8-2022 ©

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Chakras and imprints of Karma - Angelic Guidance (Muladhara)


This is message channelled with the help of arch. Jeremiel and my angels.

In this first part of the article I will observe the first chakra Muladhara (Root) and the important characteristics, negative attachments and imprints and give ways to heal it.

Here we talk about the cause and root of any disease and how it appears on ethereal energy level, how it looks like in each chakra.

             What is a disease? *

Every disease or illness appears as a dark imprint of energy on ethereal level. That can be also a negative block or ancestral trauma behind any disease, which makes it very hard to identify the Real cause of it.

There are multiple causes for each disease or illness related to the place in the body, the time and ages of appearance. We need to know that every disease (the same as our body) is multidimensional and has many layers and timelines of existence. That should be clear before we start to understand the issues of a disease deeper.

    The dark ethereal imprint (disease) looks like a dark (grey or blackish, in some cases red) plasma or a smoke on the cells. This plasma sticks on the certain cells, molecules, tissues or DNA in human body – on ethereal level.

There is a specific way that the disease as a dark cloud comes from ethereal to the physical level which is:

1.     by persistency

2.     repeated patterns (multiple times repetitions)

3.     by Karmic or ancestral imprints

Once the negative imprint has been manifested on a physical level, it starts to appear to a person as a “symptom” of illness – a pain or discomfort in the body.

We need to be aware that the nature of the disease is very complex. They don’t come just from one source, just once.

Important factor for appearance of a disease is the cellular memory”.

(As each cell, DNA, molecule has imprints of memory –that I`ll discuss in another article).

Now I`ll start to explain in more details the nature of disease or dark ethereal plasma, in each chakra, starting from Root.

                         Muladhara chakra negative imprints and karma 

Muladhara (the Root) chakra is the one related to the patterns of Ancestral karma – which can be found as negative imprint on the cells, tissues, molecules and DNA of the Skeletal system (skull, bones, backbone, tendons, ankles, teeth) and Muscles in the body.

That means, on ethereal level all diseases and trauma related to the Skeletal system or muscles are connected with:

-        Ancestral karma clearing (in cellular memory)

-        Fear of abandonment

-        Fear of losing safety, security, home

-        Fear related to home, money, property and material possessions

-        Insecurity and fear related to your father, or grandfathers from your father`s lineage

-        Past life karma about safety, home, money, possessions

-        Past life karma with your father, or grandfather

All these give image of very broad perspective of the cause of any such disease or trauma. Most people born on this planet have such negative imprint in their first chakra (and their Skeletal system). But for many the negative imprint (form of disease) is in latent (inactive) state. Sadly this state can turn to be “active” in certain conditions – or by experiencing strong traumatic event, strong fear or near death experience.

  Be aware –that also means within each disease there are keys to awakening of the soul.

         Steps to heal negative imprint and Celestial lights 

    You can heal any disease by clearing and healing all layers of possible causes – and on the first place clearing Ancestral karma. That clearing happens with meditations, ritual and/or spiritual practice. Especially helpful for Ancestral karma cleansing are AA Michael and AA Sandalphon. Celestial light that should be invoked to clear the negative patterns in the cells is Turqoise or Ruby light.

    Ruby light has the ability to cleanse the cellular memory and all traumatic experiences from your bones, backbone and skeletal system, tendons, muscles, teeth and feet. This light is related to Divine masculine (Yang) and the energy of activation, home, money, possessions and ability to provide for yourself.

Person who has blockages, or negative imprint in his skeletal system, muscles, tendons…will have mostly cluttered home, unclean areas at home, he may have anxiety and fear around money, home, safety, property; he may also have conflict, trauma or negative emotions and dishonest relationship with his father. As all things are connected in universe.

The ethereal stamp of protection of first chakra Muladhara is 4 pointed ruby star (pyramid) in a circle of golden light; another stamp is golden spiral. 

The first chakra connects your soul with the energy of Divine warrior and divine masculine. 

In order to cleanse and heal this chakra you need to have regular spiritual practice and cleanse your skeletal system, muscles, tendons with celestial ruby light. You need to develop feeling of safety and security and energy ways of protection in any situation. As first chakra is the base of all, similar to the roots of the tree.

The eternity flow (energy flow moving in shape of 8) of the Root chakra is with the Solar Plexus (stomach area) above and with the feet chakra below. In this flow the energy moves from your Muladhara down to your feet (left), and then from your right foot up again to Muladhara and up to your Solar Plexus. That’s how your Root remains balanced, healthy and aligned.

Thank you for tuning in! Please like, share and subscribe, or buy me a coffee. 🍵

#angels #chakras #healing light #Jeremiel #Muladhara

If you are interested read the next articles here:

Nina Nour Bluebell *
 Medium, reiki healer
  Nov. -06-2022  ©

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Channelled message from AA Jeremiel (November) ⭐


Greetings children of Light, 

I am here with important message for all humans at this time. The timelines split happened and the Earth is going through final ascension stage now.

    Many of you successfully released old programs, shadow and completed long healing journey. Angels and higher powers are with you at this time for help and assistance. But the integration, healing and upgrade can be done only by you.

At this time many souls may feel confused and in doubt of their own path. Also many other souls who completed initiations of this year, will start to immerge with new Light. Now you are receiving and integrating in your body, cells, molecules, DNA the new light codes. They are codes of Higher consciousness and opening to a new potential of the Soul.

You realise how many earthly incarnations and earth lessons you have passed. Your Soul is growing, expanding and upgrading and that process was accelerated in the past 3 years.

   We want to share with you that you have passed through your Karmic cleansing process – and if you read this message your Ancestral karma cleansing is complete. You are like a new seed immerging from the soil and slowly opening up to the Sun. This is the Sun of new life and Love in alignment with your Higher wisdom.

   Also, please know that you have received energy downloads to upgrade and restore your Light in your DNA and cells. Your DNA vibrates now in much higher frequency, on ethereal level.

   We are here to assist you during this process of alignment. You start to integrate and build your new spiritual body (grid), and synchronise it with the crystalline core of the Earth, Moon and Sun.

You are children of this earth, but many of you are still not aware how important is your role. Humanity is about to go though a long way of darkness, until it reaches to the final point.

I arch. Jeremiel and angels of the blue flame are sending you Ascension and healing codes of blue-violet light.

Accept them in your Heart and Crown chakra now.

You are restored and finally you begin to notice and connect with your own body of matter and with all systems in it.

This month be aware of some discomfort and acceleration of energy in your brain, eyes and nervous system. You need to be careful about what information – pictures, audio – you take in. Information is like a food for the brain and your nervous system needs detoxification too. Notice your reactions, emotions and observe as if you are outside of your body. What do you see?

   For many souls on the path of Ascension and soul expansion, you will feel very different this time. You accept and tap into your full power and potential. You no longer need to be approved and accepted as before – your soul is free, not trapped from social restrictions.

You will realize this months many spiritual truths about your Self and your soul`s journey.

The more advanced part of humans (the souls that are prepared for it) are now free from all limitations of Karma, Ancestral lineage, contract imprisonment and vows. You have completely new upgraded light body, which will be integrated in your body, cells, DNA, Heart, blood in the next 13 months.


Sending you blessings and healing light codes.

AA Jeremiel

channelled by

Nina Nour Bluebell 
  Medium, reiki healer
   Nov. 2-2022 ©

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

November Energy -Angels, Kabbalah & Crystal healing 🍂


November energy is continued ascension, expansion and change in multidimensional reality. That will play out in different ways for each individual and for the collective. This is month of the fluid and shape shifting Water element. This month we can see many shadows, trauma and karma revealed, some dark aspects will come to surface to be released. That dark aspects can also reside in the collective sub-consciousness. 

That’s why we need to be prepared for this energy. This month brings vitality, energy and inspiration, together with high emotional (or dramatic) influxes. That’s totally understandable when we can see all the way we came from since the beginning of 2022.

Cosmic Vibration for November 🍂

 This year November holds the cosmic vibration code [8] – which reflects Celestial WATER. It looks like waves of metallic indigo blue light, violet and golden shine. As this is energy of the Cosmic waterfalls – we can see all things amplified – whatever you focus, intend or manifest will be swift and flowing.

This is number of divine Consciousness and divine Karma cleansing, healing and abundance. Also the energy holds the key to letting go of old programs of the mind and old patters of the soul.

Letting GO is major theme during the whole year.

Angels ...

This is the energy of Arch. Jeremiel, arch. Raziel and the blue flame angels that come like ocean waves to surround us with protection. You need to be aware of your energy and environment and know how to create psychic shield around you. That is the lesson from the indigo blue and splendid violet light of Jeremiel – angel of past lives, memories, psychic gift, clairvoyance, mystical wisdom.

This angel will help you to open up your personal Akashic records –and to connect with your past lives that are reflecting some experiences of your soul in this life.

You can have special dreams, visions and intuitive messages at this time. You can also feel opening of your Third eye and Pineal gland, as it starts to be flooded with light particles.

Kabbalah and the Tree of Life  🍁

Kabbalah is the mystical tradition that reveals the universe of vibration, number and essence through the 10 Sefirot of the Tree of Life. This is major alchemical symbol which can be found in many religions and practices.

This month the corresponding Sefirot is Da`at (Knowledge) – which is the conscious power of Creation. This sefirot is directly under Keter (Crown) and corresponds to posterior brain (cerebellum).

There are many kind of knowledge within this universe – in tradition of Kabbalah there are 4 types: Higher knowledge, Hidden knowledge, Lower knowledge and Extended knowledge.

The spiritual state of Da`at is yichud –unification.

During November we are in the consciousness of Da`at – moving from darkness to Light (and visa versa), revealing hidden knowledge of Self and the universal laws.

Alchemical elements: Water x2 

During this month we have amazing presence of double water element. That comes with the power of cleansing, awareness and mystical wisdom. The cosmic vibration of 8 is Water and in the same time we have entered the Scorpio season or Portal of Still water until 23 of November. Water is Yin (feminine) element and very powerful for cleansing, healing, purification, rejuvenation. It connects to our emotional body, spirit and psychic energy. With this element we are invited to heal our past (including past lives) and karmic relationships. Going inward and regular spiritual practices will bring the balance back to you.

In November you need to be more careful about your emotions and the way you express your emotions.

Health and body 💛

On a physical level this indigo –violet energy can manifests as disruptions in your nervous system (brain, memory, eyes, ears, head, hair) and all nervous cells.

Be careful about what information you see and listen, as that is feeding your brain cells. What you collect as information has a big impact on your whole system.

Major Portals 

This month we have 3 amazing energy portals – the first one opens on 8 -11 –with the FULL moon in Taurus sign. The key number of this portal also connects us to Water element, together with Earth they form magnificent healing energy. The second portal is on 11-11 which is portal of Soul alignment with the Highest cosmic plane. This portal is guided by the light of AA Raziel and rainbow light angels.

The third Portal is the New moon on 23-11 – in the sign of Sagittarius which will bring the start (or end) of changes, wonders and manifestation.

Crystal healing

To nurture your water energy and to become more focused and calm I recommend you to work with these beautiful crystals in November: lapis Lazuli, azurite, blue kyanite, black tourmaline, blue agate, amethyst, shungite, green tourmaline.

You can make a simple grid with small crystals and one bigger in the middle, or you can meditate with one crystal in your left hand. You can also place a piece of lapis lazuli (or other blue stone) on your Third eye chakra and meditate with it for 20 min. in this way you can connect with the mystical knowledge of this stone valued so much in Ancient Egypt.

If you want to connect with goddess energy, the goddess of this month is Inanna (Ishtar) and the spiritual stamp is Octagram –eight pointed star in circle of indigo blue light.

During these dates you need to be especially careful with your health (diet) and interaction with other people: 8,9,10/ 25,26,27,28.

Spiritual themes for November

 🥑       connect and nurture your Divine feminine

🥑       think about the ebb and flow of your emotions. How do you nurture your emotions?

🥑       What are your personal boundaries?

🥑        What are your dreams/ visions for the future?

🥑       Being more present in yourself, creating space, preserving your energy.

Wishing you beautiful November! 

Thank you for tuning in! You can like, share and subscribe, or buy me a coffee. 🍨

# angels #ascension # energy update #november 💭

 Nina Nour Bluebell *
  Medium, reiki healer
  Nov. -1-2022 ©