Friday, May 31, 2019

Karmic Angels -who are they? -V

In the last part -V -I observe the Karmic angels - Raphael and Sandalphon. 

[ 4 ] This is vibration of Karmic group of Arch. Raphael, and arch. Malekia. 
         Souls with angels of this group had the karmic debt related to hurting others (also physically ), or neglecting and abandoning someone. This is a big group. These souls could be: doctors that treated patient in a bad, cruel or unrespectful way, people with medical knowledge, who abused the patient, or made a wrong operation, or are responsible for the death of someone; people who manipulate other for reason of health. Any kind of abuses from the medical knowledge, or spreading false knowledge, or offending someone who is in vulnerable position. 

Here are also people who neglected, abused or didn’t care totally of their older parents or grandparents; or who left them to die without physical or emotional help. People who murdered someone by accident – (for example in car accident, or responsible for airplane crash, or any kind of accident). The karmic debt of these souls will be to experience the same – to either be ill and mistreated, to be offended by people of authority, to have uncurable disease…or to their life to be threaten by accident or crash in some stage. What these people need to practice in life now is love, compassion and care to others. Their weak parts are heart, blood, blood pressure, arteries, veins, muscles, imbalance of water in body, sweat, hands, arms, legs. They will suffer from anxiety. ( the planet of this group that causes Karma will be Mercury. )

[ 5 ] These are souls from the karmic group of arch. Sandalphon. 
        They will be specially protected in this life time (means their life will be out of danger). If your soul stamp has vibration [ 5 ] also you ll have special protection of physical body. That means your life wont be threaten by disease, or accident, or any kind of violence from another. Souls in this group suffered abuses of any kind in childhood, they were exposed to hard child labour, suffering hard conditions or hunger in poor places.  (That refers also to past life!) 

     They also could have experienced traumatic soul event like offences or murder in childhood from previous times; and they were unable to react or defend. They could also have abuses from family members or hard family karma to carry in this life. But they will be specially protected and helped. These people were usually musicians, dancers, actors, ballet dancers, working in theatre, or any artistic performance. They were under the spotlights all the time. 
       In this life they will be in need of more solitude, or feeling overly sensitive with others, having misunderstanding and fight with people around, they will like to be more withdrawn specially in later ages. These people have the quality to manifest anything what is part from their true mission, in this life. They will be very good with psychic work, feeling others, and teaching. Usually 5 combines all elements and means in this life you need to learn several Karmic lessons, so it wont be easy. Task for these people will be to focus on their own mission and not to disperse their energy on the darkness or meaningless things, or to afraid of judgement of others. 

That`s the final part of my article about Angels of Karma! Hope it was helpful for you, thank you for tuning in! Blessings on your journey of ascension! 
                              art by Jana Brike 

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki healer 

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