Monday, May 13, 2019

Accelerated energy cycles in 2019 -I

    Dear children of Light, I want to concentrate my attention on important topic of this cycle of increased vibrations and energy. I`ll answer some questions with the help of arch. Gabriel. I hope this will help you to understand the meaning of the personal events and other things that come up in your life.

     This year -2019, we have accelerated energy, which means our Earth- Gaia- as a physical dimensional body, starts to integrate and receive massive downloads of Celestial Light. This light, which is in fact different frequencies, will be integrated, felt by all planetary beings – humans, animals, plants, stones, and all various form of life. Humans have the special mission to take in this codes of celestial Light, as it will gradually (not fast!) change the structure of our DNA. That happens in order for the whole planet and humanity to achieve Higher levels of consciousness, and to make smooth transition to 5 dimensional levels. Again that process is very slow, but in some earth eras- like now- we have accelerated energy. 

     That will be hard period for many people, specially who are dedicated to working with angelic light, to self-improvement, for all sensitive, empaths, who just start their spiritual journey. That’s because these codes of Light bring cleansing and purging energy in all levels of our body – they are programmed to transform deeply our DNA information and our Higher mind. The celestial Light will affect mostly all old issues, emotional blockages, traumas from the past, as they will come to the surface quickly and suddenly. That could be experienced as multiple discomforts for most sensitive people like: physical illness or issues in body, sense of being lost” or being left on your own, sense of not knowing where to go, feeling of dizziness, tiredness, skin irritation, temporary sight problem, blood pressure issues, changes in eating habits… Please know that all of these changes are temporary and they will pass, when your light codes are activated!

     The most intensive periods of accelerated energy are in 3 cycles – 1. From 4. April to 4. May,  from 5. May to 5 June. 2. From 6. June to 6. July; 3. From 7. July to 7. August. On 7 August we need to be already accept and receive all the Light codes, then the process of integration will start to be slower again. The last cyle will be from 8. August to 8. September. 

     Have in mind that humanity is receiving the accelerated Light from the magnetic core of Earth, from the magnetic core of Sun and sunlight, from the core of moon and moonlight, as well as from the magnetic particles of magnetosphere, from all plants, fruits, trees, beings around you. That integration will affect all life, as the Earth is going in higher vibrational state. (And that’s because on energy level Gaia is there already, but physical processes happen with lag, slowly.)

    So in first cycle – from April and May you can experience or physical illness, tiredness, fatigue or emotional problems that re occur from the past. That is exactly the trauma (inner wound) that needs to be cleansed. So it will come to surface. In the second period (June-July) – you will experience more comfort, or you will be given the direction, and confidence and inner power to deal with that past/ emotional trauma. You will be given the tool, and all you need to do is use it. Trust yourself and trust that you receive angelic help always!
In the third period, you will need to overcome a certain challenge in the physical world – either with yourself, or with others (for ex. Some may experience separation from partner, while others will understand deep truth).

    All of that energy will need your focused awareness and increased levels of self-love. This is challenging time, in order to cleanse what does not belong to you! Your old or limited believes or lack of confidence will be removed and cleansed. People who are not for your Highest good, also will disappear from your space.

    At the end of this period after 7 of August, a big sun and space portal will be opened, in order for all souls to feel Unity, love and activate their downloads of celestial Light.
In this period you can expect some strange or unusual changes in weather (as it`s affected by magnetosphere). What you can do is to increase the self-love and do all things that you enjoy and that will lift your energy. Walking in nature, meditation, going out with friends, helping others, taking regularly sea salt bath or shower, working with crystals and essential oils, eating big quantities of fruits and vegetables. These are some good ways to stay connected with your heart centre even in challenging times.

Thank you for tuning in! Stay blessed on the path of Light! 
Please read the second part: ".......

 Nina Lea-nour * 
 } Angel`s medium

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