Thursday, June 22, 2017

Culture of easy-swallowing society -VII

- continues from part six -

VII. Visual language and exposing of Self (mobile clicks)

    Everyone is familiar with the phenomena of social media posts, photos, “sharing” and profile pictures. Facebook, google and more social sites offer plenty of choices for every taste, the information on groups and people is so vast that you can sink in it as in ocean. Participating in this social places, communities, circles…friends collections, you actually choose to be swallowed by that ocean. Why do you need to care if it contains reality? You choose quantity, nice effects, smiles and vortex of information. Any kind of information, no matter how much its approved and credible, is surely represented by highlights of visual effects. This is the place of pictures, image, faces and “showing off” from all corners in the world. This is place of trade, exchange, connection too. But for most of people this social place fails to reach higher potential. Most people on social sites are not able to simply observe, see and “read” all of that ocean of information, so they need to choose carefully.
However, as one of the aspects in speed-space is lack of time, the users don’t spend long time in reading any information. The most important becomes the visual effects, the visual language. All words, all expressions, texts are replaced by very comfortable and easy to swallow – images, mobile pictures, icons, emoticons, stickers, symbols. All of that exists to substitute the words. This kind of substitution is double – once from the real behavior, speech –face to face gestures, smiles; and second time – from written text, which becomes needless. The text put as a short famous quote has much bigger chance to reach to the audience, but only if it`s exposed through effective image-photo. That’s how the language works just in the level of visual. Sadly this is not very creative for the higher mind, that needs food from real language (as sound, face expressions) or written text (unlocking potential of imagination). The two are missing in this self-exhibited social theater.

    The higher mindful Self is replaced by bragging or hiding Self of profile image. This image, as many others “shared” on the platform, represents the throwing away of Art, and falling down to the passing, intrusive daily culture. This is the real culture of swallowing, going to the place of daily routine point, where nothing is art. (or anything can be thought as art, no matter of its shape). This are realities that we see diminishing of higher Mind. It becomes instrument of comfortable “seeing –accepting”, and does no longer belong to “observing –knowing”. Such paradigm is too away from Wisdom and from anything closer to spiritual development. Yes, we can find already multiple amazing sections, that will serve us in spiritual development. It is truth, this is the trick of the speed –space Like Facebook, that’s how so many people from different categories and social ranks and spiritual levels, are present in this space. Anyone can find something suitable for his taste. But the general mechanism, work of this place is connected always with this parameters – speed-lack of time, visual effects, self-exposing, lack of art, going away from Mind. That means the more time you devote to be in the social theater, the more your mind will go down in speed, will be not able to reach peaceful point, and will suffer anxiety.

   Self-exposing in internet sites and platforms is one of the main “features” of the easy-swallowing culture. Everyone needs to feel attractive – by one way or another –posting of personal images, “selfies”, appearance of millions photo-shop and photo-decoration applications, images of wisdom, sharing special events. Everyone is involved in that by his own choice, with his own lower mind, exposing him-self. This is also exposure of fake Self. Could anyone possibly know me through my profile picture? Or from my posts expressing what is my taste and position in life? or what is my daily routine, likes, schedule, friends, travels? Finally, do I have connection with my Self through all that sharing with “others”? or I`m near to lose this connection?

    The crazy “selfies” are kind of self-exposure that only need to achieve “cheap effect” by attracting the senses. We all love to be attracted that way, its easiest (in “love” too). This cheap effect results in some really “amazing” cases of suicide of people, who make acrobatic circus show by going in dangerous high buildings, climbing on a train roof (and being burnt by wires), climbing on billboard and falling down…all that cases are real and reveal something more than narrow mind. Such acrobatic showing off can be possible only when the Self suffers destruction, when self is on a verge of a risk, and needs to be proven or die. That’s how all culture is heading to its end.

    The selfies and mobile “clicks” are the new culture language. This is colorful, effective and easy to understand language (even it doesn’t need understanding at all). Just see and trust it is so. If the human mind was not already developed in the divine model of God, the consequences of that culture spread will be devastating. Then, if I had a profile picture of a frog, majority of people living the social platform life, would be sure that “I am really this frog”. Stupidity is always limitless as are stars in cosmos. Mobile clicks have another task, namely to go away from the high art. If cinema in 30- 60 had the aim to reach potential of high art and it succeed in that, now the “cinema” role, taken by the social virtual actors on internet, aims to be down in the routine, in the false ideas, in false lives, in faked faces and virtual masks. The black and white photography was (is) art, the effective mobile images of Self, using photo collage, color and brush effects, are not just escape from “art”, they are grotesque.
It aims to destroy forms of art. We are on the verge of catastrophe, that will be challenging, and leading again to the highest spiritual return.

The actors will be dissolved in New generation of lavender (crystal) mind, that will change the world forever.

That’s all from me now on the topic of “Easy-swallowing culture”, and I hope if you read this to the end, it made you think deeply.

[ nina Lea-nura *
J -1- 

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