Saturday, February 25, 2023

Meditation for cleansing & Rejuvenation with crystal Celestite and AA Sandalphon 💜


In this meditation for cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole multi-dimensional body, mind and aura. It is designed for grounding and receiving energy from mother Earth with the help of crystal spirit of Celestite and AA Sandalphon. This meditation is perfect for the cycle of New moon in Pisces to Full moon. 

   I. Preparation ✶

Sit or lie down in a comfortable and relaxed position. For this meditation you will need a piece of celestite (or 3 pieces). If you like to prepare the space you can light up 3 silver candles in direction West (water) of your home.

Next, take the celestite stone in your left (receptive) hand and feel its energy. (Optionally you can lie down and place the celestite in your Solar Plexus chakra, or if you have 3 pieces place them on your Third eye, Heart and Sacral chakra).

Focus on your breath, take deep breath in and long exhale out. Feel your body and notice all parts of your body, where do you hold any tension or discomfort? Do you feel any pain? Continue to breath deeply and exhale for 5 times.

  Angel Invocation ✶

Now we call upon arch. Sandalphon: You may say the following out loud or in your mind: 

I invoke the Divine presence of AA Sandalphon to be with me and surround me with light and protection.” (repeat 2 times)

I ask A. Sandalphon and crystal spirit of Celestite to cleanse and remove any negative cords, feelings, entities away from my body, chakras and energy field. I ask AA Sandalphon and crystal spirit of Celestite to cleanse, cut away any past life Karma, Ancestral Karma, fear and resistance away from my body, chakras and energy.”

Breath deeply. 

Now see AA Sandalphon in front of you, with beautiful turquoise and silver light. Notice what do you feel? What changes in your energy occur? You can see or feel his presence in the room, ask him questions and attune to his energy.

Aura cleansing with light ✶

 See that you are enveloped in a beautiful shining sphere of light celestite light, as if you are in an energy crystal. This sphere has high vibration and spinning slowly, releasing and removing all negative, stagnant energy from your aura and all entities. See how all negative energy is taken away from you by the vacuum spiral of Arch. Sandalphon. Feel how you are protected by the shield of divine celestite light around you. Here is your sacred space, your are safe to connect with your angels and higher self.

Heart cleansing and opening ✶

     Now feel and see the same sphere of celestite blue light in your Heart. It is spinning gracefully and shining. Within this blue sphere you see bright small sphere of pure white light. This is the core of Heart chakra, with size of walnut. Feel how arch. Sandalphon draws away from you all negative ties, dark energies, thoughts and entities, all fears and rejection. See how this divine blue sphere is expanding more and more. AA Sandalphon and crystal Celestite are projecting to your heart white and blue light of serenity, peace and Love.

Crown cleansing and opening ✵

    See beautiful shining sphere of blue celestite light above your head. This sphere is spinning with serenity and releasing all negative and stagnant emotions from your Crown chakra. In the centre of this sphere is smaller sphere of shining golden light. This is the core of your Crown chakra (Sahasrara). Now arch. Sandalphon and crystal Celestite remove and cleanse all negative energy, thoughts, old programs and entities away from your Crown. Feel the sense of freedom, love and serenity in your Crown.

 Observe celestite blue light flowing and connecting your Crown and your Heart chakra like a tube.

Root cleansing and opening ✵

    See and feel the beautiful shining blue celestite sphere of light in your Root chakra (Muladhara) in the base of your spine. This is chakra of grounding and ancestral karma. Feel how this sphere is spinning gracefully and cleansing all negative emotions, Ancestral karma, cords and entities away from your Root. AA Sandalphon and crystal Celestite are projecting to your Root white and blue light of serenity, peace and Love. In the centre of your Root you can see small core of sparkling silver light. This is the core of your Root, transmitting energy up and down your body.

    Blue and silver light flows up and connects your Root to your Heart chakra.

Grounding ✶

     Breath deeply, imagine shining silver-blue roots growing from your feet into the earth. They move faster and grow deep under ground, until they reach the magnetic core of Earth. These roots are protecting you and grounding you to mother Earth. They release from your body all fears, anxiety, insecurity, sadness into the ground.

They send to your energy body feeling of self-love, peace and serenity.

-        Now feel where in your body you feel tension, pain or discomfort – and ask Arch. Sandalphon to project healing light to these places. Stay for a while here with feeling of openness, love and gratitude for this divine light.

Back to Heart 

    Feel the tube of celestite light, mixed with golden flowing down from your Crown and merging with your Heart centre. See the blue and silver light from your Root chakra travelling up your spine and merging with the energy of your Heart. Your heart is filled and overflowing, opening like beautiful lotus flower with White, Silver and Golden light. See the same lotus flower opening slowly in your Crown chakra and in your Root. These are spiritual lotuses of Love, peace, serenity and rejuvenation.

When you finish this meditation, close up your chakras to the degree comfortable for you and pull back the blue energy like a blanket of blue light around you. You are now safe and protected in your day, invoke the blue light of AA Sandalphon in the next days until the phase of Full moon.

Notes *

    Celestite is crystal for spiritual, angelic connection, higher guidance and aura cleansing. It cleanses and repairs the energy structure of your Crown chakra, and Throat chakra, it repairs the aura from inner negative clouds and influences. It is perfect stone for purification and healing of emotional body and mind (Third eye). It opens portal of light in your Soul Star chakra and helps to transmit wisdom of the universe and guiding you to your soul mission in this life.

 > Arch. Sandalphon is angel of Higher Order, angel of serenity, peace, grounding and manifestation. He/ she is angel with turquoise and silver light working for the alignment of humans with the crystalline core of Earth. This is powerful angel of grounding, in her dominion are all earth elementals, trees, fairies and crystal spirits. She can bring all things to fruition. The ethereal stamp (symbol) of this archangel is 5 pointed turquoise star in circle of silver light.

Nina Nour Bluebell
medium, crystal healer
  February 2023 ©
  all rights reserved 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Time and Timelines. Can we cross timelines II

 Continues from part I here >

    Both positive and negative experiences create unique emotional time within our mind. That s what we can call "memories” later. It` s fact that we not only experience things in different way, but also remember things in very different way. That is because our memory is connected to and intertwined with our emotions. We cant separate them in this time line. In such way it`s hard for us to observe our life as a whole, or to see events from above.

Some interesting things to contemplate, which I`ll just write as points:

   The state of Stillness creates expansion in the time (1), which makes it move more slowly. That’s why in any time when you can be in stillness, that will help you to “stop” the time in the way of time-vortex.

I realise this can be complicated for the level of human mind now. So I ll just point out how we can create such stillness and time-vortex: by deep breathing; meditation; dreaming; creative process; channelling; deep observation without thoughts;

That means with these methods, specially with meditation, we are able to shift to different time line above this level. Sleeping, meditation are processes which can also save our physical body from all negative energies in the surrounding.

    The more we have time for self-care, meditation and sleep, the more we are in state of stillness, we can shift the timelines and look younger. The more we live on speed of life, experiencing many things at once, the more time will be speeding up, and the older we look.

So one important quality of timeline 1 – it` s related to human emotions and mind.

We can make conclusion that all energy bodies are experiencing timelines in different way. Our emotional body can be in one time-line while our mental and spiritual bodies in another.

Collective time-line 

We also have collective, individual time-lines and timelines of the planet. They are all connected. For example we live in a certain direction (spiral) of time-reality that is unfolding for the planet and all humans. This time-spiral can be used for our Ascension as souls, or we can go in opposite direction (of descending). That is not related to 4D plane, but to higher dimensions. So, timelines movement is related to different dimensions and how we change dimensions. If we are in higher dimensions we will experience time differently –and our sense of time spiral will be blurred. That’s because in in higher dimensions the spiral of time-space is moving faster and faster. This is vibration, so the faster it moves, then it can come to point of equality (or frozen void). As this concept is quite complicated, I wont observe it now.

Can we jump timelines?

   We can not create time-jump only in the lower 3D level and in this level of consciousness. But we can do that in another reality (dimension).  

We have to be aware, the same as the energy exist, all what we see now and observe with our eyes, is part of the timeline 1 and of physical reality 1. Including the space, planets, sun, stars; All the nature exists in this reality. But if we could jump to timeline 2, or 3 or 4, we ll discover different world.

Now there are available to future human races (they will be totally different), multiple timelines. These timelines will be related to Astral reality, to ethereal reality, to Celestial reality. There are many more realities than this one we can observe. They are also available to some people, who are little more spiritually advanced or psychic; But they are meant to be available for all humans in future of our Earth.

Each of these realities are connected with different timeline.

Nothing in universe is chaotic, but all things are in structure and organized.

We need to be aware, that we do have 2 timelines, which are related to our senses: one is mental timeline -1, another is emotional timeline -1. Both are in the group of the physical space-reality. That means both are like 2 versions of one time-line. According to what works more for us we will experience timeline 1 as slower moving train or faster moving train. But the train will be already from the same matter.

   Emotional reality however is one degree higher, so in some sense, when we “feel” something, the vibration is higher and timeline can shift with one degree. (this is valid for positive and uplifting emotions). 

Angels wants you to know that however you are in this heavy plane with timeline 1, you have the ability to choose how to experience this time –in faster or slower speed, with support from angels, or alone.

Be aware that time-space are interconnected. When we are in another “space” our timeline changes. For example in meditation, dreams, travel or when you are in love.


Thank you for tuning in! 🍓

Nina Nour Bluebell *
medium, crystal healer
  February 2023 ©
 all rights reserved

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Time and Timelines. What are timelines? I ⌚


   In this essay I want to bring more clarity to the topic of timelines. What are different timelines? How they are connected with time-space reality? What are different vibrations? 

    To timelines we refer when the linear time in this reality (we call it R1) intermingle, and changes its frequency level. In order to be able to understand concept of timeliness we first need to observe the categories Time and Space. What are time and space? What is this Reality 1, or Earth life reality?

What is time?  

Here on the earth heavy dimension we are experiencing linear timelines, which are lines related to material reality level. That means the whole plane-game for Earth was meant to be in linear timeline, which we can call timeline 1. The linear time is related specially and only to the cyclic space movement. We need to be aware that time –space are connected categories. That means we can not have planned Space without existing time in it. And we cant also have any time without existing space. (I wont talk now about the Void or Emptiness, which is place not related to time and space).

In our 4D earth plane now we have exact space, related to movement of our sun-system, planets and galaxies around, and also related to movement of the whole Space (piece of galaxy) on a spiral motion to the Central Sun. Here the time can not be other than linear time 1, unless we are able to change the frequency of the planet (human consciousness) with many levels up. For now we are struggling in the heavy plane, namely because we don’t have another option. The whole sun-system, Earth in 4 D are designed to have this time L1. That is so, because the space moves in certain circular motion, creating spirals. All the planets are moving in circles around our Sun, which makes sun central object. Of course the Sun system its also moving and shifting, but we can not observe that with methods of science for now.

Our time line 1 on Earth is related to the circulation of the planet around sun for 365 days, which we assume as an year. The seasons are created by the Portals of Solstices (Winter and Summer) and Equinoxes (Autumn, Spring). Only by that observation we can see the time we experience here is Linear, but also circular. That means time is more complex category than we can imagine.

     This time line1 we experience has the main characteristics: it`s linear, it`s inevitable, irreversable, and from another side related to seasons, and cycles of nature. From perspective of human souls and their experience as physical body, time line 1 is irreversible. That is to show the human body as we know it cant go back to the past or to future, and it has timeline that cant be avoided. It`s like train, which we take to go from one point to another. We cant return, unless we change with another train.

That timeline is related to heavy matter and to human growth and aging.

If I should answer the question why it is irreversible? Can we become younger? The answer is – we cant in this timeline and in this Space 1. The reason why the reality plane is made so is one: personal growth. Only with experiencing the heavy reality and timeline 1 human souls can achieve their personal mission, improve, grow and expand their consciousness and reach level of higher awareness. This awareness will help them to answer the question Why we are here? What is the meaning of this life.

How we can change the timeline 1 and is it possible?

     In some ways it`s possible to change and shift from timeline 1 (related to reality 1), to another timeline. These ways are always related to 2 things: Stillness and Speed. For example some of the ways to change, shift timeline 1 are: creating art, writing, reading, creative process, meditation, dreaming, astral travel.

With these ways we are opening something like Inner portal of Light which takes us to another timeline. Even if we don’t realize it as such, this is true. When you read book and you are taken in the story-line you have the feeling like time passes in different way. More quickly or slowly, or just in different way. The negative experiences create the feeling in (our emotional body) that times pass slowly and with intensity and pain.

    The joyful and nice experiences create feeling that we are “in another time”, or time moves faster, in a different direction. All that is related to our inner sensation and perception of time. That means from this perspective time goes in different way for different people, depending on their life style, speed of life and emotional tension.

Thank you for tuning in! If you are interested read part II here >  🍓

Nina Nour Bluebell *
medium, crystal healer
    February 2023 ©
 all rights reserved

Saturday, February 18, 2023

New Moon in Pisces - Soul realignment, intention and dreams (+Questions to Self) 🌙


The new Moon is portal of awakening, cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole energy body, and mostly we feel light in our Third eye, Earth Star chakra and feet chakra. 

Moon is related to the Third eye in Esoteric astrology –which represents our psychic senses, awareness, sub-conscious mind, dreams and body of Astral light, our ideas and imagination.


    New moon in Pisces is cosmic portal of awakening, re-alignment and deep healing of old traumas, it opens on 20 February when the Sun and Moon are in sign of Pisces.

-        All new moons in Water sign (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) signify new cycle of life, new beginnings in sphere of romance, love, family, children, or inner emotional transformation. They are portals of blue light to open and cleanse your psychic connection and chakras of Third eye (Ajna) and Sacral (Svadishtana). With this energy you plant seeds of transformation, inner wisdom and working with your shadow.


  ★ Pisces New moon opens up the energy of new connection with your Soul and Higher Self. This is the mystical turquoise moon of self-love, care and understanding of your deep desires.

   Everything in the world changes, especially our emotions. That’s why we need to be aware, accept and acknowledge our feelings and emotions. This is the first step to self-love and awakening. Souls can not be fully aligned with their higher mission, until they accept the truth of their emotions.

   🐠Pisces is sign of dreamer, mystical and artistic soul. It is also sign of shape-shifter, traveller always changing and moving, reminding us to go with the flow. Its element is turquoise water of rivers, waterfalls and mountain lakes. This is the purest calmness, tranquillity and dreams.

The Tarot card representing Pisces is the Moon – one of the most mystical and enlightening cards in Tarot. The Moon represents our dreams, visions and psychic energy, the ability to see beyond the veil of this reality. Moon is also card of taping into your inner world and feelings, therefore it can bring to surface our fears and resistance. Moon is card of self love, mystical wisdom and shadow.


So the Moon in Pisces has strong influence on our emotions and how we see the world and how we respond to any event.

Alchemical element: Water

  This new moon we activate the alchemical element Water –in our body and energy field. Water is one of the most important, cleansing and loving elements on the planet.

This is very important primal element with Yin (feminine) energy. The qualities of water are: fluidity, shape-shifting, cleansing, healing, purification, coolness, letting go, gentleness, care, love.

Water is element that connects us to our Sub-conscious mind –there are many layers of Sub-consciousness.

Through water we connect and cleanse our Sub-conscious mind and our memories. 

All waters on the planet –oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, waterfall, are expressions of the Collective Sub-conscious. They hold secret keys to it.

Colours: blue, navy blue, dark blue, indigo, violet, black

Here are some great Questions to ask in a Journal...

🐟        What are my intentions for this month?

🐟       Do I feel loved and surrounded by love?

🐟        What activities in my daily life make me feel fulfilled?

🐟        What activities in daily life make me feel joyful?

🐟        What are the destinations, places I dream to visit?

🐟        What are my daily spiritual practices?

🐟       How I bring practices of self-love?

🐟        Who are the people/ souls that I love?

🐟       How do I express love to others?

🐟        What are the things that motivate me to move on?

🐟        Am I connected to my emotions?

🐟       Do I know how I feel and why in every moment?

🐟       Do I keep dream diary? What my dreams tell me?


You can observe and answer these questions without judgement. This is part of deep healing process.

💎The crystals that can help you to cleanse your emotional body and achieve balance between your heart and Mind at this time: blue fluorite, sapphire, blue calcite, amazonite, turquoise, all blue-green crystals.

The angels you can connect are Haniel and Sandalphon.

You can work on your qualities of: gentleness, devotion, emotional balance, understanding, listening, being quiet, clear knowing, clairvoyance, astral travel.

New moon in Pisces is time to reflect on your life, make life review and feel how far you have come. Work on all your chakras and cleanse your energy from all negative attachments.

Thank you for tuning in! Please like, share and subscribe or leave a comment below...🍓

Nina Nour Bluebell *
medium, crystal healer
   February, 2023 ©

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Cosmic Portals for February 🌎


Portals are cosmic openings and influxes of Light, which have purpose to accelerate energy, they can also cleanse, restore and rejuvenate the energy in human body, brain and all chakras. 

Such portals are connected with Cosmic events and change of seasons, and moon cycles.

Moon Portals : the Moon (divine feminine, emotions, psychic energy) is full in sign of Leo - on 5 February. This is a powerful portal of rejuvenation, coming back to your power, inner transformation and releasing something. This moon cycle is time to set boundaries and realise your own power to change. It indicates also strong psychic energy, visions and dreams.

On 20 February we have new moon in Pisces –which brings your emotions, dreams to balance. This is perfect portal to connect and heal your divine feminine and wounded inner child. Portal of purification and being clear about your feelings. Focus on cleansing all your emotional and spiritual body.

Sun Portals: ★ on 4 February Sun (Self expression, willpower, Consciousness) in Aquarius square Uranus (revelation, innovation, revolution) in sign of Taurus. This aspect creates some provocation and tension to the people in power and authorities on global level. It can be sign of conflicts, protests, revolution and reaching for justice and truth.

On 16. February Sun (Self expression, willpower, Consciousness) conjunct Saturn (control, power, organization, law) in sign of Aquarius. This is portal of awakening to your true self, urge to set boundaries and organise your time, schedule, make planes ahead. This is also a positive aspect. But if you are person who hates organisation and restrictions, it can be challenging.

 Other planetary portals: 

On 10 February Mercury (communication, intelligence, business, writing) in Aquarius conjunct Pluto (slow planet of retribution, Karma, sub-conscious fears, shadow, social unrest) which reveals hidden shadows, some dark truths and agendas come to light. You may experience misunderstanding, conflicts and slow communication. Many fears around finances, business and others may raise from within. This is important aspect. It can also reflect in some social conflicts, protests and hidden agenda. 

On 14 February Mercury (communication, business, writing, intellect) is in opposition with Lilith (shadow, feminine warrior, wounded childhood, clairvoyance) in Leo. This aspect may bring some negative influences and past traumas to your connection with others, as well as illusions about people, who are true and authentic. To deal with this aspect you may start journaling about your emotions and habits.

On 15. February Venus (planet of beauty, love, home, sexuality) conjunct Neptune (art, music, psychic vision, dreams) which is wonderful portal of new inspiration, ideas and need to create something beautiful. You are opening to more creativity and love.

Thank you for tuning in!

You can read more articles 🍎

 ... Channelled message from AA Haniel (February)

  ... February Energy, Angels, Kabbalah, Crystal healing ...

Nina Nour Bluebell *
 medium, crystal healer
  February -2023 ©

Thursday, February 2, 2023

February Energy - Angels, Kabballah, Crystal healing [9] 🌟


Energy of February has effect of uplifting and purification for mind, body and soul. I see this month energy as shining lavender and silver light – they signify awakening, wisdom and connection with your true soul mission. 

Lavender also shows wisdom of Earth and eathereal plane – elementals, fairies, nymphs and tree spirits. Take time to connect with them this month.

Cosmic vibration – 9 ★

Cosmic vibration 9 reveals higher wisdom and angelic connection, ending of a cycle, preparation for the new energy to come. This is energy of letting go of all old things, ideas ad believes. In fact this 9 energy will be very present throughout all year 2023.

9 is number of divine truth, purity and justice. All things hidden come to light, so that you can realise your soul purpose. 9 is always sending you signs for your path ahead, only you need to have open eyes and be aware. All things in your surrounding will support you.

But if you are not on the path of alignment, this vibration can be challenging for you. 9 reveals cycles of life that are important for your soul. The magical stamp of this month is nine pointed star in silver and lavender, with circle and triangle in the middle.


  A ngels who are guiding you and support this energy are AA Haniel, Seraphiel and AA Uriel. Haniel is beautiful angel of divine feminine, moon and women`s cycles. She has very strong and loving presence and she leads all fairies, earth elementals and moon elementals. Haniel brings transformation and healing of the divine feminine energy. So if you are born on 9, 18, 27, or your birth year has number 9 –she will be connected with you. Seraphiel is angel with shining white and silver light, she leads some souls in their journey afterlife.

This month arch. Haniel has a message for you -read it here! >

Kabbalah -Tree of Life

    Kabbalah is mystical tradition that reveals the universe of vibration, number and essence through the 10 Sefirot of the Tree of Life. This is major alchemical symbol which can be found in many religions and practices.

In this month all humans are on the sephira (divine emanation) in Tree of Life – Yesod (Foundation). This is sephira of truth and giving birth to something new, coming into light. It symbolises the procreative organ in men and women (womb). In this energy is quite important to feel what we want to create, to understand the hidden truth of our feminine and masculine energy and how they are connected in Yin-Yang flow. Pay attention to your organs of creation – ovaries, womb and sexual organs. The spiritual state corresponding to this sephira is emet -truth –which is also integrity.

If you have any new inspiring ideas, now is the time to make them shift into goals, plans and projects.

Elements for February – Air + Ether 

The strong element this month is Air and Ether – as this is month of the Air sign Aquarius. The sun is in sign of Aquarius, which brings more lightness, flow and inspiration for all areas of life.

At this time pay attention to your relationships, love, friendship and communication – including with yourself. DO you have some negative believes and self-talk? Do you trust that your creative ideas can become reality? 9 vibration reveals element Ether, which includes all other elements, it shows also Ascension to new level. Air and ether are in harmony – that means energy is supportive for you to manifest anything in reality. This is perfect time for putting end to something, quitting jobs, or leaving unhealthy relationship. Also perfect time for travel, visiting new places, and tapping into your intuition.

Health and body

This month you need to be aware of the flow of your Yin and Yang energy – feminine and masculine. Pay attention if you have any pains, discomfort from which side of the body it is. This will show your weaker part. Also more sensitive organs are throat, ears, nose, sinuses, thyroid, lungs and lymphatic system. It`s recommended to make light exercises –like chi gong to bring your body back to balance. Also be aware for your mental health and mental patterns -they are as important as your body. 

Crystals for February

Crystals this month represent the fluid and light energy of Air, Ether – they hold mystery and higher realms connections. You can meditate with one of these crystals by holding it in your left hand. The crystals are: Angelite, Blue flourite, Blue lace agate, Celestite. You can also place several of them on your body in each chakra, or on your Solar Plexus, so that you can connect fully with its energy.

   These crystals are amazing for attunment to your divine feminine, for cleansing your emotional body and lymphatic system, also for psychic connection and receiving guidance from Astral realms and your angels.

You need to be specially careful and to save your energy on these dates – 10, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22.

  💜Archangel Haniel advise you - to not forget the power of music and meditation. 

Music to calm your mind ...

Thank you for tuning in! If you like this article, please subscribe, share, ask question or buy me a coffee! 🍨

Nina Nour Bluebell
medium, crystal healer
   February, 2023 ©