Thursday, June 22, 2017

Culture of easy-swallowing society -VII

- continues from part six -

VII. Visual language and exposing of Self (mobile clicks)

    Everyone is familiar with the phenomena of social media posts, photos, “sharing” and profile pictures. Facebook, google and more social sites offer plenty of choices for every taste, the information on groups and people is so vast that you can sink in it as in ocean. Participating in this social places, communities, circles…friends collections, you actually choose to be swallowed by that ocean. Why do you need to care if it contains reality? You choose quantity, nice effects, smiles and vortex of information. Any kind of information, no matter how much its approved and credible, is surely represented by highlights of visual effects. This is the place of pictures, image, faces and “showing off” from all corners in the world. This is place of trade, exchange, connection too. But for most of people this social place fails to reach higher potential. Most people on social sites are not able to simply observe, see and “read” all of that ocean of information, so they need to choose carefully.
However, as one of the aspects in speed-space is lack of time, the users don’t spend long time in reading any information. The most important becomes the visual effects, the visual language. All words, all expressions, texts are replaced by very comfortable and easy to swallow – images, mobile pictures, icons, emoticons, stickers, symbols. All of that exists to substitute the words. This kind of substitution is double – once from the real behavior, speech –face to face gestures, smiles; and second time – from written text, which becomes needless. The text put as a short famous quote has much bigger chance to reach to the audience, but only if it`s exposed through effective image-photo. That’s how the language works just in the level of visual. Sadly this is not very creative for the higher mind, that needs food from real language (as sound, face expressions) or written text (unlocking potential of imagination). The two are missing in this self-exhibited social theater.

    The higher mindful Self is replaced by bragging or hiding Self of profile image. This image, as many others “shared” on the platform, represents the throwing away of Art, and falling down to the passing, intrusive daily culture. This is the real culture of swallowing, going to the place of daily routine point, where nothing is art. (or anything can be thought as art, no matter of its shape). This are realities that we see diminishing of higher Mind. It becomes instrument of comfortable “seeing –accepting”, and does no longer belong to “observing –knowing”. Such paradigm is too away from Wisdom and from anything closer to spiritual development. Yes, we can find already multiple amazing sections, that will serve us in spiritual development. It is truth, this is the trick of the speed –space Like Facebook, that’s how so many people from different categories and social ranks and spiritual levels, are present in this space. Anyone can find something suitable for his taste. But the general mechanism, work of this place is connected always with this parameters – speed-lack of time, visual effects, self-exposing, lack of art, going away from Mind. That means the more time you devote to be in the social theater, the more your mind will go down in speed, will be not able to reach peaceful point, and will suffer anxiety.

   Self-exposing in internet sites and platforms is one of the main “features” of the easy-swallowing culture. Everyone needs to feel attractive – by one way or another –posting of personal images, “selfies”, appearance of millions photo-shop and photo-decoration applications, images of wisdom, sharing special events. Everyone is involved in that by his own choice, with his own lower mind, exposing him-self. This is also exposure of fake Self. Could anyone possibly know me through my profile picture? Or from my posts expressing what is my taste and position in life? or what is my daily routine, likes, schedule, friends, travels? Finally, do I have connection with my Self through all that sharing with “others”? or I`m near to lose this connection?

    The crazy “selfies” are kind of self-exposure that only need to achieve “cheap effect” by attracting the senses. We all love to be attracted that way, its easiest (in “love” too). This cheap effect results in some really “amazing” cases of suicide of people, who make acrobatic circus show by going in dangerous high buildings, climbing on a train roof (and being burnt by wires), climbing on billboard and falling down…all that cases are real and reveal something more than narrow mind. Such acrobatic showing off can be possible only when the Self suffers destruction, when self is on a verge of a risk, and needs to be proven or die. That’s how all culture is heading to its end.

    The selfies and mobile “clicks” are the new culture language. This is colorful, effective and easy to understand language (even it doesn’t need understanding at all). Just see and trust it is so. If the human mind was not already developed in the divine model of God, the consequences of that culture spread will be devastating. Then, if I had a profile picture of a frog, majority of people living the social platform life, would be sure that “I am really this frog”. Stupidity is always limitless as are stars in cosmos. Mobile clicks have another task, namely to go away from the high art. If cinema in 30- 60 had the aim to reach potential of high art and it succeed in that, now the “cinema” role, taken by the social virtual actors on internet, aims to be down in the routine, in the false ideas, in false lives, in faked faces and virtual masks. The black and white photography was (is) art, the effective mobile images of Self, using photo collage, color and brush effects, are not just escape from “art”, they are grotesque.
It aims to destroy forms of art. We are on the verge of catastrophe, that will be challenging, and leading again to the highest spiritual return.

The actors will be dissolved in New generation of lavender (crystal) mind, that will change the world forever.

That’s all from me now on the topic of “Easy-swallowing culture”, and I hope if you read this to the end, it made you think deeply.

[ nina Lea-nura *
J -1- 

Culture of easy-swallowing society -VI

- continues from part five -

  In such way the culture of easy-swallowing, swallows the objects of false tolerance and acceptance from “far away” cultures, but avoids many issues with individuals inside their own society.

   Here I want to be clear –I don’t proclaim at all to “not help others” or not give your hand and heart to “others”. Of course as humans we all need that higher feelings, but real one. That comes with clear realization of what we can and what we cant. What we are able to give, and in the name of what we do that. I cant be tolerant to a guest who I have invited in my private home, if he comes with intention to kill my family or abuse me. In the same way any country or institution cant be endlessly falsely “tolerant” to the people who come from abroad to become criminals or spread violence. I wont give here the clue or answer to question –how this issue can be solved. This will be another topic to discuss.

VI. Eating bigger – or food swallowing

    Another issue and part of the basic pattern of propaganda, media, advertising, social phenomena, psychological and physiological problems in culture today – the food. For my convenience and understanding of this matter I prefer to write the word with capital letter – the Food. This seems to be somehow in the root of all things – as Food is connected directly with survival, hunger, natural needs, staying in life, nourishment. Here I m far away from the topic or discussion on healthy food and habits. I want to observe only what is the relation between the Food and the culture of “easy-swallowing” people.
Similar to the main categories in this culture – mobile devices, moving, out of limits, free social platforms, friends-collections, chats, visual expressions and images of false Self – also the Food has the same characteristics. It`s linked words – speed, fake, accumulation, lack of time, visual expression.
I think we all agree on that – the Food in this culture is very appealing for eyes, as it is “tasty” (easy to swallow), fake (from big advertisings and posts), inexpensive, and can be eaten fast. That’s how the so convenient “fast food” was created. Propaganda or manipulation of majority of social groups (specially younger generations or old people), this kind of Food, amazingly spread worldwide. With speed of light. That’s how we have Mac Donald`s small restaurants, KFC, Burger King, Pizza street shops everywhere in the planet – from Mexico to Brazil, Chilli, Urigwai, from Germany, France, Norway –to east Europe, Africa, Egypt, Tunisia, Congo. All places in the world speak international language of Food (beside to the one of Music and love). Everyone has at least an idea and saw the poster of Mac Donald` s menu.

    Here I wont go in any details on what people exactly are offered in such fast food shops. Just I want to state – big part and most of the products and ingredients in them are actually…fake. They have the aim to satisfy mainly the visual appetite (sight) of customer, as well as give his belly fake feeling of satisfaction. They can remove the hunger by the so cheap and easy trick of “tasty easy swallowing”. The hamburgers and other things are made specially to be super “tasty”, soft and nice to eat when you are in a hurry. Who cares that they don’t have the basic good vitamins and valuable nutrition for human body? Or that eating fast food daily will make you gain at least 6 kg for one month? This Food is perfect choice of young generation, who don’t have much interest in nutrition and good eating habits, nor in diets and vegetables (in vast majority). Exceptions from this rule are of course special class of people – ballet dancers, gymnastics, people who love sport and gym.
There is no need of proof for the fact, that vast majority of any class in any society are affected by the virus of Fast food. The proof is one –just go to any area of bigger people movements ( station, airport, metro) and observe. Just look, how many people suffer from obesity? How many people are not fitting in label “fat” (specially men) but still have a big belly or fat on stomach area? How many people have obvious illness and fat accumulation in all body parts – from legs to stomach, breasts, arms, and under neck? What about their eyes? And hair? Observe well and you will find too many physical deformations, illnesses and obesity in the majority of people. If there is not true, so your society should be given as example for good health and happiness. Then you can be proud.

Again here I want to be clear –the obesity is not a crime, no matter of the question if it is aesthetic or not. It is a deformation and illness, which shows strong imbalance in the Root and Crown chakras. That means now too much. By the proper understanding, realizing and Seeing this illness as such, people are able to be motivated to go away from unhealthy fast food. At least they can allow themselves the pleasure of such food much rarely – like once in a month. The fast food, as sadly not limited only to the restaurants like Mac Donald` s. It`s everywhere, in all shops, all places, all supermarkets, flooding the areas of sub-consciousness with fake sense of hunger satisfaction. The fast food is in – frozen products (pizzas), cans, cheap packed products, semi-finished products (noodles, spaghetti, pasta), in most sweets and chocolates sold in not specialized or organic shops. In this way the mass media and internet claims – ordinary people are “too poor” and cant afford good quality food and good quality products? Is it so really? If good quality means “gourmet” food from expensive restaurant? Or is it just the way of my value of myself, and what I eat, prepared at my home?
    Its obvious – we cant agree that in order to be slim, in good shape and healthy, we need to eat always and usually expensive gourmet food. That’s not true. But we can agree – we need well directed willpower, motivation and realizing our essential needs for healthy food. The Food, exactly like the virtual space-speed of internet sites and platforms, will appear to be fake. This food is created with one aim – to create good profit for the chains and suppliers, and feeling of belly satisfaction for the customers. The Food, as basic industry, becomes too important for majority of people (low mind levels social groups) , for who speed, rush and profit, together with lack of time for thinking, love to indulge in this easy-swallowing process. Everything should be easy, without efforts, without questions, without depth. This is totally true for Food. Moreover food was transformed from essential nutritional value for body, to appealing to eyes big size machine for manipulation. It has changed its principles – to sustain the human life and organs function – to damaging elements, preservatives and chemicals that create some of strongest body illnesses.
Please have in mind, this article is not dedicated against or pro any concrete food industry or restaurant. My aim is to point out the true of humans mind and deep understanding. How much humanity realizes their threat, how much they can take risks for becoming illness nations.
The wake up call is near and we are already on the way of new enlightenment, new era.

The paradox of the easy-swallowing culture is – they love the nice view, good body shape, proportions, health. They love it –but only as “image”, idea, not as something real to be achieved by each individual. They love to see their own body as perfect, but are not motivated enough to eat healthy food, or less. This is so because majority in the social groups know sub consciously, that all that virtual images”, posters, visual amplifications of objects…are not real. They are part of the fake system. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
J -1- 

Culture of easy-swallowing society -V

- continues from part four -

V. False freedom and false tolerance

     This theme requires quite long explanation and concentration to be understood. I wont go into deep philosophical discourse on what is meaning of freedom and is a human free a priori (by nature). In connection with the topic of easy-swallowing culture (societies), I want to observe the sense of freedom. How freedom can exist in this speed-space, and is it real one? The answer is - freedom is unreal, it is thought –of- freedom, and fake. The same as the friends –collections on the social sites, and the same as the view-understanding of own Self. From position of ordinary person, who is roaming around the space of internet daily, getting easy to obtain information from the web-sites, using millions and multiple services and applications – all that are parts of Freedom. How we cant be free in so amazingly huge, not recognizable, without limits space –internet? Are we not free to see, look and discover any point of the world, ancient civilizations, different cultures, societies, structure of the cities, meet people from all over the world, talk with them, be connected from any point of the globe? Is that not freedom? In first sight – yes, we call it freedom. But this labeled freedom is knife with two sides. This is the same freedom to choose multiple options of bank accounts and credit cards, to be satisfied with the interest rate, and all bank services…and in the same time to accumulate big debts. So there are two sides always of something that has the outlines of Freedom. The main reason this is fake understanding of freedom, even if there are too many advantages for the culture - is again multi sides. It is connected with speed, fake environment, easily acquired information (pictures almost forget about copy-right of the paper), being easily in touch with anyone using social services (Viber). That all creates a false feeling of safety and freedom. Remember that internet is one of the most unsafe places, the information you get so easily cant be approved, the identities are blurred and you can obtain and lose easily your own identity. So this freedom – if you are not quite careful about your actions, can lead to bad consequences. If there is a free space, in which anything and anyone can be fake, how you can be sure about your virtual environment? You need to have also control on your search preferences, to install anti-virus protections, to clean your files and data by many ways and to keep register of all data separately from your pc, laptop or mobile device. So many precautions don’t mean freedom. All freedom, as anything else in material, is limited.
There is also another phenomena, appearing after wide spread of personal internet. This is the false tolerance. What this term means?

     With the limited and fake freedom of space-speed in internet platforms, it appears natural feeling of curiosity, attachment, like and need of understanding the “others”, not equal to you. The user become a comfortable reclining person, who travels everywhere he wants by visual maps, pictures and 3D, 4D images. He is now click away to visit the plate of Great Pyramids in Giza, to go to Cairo Musem, to roam streets of Paris, to look the mosque of Isfahan from inside and in details. That way of free roaming in virtual places arise need to understand others, and by nature, to love them. This feeling appears of course consciously or not. So some people are attracted from that different cultures, not equal to their own. The same as before people were attracted by romantic thrill of writing letters by hand and sending them to far away land. In this way it appears sense of tolerance to others, need to accept them for what they are. The feeling of love and tolerance to other, different than me, is something very positive for sure. No doubt about. But I want to point out, this is again not real tolerance, but just a “cover”, mask of tolerance. Why? Simply because its created by the need and by human nature. As someone said before –the need of love is not the love itself. Whatever very positive theories about “attraction” we read, they fail in some basic points. Sadly –not all that glitters is gold. And it’s a fact. That’s why – the feeling of tolerance and love to others is something amazing and beautiful by itself. As a feeling and idea it is what we all strive. But in reality this feeling is not so easy to achieve, as it requires certain position and action –directed to the object of tolerance/ love. In the point of action exactly this falls apart. Its psychological issue –we become more tolerant and “understanding” mostly to people, who are very far from our own society, own culture, own family. Someone wont be so tolerant to mistakes of his own children, than to a person from another culture and religion. This is so, because of need to be open, need of freedom, and lack of time for depth and analysis, given with virtual platforms. We become so open, so “tolerant” and loving to all other world, as we start to lose our own identity in the chaos of spread pieces. That’s how amazing phenomena of psychological traps of mind came to life, in face of issue with the escaping from wars and death immigrants and refugees from Syria. Later we discover that 30% of them are actually pure African people and not Syrian. The astonishing waves of millions of unfortunate refugees, were (strangely why) directed not to south, but to north and Europe, where they had hope to flee from their miserable life and find shelter.) So the tolerant Europe opens its arms to embrace the poor waves of immigrants with children and women…without any questioning or answers, what they will do in the future? How they can (and if this is possible at all) integrate themselves from one very far away culture of Muslim societies and east African style of life, traditions and customs, to the open and careless about nudity and sexuality “European” society. Moreover no one asked the very obvious and fundamental questions – how these people will continue their life? Will they need more schools, working places, shops, areas of living, and most of all – more and more aids, donations and food until they are able to be responsible for their own lives? Why these strongly motivated to escape from disasters of war people did not head to closer places and countries (like the vast and reach areas of Saudi Arabia, Algeria, African countries?). And are people in Europe living in reality in “higher standard”, or this is just a myth? All these questions were not asked but matter was to help this people immediately – by the easiest way for them – to save their lives for the moment, even with many consequences in the future. The false tolerance comes when the people who accepted the same sad refugees” received offences and strikes in return to their generosity. Mothers in Germany, who opened their arms and houses for refugees, were devastated by the violence and rape of their child. (Many such cases are recorded). This is a fact. Now its not virtual or game. The virtual tolerance, acceptance and love to these “others”, will easily become misunderstanding, intolerance and hatred…just by changing the position of donor to victim. Or it will remain false tolerance.

      False tolerance is to want to give love to someone who don’t want to receive it, and instead has other needs. It is to assume that just because you are human you should help other human beings, without to ask them what actually they want? Where they need to go, what is their aim? This acceptance without deeper understanding of “others” is blind. And as I said already –its beautiful feeling to give love – but don’t expect something (good) in return. If your image about another is left only to the words of this person, and you didn’t have any deeper knowledge (even in historical line) about his culture, habits, places, religion, so you cant have real understanding. You will stay to the “need of tolerance” which will be always a position of risk, no matter how noble it looks. Be tolerant” to the point you know what you are able to give. Not more than that. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
J -1- 

Culture of easy-swallowing society -IV

- continues from part three - 
[ observation on social platforms and profiles ]

    Creating social profiles and multiple social platforms has amazing psychological doubles effect – from one side satisfies the need of the individual from social connections; from another boosts his confidence (self-image, appearance), and in the same time keep him behind the veil of “incognito” observer. His is hidden and exposed in the same time. He can view” others (images, activities), without to be seen himself, he can have easy communication with others, without the pressure of deeper mind or analysis. This is the main pattern of visual amplification. What becomes more significant than “who”, “how” and why, which creates gap in individual character. But as all these described above satisfactions are fake and not real, so the individual will come back in his spiritual development. He will become motor of easy motion of surface changing pieces of puzzle – in fake reality.

IV. Self replaced by Social self

     As I spoke about so many damages on the consciousness and sub consciousness of human in easy-swallowing culture, I have to mention here the social relations. Due to lack of time and the speed factor, most people create also multiple relations, depending on their spheres of interest. This is a very good, positive point in such a speed time society. But is it truth? The connections we create using the social media platforms are also fake. Moreover even the existing friendships, relations and relationships are threaten to submerge in one chaotic stream, and disappear. Social medias have the first aim (on the surface) to bring people together. In fact, what happens is opposite –they brake connections of humans and create well manipulated fake communications. Why is that so? When I create a post and share it with my friends, I already don’t know who will be able to view or react on this post. This reactions of my post have strong affect, even in sub conscious level – on mind of individual. He start to notice by repeating one and the same rule, who of his friends” or people with whom he shares – react on some of his posts, and what is the reaction. Any kind of reaction is more preferred than lack of reaction. That means “I`m left alone, unnoticed” and why do I have these “friends”? The actual question that I need to ask myself is – are the so created social connections on my social platform really “friends”? Because of lack of time, I cant be able to ask further questions to what extend I can rely on such friends and what is meaning of “friendship”? These are very old thoughts, left in history before mobile technologies. Now I just see, observe, have visual impression from reactions of others and make conclusions. If I feel respectful for myself, of course I have to notice – how many people and how often see and react on my posts. Because these people are my “close friends” (labeled) or any other group and I found them valuable enough to share my post (image, idea, feeling, place). So I`ll instinctively remove from this category anyone, who never reacts on any post of me. That means this person doesn’t exist for me, and I for him. This is obvious. In the same time, even if he sees my sharing, but doesn’t show reaction (which means he is hiding), that makes his image not appreciated in my eyes, surely as I`m not in position to know what are his thoughts” about my image. My image and post now is almost equal identified with my own Self. (as its posted by Self). That’s how this hidden observer is not good for me, but …in the same time I allow him to see my image, or allow him access. Another decision is to restrict him from my posts, or remove him from my “friends” list. But why I would react in the first way, even knowing that this person is not a friend? The answer hides in understanding about “friend” category in social media stream.

      In reality, there is no “friends” - they are transformed in virtual connections – collections. I have collection of names and profiles, linked with my profile and that’s all. No real sharing or friendship at all can rely or develop just from virtual platforms, without anything else. Here arises the question – why I have these collections? What is meaning (profit) of them? As in the time-space speed of Internet, there is not much inner value, so the profit is better word. The older generations, that are not familiar or too distant from mobile devices, social media and internet connections, are prone to speak or meet. In such way, meeting and gatherings were platforms of exchange of information –for others, gossips and sharing ideas, feelings. In this era the accent was not on visual but on virtual hearing, listening, voice, speech. This was era of long speeches, words, texts, books, things said indirectly, in symbolic way. Ear of hearing –speech-sharing. Opposite of that, now is era of visual games exchange - sharing images, places and moods in simple and shortest way is the best communication. Why do I need words, if I see photo of my friend for ex. standing on the beach with cocktail in hand and smiling? All is clear –he achieved happiness, he is well. Why do I need words if I see my friend with his baby on lap at home, smiling from ear to ear? Is it not clear, he is very happy. That’s how we create and sink in the culture of “fake happiness”, by exposing fake images of this happiness. but is that true? How much do we know about actors from a movie behind the scene and in daily life? Think well. Exactly the same effect happens with the people in social media sites. They are actors, they love to expose and show off themselves (or equally to hide themselves from scene sometimes) in best possible way. No one will put a photo for himself in period of deep depression, sorrow and sadness (specially if he does not gain any attention from others in such way). Visual attention and exposure of private images sometimes, become the biggest trap, failure of the system and fake elements from the culture. We are all involved in theatre of moving, changing pictures, kaleidoscope of faces, bodies, ideas, feelings…without any significant meaning. That’s how in this trap fall even spiritually advanced people – assuming they use the social media to create spiritual insights and shares. Even so, I want to state here clearly

     * Without a strict and permanent control on your own time spend inside the social platform (regardless Facebook, Twitter or other), you will slowly lose your spiritual development and feel lack of time, and lack of real life-achievements. Control means to know when and how long you use the social site, to have restricted audience, well chosen social “collection” of names, to not put any feelings in any of the connections, regardless of their emotions, and know the value of personal time. In this way, your time will be devoted to essential things, I think that in most cases an hour is quite enough.

   To conclude – people possessing fake faces, acquire a fake multiple sided virtual life, that replaces their real values and experiences, to the limited space-time of the social platform. They start to disappear as individuals from the material surroundings, and appear in the same time in a their safe virtual social rooms. This appearance can be a well made game, fake identity, taking traits the person does not possess, but desire. That’s how this looks like virtual theater of mind, where many pieces of individual puzzles are spread around many platforms. They form a chaotic space, with many references, and sadly without depth and meaning. In this process people merge with their created Masks, faces. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
J -1- 

Culture of easy swallowing society -III

- third part -

... continues from III. Amplification of visual perception

     This is the shortly and very simple explanation of how visual amplification works for the culture of “easy-swallowing”. Have in mind, I do not claim with that, there is no process of thinking or mindful reactions. I claim, that majority of people (mass consciousness) living in the patterns of Speed, Accumulation, visual connections, have this model as deep root for their thinking. What does it mean? What happens after?
Such model is very common to appear with “short term” memory and lower mind. That means – when we see an object (flower f.e.) we don’t need anymore to observe it further. So we do not stay with this object long, and continue to the next object of our attention. The same happens multiple times and every time. In this way our mind cant be activated to higher levels, but stays with lower connections to see-understand the existence of the objects, but not its value, meaning, use. This model happens due to most reasons I already pointed above – specially because of lack of time, and lack of need for tranquility, through which to be achieved deeper meaning. Here we stumble on a hole, a gap of depth and meaning. We cover this gap (as a trap) with accumulation of more and more “visual” traps, or pictures. That’s how we move on. The easy-swallowing culture cant stay longer on one object or observe it well. The more sad is –it doesn’t want to search for depth or meaning. The visual amplification is enough for the food of “lower mind” and stays with affection from eyes.
In this respect the importance of so called “picture”, “photos” and visual images on social media is big. The visual affect of pictures, videos and life reportages is what gives the real power of television (and make it also a propaganda, eyes illusion),  the words, description itself, is behind on the back side. Not opposite. The same happens with the social media and social applications. Think about Facebook, Twitter, google. There is a real predominance of the Visual (pictures, photos) and “text” words, descriptions, meanings are left just on the back as a “filling”. As the accent is put strongly on images (pictures) and visual appearance, people rarely make a “post” and share anything from surroundings without a picture. Even more – if you want to describe an idea, you use picture, above which there are stamped words of wisdom for example. A simple picture can do more than all “simple” words. Why is that so?

      The answer is quite simple, due to 1. attraction of attention, 2. lack of time for depth (analysis). In a virtual reality, as internet, pictures have the biggest power to affect senses and lower mind. These pictures are exact example of best part of easy-swallowing culture. They are just exactly what we called “accumulation” of objects, and react in the same way. The most important is not what is their deeper meaning”, but what is their surface. quantity before quality. What is important? Not what is shown – but the way it is shown to be more affective, more attractive, more bright. High colors, amazing techniques, photo –collages, and effects. This is the culture of best visual color and visual effects. They are in direct contact with the eyes of perceiver. That’s how for some generation (social groups) in lower spiritual levels –the most significant becomes “appearance”. How I see myself with eyes of “others” become equal to how I put myself as an “effective” smooth, bright image on the social media group. This will be my proud, and the image (photo of mobile) will create my importance. That’s how the internet culture is born, connecting all elements of the high speed society in one. One that leads to dissolving my Self – to the image of my “created Social Self”. This is a fake administration and fake reality. Importance of myself is locked in the person “social” profile, which is visual document of the identity and self. In this easy-swallowing circles, the profile (picture) and any additional photo of profile, as well as wall posts, become the presentation and exposure of Self to others. The ways we choose in Facebook, who will see our posts, is also a manipulation of sub consciousness; why? Think about that – we assume in sub conscious level – that all the people we like, allow and feel valuable to share our post (thoughts) will also feel the same, and they will see and appreciate our post (thoughts, share). Which is again falling into fake reality, simply because of the time-space speed on internet. This speed doesn’t allow any longer observation on a single post (visual image), but makes the brain “lazy” by constant stream of visual images and words. This is like a bombarding with visual information, which cant be processed by the brain cells, not even collected or linked, or stored carefully by the brain. This is so because of the speed, as the mind cant stay longer in the same object. Attention is floating and moving in seconds and minutes from one visual image, from one picture to another, information is merging in a vast ocean, where the mind don’t need any further processing. Moreover there is lack of meaning and depth on any visual image, lack of further explanation. You can perceive one very good post of wisdom, or 2 or 3, but you cant perceive one hundred and store them in memory. In this way anything you see” with your eyes, will have effect of yo-yo, or a fast jumping ball, that wont have any left information in your mind. And here we speak about lower mind. The kaleidoscope of images, photos, sentences, short sharing, friends sharing of places and memorable views, have actually the opposite effect – they increase the lag of mind laziness, brain becomes out of motion, and out of need to create. If this “seeing” without analysis continues for long time (more than 1 hour), it may lead to tiredness, lack of concentration, anxiety, feeling of depression, dull mind.

    In culture of easy swallowing, the most important is not how I see myself, what I value in myself…but it becomes “how others see me through my social mainstream appearance and image”, what is my image in society or in friend circles. All has value in connection of others. That becomes a phenomena of amplification of visual image, removing all other mental values from individual. That leads to dull emotions, misunderstanding of others and Self. It leads to brake up in relations with yourself and others on many levels, to emotional imbalance and emphasize on “physical appearance”. Which also is linked to creating a fake reality and even more –a fake Self. There is no connection between this socially approved smooth image of Self, and my real Spiritual self. There is a gap – of time-space speed. The valuable is not the information given (if I make a simple post in social media, without to include image/ photo), but the attractive way in which it is presented (the amplification of picture). 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
J -1- 

Culture of easy swallowing society -II

- second part - 
II. Accumulation (fast profit)

    We can observe the aspect of accumulation in all aspects of life. They are connected with fast money, gaining profit, using all obligations, connections and things of environment as a profit. This so created “accumulation” of goods, resources, properties, is also quite psychological issue. It comes from the inability of mind to find and create happiness (as a deeper feeling of soul) and from the fake understanding of happiness itself. This culture understand “happiness” mostly as feeling of satisfaction from patterns of the reality, in which individual is put on. This satisfaction often takes shape of “accumulation of goods”, money and profit, acquiring material objects, properties. If we just stay on the line of this “satisfaction” from material world, the situation, in which spirit abide will become critical. Why? Because the human spirit (higher Mind, Self) has by nature implemented need for expansion. The soul of human also has the inner passion for ascension (of feeling to God), as all created things are going in “line” to the Divine essence of Self or God. In the culture of accumulation of material objects, the mind becomes very limited, pushed to the levels only of visible reality (or what we call “material world”). In this limitations still it has the need for “braking free”, for expansion, going out of all limits. Essential part of the human mind pattern is need, passion for development and creation. That’s how, if the mind stays in the limited condition of the “limited” fake material world, it will still keep the need of expansion endlessly. But now, (take care of that!) this expansion will be limited just in the material world of lower senses. That’s how the need for accumulation is awaken, and followed by lack of time (which rise from feeling of need to brake out of time limits); from that accumulation desire, is born Redundancy. The simple rule is activated and in motion like a cycle – the more you have (accumulate, acquire), the more you want, desire. This comes together with another amazing rule, which even could sound contradictory – the more you have (accumulate), the less you feel you have. This is actually feeling of Insatiable hunger for material goods, objects, which comes from the fake understanding of reality. Mostly, this feeling comes from the inability of the Mind to go out of its fake material limits, and roam in the spheres of Spirit (higher mind). That’s how the mind of humanity in this culture stays in low positions. The most important, valuable things are still connected with the physical survival (Root chakra aspects), safety, stability, money and goods. Accumulation in this case (and in word itself) will be opposite of “expansion”, as it lacks spiritual connotations. It is strictly linked with the visible material world, which is limited. So the cycle repeats. This accumulation and redundancy spreads in society as psychological pattern. It states aloud for everyone – if you are rich (have money, property…) you should acquire happiness. (Is it so?) The model repeats for all other spheres of life. This model of course put the stress on the first part “if”. Please take note –it does not ask simply –how to be happy? What to do to reach happiness? it assumes a priori, that the so called “happiness” is form of satisfaction from the physical world, and can not come from another way, than from accumulation of goods. So there is more to it: if you have many friends, you should feel happy. If you have much money, cars, objects, properties, you should be happy.

    Why is that so? The accumulation do very basic tricks of lower mind –which are easy to reach by humans. First, it gives you the main issue of filling the gap of “hunger for goods”, makes you feel safe and stable, makes you feel “survived”. Then it gives you the fake illusion, that you can achieve more and with that you will be more satisfied. But as the mind expands this process endlessly, so the need of satisfaction” in material world will be endless, and the single so loved “happiness” wont be achieved. So it will go on, and on…until the humans brake the cycle of material and fly away in the Spirit. Then things will be much different, as the happiness is only achieved this way.

   What we can say – the simple accumulation of goods, objects, money, properties, cant give you feeling of happiness, but only will stay as temporary satisfaction. The accumulation extends in the psychological patterns of society resulting in redundancy, greed and insatiable hunger for more. All of these reaches to temporary, transient, short satisfaction, and creates a fake reality, and fake values in human mind.

   The illusion comes from the simple assumption, that we can achieve happiness by being “free”, and freedom will come from drop of regulations by accumulating goods. If I have more money, I can buy flat, house, I can make renovation, can travel, can have better work, can have more friends, or better friends…All of these statements are well formed (on outside) as fake illusions.

III. Amplification of Visual perception

    This is one of the most important aspects of “easy-swallowing” society. This culture can not survive or develop without strong visual perception. Everything in the surrounding should be approved first not by lower mind, not by heart (emotions), but by seeing, sensation. Observation and perception with eyes has the strongest affect on human brain. Eyes are accepted as the senses of highest importance. We relay on them for all things that we cant “imagine”. All what is seen with eyes is labeled a priori as “real” and “existing”, and even “true”. All what cant be perceived with eyes is labeled as “not real”, and even “not existing, not truth”. That’s how the reality of eyes and seeing is the only reality for this level of culture. Seeing also has the ability to prove things without interference of Mind, which directly is in the root of many fake believes world wide. Eyes and seeing are in the root of highest good and highest evil. To such extend the culture become totally depending on “visual”, that it hardly can believe in anything which is in spheres of invisible matter and spirit. The argument that the thoughts, radio waves and energy of objects (aura) is not visible but “true” and existing, is Not enough. If majority of cultures worldwide believe and are totally sure about radio waves, this is only due to the fact of their proven scientifically mechanism of work. Societies accept this “fact” in the same simple, naïve way, as they would do most news shown on TV, describing situation worldwide. The visual perception creates the true models of value (aspects of beauty, success, love, relationships, achievements). Most of the values in this culture come from the seeing and influence by eyes. Seeing means much more than  “thinking”, because what we see doesn’t need to be approved. In this way it appears a gap, an empty place, which cant be filled with anything than “hunger”, dissatisfaction. This gap comes from the lack of any measures, meaning and deeper understanding of the objects we see. In other words – we like to answer the easy question “what”, “where”, than to dig into deeper questions “why”, “how”. For example – I see flowers and trees in nature, perceive their beauty, see the natural things, and by the act of “seeing” I answer the question “what” where. But I don’t go further than this, as I feel the information is enough for me, my senses are satisfied, I don’t go deeper in understanding of meaning and sense of these objects –flowers, trees. I don’t ask question “why” are they here? “how” I can use them? What is their essence and meaning for humans? By this so called visual satisfaction, I don’t need longer observation of flowers and trees. My mind is not the active side, my eyes and senses are. I feel the wind in the trees, smell the flowers, see the colors of flowers, they give me pleasure. This simple pleasure is wonderful and…it is enough for me. I stay in this pleasure of material reality, of my limited sensations. I stay by effect of vision, in this way I stop the way of motion of my mind to ask more questions. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
J -1- 

Culture of easy swallowing society -I

    Here is my view-point about an interesting topic, I like to share. What is culture of “easy-swallowing” and where it exists? Is it present now? What are parameters and historical outlines for this culture? What we need to be aware, when we come in the age of “easy-swallowing” societies.

   Lets begin. First of all I`ll point out the main characteristics of this culture and later on I`ll give explanation on why I gave this expressive name. With the term “Easy-swallowing” culture I want to describe and present the cultural habits, prejudice, understandings, values, religious and spiritual views, life style, habitats, moral views and relationship patterns of majority social groups. These groups are spread everywhere, in different countries and regions, and as a rule inhabiting the bigger metropolis and cities.

I. Avoiding the depth ~
The culture of “easy swallowing” people appeared from the specific patterns of psychological and social phenomena, with appearance of obesity as a problem in major extend. The most prominent parameters of this culture, that gain strength specially after year 2000 are spread of fast food restaurants, hypermarkets, internet as global source of information, chat-culture extended with thousands social applications, mobile devices and gadgets, Facebook societies, online education, semi-finished, frozen and canned foods, media propaganda.
I want to point out, that all these aspects not only move away the humans from the nature and natural environment, but mostly they move him away from his own self. This era consisting of many parallel periods of time, is era of what I call here “easy-swallowing” culture, encompassing all of the above aspects. The so called “new generation”, young people of this era are trapped in a speed life rhythm, with many activities without values and depth. This culture can be characterized with these specific points: 1. avoiding the depth in the way of life, psychology pattern, thinking; 2. fast gaining profit (value and stress is on quantity much more than quality) 3. fast and multiple sided education; 4. short descriptions and strongly amplified visual art (photography, illustration); 5. Self replaced by Social-self;  6. false freedom and false tolerance understanding. 7. eating bigger in less time; 8. Visual language and exposing of Self (mobile clicks); 9. Speed cars, “slowliness” versus speed. 9. Games versus reality;
Lets look to each one of them and observe it separately.
 note –community falls apart, it appears Social-self situated between other self in fake community. 

Avoiding the depth in thinking, understanding is one of the basic patterns for the easy-swallowing society. What does it mean? As the culture of big metropolis put an accent of speed in all things, people- participant of this culture also move in speed way, which is too fast to let anyone open his mind. Lets observe some of the aspects of Speed – action, motion, strength (power over something or someone), fast taking decisions. What are opposite sides of Speed? One of the main points that opposes of Speed – is Tranquility-peace-Spirit. In the fast moving kaleidoscope you cant be able to observe, moreover your mind cant be able to catch all details around you, as result your mind tries to process” all chaotic puzzled pieces of the surroundings…This process can happen only in abnormal way, so the results from this speed-process of the reality is fake. That means the mind in such fast motion will be obviously lack essential tranquility, inner peace, that are given from Slowing-down. Speed is connected with big factors like noise and pollution. On the contrary, peace and tranquility are reached in silence, going inwards, reaching inner depths, and purity. Then purity together with tranquility will be the basis of well developed mind and inner potential for creating.

   We reached to the point – the Speed – as connected with noise, pollution, lack of time, lack of depth, sliding on the surface - creates well imbalance in thinking and senses, chaos and fake reality. While Serenity (Tranquility) creates inner peace, time extension, depth of mind, purity of feelings, silence, balance, ability to know Self, and creative mind. If we spread this opposition scheme more, we can say without doubt, that Speed as basic aspect of this culture, creates destruction, chaos, pollution, while Tranquility creates harmony, balance, inspiration, expansion. That’s how the lack of depth in thinking is linked with the social models of Speed and lack of time. Which is born from another, which one brings another to life? This is question we can just guess or try to solve. In the same time, in this culture there is accent on Accumulation, rather than mindful application, usage of objects and goods.

[ nina Lea-nura *
J -1- 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Meaning of horrible events and Ascension

Today I want to deliver the message of my angels and arch. Charmeine –about the events on the planet.

    Dear spiritual children, we are going through major energy shift on Earth, that is expressed with higher electromagnetic sensitivity, higher vibrations, spiritual phenomena, opening the Third eye, opening more cosmic channels, transmitting higher streams of cosmic energy to our planet. This time is very special and can be crucial for your development as humans. You are here not to suffer, and not to feel pain, you are here also not to abide in thoughtless happiness, or to be “free”. You are here to expand your mind, to cleanse and recharge your DNA and have huge transformation in your energy pattern. That’s the real reason. That’s why be prepared for the major events of the shifts. As you go through layers in the cosmic space (the whole sun system and galaxy are traveling now faster) you experience amazing feelings. You call this process “ascension”, in this time you may feel symptoms of tiredness, excitement, inspiration, lack of motivation, faster loss of energy, need to be alone, need of rest, sleep, lose of appetite. Some of you will experience constant or instantaneous vibrations in parts of your body – specially feet and palms, as they are channels. You may feel dizzy, and not able to focus, you may feel absent minded. These all symptoms are quite usual and don`t worry. Accept all what you feel with gratitude and make most of it. There is no need to be down, or angry on yourself. Your body and all your energy is adjusting in the best possible way to the waves of new cosmic frequencies. You are in this time surrounded by your angels and by spirit light. Don’t forget that. In such special time, you will feel very easily telepathic connections, your crown chakra will be opened and energy will be flowing through you. The ascension needs time. Its important to know also – not everyone of you will go through ascension now. Everything in the nature and on earth happens in the exact time and space, and with the special reason. That’s why your ascension now is not by chance, it happens only because you are ready for it.

   For the rest of you, who are not ready, you will receive other gifts of spirit or other challenges on physical level. As the planet is moving through high vibration layers, all the energy of humans, plants and living beings is accelerated. That means not only beautiful and peaceful events, dear ones. Now the two sides of your being start to pull strongly in different directions. The more some of you receive streams of divine light and ascend, the more other humans will pull down to the dark matter, the more they will be attached to the material world. This “contradiction” between the two sides is actually not such in divine plan – it is harmony, as it will bring harmony to planet earth in the future.

   In this respect I have to tell you – be prepared for hard, dark, painful and horrible events on physical plane. From the second half of this year – month of 6 -7 they will start to increase – waves of unclean energies in forms of war, terrorism, violations of rights, fight, pain, natural disasters will start to take place around you. Don’t be afraid, and don’t think of them as events “by chance”. All of them have divine plan and purpose why they appear. The horrible attacks of some individuals on others – that you call terrorism – will increase. That’s quite normal and happens for a reason. Not because these people are “evil” which is quite logical in the earth plane, but because they have function of “cleansing” the energies. I wont observe their reasons, but surely these people are on the hidden dark side, living in lowest levels, they have fog in mind. Moreover they are surrounded by demonic presence which prevents them to even see the light. That’s how the events will unfold.

   For the divine plan, everything has deep reasons and meaning. Even the horrible events. Every part of the history is covered with stamps of blood from such horrible events – wars, plague epidemic in Middle ages, diseases without cure, killings, atrocities. All that exists, not because “someone” or Creator made it for you. Go out of your mindset – and be higher in order to see. You create this events for yourself with the only reason – to expand and to be cleansed. The lower energies need to be cleansed from the earth, and they can`t just disappear. That’s how the energy works – by periods of rejuvenation, cleansing, and stillness. It`s a cycle of energy.
This is my message to you –be open – feel, perceive, see the truth, be devoted to the Light. Don’t feel afraid or doubtful, just be focused in the presence. Then you will have successful ascension.

Thank you, dear spiritual children, abide in light of God.

Arch. Charmeine with Nina Lea-Nura *

Friday, June 2, 2017

Aura patterns -IV

Last part of the series about aura patterns - rare aura shapes: 

~ hexagram (honey comb) – this symbol is rare in human aura and chakras. It`s connected to the symbol of honey bee, shows soul of ascension, living in higher levels, that achieved forgiveness and peace. Close to form of circle, this shape represents harmony of all elements in nature and higher awareness. This is strong spiritual soul, with open heart, connected, understanding and seeing all links and connections of gods energy. It means productive power (in the sphere of his mission, person will achieve personal and social recognition). Process of his recognition will be slow, but will have immense impact. Symbol of fruitful work, devoted to his mission, alliance between heart desire and mission. This person will have strong heart chakra – no matter where the symbol appears. He will possess amazing human qualities and unconditional love.

~ fishes shape (half fish) – fishes” represent connection with element water, specially sea. Their meaning is need to move in right direction, away from expectations of others, different approach, person attached by mysticism. Fishes mean need of improvement qualities, need of change (travel, moving to places), change partners or realizing truth about oneself. This pattern also means hesitation and doubt about direction someone is going. If it appears in Sacral chakra will mean strong hesitation to which love partner to choose, or need to move away from harmful situation in relationship. It shows changes of relationship, love in motion, or need for higher level relationship. This person will give much and require much from his partner. Also he will have idealistic views about love and need of perfect romance. He will be calm, peaceful and giving love, so he will expect the same qualities from the other. Fishes are need for harmony, peace and search for perfectionism in any sphere. They show also feminine energy, need of movement, change, transformation, in order to achieve peace. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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photo ~ sycamore tree in the park, by nina nour

Aura patterns -III

~ Crescent moon – this sign is not so often for most people , it shows karmic lessons that need to be learned and wisdom, that is on the way to be revealed. Soul with crescent moon may have also patterns of “waves” (nun) that shows complete connection with water element. It means also the person went through hardship and bitterness in specific field of his life (depending on place it appears). This soul needs to develop more strength, courage and let all fears behind; Symbol more of feminine energy, it shows gentleness, kindness and higher need for peace. Person with crescent will be lonesome and not feel connected to society and others. He feels tranquility only by himself and needs often energy recharge. Crescent moon in any chakra means connection to invisible world, clairvoyance (in Third chakra), clairaudience (in Throat) and clairalience in down chakras and heart. Soul with crescent will be very sensitive and prone to take others negative energies, if not well protected. This symbol appears with cool and fairy colors aura (blue, indigo, violet, lavender).

~ four pointed star – all stars symbols are very special sign in human aura. They represent the persons connection to higher self and acknowledging his cosmic mission on earth. Person with star will be aware (or on the way of awareness) about his divine missions – spiritual and in earth plane. 4 pointed star shows soul, devoted to what he loves, his carrier and work is in alignment of his higher self. This person follows his heart and knows exactly what he wants to do. That is mostly valid for his earth mission (what is likes in life). He is very persistent, not hesitating, in some cases he can get help of the angels (if he is in higher levels). * Note – to not be misunderstood here – everyone can get help from angels, as they are open to every soul on earth regardless of all conditions or mind. Just the person himself should be aware and needs this connection and help, he should believe and then ask.

~ Pentagram – This symbol represents very good abilities to work with natural force and energies. It also means soul can be guided in this life to achieve higher result for what he wants. Pentagram shows qualities for Magic, open third eye, soul attached to mysticism and invisible. Even so he may be on the right way of light –or on the way of darkness and demons. They also will be teachers for him, if he chooses so. Of course with all consequences for the soul. Pentagram shows also ability to focus on energies (manifest” what you desire), higher sensitivity, developing connection with spirit world. For ex. such people can choose to “see” dark entities – “ghosts” and demons, or angels.

~ Leaves of tree – this pattern is very similar to floral symbols. It shows achievements of the soul, strong heart connection, open mind, life in harmony with the nature, compassion and empathy. This is sign of higher spiritual growth, love for plants and trees, develop ability to communicate with nature spirits (fairies, nymphs), connection with trees soul and angels. These souls are clairvoyant or clairsentient –specially if they have this symbol in their Third eye or Crown chakra.

Some more rare patterns are
~ Infinity symbol (or eight) – this symbol appears only in humans that are in very high levels –above 70 – it means achieved inner harmony, universal love and peace. It shows complete life-path, finished karmic debts and missions. Sign of endless energy source, balance in all chakras and levels. Such soul will be only spiritual teacher and master. For other souls this symbol may appear between other patterns (like circles), then it will be very light and airy, but shows person who focus on achieving such inner peace.

~ Six pointed star – Six pointed star (as all stars) reveals soul that is on the way to accomplish his cosmic mission. Depending on the place of pattern and chakra –it will show the direction and sphere of work. Six pointed star is very strong symbol of purification and light. The person with this sign needs to go through all hard lessons in order to achieve his star and to connect with his higher self. Once this happens, he will be determined to reach the end. This soul will have power over magic and natural energies, will connect with his angels and have power of visualization and astral travel. He will be clairvoyant and often see world of invisible more clearly than the visible. Hexagram is also seen as “star of David” –means conquering your own self and negative qualities. This person will achieve his cosmic mission with love and persistency, and following his heart. (hexagram is also in symbol of Heart chakra)

~ Seven pointed star – additional meanings to 6 star. Revealing force of fire energy. Magical transformation of world.

~ Eight pointed star – revealing force of the water energy – magical transformation of self through water. Purification. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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photo ~ fountain in the part of Sofia, by nina nour