Thursday, June 22, 2017

Culture of easy swallowing society -I

    Here is my view-point about an interesting topic, I like to share. What is culture of “easy-swallowing” and where it exists? Is it present now? What are parameters and historical outlines for this culture? What we need to be aware, when we come in the age of “easy-swallowing” societies.

   Lets begin. First of all I`ll point out the main characteristics of this culture and later on I`ll give explanation on why I gave this expressive name. With the term “Easy-swallowing” culture I want to describe and present the cultural habits, prejudice, understandings, values, religious and spiritual views, life style, habitats, moral views and relationship patterns of majority social groups. These groups are spread everywhere, in different countries and regions, and as a rule inhabiting the bigger metropolis and cities.

I. Avoiding the depth ~
The culture of “easy swallowing” people appeared from the specific patterns of psychological and social phenomena, with appearance of obesity as a problem in major extend. The most prominent parameters of this culture, that gain strength specially after year 2000 are spread of fast food restaurants, hypermarkets, internet as global source of information, chat-culture extended with thousands social applications, mobile devices and gadgets, Facebook societies, online education, semi-finished, frozen and canned foods, media propaganda.
I want to point out, that all these aspects not only move away the humans from the nature and natural environment, but mostly they move him away from his own self. This era consisting of many parallel periods of time, is era of what I call here “easy-swallowing” culture, encompassing all of the above aspects. The so called “new generation”, young people of this era are trapped in a speed life rhythm, with many activities without values and depth. This culture can be characterized with these specific points: 1. avoiding the depth in the way of life, psychology pattern, thinking; 2. fast gaining profit (value and stress is on quantity much more than quality) 3. fast and multiple sided education; 4. short descriptions and strongly amplified visual art (photography, illustration); 5. Self replaced by Social-self;  6. false freedom and false tolerance understanding. 7. eating bigger in less time; 8. Visual language and exposing of Self (mobile clicks); 9. Speed cars, “slowliness” versus speed. 9. Games versus reality;
Lets look to each one of them and observe it separately.
 note –community falls apart, it appears Social-self situated between other self in fake community. 

Avoiding the depth in thinking, understanding is one of the basic patterns for the easy-swallowing society. What does it mean? As the culture of big metropolis put an accent of speed in all things, people- participant of this culture also move in speed way, which is too fast to let anyone open his mind. Lets observe some of the aspects of Speed – action, motion, strength (power over something or someone), fast taking decisions. What are opposite sides of Speed? One of the main points that opposes of Speed – is Tranquility-peace-Spirit. In the fast moving kaleidoscope you cant be able to observe, moreover your mind cant be able to catch all details around you, as result your mind tries to process” all chaotic puzzled pieces of the surroundings…This process can happen only in abnormal way, so the results from this speed-process of the reality is fake. That means the mind in such fast motion will be obviously lack essential tranquility, inner peace, that are given from Slowing-down. Speed is connected with big factors like noise and pollution. On the contrary, peace and tranquility are reached in silence, going inwards, reaching inner depths, and purity. Then purity together with tranquility will be the basis of well developed mind and inner potential for creating.

   We reached to the point – the Speed – as connected with noise, pollution, lack of time, lack of depth, sliding on the surface - creates well imbalance in thinking and senses, chaos and fake reality. While Serenity (Tranquility) creates inner peace, time extension, depth of mind, purity of feelings, silence, balance, ability to know Self, and creative mind. If we spread this opposition scheme more, we can say without doubt, that Speed as basic aspect of this culture, creates destruction, chaos, pollution, while Tranquility creates harmony, balance, inspiration, expansion. That’s how the lack of depth in thinking is linked with the social models of Speed and lack of time. Which is born from another, which one brings another to life? This is question we can just guess or try to solve. In the same time, in this culture there is accent on Accumulation, rather than mindful application, usage of objects and goods.

[ nina Lea-nura *
J -1- 

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