Monday, August 29, 2022

New Moon in Virgo - Healing the Emotional Body (+ Journaling)🌙


   The new Moon is portal of awakening, cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole energy body, and mostly we feel light in our Third eye, Sacral and Earth Star chakra. 🌙

Moon is related to the Third eye in Esoteric astrology –which represents our psychic senses, awareness, sub-conscious mind, dreams and body of Astral light, our ideas and imagination too.


Alchemical element ★

 We are in the beautiful Virgo season when all energies are connected with the sacred Earth, grounding, safety and rejuvenation. This element is magnified by the presence of elementals, fairies and tree spirits from ethereal realm. There is a gentle flow of healing green light from the core of the Earth and the core of Moon, integrating and connecting all our energy bodies in harmony.

Earth element is of grounding, protection and manifesting all things into reality.

Earth has nurturing and healing energy connecting us to divine Feminine. Virgo is a sign of self-reflection, love, discipline and service to others.

For some people this is the perfect time to clean, organize and de-clutter their home space and life; for others is cycle of healing, self love and acceptance of the past.

Journaling for the New moon ★

Some interesting questions I suggest to journal at this time ✎

      Do I have proper diet and eating habits?

        What can I do to improve my health and well being?

       What addictions and negative habits are hindering me?

      Is my home clean and well organized?

     What objects/ clothes do I need to de clutter and remove?

        Am I connected with people who are not for my highest good?

        What steps I can take to help the nature and to have more sustainable life?

You can answer these questions in your journal and add more from yourself.

Virgo season & earth connection 🌙

The Sun in Virgo represents our values, principles and practical ideas moved into reality. The energy of Sun signifies the Solar Plexus, our personal power, masculine energy of movement in certain direction. We need to understand what practical steps to take in order to accomplish our goals; what personal traits and habits we need to work on? Virgo is sign of the healer, traveller and shape shifter of earth – in Tarot “The Hermit” card. This is amazing sign of wisdom, self reflection and inner work.

Earth represents the connection between the sub-conscious mind (roots) and the conscious mind (fruits).

At this time you can work on your Heart chakra healing it with beautiful green flame, nurturing your emotions.


                                  art by Nicoletta Cecoli 

Meditation with Arch. Raphael and green crystals 

Lie down and relax in a comfortable place; You can light up a candle or make aroma diffuser with your favourite essential oils.

Now place on each chakra one green crystal of your choice. That can be green fluoride, green aventurine, prehnite, chrysocolla.

Feel the energy of these stones flowing through all your chakras and opening the healing channel of green light.

This is light of healing angels and arch. Raphael, who offer deep cleansing, healing and protection of your body.

Imagine how your Crown chakra opens with beautiful green lotus petals. Say within yourself or out loud: I open cleanse and rejuvenate my Crown chakra with healing green light. I remove now all negative cords, blocks, fears, entities and Karma away from my Sahasrara. Let it be transformed into white light.

When you repeat this affirmation with each chakra from up to down – visualize stream of healing green “tube” of light in the middle of your body from head to the base of your spine, connecting all chakras.

Say: I am safe and protected child of Green light. I`m healed, I`m rejuvenated.”

You can repeat this mantra of healing every day until the Full moon in Pisces.

Additionally: You can make healing grid using mix of green crystals by your choice – (recommended is green aventurine, jade, crysocolla) clear quartz and black obsidian for protection. Make the grid as a six pointed star symbolizing the Heart centre, and place clear quartz points as the sun rays going outward.

You can leave this grid to work until the next New moon.

Affirmation of the Hermit ✪

(You can repeat this afformation daily until next new moon)

I know where my direction is, I am on my way of soul awakening. I am always connected with the divine power within. I acknowledge the Light in the heart of every human being. I see the things from higher perspective; I don’t judge others, I`m compassionate. I travel within myself. I reflect on my own thoughts and actions. 

 Thank you for tuning in! You can like, share and subscribe, or buy me a coffee. 💕

Nina Lea-Nour ©
Angel`s medium 
August, 2022 

Sunday, August 14, 2022

About Angels - Q & A with AA Haniel


These are questions and answers with my angels and Archangel Haniel on the topic of Angels and humanity.

Q:      How angels relate to humans? What is their frequency and how do they look like? ★

Angels are beings of Celestial light (flame) with a very high frequency. In fact this is the highest octaves in Universes, as they live in the highest dimension. Their essence is Light and divine flame. So they are creator beings. That means angels are able to create high frequency existing forms/ beings in the Universe – like planets, galaxies. Of course not all of them, as Angels have strong hierarchy and they have light in many different levels. The process of creation is very complicated for humans mind, but it is similar to how you create anything – machines, computers, art, technology, architecture.

Angels do not have particular fixed form, because they live in Celestial planes, where there is no form. That means all existing forms can be changed, multiplied and they are not fixed. The beings of Light live in Angelic Universes – that are like Spheres (or discs), within spheres, located out of any time-space reality. Therefore they are endless and eternal. Yes, they have “beginning” but they are endless.

Angels live in Spheres of harmonious coherence – of Unity, Divine love and Truth, They can transcend time-space, dimensions and forms. They can also create multiple or millions different forms simultaneously. That is called “Space coherence”.

They can infuse their energy into different form, thoughts, objects, levels and dimensions. That’s how angelic healing and meditation work. As they infuse their energy into our thought-form with meaning “Angel” you see them as human-like beings with wings.

We vibrate with billions of different frequencies, with colour, light, sound and geometric patterns. As humans you can not just “see” an angel with your minds eye, but also feel him, smell or listen to the presence of an angel. However, all that will be limited by your 3D senses.

Angels are often in form” of Light spheres (orbs) – one, two or many interlacing orbs together. They can appear as light spirals within sphere, as stars or other geometric forms.


Q.:     Do angels have identity or different personalities? ★

Yes, Angels do have special identity, which makes them vibrating with different colour spectrum, light and frequency tone. However, they do not have Ego nor “ego mind” like humans. Their energy system is in supreme perfection, so that they can work together in perfect Union of energy. That is, and will continue to be impossible for humans.

Also, have in mind that Angels and Archangels are creators, they do take decisions – but they are only based on Universal laws, principle of Unity, universal harmony and coherence.

We are responsible to bring to existence and manage a whole list of universal laws – like the Law of Karma (there are angels of Karma), of coherence, Law of attraction (mirroring), law of free will and many more.

Q:      How angels can interact with us, if we are not aware of their presence and do they interfere sometimes? ★

Angels do not interfere with the life-choices of humans and with their direction. But on a global level they have ways to direct the humanity evolution and spiritual awakening to Higher dimensions. That is because one of the purposes of the human life is expansion, evolution and development.

Because you have shut down” your higher senses and can not perceive the spiritual reality, you compensate the urge for development” with material 3D level expansion.

That spiritual evolution of humans has reverberation in the whole galaxy and affects many other planets.

Some humans are entangled with lower frequency and are controlled by dark beings agenda. That happened many times in planetary history. (For that you need to be aware that some humans copy the exact structure of control and model of “demonic societies”) These dark beings live in the lower Astral levels and are called “demons”. They are conscious, but their feelings and sensitivity vibrate very low.


Q:    How angels connect with human dimensions if they live in very high frequency? ★

Angels can change their form and synchronize their energy with the dimension of time-line they are appearing in. That happens only through intention, as their frequency can manifest immediately. So humans are able to connect with angels and perceive them in different forms.

Of course humans are not able to “see the angels in their full spectrum of light, because of their limited potential and limited level.

When human beings are in their “light-body”, they can see the angels much more clearly and communicate with them. That happens in this level of consciousness only through meditation, dream or Astral travel. Because these are the methods available for transcendence of time-space reality.

It`s important to understand that you as humans, have by Soul contract and creation, the same light Essence as the Angels, which is ETERnal. But you are not angels and people who are born as humans can not be as angels. That never happens. They can be assistants of angels, higher Light beings or Ascended masters.

This eternal Light makes you very precious beings.

Q: Do angels have gender? ★

Angels are without gender, as they are Light of Union and harmony, which transcend need of gender, attraction or time-space. They unite all different aspects of Soul within them. You can perceive them with more masculine qualities or more feminine qualities, but that’s just your perception. In Angelic spheres and some higher dimensions there is no duality and there are very different laws.

Angels can have something called “Twin Soul” with very different meaning of what you think of “twin flame”. That means two or more angels like to work together for a specific cause. Many people can say angels are Androgins, but that’s also not exact statement. Angels are beyond any gender, as they don not need it.


Q:    What is one of the most difficult experiences for humans here? ★

One of the most difficult experiences for you is to understand transcendence of time-space and form from your current level. Humans have this experience in your incarnation plan two times – once when you are born and once when you depart from your physical body.

Women who become mothers and give birth, also have the transcendence experience one more time (3), usually with the birth of their first child. That means from that moment the woman has available higher vibration as she somehow “changes her form” on energy level. That is how woman who give birth can go through a transformation tunnel after pregnancy – she transforms her body, mind, feelings and energy. Because you don’t know how to use your energy body and to expand spiritually, women who give birth also can` t develop and transform in a positive way. That is going to change in the future.

Another challenging experience is to learn how to live within laws of duality, which includes pain and suffering of the body, mind and soul. (..>For that to understand you don’t have straight answer, but you need to experience life as individual soul).  

Physical body of human is like structure /vessel containing the light body and codes of the Soul. You don’t have activated and developed energy body until now. Some of you activate their energy potential only to 15%. That is normal, as you live in a limited dimension.

In comparison angels have activated their light body 111 000 000 times higher than humans.

You are not expected to reach to this level of evolution, because you have your own human evolution. Also, you have an “energy chain” as we call it, connecting you to the darkness. That is because –a priory (by plan) you exist simultaneously within darkness and Light, and you are made for the world of duality – your body is constructed with Yin-Yang flow, you have female and male physical gender, you experience cycles of day and night. Life on Earth is dualistic and that dualism is imprinted in your Sub-conscious mind and on the planet itself.

That’s why you can reach to Unity only through separation in your level. When humans reach to 9-th dimension and frequency band, they will be able to transcend dualism and be in Oneness.

Q:      What is the ultimate purpose for humans at this time? ★

The ultimate purpose of all humans now is to evolve to higher dimension and to transmit their light to higher octaves. The transmission of light is important – as it connects you like a net or grid of light between all beings. That’s how you raise the vibration of the whole planet, and that’s the only way to overcome the structure of dark 3d. The light itself has qualities of expansion, speed, reflection, protection, and that light can be reflected to many far away parts of the galaxy and to other light beings in cosmos.

Use your light to heal, to bring knowledge to others and to have deeper understanding of earth. Another ultimate purpose for humans now is to start supporting Earth, nature and animals in ways that you ve never imagined before. When you become souverene children of Earth you will be able to minimise your suffering, pain and limitations.



Arch. Haniel sending you blessings ...

Nina Lea Nour ©
Angel`s medium
Aug. 2022 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Full Moon in Aquarius - Awakening, End of Karmic cycle (+ Journaling)🌕


This amazing full moon in Aquarius sign opens on 12 of August and brings strong Ascension waves to the Earth. ♒

When this beautiful Full moon shines in the night sky we are encouraged to release and let go of any old and stagnant energies, patterns and believes that are no longer in alignment with our true Selves.

The Full moon connects on the ethereal level with our Third eye chakra (or Pineal gland) and activates it. Third eye and the Subconscious mind are influenced strongly by the Moon phases. 

  Violet Moon of Air 🌔

   ðŸ”‘The mystical keys to this specific full moon is connection to the element Air. When the moon if full in Air sign (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) we have end of Karmic cycle, releasing old energy of relationships and awakening to higher Consciousness. Air is element of transition, change, travel, ascension, flight, believe. The Air element makes possible the transition to Higher octaves and to raising planetary vibration.

  This Full moon gives us opportunity to open our Higher mind, to release all negative thoughts, believes and fears related to who we are and what we can become. To be more mindful, aware of the world around and open to change.

Everything is a process and cycle, everything needs time for healing.

This full moon has Violet light, connected with the mind, adaptability, creative energy and innovative ideas of Aquarius. We have opposition of fixed signs – Aquarius full moon opposition of the Sun in Leo. That reveals our conflicting sides, our Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) qualities, the things we need to balance and harmonize, the things we deny. Both of them are in fixed signs – Fire and Air. This is quite intense and restless energy, it can trigger some deep wounds, related to mind and thoughts, believes. 

   Moreover in this Moon conjunct Saturn  – planet of restriction, self-discipline, law, order and time. In esoteric astrology Saturn is related to Earth Star chakra, below your feet. It is connection to Gaia and also it brings healing energy.

This energy can create inner doubt, resistance and denial. Saturn in Aquarius is understanding how to organize our activities in time and space.

What is the element of activation? 🌙

As Aquarius is Air sign this full moon we activate the air element in our body – on a physical level it is related to respiratory system, breathing, lungs, nose, ears, sinus, tongue. At this time be aware of infections related to these parts of the body, allergies, hormonal issues.

We can reflect on our air qualities – flexibility, acceptance of change, adaptability, logical thinking, balance between mind and emotions, mindfulness, understanding, awareness.

On emotional level this full moon can trigger some issues or traumas from past lives or Karmic events.

As all of the Full moons in Air signs form an ark of Karmic cleansing cycles. You may feel the end of something huge in your life, since last 4 months (or Libra Full moon), or last year (Aquarius full moon).

On a spiritual level this violet Moon is showing our Ascension, going to higher levels of vibration, meditation, astral travel, connection to Spiritual guidance.

Here are some amazing questions to your Self to write and answer in your journal ✎

     What patterns of thinking and negative believes are holding me back?

       Do I trust enough in myself and my Soul path?

       Do I need to understand more about my Soul path?

       Do I feel too self critical or judgmental of others?

       Do I have enough time in nature and fresh air?

       What fears in relationships I need to release?

        What fears about my personal development I need to release?

        Do I speak my truth at all times?

       Do I have fear of commitment and losing my freedom?

      Should I release fear to lose appreciation of others?


These questions to self are powerful practice to know the depths of your soul and explore your sub-conscious mind.

You can also repeat the mantra of Air at this time:

I am like Air, I`m light, I travel, change, expand. I am mindful and awaken.”  

Crystals for the Full moon 🔮

In this cycle of the Violet moon – until the next New moon in Virgo you can wear crystals like amethyst, lepidolite, charoite or place them in different places in your house. They will help you to connect and receive Violet flame of transmutation in the needed areas.

Nina Lea-Nour ✪ ©
Angel`s medium
Aug. 2022 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Crystal Divination + Oracle for Capricorn ♑ in August!

 This is my crystal divination for Capricorn ♑Sun and Rising sign, for the month of August! I use crystal pendulum and angelic guidance for this method. Hope you enjoy it!

Crystal – Labradorite

Dear Capricorn, now is your time to shine! This month will give you magnificent time for adventure, discovery or travel. That can be actual travel to a beautiful nature resort –forest or sea. Or it can be travel in dreams and astral projection, where your soul will go on journey. Many of you may connect to the scenes of past life and understand better why certain things happened. You feel rising of energy and big shift in your Third eye. Capricorn is sign deeply connected with the magnetic transition of the Earth –so you may have very intense feelings at the time of Lion`s gate 8-8.

Labradorite stone brings energy of success, creativity and deep nature connection. You can feel all things around you shifting – as the earth is breathing. Some of you will be drawn more to divination practices – oracle, Tarot cards, runes or crystals. Get ready, because the energy is strong for you to do all what you need and you may feel overly active. In the same time - listen to your inner guidance. 

Oracle card: The Inner Voice ✪

The Angels are now ready to bring you guiding thoughts and feelings and inspiring words. Within you is a strong and resilient voice that they are able to use to send you guidance. So, take some time to listen within. You`ve been asking for help and support from higher realms and they are now ready to guide you lovingly to the next step. Any loving guidance you are hearing at this time is 100 percent from source. Trust it.

Nina Nour ✪©
Angel`s medium
Aug. - 2022

Monday, August 8, 2022

Crystal Divination + Oralce for Leo♌ in August!

 This is my crystal divination for Leo - Sun & Rising sign for the month of August! I use crystal pendulum for this method, hope you enjoy! 

Crystal: Black Obsidian

Dear Leo, you have very amazing month ahead! You may feel like going out of the dark tunnel or some heavy energy. Don’t worry – all bad is behind you now. You made a huge transition and transformation in the past months. Some of you were challenged to be much stronger and persistent. Now is your time to be quiet and observe. Time for shielding and protection of your energy. Establishing healthy life style and recognizing what things you no longer need will be important. 

Some of you may be dealing with heavy emotions – that can be restlessness, fear, anxiety. But you are on the way to Light – be sure that you are safe, protected and loved! Archangel Azrael is with you to protect you and sooth your emotions at this time. Deep physical and emotional healing.

You are awakening your inner strength and potential, so all things will be aligned for your highest Good!

Oracle card  ✪

Honour your Beauty – Archangel Jophiel

Your angels are encouraging you to know that you are more beautiful than you realize. You are perfect in the eyes of God and his Angels and it`s time to look at yourself this way too. Beauty goes beyond vanity and outward appearance, but taking steps towards making yourself feel and look good will help. You have beautiful heart and the angels are blessed to guide you.

Take some time today to look at what you love about yourself in the sense of your looks and what you love about who you are within. These thoughts and acknowledgments will align your soul with God.

 [ I use cards "Angel Prayers oracle" by Kyle Gray ] 

Nina Lea-Nour ✪©
Angel`s medium 

Crystal divination + Oracle for Sagittarius ♐in August!

 This is my crystal divination + oracle for Sagittarius Sun and Rising ♐ sign for month of August! I use crystal pendulum and the help of AA Haniel for this method. I hope you enjoy it! 

Selenite ★

Dear Sagittarius, for you this month is very special. Around the time of Lion`s Gate portal you feel the rising energy and transmission of Sirius star. Also you feel your strong connection to the core of Gaia, as if everything is shifting for you. There are some negative energies (from people, places or situations) that you are carrying subconsciously. They will be cleared now as you become stronger and stronger and your aura is expanding to higher octaves. You are spiritual warrior and you will feel that this time. Focus on much needed spiritual practices, and balance between rest and activity.

Many of you will feel directed by Higher guidance and understand what to do next. Something important about your life mission will be revealed at the right time. Now is time for cleansing everything old or stagnant from your life, space and energy.

Some of you may feel more aware of the bigger picture or see and feel the right” path for them. Expect opening of psychic senses and clairvoyance. You will be surrounded by all angels, especially arch. Haniel. At this time you can benefit from meditation with selenite crystal, or cleansing your aura with selenite stick. 

Oracle card ✬

Spiritual support

There is more spiritual support around you than you realize. There are angels before you, behind you, above you and on all sides. These divine beings are here to guide, reassure and love you. Feel the blessings of the angels who are surrounding you at this time so they can help you to be more at peace and free of any restrictions in your life. You are supported by the angles on every step of your spiritual journey. Open your heart and accept this support.

(Be aware that every part of your life is part of your spiritual journey and you will be guided all the way.)

[ I use "Angel prayer oralce" by Kyle Gray ] 

Nina Lea-Nour ✪©
Angel`s medium
Aug. -2022

Crystal Divination + Oracle for Aries ♈ in August!

 This is my crystal divination + oracle card for Aries Sun and Rising sign♈ for the month of August! I use crystal pendulum and the help of AA Haniel for this method. The crystal represents the specific energy of the month for this sign. 

Orange Aventurine ★

Dear Aries, this month brings amazing vibration of openness, optimism, adventures and love. You are full of ideas, enthusiasm and inspiration to start something new. There are many opportunities opening – for some related to new carrier or a long waited travel. You will be surrounded by friends and soul mates who love you. Your focus will be on creation, discovering new places, meeting new people and just enjoying the life fully. Orange aventurine brings you moments to connect with your children, or with the child within you, more laugh and playfulness. You can also feel new level of connection with your romantic partner. Your confidence and vitality increases at this time, especially around the Lion`s Gate portal 8-8.

Time for healing and rejuvenation; you can meditate on your Sacral chakra – imagine radiant orange sphere in the place of your Sacral –spinning and removing all negative energy from it. (Some of you will be pleasantly surprised by the news for pregnancy). Archangel who is supporting you at this time is Jophiel.

You can wear at this time orange aventurine bracelet or jewellery, or dress something orange to activate this beautiful energy.

 Oracle card ✪

Shine Your Light – Archangel Uriel

You are blessed to have received this angel card today, as the Angels feel the world is now ready to see the special gifts and talents that they call your light. You have been hiding away from the world for too long and now is the time for you to step into your power and share the gifts you have with all of those around you. You are a great beacon of light and when you walk into a room many people benefit from your positive energy and heart-filled presence.

 [I use "Angel Prayers Oracle by Kyle Gray ]

Nina Lea-Nour ✪©
Angel`s medium
Aug. -2022

Friday, August 5, 2022

Crystal divination + Oracle for Aquarius ♒in August!

 This is my crystal divination for Aquarius Sun & Rising sign ♒ for month of August! I use crystal pendulum and the help of AA Haniel for this method. The crystal represents the specific energy of the month for this sign. 

Crystal for August: Amethyst 

You are now in the flow of life and nature. Amethyst is the stone with aquarius energy of Higher consciousness, innovation, protection, spiritual connection and integrity. It brings you fresh vibes of awaken mind and the presence of the Violet flame. At this time you are open to receive information from your spirit guides for the next steps in your path. You will be called to share your healing abilities and wisdom with others in any suitable way- through media, voice or writing. This is time to start a new course or read /or write a book about energy, spirituality, healing or holistic life. Also for you is time for rest, relaxation and precious sleep – especially if your energy is exhausted. At this time ask for help and protection of violet flame and AA Zadkiel.

Oracle card ✪

Inner Power – Divine Father

You are blessed to receive the support of the universal father today. You have the power within you to create your world and you are being encouraged to see that this power is only in place when you are coming from a space of love. Release any toxic feelings and feel blessed, knowing God is with you today. You are so powerful when you share your love with the world.

Shiva: Shiva is the Hindu God of strength and power. He is the ultimate father figure and it is known for his leadership and fiery energy. He is known as the "destroyer" and the "cosmic dancer", but it is important to say that he is another expression of love. When called upond he does destroy the negative energy of our lives, but he can lighten up our world like the sun. 

[ Oracle cards "Angels Prayers" by Kyle Gray ]

Nina Lea-Nour ✪ ©
Angel`s medium 
Aug. 2022

Crystal divination + Oracle for Gemini ♊in August!

This is my crystal divination for Gemini sun and rising sign ♊ for the month of August! I use pendulum and the guidance of AA Haniel in this method. 

Crystal divination: Moonstone 

Dear Gemini, your magical stone for august is Moonstone! It reveals the energy of going with the flow of life – let go of hidden worry and anxiety, or too much logical thinking. With the moonstone you need to pause and reflect on your past and present. Important cycle of life will begin for you – the moon will amplify your sensitivity and emotions at this time – so be sure to think for positive outcomes. Your Third eye is opening – you can feel the nature and listen to signs of angels around you. You are more connected to the Goddess energy and the angel who will assist you is Haniel.

Haniel is beautiful angel of the Moon radiating soft aquamarine blue and lavender light. She will help you to connect to your real Self and to your higher wisdom and life path. At this time you may sense the presence of elementals and fairies. Set some time to meditate on your Sacral chakra and your creative power. Need for more freedom and joy!

Oracle card ✪

Take a step back

The angels are guiding you to take a step back from any harsh energies or situations in your life at this time. You are being encouraged to remember that you are sensitive being and if you are around harsh energies, you will pick them up. If you feel that there are certain people, places or situations in your world that don’t resonate with where you are right now, take a step back from them.

The Angels are encouraging you to slow down and reassess the situation in your heart and mind before proceeding any further. Step back and allow things to develop naturally and without force. Everything will happen at the right time.

[Oracle cards "Angel Prayers" by Kyle Gray ]

Nina Lea-Nour ✪ ©
Angel`s medium
Aug. 2022

Crystal divination + Oracle for Libra in August! ♎

 This is my crystal divination for Sun and Rising sign Libra ♎- for the month of August.

It is made by choosing crystal with the help of pendulum and guidance from archangel Haniel. 

Crystal for August : Rose quartz

Dear Libra, this is your month of love, romance and self-love! You can indulge in a beautiful trip to the seaside – rest, replenish your energy and feel the gentle breeze. Rose quartz energy brings peace, tranquillity and inspiration. You are open to the universal flow of Love, forgiveness and spiritual awareness. This month you are supported by arch. Chamuel and pink flame angels who will cleanse your aura from any negativity and stagnant emotions. With this energy you can easily connect and take care of your partner, friends or children, who love being around you. You will radiate optimism and harmony, as your Heart chakra is opening to healing of past emotions and Karmic wounds.

Oracle card 🔮

The miracle of Prayer: Archangel Sandalphon

[ from "Angel Prayers Oralce cards" by Kyle Gray]

The angels want you to know that the prayers you have sent to Heaven have been heard. They are encouraging you not to ask for help, but to accept it. They send an answer to every prayer you send in their direction, and are encouraging you to fill your prayers with loving thoughts and gratitude. Instead of asking for specifics, thank the angels for guiding you to the best possible outcome for your highest good.

[ AA. Sandalphon is angel of turquoise flame, he is often referred as angel of music, vibrations, meditation, space clearing. He is the angel responsible for connecting our energy bodies with the energy grid of the earth. He enhances communication, delivering spiritual guidance, music and rituals. ]

Nina Lea-Nour ✪ ©
Angel`s medium