Friday, March 2, 2018

Psychological patterns of transgression -VII (steal and robbery)

VII.                   Transgression of steal or robbery

Psychological patterns of this crime are:
-         need of attention, desire being noticed and accepted in society;
-         need of personal power, of social respect;
-         feeling alone, isolated, disrespected, miserable, paltry or fear of that
-         fear of loss – losing material goods, respect, social status, property, money, of losing safety, or fear someone close to you to lose all.

    The main cause of this crime is closed Heart chakra and Solar Plexus. Such person has usually very low self-esteem and very little personal power. He can`t overcome any conflict, he is person of fear, and he is already not respected by others. That state of “being miserable” or being poor” or neglected, isolated (example gypsies, beggars), makes him feel justified to any anti-social action. In his mind why he should be compassionate or feel with "others” who are the actual reason for his “miserable, paltry” life. He is like no one for others. That’s how he starts to step over the social laws and other people, because he already believes the social justice is not done to him. Unlike the murder, in which many times the criminal feels regret (except in ideological cases), person who steal doesn’t feel regret for his action. He is more arrogant, as his reasons are usually based on wrong ideology and “spoiled justice system”. Such person doesn’t believe in the country, in institutions or in laws.  
    Of course there are many more reasons why person would participate in any crime. Another significant one would be unclear self-believe and personal values, that can help him to follow the negative groups, and people of evil. These weak souls can follow others as leaders, as they will be in need of “great example” to follow, regardless of what value. Transgression of robbery and steal is visible in example of “terrorist attacks”. They work with wrong ideological views, and they aim to arise social conflict and fear, their final aim is not “murder” as in such case they would kill one particular person. These people have also dangerous mind because they don’t feel regret, their mind is based on actions against “social injustice”. That’s how in their own mind they do “justice”, even it seems totally out of logic, and inhuman act. They have also combination of inner conflicts – mind of killing, suicide, robbery. All of these people possess characteristics and fears of all transgressions –they desire to be notices (social attention), they have need of love (to love others, to give), they are in need of self-love. That means of course these criminals are ill minded people, living in their own reality.  

Conclusion about transgressions:

      All crimes and transgressions have rooted desire to brake out taboos and social norms, to go through, to pass the “red line”. All of the are negative ways to run away from Life and reality in present. They are state of mind (and heart) that exist in fixed reality – picture that doesn’t change or move. In these crimes the personal time is extended (train is blocked in the rail-way), the transgression aims to move the time, to brake it into pieces. This is the way of escape from world of Inner self.
The spiritual question I want to ask here is: what to do to help such people? What is the solution?
The main thing is: you cant fight fire with another fire! Sometimes not even with water. Fire should be transformed from inside, from itself into rain. That’s what we call “miracle”, but its very real process. The way to help people of transgression to go on positive way, is through mind. If their heart is closed will be too hard for anyone to show them “love”, as others also reflect the social idea and put a stamp on criminals. They are isolated people (prisoners) with social stamp of danger. That’s how they cant be reached often and they remain such. What we need to do is to show them the new ways of escape. To show them the side of reality they didn’t see. To make them feel valued for anything positive they have.
There is no need to “understand” or tolerate in wrong way any transgression. The criminals know very well they are such, they don’t have illusion, but they are disconnected from their higher Self. Also they cant change their way for some reason (the same as people who have bad habit cant stop it fast –like drinking, smoking, eating unhealthy foods, but they are aware of it).
The way of light is to “show” people of transgression not that they are dark and evil, which they are aware, but show them the positive way to escape, to make them be “awaken”, so they can exit from path of darkness with their own willing. Only from inside they can do that.

Positive ways of escape are all ways of self-expression and love to others: to participate in organization defending animals, to help others, to take care of old people or children; and all possible talents given to humanity are positive ways to shine your light –writing, reading, singing, performance, art, sculpture, fine arts, science. We can be sure that anyone of the criminals in world has at least one talent, which he can develop and serve the earth in his mission. They chose the “negative” way which is ok too, as it will lead them again to the truth – next time.

Thank you for reading my article about psychological patterns of transgression (series). I hope you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it, post a comment, ask questions, and...subscribe for my next articles! 

© nina Lea-nour *
     angel`S medium 
     spiritual writer  

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