Friday, May 31, 2019

What are Rays of ascension? -Clarification

With the help and guidance of archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst.

       We live in amazing world, where we experience time in linear form, and space where we need long periods of time in order to manifest our desires. We are also beings that embody Divine light and Will, and we are beings of Karma and high consciousness. We are eternal souls. That’s why we always encounter help from the Higher planes of the divine, which we receive mostly from our angels, guides and Archangels.

       Archangels are the leaders and teachers, who communicate in clear way with humanity, in order to amplify the Light and make humans able to work out their spiritual qualities in world. As the consequence of that process, deep awakening of consciousness is experienced. As we are on the heavy matter 3-D plane called, we start to experience slowly and gradually the ascension of energy. That ascension comes as an inner need-desire- request from our Souls and Higher self to connect with the divine Source of Life; to Unite in peace and harmony and to shine our Christ Light in the world. As another role of us is to be creators, and to become such through expansion of Spirit.

     For this process of deep spiritual Growth and divine awakening, angels and archangels are here, to assist you, divine Child.
      Now arch. Zadkiel is here to clarify the concept about Ascension rays and flames.
There are many sources you can know about the “seven Rays of ascension”
Here I give my representation of them:
Rays of ascension are the implementations of Divine qualities of Light and love in humanity, and working out spiritual qualities, that are within our DNA, and that will serve for the highest mission in this plane. (3D and above Earth). 

    The Rays are much more than 7, but they are represented by the 7 main colours of the rainbow spectrum, and the seven physical chakras. The True ascension rays will increase with increasing of human vibrations level and Consciousness. They will start to include then non-physical rays. But all that rays or flames are dedicated to the Light grid of the Ethereal and Ketheric body. 

Continue reading the next part, to know more about the Ascension rays and their qualities....

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki healer 

Karmic Angels -who are they? -V

In the last part -V -I observe the Karmic angels - Raphael and Sandalphon. 

[ 4 ] This is vibration of Karmic group of Arch. Raphael, and arch. Malekia. 
         Souls with angels of this group had the karmic debt related to hurting others (also physically ), or neglecting and abandoning someone. This is a big group. These souls could be: doctors that treated patient in a bad, cruel or unrespectful way, people with medical knowledge, who abused the patient, or made a wrong operation, or are responsible for the death of someone; people who manipulate other for reason of health. Any kind of abuses from the medical knowledge, or spreading false knowledge, or offending someone who is in vulnerable position. 

Here are also people who neglected, abused or didn’t care totally of their older parents or grandparents; or who left them to die without physical or emotional help. People who murdered someone by accident – (for example in car accident, or responsible for airplane crash, or any kind of accident). The karmic debt of these souls will be to experience the same – to either be ill and mistreated, to be offended by people of authority, to have uncurable disease…or to their life to be threaten by accident or crash in some stage. What these people need to practice in life now is love, compassion and care to others. Their weak parts are heart, blood, blood pressure, arteries, veins, muscles, imbalance of water in body, sweat, hands, arms, legs. They will suffer from anxiety. ( the planet of this group that causes Karma will be Mercury. )

[ 5 ] These are souls from the karmic group of arch. Sandalphon. 
        They will be specially protected in this life time (means their life will be out of danger). If your soul stamp has vibration [ 5 ] also you ll have special protection of physical body. That means your life wont be threaten by disease, or accident, or any kind of violence from another. Souls in this group suffered abuses of any kind in childhood, they were exposed to hard child labour, suffering hard conditions or hunger in poor places.  (That refers also to past life!) 

     They also could have experienced traumatic soul event like offences or murder in childhood from previous times; and they were unable to react or defend. They could also have abuses from family members or hard family karma to carry in this life. But they will be specially protected and helped. These people were usually musicians, dancers, actors, ballet dancers, working in theatre, or any artistic performance. They were under the spotlights all the time. 
       In this life they will be in need of more solitude, or feeling overly sensitive with others, having misunderstanding and fight with people around, they will like to be more withdrawn specially in later ages. These people have the quality to manifest anything what is part from their true mission, in this life. They will be very good with psychic work, feeling others, and teaching. Usually 5 combines all elements and means in this life you need to learn several Karmic lessons, so it wont be easy. Task for these people will be to focus on their own mission and not to disperse their energy on the darkness or meaningless things, or to afraid of judgement of others. 

That`s the final part of my article about Angels of Karma! Hope it was helpful for you, thank you for tuning in! Blessings on your journey of ascension! 
                              art by Jana Brike 

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki healer 

Angels of Karma -who are they? IV

[ In this article -part IV I`m observing the Karmic angels Haniel and Chamuel with vibration number 9 , and vibration 6. They both have feminine dominant energy. ] 

[ 9 ]   This is the Karmic group of Haniel (and Chamuel)
      The angels in this group will give you Karmic lessons related to feminine energy, or balance of Yin- Yang energy, and mostly dealing with sexual energy. That means souls should pay karma for any kind “crime” connected with sexuality: adultery, being exposed to sexual desire of others (like prostitutes), paid sexual services; or women who get involved in multiple sexual relationships. That also includes emotional aspects, like playing with feelings of others, or having chaotic messy relationships, or hurting others, being emotionally cruel; being sadistic. 

This Karmic group includes people who offend others emotionally or manipulate feelings of others, also people who had unnatural desires. These people also could have very attractive aura in this life in some cases, and they have to deal with hard relationships, but mostly with emotional upset, being alone, frustration being disconnected from love of others. They can feel guilt or shame, and low self-esteem. But the karmic lesson of this group will not be one from outside forces, but inner struggle to find harmony and light. 

Very big key of these people is Self-love and being independent. Their weak areas in body are intimate area, ovaries, womb, kidneys, bladder, hormonal imbalances. The red flag for them is to control their desires, to be mindful in sexual connections, to have Boundaries.

[ 6 ] Karmic group of archangel Chamuel (and Haniel) 
    This group is related to emotional healing of past life trauma; here are people who experienced more dominant sexuality, and were out of control of their sexual desires. They were also connected to sexual abuses, rapes or being involved in any kind of such activity- like selling people, slavery, using others for pleasure, women trafficking, abuse of children. In this group people pay karmic debt by the same way of their previous actions. That means they are exposed to sexual abuse, offences, they could be also overly sexual, and out of control of their energy, suffer from strong emotional imbalance, feeling isolated and lonely, and also suffer from abuses in relationship. They could have also a sexual problem or don’t feel sexualy attracted. In all cases their emotional body will be grasped by sadness. In this karmic group of Chamuel, people also may have common problems with family members, abuse from close people and family members, or feeling totally out of control of their own children. 
    In some stage of their life they will have problems with intimate area, kidneys or bladder, and also hormonal imbalance.

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue to the next part with Karmic angels ....
                                     picture: Mark Ryden "Aurora"

} Nina Lea-nour * 
  Angel`s medium 
  Reiki healer 

Angels of Karma -who are they? -III

[ in this article III -I`ll observe the Karmic angels Jeremiel, with vibration 8, and Karmic angel Seraphiel, Cassiel with virbation 1/ 10. ] 
* note: to know more about numbers vibrations and angelic numerology read this article...  

[ 8 ]  
       Karmic angel from the group of Jeremiel. 
     They are responsible for the principle of Purity, Justice, but also hidden knowledge, occult, magic, alchemy, Kabbalah. (Please note that there is nothing wrong in this knowledge, if it serves the Highest purpose of individual. This is actually quite important spiritual knowledge, which has much truth. But sometimes this spheres can be used for gaining power, fame, becoming higher in hierarchy, or manipulation of others.) 

   These angels will appear to someone, who needs to infuse his life with honesty, purity, to be against any dark, hidden agenda, to be dedicated very much to truth in any cost.  To defend truth, justice and peace. Also to person who was dealing previously with any lie, dishonesty, offenses, dark matters, hidden agenda, but also secret knowledge, dealing with manipulation of others using dark magic and occult. Being possessed by pride and arrogance. Taking information of occult knowledge, and making experiments at the cost of unmoral methods. Such people will be challenged to be more in the Light. To be open and speak their truth. 

    * Their karma will be paid back by inner transformation, and purity of soul, inner wisdom and awareness of Self. Not by outer effects. That’s the work of 8, where the justice and truth are paid. Also these people will be dealing with repeated aspects of past lives. Like some situations and people will be repeated in their lives in order to cleanse something from the past. They will have also painful or imbalanced Karmic relationships. 

    So this number is highly cleansing of previous karma. Souls will be returned to previous life experiences and they will be reminded of that past. Including the past from the line of current life. 
People in this Karmic group often have past lives related to writing and teaching occult knowledge, esoteric, hidden doctrines that are out of official religion. They also could use remedies for manipulation of others, or divination tools. They could be high priests or shamans. 
    * The vulnerable part of these people will be head, skull, forehead, hair, nails. They could be dealing with frequent headaches. [ the karmic planet here: Jupiter ].

[ 1 ] angels from group of Seraphiel and arch. Cassiel
These are angels of higher transformation, spiritual knowledge. Number 1 has vibrations of Zadkiel, but he is not a Karmic angel. That means, person with Karmic vibration 1 will have to deal with some strong emotional sadness, psychological issue, strong blockage in emotional body, depression, anxiety, hard feelings, constant revival of past, it could be also suicidal, or aggression to the Self, feeling of misunderstanding, isolation, grief. Failing to connect with others, loneliness, and all kind of psychological darkness. People with this karmic number will have the task to deal with such psychological problems in others – like people from the family, children, parents, grandparents…They will be involved in care for others. So either of these cases will be the karma of [1]. The karmic lesson is transformation and purification through emotional and psychological suffer (of self or through others). 
     * People from this Karmic group could be also working in hospitals for mentally ill, or institutions for children and orphans.

They pay karmic debt for abusing someone emotionally or abandoning someone close.

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue to the next part of Karmic angels ....

     Art by Marion Peck "Sick Kitten"

} Nina Lea-nour *
  Angel`s medium 
  Reiki healer 

Angels of Karma -who are they? II

 [ in this article - part II - I`ll observe shortly the Karmic angels Metatron, and Nathaniel / vibration 7 & souls related to this group. - Arhcnagel Gabriel, Raguel and vibration of 2 - and souls related to this group. Please note, that I give just general outlines of cases here, as this topic is too vast. ] 

[ 7 ] Karmic angels of arch. Metatron and Nathaniel
     These are angels of transformation of qualities. You have already acquired all the Karmic debt, and already payed the first part of it. Then you are now devoted to activate your full potential and help others, by beings protector of other souls, who will experience any form of violence – like to protect physically someone, that means also to be very strong in your own Control, to have power to stand against unjust, violence, oppression, and any kind of obsessive crimes. To be in control with your own power. To be in control with your own feelings of extreme – like anger, jealousy, need to dominate, need to be ruling. And with that control you will achieve higher levels, so that’s the way you pay the last part of Karmic debt. That number will require inner transformation, not being hit from outside, but from inside. While souls with Karmic angels [ 3 ] will have to pay that already in any form from the physical reality and others. 

  * The vulnerable organs of people with this number 7 will be liver, intestine, stomach area, gall bladder. Their problem will be eating fat or unhealthy foods. These people will have in life some defending others occupation, they could be also animal and nature activists. People of this Karmic group have to pay from previous lives negative traits like gluttony, jealousy, greed, rage, being overly focused on material things. So in this life they wont be given all they need.

[ 2 ] Karmic angels of arch. Gabriel – working with principles of Purity, truth and justice. That means these angels will appear when souls need to pay Karma related to manipulation of truth (lies, falsehood, adultery, dishonesty, hidden truths, hidden desires), to manipulation and desecration in the legal low, any act of injustice, lie, hidden agenda, plot against someone; that includes also hard energy of sending negative thoughts, gossiping, offending someone by words or writing. Adulteration of documents, steal, theft by hidden way. Offensive behaviour, and using offensive language are also very common in this category. 
Then the Karmic angels will be from the group of Gabriel and Raguel, and will be in charge to involve the person in the situations of darkness, dishonesty, something hidden, plot, lies, dealing with offences from others, being victim of anything hidden. 

 * Another sign that this is your Karmic angels will be the weak area of your body. For example in case of Karmic angel Gabriel, this areas will be throat, trachea, lungs, mouth, teeth, also sometimes ears and eyes. The person may have often problems with these areas.
Please continue to part III for next Karmic angels .....
                         picture: art of Mark Ryden "Rock Skirt" 

} nina Lea-nour *
  Angel`s medium 
  Reiki healer 

Angels of Karma - who are they? I

    [ in this article -I part -I`ll discuss about: who are angels of Karma?, how to know and calculate our Karmic angels? - How many can be Karmic angels? - Angel of Karma with nimber 3 [ group of archangel Michael ]. 

    Who are angels of Karma? Here i`ll observe – with the help of arch. Jeremiel, the important groups of Karmic angels. 

      These are not other beings, but angels; There are several groups of angelic beings that are supporting humanity on their earthly life, and in all steps until they reach to higher spiritual levels. (higher consciousness). These are: angels of mission, spirit guides, guardian angels, birth angels, angels of spiritual development, astral protector angels, karmic angels. Each of these groups has a leader angel, who is assigned, so we can imagine how many are the light beings assisting us. Although we don’t have to be aware of everyone of them, as we work more closely with the main group of Guardian angels (birth angels) and spirit guides. 

 ~ In the group of spirit guides there are various other spiritual beings, other than angels. They can be ancestors, animal spirit, faeries, and other kind of beings of Light. There are of course no beings of darkness or entities in this group.

 ~ Karmic angels are the archangels (and their assistants) responsible for keeping the records on Karma from past lives, and what the individual needs to create in this life, in order to pay back or clean their karmic debt. They record all karmic experiences, relationships and all individual activities, related to past lives. And they have big work to do, as everyone on earth plane has a karmic debt. 
They will observe and assist you to go through challenges in life, but mostly they are working with your personal spirit guides and angels. So every light beings is always connected with another one, no one works separately.

  } How to know who are your Karmic angels? 

   Karmic angels can be known by several ways. First you can calculate the vibration of angelic number of your karmic angel – from your year of birth. For example your year is 1989, then your karmic angels resonate with the sum of digits of the year 1+9+8+9 – which is final 9. So the first number is 9 which resonates with energy of arch. Haniel. The second angel will be the final one digit from the birth year, which in this case is again 9 – Haniel. This person will have double Karma with arch. Haniel. 

 } Another Karmic angel appears when  we calculate the dates and month of birth. Lets say the person is born on 3.05. (may). That means his birth angel will be number [ 3 ] Michael, and his spiritual abilities angel (stamp of Soul angel) will be 3+5 – 8 which means Jeremiel. So Jeremiel will be the angel of spiritual development for this person, spread in world. The Karmic angel will appear when we sum number [ 8 ] angel of spiritual development only with the date of birth [ 3 ] which will give 11 and that means 1+1 -2. So the Karmic angel will resonate with number 2 or Gabriel.

That comes to show, Karmic angels are more than one usually, and they are divided in different levels and groups. It means the person will experience Karma influence (which is nothing more than the universal law cause & effect), in different stages of life and different directions. Illnesses can be a karmic cause, but also they are very often sign of energy imbalances from all body system.

Here I`ll observe shortly the main Karmic groups of angels.

Number [ 3 ] arch. Michael Karmic group – they are responsible for paying karmic debt to all in the cases of: manipulation with power, committing a crime against another with violence, murder, torture, anything related to violence, and applying force against another, being involved in war crime, participating in war, applying your own opinion and power forcefully, oppression, working against others, being dictator, possessiveness, domination, cruelty, physical punishment, executions, killing from rage, jealousy, or being obsessed with such feelings out of control. That means if you were dictator in one of your previous lives or had such crime in your record, so you will deal with Karmic angels of Michael. That means also you would need to be extra protected, as you could be involved in accidents; (as that’s how Karmic debt will work). Vulnerable parts for this Karmic group souls are: bones, muscles, skeleton, tendons, knees, teeth, mouth, liver.

Thank you for tuning in, dear children of Light! Please continue to the second part here ...
                                          picture: art by Ami Sol

} nina Lea-nour * 
  Angel`s medium 
  Reiki healer 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Types of Celestial light -II

~ Shielding Spherical light ~ The shielding light has the highest quality to protect and shield the energy field. This light energizes your aura and keeps away any negative energies or entities. Maybe you didn’t know that this light has specific pattern (geometric figures interlaced on the outer sphere) One of most common geometric patterns is flower of Life. It creates amazing net shield. You can visualize this shielding light around you as a sphere that wraps your aura, in dark blue or golden colour.

~ Protection Light of inter dimensional traveling ~ this is the Light of Merkaba. It usually can be seen (visualized) above your head in the place of Soul Star chakra. It can have any protective colour, that you feel comfortable with. When you make astral travel, or move through space (also in your dreams) your body has this Merkaba light, which is highly protective.
There are many more celestial lights, but for now I give these, as most common.

Lights can be divided by quality of spectrum (wave length), and they are: cool, warm, shielding, infusing, purifying, cleansing, healing. Some lights have several of these qualities.

   The best shielding Lights are deep blue (or indigo blue, the light of arch. Michael), golden and pure white. 
   Lights used for astral travel and Moon connection are silver, pearl-white, white-silver, aquamarine blue, violet.
   The Cleansing and purifying Lights are with very soft, translucent quality, they can be also crystalline lights: aquamarine blue, celestite blue, turquoise, green fluorite light, amethyst light, deep violet light, purple fluorite light. They have soothing and cleansing effect, and flush away any existing blockages. But they cant be very protective, as they have quality of cleansing. These Lights are most priority of the Cleansing group of angels (Gabriel, Sandalphon, Raguel, Jophiel).

     Infusing lights are very attractive, soothing and have softness, they can be also shining or shimmering with different shades (and white). These lights cant be protective. They have the mission of infusing human aura with certain positive feelings and qualities. They are soft pink (in all shades), pale green, lime green, pale yellow, lemon yellow, melon yellow, lavender. All these lights, if found in different shades as main colour in the aura have link to the faery realm. Because they ll be attractive for others (energies and entities) they need to have obligatory another protection light sphere. They are infusing with angelic feelings of love, joy, attraction, compassion, empathy, purity, innocence. (not by chance the baby clothes have these colours -baby pink, blue and greens).

      Aura colours and light are not by chance. They carry information -the same as Stamp of spirit, and palms of hands, feet, ears, eyes irises. All of them have unique information about the body. The aura lights show what is your spiritual level now, what is your past connection (past lives), what are your best positive qualities you need to use, who is your Karmic angel, or angel of mission, or angel of birth. They can show also if you have abilities to be healer. Usually people with green colours in aura will have healing abilities in some stage in life.

    Healing colours are mostly deep green, pale lime green, emerald green, golden in all shades. (Have in mind that all celestial Lights have some healing quality.) That means all green lights have healing and cleansing quality. There are also different kind of white celestial light, like white moonstone, amber light, pearl white, shining white, silver white. They have all very high vibration and help to protect your home, to cleanse, purify and flush away all negative entities. They are very good for psychic protection, the same as deep blue Light.

    The best cleansing and purifying lights are: turquoise, aquamarine, green fluorite. But you may feel comfortable to see and feel any other lights, as the spectrum is vast. Experiment and meditate with whatever Light you feel comfortable. One of the easy ways to know your aura is how well you visualize certain colour. For example my main colour of aura is soft pink, so I can visualize very easily this colour.
} note: see the article “Colours of aura”.

    There are also other kind of Lights, that can be called “mirrored light”, like celestial mirrored light from the past, mirror future celestial light. These are lights that come in form of spiral, and opening in the special windows of space. It`s usually opening by connecting with others, who we have karmic relationship, from past lives, or by activating something, which is repeating (de ja vu). These are lights activated from some karmic experiences, when you meet certain souls.

     The way light is travelling is not a straight line” as people perceive the sun light. It`s the way of shower, there are several futons of light that are moving in high speed, which looks like straight line. Also some types of light have movement of waves. Such light is coming from the Moon, and other stars and planets.

Thank you for tuning in! Please feel free to share, post a comment or ask a question! Stay blessed on the way of Light! 

Nina Lea-nour*
} Angel`s medium 
} energy healer 

Types of Celestial Light -I

 [ in this article part I -I`ll reveal the topic: What is celestial Light? What is Light vs what is darkness? What are some basic qualities of celestial Light - Understanding different types of Light - Flaming, Crystaline, Fluid... ]
Message and guidance channeled with the help of arch. Raphael }
  Here I`ll give more information and details about the different types of Celestial light, and how it is incorporated in human body (ethereal and DNA structure).

     As we may know, everything consists from Light in the angelic realms, and in higher dimensions. We cant perceive that light, but we can work with it, make healing and cleansing on a cellular level. All we need to do is practice meditation and visualization.
    The universe and all Life in higher Celestial spheres comes from Light. Angels are beings of pure Light. In order humans to exist in lower dimension planes (3D Earth) it was needed the Light to be mixed with heavy matter, or “darkness”. What we need to be aware of is: Light has many different forms, types and purposes in the world, and its source of life; also it expresses through different characteristics, colour and vibration. The colour is nothing more than Fraktle of Light with specific wave length. The darkness is also not with one parameter, it has many shades of it. As we`ll see further in explanation about dark Faeries.

} note } for more information please read the article “Creation of World- Light” here.

   I want to determine, the well spread term in psychic circles “Fallen angel” is actually not what we think/ not truth. That confusion comes from the fact we don’t have suitable words to describe the exact beings, as they are so many in the between worlds and Astral levels. Angels cant be fallen, nor any rebellion happened against “God” (source?, against who? Against themselves?) But there was creation of Darkness, which manifests in lower levels as many different creatures, some of them are very powerful. That`s what I call (personally as I don’t have better term for now) Dark Faeries. More information about them in another text.

    The Light has ability to cleanse, rejuvenate and heal the physical and ethereal body. Also it has ability to protect. Here I`ll give a list with different types of Light, and for what purposes they can be used.

~ Flaming Light – this light has quality of fire, but it`s celestial – means it doesn’t exist on lower levels. Even so we are given the Flame Light through activation of Violet flame, and through other angelic groups (like Blue flame angels. The flaming light is one of the strongest and highest, as it helps cleansing and removing all negative energies from the field, as well as transmuting and healing. This is the light which arch. Michael uses with his sward of Light. (not sward as we imagine). Practicing Blue and violet flame meditations will give you amazing cleansing in all energy levels.

~ Crystaline Light – this light appears static (not changing), translucent and as a colour of crystal. It has quality to expand and change the inner structure of matter (in ethereal plane). This is the light used also to cleanse and activate DNA in human body, to remove old blocks from the system. Visualize the crystalline light expanding around you from the ground, wrapping you inside like in bubble. Feel the strong waves of energy coming from this light, and feel how your mind become cleansed, and all blockages are removed. That is a process, so you may need to take few times in meditation, in order to work with this light.

~ Fluid celestial Light ~ this is the Light which looks like flowing water, it is spread from above and reaches all inner places of body. This is the easiest light to work with, and very common as it has effect of energy shower. Kind of fluid light is used also in Reiki practice. This light has different colour, but usually some of purifying, healing and cleansing colours. It has effect on cellular level and helps inner organs, tissues and muscles to restore and rejuvenate. Visualize this light coming from above, down to your Crown chakra, and filling all of your chakras slowly. Also see the light (pure white or golden), to fill in all your body and all your inner organs gradually. Then it flows down to the earth, connecting you to the core of Earth. 

Please continue to the next part, where you `ll reveal more kind of celestial Lights: ....
photo: Sofia garden fountain } nina nour 

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

How we receive Energy codes of Light? -II

       Part II. 
This is second part of my article, where I explain how we intergrate the celestial Light codes. Read part I }  ....

      The current science as we know it, is still to undergo huge changes of concept and discoveries that will change the scientific perspective in 180 degrees. We are very new to this sphere. The earth magnetosphere is still a mystery, it is formed by the interaction of sun wind and sun rays, with the earths atmosphere throughout million years. The sun radiates intensive high energy (particles) that reach the earth atmosphere and create energy explosions in some places. 

    The magnetosphere is in fact as an aura of the planet or our energy shield. Even so there is some higher dimensional particles from sun, that reach the Earth, they connect with the magnetic core of earth, and with all beings. That`s how evolution is possible from higher perspective. These particles carry information codes of celestial Light, with transformative quality. In this time there is acceleration and huge flow of the sun higher Light particles to the earth. They are like rain showers, in short periods of time (which happens specially in time of Energy portals, Full and New moons.)

     These Sun particles connect with our DNA and are the reason to activate our Light body and feel energy shift. They slowly and in intervals connect with our Ethereal light (core Light centre within the Heart chakra -or Soul centre), from there we receive the flow of Light in the physical body, and spread it to all cells, and DNA structure. That’s how the Light works. But it will take many stages of integration, it`s not just a single time shift.
Moreover, we can accept and integrate High vibrational light in this time from the Moon core, from other star systems and stars (like Sirius, Polaris, Alpha centauri system, Vega, Pleiades)…

     The integration of Light and transformation is of course a process, and it requires our intention. If you are on a verge of change, but you are still afraid to fall in the unknown, and walking on the Edge, the light codes will help you accelerate this process. Regardless of the sphere of life. That’s why the year with 19 contains huge inevitable changes. No matter if you like it or not, if you are ready or not, it brings cleansing of old energies and New beginning. 

References about the magentosphere: ( 
References about the stars and systems: ( 

That’s all for now, hope you have smooth and good transition to the New integration! Be blessed on the path of Light! Thank you for tuning in.

Nina Lea-nour *
} Angel`s medium 

Accelerated energy cycles in 2019 -I

    Dear children of Light, I want to concentrate my attention on important topic of this cycle of increased vibrations and energy. I`ll answer some questions with the help of arch. Gabriel. I hope this will help you to understand the meaning of the personal events and other things that come up in your life.

     This year -2019, we have accelerated energy, which means our Earth- Gaia- as a physical dimensional body, starts to integrate and receive massive downloads of Celestial Light. This light, which is in fact different frequencies, will be integrated, felt by all planetary beings – humans, animals, plants, stones, and all various form of life. Humans have the special mission to take in this codes of celestial Light, as it will gradually (not fast!) change the structure of our DNA. That happens in order for the whole planet and humanity to achieve Higher levels of consciousness, and to make smooth transition to 5 dimensional levels. Again that process is very slow, but in some earth eras- like now- we have accelerated energy. 

     That will be hard period for many people, specially who are dedicated to working with angelic light, to self-improvement, for all sensitive, empaths, who just start their spiritual journey. That’s because these codes of Light bring cleansing and purging energy in all levels of our body – they are programmed to transform deeply our DNA information and our Higher mind. The celestial Light will affect mostly all old issues, emotional blockages, traumas from the past, as they will come to the surface quickly and suddenly. That could be experienced as multiple discomforts for most sensitive people like: physical illness or issues in body, sense of being lost” or being left on your own, sense of not knowing where to go, feeling of dizziness, tiredness, skin irritation, temporary sight problem, blood pressure issues, changes in eating habits… Please know that all of these changes are temporary and they will pass, when your light codes are activated!

     The most intensive periods of accelerated energy are in 3 cycles – 1. From 4. April to 4. May,  from 5. May to 5 June. 2. From 6. June to 6. July; 3. From 7. July to 7. August. On 7 August we need to be already accept and receive all the Light codes, then the process of integration will start to be slower again. The last cyle will be from 8. August to 8. September. 

     Have in mind that humanity is receiving the accelerated Light from the magnetic core of Earth, from the magnetic core of Sun and sunlight, from the core of moon and moonlight, as well as from the magnetic particles of magnetosphere, from all plants, fruits, trees, beings around you. That integration will affect all life, as the Earth is going in higher vibrational state. (And that’s because on energy level Gaia is there already, but physical processes happen with lag, slowly.)

    So in first cycle – from April and May you can experience or physical illness, tiredness, fatigue or emotional problems that re occur from the past. That is exactly the trauma (inner wound) that needs to be cleansed. So it will come to surface. In the second period (June-July) – you will experience more comfort, or you will be given the direction, and confidence and inner power to deal with that past/ emotional trauma. You will be given the tool, and all you need to do is use it. Trust yourself and trust that you receive angelic help always!
In the third period, you will need to overcome a certain challenge in the physical world – either with yourself, or with others (for ex. Some may experience separation from partner, while others will understand deep truth).

    All of that energy will need your focused awareness and increased levels of self-love. This is challenging time, in order to cleanse what does not belong to you! Your old or limited believes or lack of confidence will be removed and cleansed. People who are not for your Highest good, also will disappear from your space.

    At the end of this period after 7 of August, a big sun and space portal will be opened, in order for all souls to feel Unity, love and activate their downloads of celestial Light.
In this period you can expect some strange or unusual changes in weather (as it`s affected by magnetosphere). What you can do is to increase the self-love and do all things that you enjoy and that will lift your energy. Walking in nature, meditation, going out with friends, helping others, taking regularly sea salt bath or shower, working with crystals and essential oils, eating big quantities of fruits and vegetables. These are some good ways to stay connected with your heart centre even in challenging times.

Thank you for tuning in! Stay blessed on the path of Light! 
Please read the second part: ".......

 Nina Lea-nour * 
 } Angel`s medium