Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Marriage and separation -III

~ when to stay in union of love? ~

As this article has to prioritize the spiritual views and gives "angelic answers" on my questions, I have to say more: Separation in any love and marriage relationship is needed and obligatory in all cases if we feel “braking of the union”, and of losing completely some important feelings: love, forgiveness, compassion, respect, sharing, understanding, tolerance, gentleness. In some cases this can be also feeling of passion and sexual desire, even though this feeling will gradually decrease and become slow.

    Most of all never stay in any union without feeling of love (and being loved). Another most important feelings are trust, honesty and respect. Any spouse (as I stated in article about love-relationships) – needs to have deeper knowledge and understanding about the values, spiritual views, and insights of his partner. He should be filled with acceptance, or in case of negative habit of his partner, he is obliged to help and show him the way. This guidance and support are very significant for any relationship. No everyone in moments of negative feelings, depression or fear, is aware of his own mistakes and disadvantages. That’s why is important in such moments to feel supported from someone, who will be honest and in the same time gentle. Rude behavior or harsh offensive language are not help in such situation. Human needs exactly opposite to understand the truth – kindness and love. No one would admit his “bad habit” in front of shouting bad words partner. (For example if you are smoker or drink more than usual alcohol regularly, your partner is the one to advice you, to support you and stand with you in positive way, so you can quit that habit.) Of course – here I don’t mention people who are together on basis of “bad habits” who are together inside the “trap”, but in this case one of them could change his way realizing his mistake, and help his beloved to do the same.

III. Marriage in the earth`s future ~

Anyone should understand – separation is immanent and obligatory in case of lost love, distrust, any kind of fear and unforgiveness. Your heart can forgive all, but when you are free, out of the prison of your own fears, prejudices and social chains. That` s why let your soul be free and taste happiness of life, never stay in a marriage or relationship, without your higher Self willing and without love, trust, gentleness and respect. In fact all these feelings are connected and mixed within Love (as universal feeling).

     In the future order and societies, all will be organized in very different manner. Divorce and separation will not bring any stress, broken hearts, and fears. They will be quite normal and usual things, which are even rooted in the system of society. Not everyone of course will use divorce, but it wont be final “act” nearly to social stamp of injustice. It will be normal and friendly process of continuing the way you choose, of respecting the changes in others and your freedom.

Marriage in the future order on earth will be quite different. It will be real union of souls, and the couple will involve in sacred ritual and ceremony for the wedding. Then they will have again appointed time to be together (which is not equal to whole life), but like one year. After that period the couple comes together again to the special person (who will have function of shaman) and they will have to follow some requirements, if they want to stay together. That means marriage not only wont be “forever” and until the end of life, but it will be quite special ritual for union of two souls. If the couple wants to stay together, then they will do so, by following the rules of the shaman” of ceremony. After the year (or the appointed period of marriage) the person gives them special test and ask them questions to view how much they are fitting in the puzzle of marriage, and if their love continue to be strong, how much they are close together, if they know each other positive and negative sides. Finally he asks them if they are willing to continue the sacred marriage. If they want, the a special ceremony (not show but sacred ritual they make in private), is repeated again. Another period of marriage will be appointed (which is made by the shaman). So each period the sacred marriage will be renewed with ritual, or broken, by willing of the couple. Separation can also be possible with the decision of shaman, who will have exact reasons for that – they don’t include any outer obstacles like children, or finances, because in future order there wont be such issues and society wont be build on bank system, and money.
That’s how we see, issue of “separation” and marriage is free from dramatic obstacles or circumstances in the new society. Separation even will be quite usual, normal and part of the individual process of growth. No one will be suffering, or having emotional trauma, because both sides will be free to choose –to continue the marriage union, or to brake it. Of course there will be cases in which the two partners don’t have one and the same feelings or agreement. One may still love his spouse, but if another doesn’t, they cant have real harmony together. That’s how the future order gives priority to freedom, as well as developing spiritual growth and understanding about feelings of another.

      There also can be cases, when the couple decides to separate for period of time, but after that they want to be together again. Their desire will be respected, but in future society will be strict rules about marriage, just because it wont be “just a document sign”, but a sacred ritual. That rules, quite different from what we see today, will have impact in growing population, people to stay in love within the periods of marriage, and more marriages to be performed. Even so, the marriage ceremony wont be so easy as now. It will take time and special preparation. Certain activities will be made. Marriage will look like initiation in special spiritual order. Not like just spontaneous decision from two sides.

That cant be reality of course with the spiritual development of humanity in present. People on earth need first to go through spiritual evolution. Then all things will change, not just the marriage ceremony, but the style of life and values of person. 

Thank you for reading the last part of my thoughts about marriage and separation, feel free to like and share it, or put a comment below! Stay blessed. 

nina Lea-nour *
angel`S medium 
@ 2018

Marriage and separation -II

 ~ Marriage from spiritual perspective ~

So the main reason of marriage (also from spiritual perspective) is Love, respect, understanding and forgiveness. If just one of these feeling is lost or blocked within the union, marriage wont be possible. As the main reason of marriage is love, it is the feeling we need to cherish and spread every day of life. The wife and husband have to share their love, to show and express love daily, or in cases of negative thoughts, conflicts, they have to share feelings of respect, compassion, understanding, forgiveness. That’s how the marriage is moving and growing forward – as a flower, that is watered and taken care of. Marriage is not a vehicle that moves alone in the street with automatic speed. It has to be taken care of, needs efforts to stay in perfect state. That’s how all positive feelings of love matter.
Something more –for many couples marriage becomes to forceful torture, punishment and institution of “prison”. That’s exactly why I wanted to write this article. Understand, marriage is not a “prison” for the soul, or a chain for the neck of couple. It is supposed be “growing” together, learning lessons from each other, learning how to take care of another, how to be honest, compassionate, loving, how to give more, how to show your truth feelings, how to be yourself. Marriage as spiritual love, has to show the spiritual aspects of Self, reach to freedom of self and discovery of Self, through another, with help of another.

    That’s why – being loved, cherished and taken care of is not enough. You need to give all that feelings back to your partner! That’s what is union of marriage. Love, cherish, forgive, take care of your spouse, every day. Another important aspect in any kind of relationship – is honesty.
(you can read my articles about friendship …and love relationships…)

In marriage everything is possible, if expresses freedom of soul, together with morality and spiritual values of both partners.
Marriage also is deeply intimate experience, connection of two souls in one, in order to reach to higher spiritual growth by many experiences. Marriage union needs to show the perfect mastery of cycle of giving and receiving, of loving and being loved.
Another important statement I want to make is: marriage is created only for the people within it – even if it has social face, it is not existing for approving views of relatives, parents, society. Marriage needs to fit in couples own life style and values, not in one of society. That’s why its intimate – it involves two people and their children.

That’s why it can be canceled only from the side of the couple. Not anyone else. Any couple should not accept interference from outside, its territory is private.

I.                   Separation. What is separation, when it is needed?

Separation (or in social perspective “divorce”) is highly needed and recommended in many cases. I have to say, with help of angels, that in today societies and cultures, multiple people suffer from “unreal marriage”. That means these couples are aware of their “broken” relationships, but Still continue to resist Separation as normal outcome. This resistance, delay and compromising is wrong, and its usually due to many socially based fears. As we know, anything on base of fear is doomed to collapse. That’s why such kind of marriage is “fake” marriage. Some of the well realized reasons for such continues “self-prison” are said to be:

-         the married couple have children and they are fear from their reaction and affect from divorce;
-         one person from couple is financially dependant from another
-       one person if co-dependent from another due to sharing the same property (home, flat)
-     the couple has “addiction” to their routine life-style (including sexual addiction)
-      one or both people from the couple have fear to be alone, due to lack of stability – emotional, bad heath, financial; fear of being alone;
-    one person from the couple is afraid to lose his –home, children, job, security.

These are some of the basic reasons why phenomena of “fake” marriages exist. Here I don’t mention any Karmic relationships or abusive patterns, which are very common. My focus is on how such relationship can become “impossible” and prison of souls for both partners. In such way, both will have huge energy discharge, they will tend to feel most of the time tired, exhausted or have frequent health problems when together.

This all will be result of wrong understood social fear of judgment, of being isolated, neglected by others, as well as fear of losing safety, and most of all fear of change. 

Thank you for reading the second part of my article, feel free to share it, like it, post a comment below! Continue to part 3 ...

nina Lea-nour *
angel`S medium 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Marriage and separation -I

In this article I ll shortly observe what the marriage is from spiritual perspective. I want to answer the questions: is marriage a social pattern of relationship or should be something else? What are characteristics of marriage and spouse relationships? What is separation, in which cases separation is needed? What are the social and individual values within a marriage?
    Marriage and being married is part of the social lows and paradigm of creating approved relationship within society. From this perspective marriage needs to be legal – not opposing the laws of the country, to be accompanied with a document from responsible institution, to be open act of agreement from two sides. These are the main social features of marriage. As usually I want to turn my attention to the personal and spiritual features and values within a marriage as socially approved relationship.
    In modern society and different cultures, as we know, many types of marriages are not approved, not legal, or out of social (cultural, moral) values. Such special marriages are categories:

-         marriage between people from the same sex (two female or 2 male)
-        marriage with under-age children (in different countries and societies the age varies, generally under 15 or 16 years)
-        Marriage between people from different religious background, that are not allowed to be in sacred union (for example Muslim woman and man belonging to Christianity, Judaism)
-        Marriage between people from different class circles (like high class person, and very low class person)
-         Marriage of people who are both under-aged (usually in India)
-         Marriage of people with too big differences in age (for example man of 60 with girl under 16 –such cases are seen many in region of Afghanistan, where the child is actually sold)

    All these different cases are not everywhere unlawful, but they are always put under social skepticism, unaccepted values and not viewed in positive way. In most Muslim societies still the views on marriage are quite conservative and restricted to religion. In such Islamic ruled countries for ex. The couple cant be together or live together before official religious marriage, also they are prohibited from sexual intercourse or any close relationship. In fact in most such countries the girl is not even allowed to walk outside or hold hand with her beloved before they are officially engaged. On the contrary, in most of the European countries, UK and North America, there are not many laws and social restrictions on life of unmarried couples. They are not only allowed to walk and be together, to express freely their feelings, to have sex or any intimate moments alone, but they are totally accepted to live together and have children without marriage ceremony.
These are as we see, totally different styles and values on such important issue as marriage. That`s why I ask angels to help me in writing and solving the doubts on what real marriage should be” and how it is related with spirituality, ethics and culture of each society?

I.                   What a marriage is from spiritual perspective?

This looks like easy question to be answered. Marriage is from social point union of two individuals, allowed by the laws of religion, society, country and family. Of course there are plenty of example of marriage “disapproved” from side of family members, but still legal in society. Within this union both sides should be from opposite sex (with some exceptions allowing the same sex marriages in North America), spouses have specific duties and obligations within this union, also they have specific rights and privileges according to the marriage certificate and country laws. Both sides should accept and agreed on that marriage with their own free will – this is also important statement.
From spiritual point – marriage is not union of two people, who have obligations to each other, but also union of souls. This union of souls, needs to be open (to others), to be accepted with official ritual or ceremony. Marriage actually signifies not just “new certificate” or new right for expressing intimacy, but also new stage of spiritual life. Some important characteristics of marriage are:

-         spouses start to be responsible not only for themselves, but for each other. They have further obligation for bringing up their children.
-         Spouses should be aware they are now not “free pieces” but together in one bigger puzzle, called family.
-      Husband and wife need to show to each other all positive feelings of any couple: love, understanding, honesty, openness, support, acceptance, tolerance, compassion, passion, trust, believe, sharing;
-      Husband and wife (within spiritual marriage), have to admit their own mistakes, notice their own weaknesses, and not be fixed in weaknesses of another.
-         The married couple need to have equal spiritual, ethical, moral, or cultural values, in order to improve their life together;
-         The married couple have to pay attention first to the needs, passions and desires of his/her partner more than his own.
-         In case of misunderstanding or conflict within the marriage, both partners should admit what is “wrong” in the situation and from where it comes. They have to discuss things openly, and not to hide behind mask of acceptance.
-   Spouses in union need to feel, respect and understand values and individuality of each other, that’s why they have to be forgiving, but also aware of what they require.
-      Spouses need to feel love and attachment to each other, no matter of the conflicts of hard situations, and try to overcome difficult times together.
-         They have to be aware and admit if the values, principles or individuality of one of them changes, they have to admit feeling of “losing” trust, respect, losing love, coldness.

-    The couple (and that’s quite important), should be aware and express feelings of impossibility the marriage life to continue due to some of above reasons, and accept that.  

This is part one of my article on marriage, please continue to the second part... Feel free to like, share or leave a comment below, or ask a question! Thank you. 

nina Lea-nour *
angel`S medium 
@ 2018, Jan 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Ace, Two, Three of Cups

Suit of Cups represents water (feminine energy) and our feelings, emotions, sub-conscious mind, world of dreams, love, relationships, attraction, sexual energy. It shows how we emotionally respond to the world and our state of feelings, self-love, vulnerability, sensitivity. This is the suit of connection with others, how we share and express our feelings.

Ace of Cups ~
In all suits Ace represents positive qualities, abilities to manifest, new beginnings, union, positive energy, high personal power, inspiration, new opportunities, new doors are open. It`s up to you though, if you will use these qualities and if you will walk through the doors of Light. It signifies that you have all what you desire, just if you are able to use your positive qualities, stay focused on your goal.

Ace of Cups signifies creative energy in emotional sphere, need to trust your feelings and heart. Beginning of new love, close friendship, giving and receiving unconditional love. This is peaceful time of your life, when you can share your feelings openly. Ace of Cups can indicate your state of feeling recharged with positive emotions, spiritual fulfillment, awakening and emotional bliss.
The Sphere of this card is Feelings and creative energy.
Spiritual message: I` m filled with unconditional love, forgiveness, and creative energy.
In combinations with Empress/ Page of cups it can reveal pregnancy and giving birth.
Traditionally the Ace of Cups depicts a single cup filled and overflowing with water, symbol of rich emotions, higher sensitivity, and psychic abilities. Your feelings are your soul compass.

2. Two of Cups ~
In all suits two (2) signifies union of two souls (relationship), connection with a person, or a conflict between two sides, hesitation, need to choose the best option between two. (two of Swards). Always it includes kind of decision, doubt and choices between two options. 2 usually relates as numerical value to feminine energy (corresponds to High Priestess 2).

Two of Cups meanings: harmonious union of two souls, happy relationship, attraction, sexual energy. Partnership, balance, respect in relationship, marriage, love, devotion to your spouse, proposal. The card also indicates feelings of: self-love, personal fulfillment, acceptance, making positive choices in love life, that make you happy.
In combination with Lovers (VI) it means strong union of souls. With the Devil (XV) – possible hard choices, lies, temptation to brake union.
Spiritual affirmation: I`m happy and fulfilled in my relationship/ marriage. I feel joy, love and attraction. I share my deepest emotions easily.

(3) Three of Cups ~
Three of cups in all suits represents cooperation, energy of combined efforts, happy sharing with other, friendships. Three has spirit of togetherness. Three of cups signifies Friendship and sharing happy times with close people.

Meanings of 3 of Cups: celebration of event, birthday party, friendship, creativity, harmony in all your relationships, spending time with your soul mates, meeting with positive people, sharing ideas. Feeling loved, supported and valued from your friends. This is a social period of your life, when all your relationships will flourish. Sharing the good feelings with others, nice surprises. Attending community, like minded people, creative project of many people. Time to get out of your shell and be with others. Visit your close friends and people you cherish.

Traditionally the card depicts three girls spending time together, or dancing under the moon light, feeling happy. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 

The World -XXI

XXI. The World card (World of Wholeness, Sphere: Freedom)

The world card traditionally depicts a naked dancing woman in the middle, she is surrounded by beautiful green laurel garland, and symbols of four elements in the edges (eagle, bull, cherub, lion). She holds in both hands golden wands – symbol of balance, peace and spiritual evolution. Laurel garland is symbol of success, achievement and accomplishment of the way. Now the Dreamer has finished his journey here. She will have new beginnings and new ways, but in this moment is time to pause, enjoy the completion of one stage, feeling free of all past. Planet: Saturn. Possible meanings:

-         reaching state of enlightenment and cosmic consciousness.
-         You are filled with new creative energy, joy and fulfillment; you are open to the energy of universe and go with the flow.
-         All things are accomplished easily in this period of life.
-         You have completed a major cycle of your life. Now you see ad enjoy the harvest from your efforts.
-         Could represent new stage of life – graduation, marriage, child birth
-         You are in the right place and doing the right things, you are supported by the universe
-         Praise and celebration of your success, time of happiness, wholeness
-      You are being paid off your continues work in the past. You can see the result of your efforts.
-     Write a review of the past 6 or 9 months of your life path. Make self-evaluation.
-         Time of integration of mind body and spirit; meditation, inner peace.
-         You will travel on a long term journey to another foreign land –which can be life changing, new period in your life starts.

Spiritual affirmation: I m filled with wholeness, freedom and accomplishment. I` m ready to walk on new path of success.

Archangels: Seraphiel, Sariel, Michael

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 

The Judgment -XX

XX. The Judgment card (The World of Purification, Sphere: Forgiveness)

The card represents the final day of Judgment –arch. Gabriel is calling all souls with her copper trumpet, after the end of their life journey. This stage signifies the end of Dreamer` s path. He is facing the final stage of spiritual journey – absolution, purification, judgment. Element: fire, Planet: Pluto. Archangel: Jeremiel; Possible meanings:

-         you are aligned with all that is
-        you are on a special cross road in your life, where your good decisions are quite important for the future. Retreat and think deeply.
-     You came to time of realization of truth (life meaning), and awakening. Time of solitude and purification of old patterns.
-       You are on a new spiritual way, awaken and aware, you learned from your past mistakes and left past behind.
-        Reaching state of self-forgiveness and forgiveness of all people in your life.
-      Period of purification, reflection on self value and qualities, introspection.

Spiritual affirmation: I` m purified through my past life lessons, I` m stronger, awaken and forgiving.

Associated cards: High Priestess, Justice. (energy of archangel Gabriel) 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 

The Sun -XIX

XIX. The Sun card (the world of Joy, Sphere of Enlightenment)

Most Tarot decks illustrate a child riding a white horse, while the big yellow sun is warming all with gentle uplifting rays. The card Sun radiates all positive feelings: joy, happiness, fulfillment, success, personal growth, freedom, love, generosity, feeling safe. Planet: Sun; archangel: Michael.
Possible meanings:

-         control between sub conscious and conscious mind;
-         energy of love, fulfillment, innocence, joy
-         you enter time of success, abundance and fruitfulness in your life
-         You share your achievements with others – you become successful in your profession or spiritual practice.
-         You are on the way of achieving your goals and desires with confidence.
-         You attract others with warm and positive behavior and qualities.
-         Good luck, wellness, positive energy and enthusiasm to do all things.
-        With simplicity in your life you feel joy and abundance in all aspects; good health, vitality
-       Time of enlightenment (if the moon is time of retrospection and doubt in your life path, now the Dreamer is in state of enlightenment and clarity.)
-         Travel to warm places and countries with warm hot climate

Spiritual affirmation: I` m enlightened, filled with joy and confidence in my inner power. I m on the right path.
Crystals: citrine, yellow calcite, yellow aventurine
Associated arcanas: The Magician (I ), the Wheel of Fortune (X)
The symbols of the cards are: sun, childhood, sunflower.

Spiritual state: Awakening, enlightenment 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 

The Moon -XVIII

XVIII. The Moon arcane (World of Reflection, Sphere: Sub consciousness)

Moon represents many aspects of human sub consciousness: dreams, fears, illusions, living in fake reality, unrealistic dreams or fantasies, being ungrounded and out of focus, living in the “clouds”; in the same time Moon is symbol of psychic ability, increased intuition and symbolic dreams. The mystical energy is increased around you and helping you to evaluate your desires, thoughts and situation you are in. Trust in your inner voice and intuition. Astrological sign: Pisces, element: water, chakra: Third eye; color: deep blue, violet, indigo. Possible interpretations:

-         you are in time of increased energy, intuition and meaningful dreams.
-    Be aware of your shadow-self, reevaluate your weaknesses and strong points, pay attention what you are afraid from
-         Turn fear and anxiety into more positive energy using inspiration.
-         Pay attention to the signs around you and to your dreams
-       Time for increased psychic abilities, you feel the energy of everyone around, you become highly sensitive, you need to release fears.
-    Release your past memories about people and situations, make cords cutting rituals and regression to your past in order to free your mind.
-       You may find your true self through going into Past lives regression and meditations –to give you more clear insights of your life now.
-         Be aware of hidden aspects and truths in the situation you are in. You may reveal something later.
-         You are going with the flow, but without having clear image of  your future path, without plans; hesitation and confusion.

Spiritual affirmation: I` m led by the inner light of clairvoyance, I pay attention to my dreams and signs.
Like the moon phases –waning and waxing –our lives have ups and downs, and we need to accept now and let go of the past mistakes.
Archangels: Gabriel, Muriel, Sandalphon
Corresponding card: the Hermit (IX)

Moon is associated with deeper reflections, psychology, dreams; so the magical tool you can use is mirror. The water of the card is celestial Lake

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 

The Star -XVII

XVII. The Star arcana (World of Serenity, Sphere: Inspiration) 

Most of the Tarot decks depict on Star card a woman, kneeling or standing near  a lake, holding two containers of water. She pours one of them into the lake and another into the earth; she steps with one her foot in the water of the lake (symbol of subconscious power), while her other foot is firmly on the ground (grounding and earth power). This card represents many spiritual qualities: hope, inspiration, higher consciousness, serenity. The numerical value of the card is 8 (Strength for continuing your path) Some possible meanings are:

-         it`s perfect time to take care of your spiritual body, cleanse your chakras and aura
-         You come into new period of serenity and feeling purified and blessed.
-      Calm energy, inspiration, bliss and fulfillment –signifies that what you desire will come true.
-         Have faith in your life path and trust your inner power, you will see the best results later.
-         You are in state of higher consciousness and able to forgive and forget the past; you enter a new phase without regret
-         Personal transformation, you left the hard period in life behind. Your mind is open to new inspiration and universal energy.
-         You have found your way on the spiritual journey; continue on it
-         Renewed self-esteem and trust in your own abilities.

Spiritual affirmation: “I am filled with hope, serenity, inspiration and self-acceptance.”
Astrological sign: Aquarius (Crown chakra)
Crystals: Onyx, sapphire, amethyst
Associated arcanas: Strength (VIII)
Goddess: Nut (Egyptian goddess of sky)
Spiritual message: constant renewal

Meaning of eight pointed star: redemption 

(photo credit: the Star, Thelema Tarot by Lo Scarabeo)

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium