Sunday, October 24, 2021

Tarot for Spiritual Guidance & Angel message for Scorpio - (2 months) ♏

 Happy Birthday Scorpio!  🎂

This is Tarot guidance for all Scorpio`s for 2 months from 23. October to 22. December, and for all Sun and Moon Scorpio

Scorpio energy is alive with vibrant new codes of Purple and Blue light. One of the very strong intuitive signs from the Zodiac, Scorpio has amazing power to sense the emotions of others. Moving into the element of Mystical Water (lake), we are invited to tune to our emotions, and our Feminine Yin energy, to have time for self-care and self-love, to be compassionate. The challenging quality for Scorpio is forgiveness and the strong point is memory. As a collective at this time we need to tune into the deep energy of Water element – cleansing, healing, letting go, emotional healing. Water is related to intuition, love, relationships, children and feelings. Pay attention to your inner feelings and what they tell you at this time.

Crystals to enhance the energy of Scorpio: Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Tanzanite;

Qualities to work: psychic gifts, clairvoyance, clear knowing, intuition, forgiveness, Mind, analysing details.

Chakra: Third eye

Vulnerable organs: eyes, brain, nervous system, water in the body; sexual organs

Archangel: Jeremiel

Tarot cards: XIII. The Death, Queen of Cups

 Here is your Tarot reading for the next 2 months 🔮 ♏

I  card: present situation and your energy – VIII. Justice

II. Card - What you desire, events about to unfold (Page of Cups)

III. Card - Powerful forces that are influencing you (Queen of Wands)

Overview: As we see in this reading we have one card of Karma cleansing, and of balance, and two Court cards – representing your qualities, abilities and talents and what are the elements in this time you need to work with – Water and Fire (wands).

I.               Justice -VIII.

The first card brings you much needed balance of Heart and mind. We see the powerful Justice with the Sword –which is symbol of power and of cutting and releasing anything stagnant in your life. Justice is also related to Libra energy, and indicates higher mind. You will be in situation that you should make balance with what you feel and what are your values and desires. Also a balance between your inner values and truths and the one of society, what others think is good for you. Justice is not about judgement of others, but of understanding yourself and what are your own truths. Are you really your authentic self, or you are trying to wear mask and not show who you truly are? Are you afraid of judgement of others?

For some people this card will mean being in your power to take important decisions in your life, which are related to your truths and values. Think on which path you belong, what and who in your life is in alignment with you. All other false things will need to be released with the sword of justice. There are consequences of your choices and actions from the past.

Remove all negative energies that are not for your Higher self, and be in harmony – it is the message from Justice.

II.           Princess of Cups (water) -Inner Child

Now you are connected to the element water and it will bring you amazing healing and cleansing for your emotional body. Water is fluid, slow, cleansing, healing, nurturing, feminine, cold and receptive. You need to embody the qualities of water in this time, and this page comes with message for meeting your special Soul mate, or friend, who will share these qualities. This card indicates also opening to new levels of psychic gifts and awareness for the spiritual world. You are already on the path of new Ascension and you are longing to receive knowledge in spiritual sphere or psychology. This knowledge could be in multiple directions: Astrology, intuitive astrology, psychology, crystals, chakras, angel connection, religions, astral travel. This is card of being open to this new experiences. It means also meditation and feeling connected with your Heart, healing the inner child and falling in love. This is very special card for meeting someone significant in your life.

(for other people could mean receiving love from your children and people around you).

III.      Queen of Wands – (fire activation) 💜

In position of powerful forces, this queen indicates Feminine energy of passion, love and protection. You can connect easily with the Goddess (for example Brigid, Isis), and feel activation of your feminine power. This card sends you blessings of admiration and love, you will be able to stay in your true power. All Queens represent the true power of the divine feminine. Queen of Wands is the very active and nurturing queen. She will encourage you to stand your ground, to have good boundaries and to be open minded. This connection with goddess is amazing alie for opening to social activities, defending any cause. Also, it is time for self-love rituals, meditations with candles, mantras and exercises that you love. This queen stones are red garnet, carnelian and amber. For work energy that will mean being in your power, multitasking and having inspiration to do anything; being admired by others. This Queen also indicates strong sexual energy and attraction, and tuning into your artistic talents. You will be supported in this time, take care of your Divine feminine and take time for a good diet. Working on your Third eye chakra is important.

Goddess message:

Rhiannon – Self trust.

Don’t doubt yourself. Your can trust yourself. Developing self-trust is a necessary part of the positive growth. You will be able to succeed in your goal if you believe in yourself. Rhiannon bring you energy of movement forward and manifesting anything that you want. You are now on the right path, just have faith in the universe and show all your good qualities.

Angel message

35. Golden Egg : You are on the way of new beginning; continuing a path that you have left behind. Moving forward in project or new idea. Being independent and self-reliant. Can indicate birth of child. 

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium 
Faeries guide

© October 2021

Archangel Michael Channelled message - for the Full moon (October)

 [ message is encoded with Light of arch. Michael 

Dear children of Earth,

We want to send you greetings, love and congratulate you for going so far on your journey of Ascension. 

     Now we are riding the 3 wave of awakening on the planet. The energy that you may feel in this time may be in 2 different directions – unconditional love, receiving guidance from higher realms, feeling your real purpose and passion; and from another side there is much of the energy of fear, anxiety, resistance, tiredness, feeling emptiness in your heart, not being able to find strength. Now is the time when these polarities will increase within you and in the world as collective.

     Pay attention that to feel these 2 polarities is part of the process and it`s quite normal. In order to release negative emotions, fear and be resistant you need to feel it. In order for the Light to prevail it needs to meet the darkness. In order for us to strive for the Light, we need to go through the dark tunnels of lower realities.

Know that you are always loved and protected and you have our support, if you open your heart to receive it.

I, Archangel Michael am sending you influxes of Blue and Purple light in this Ascension to help you to integrate your higher Self to the higher dimensions. We are now in the NEW reality. The speed will become faster, as you may feel. That’s not just “in your mind”, that is real – as the magnetic field was changed and you made the shift, you may feel your chakras spinning faster. There will be changes in your chakra system, they may have different patterns, become more expanded and filled with light.

You will know that, if you are a Light worker. Be sure that this is a process and don’t be hard on yourself in this time. Give your physical and energy body respect with all needed – good food, supplements, exercises and walking in nature.

We are divided in many ways on the planet now, but we need that. Humans purpose is not to be united, but to find unity in the waves of polarization, to find love in the waves of chaos and fear, to find balance in the world of limiting believes.

Therefore, don’t be afraid to face conflict, don’t be afraid to speak your truth. There is no problem in conflict, because it gives you clarity where you stand and shows others who you are. Don’t restrain from standing in your power by speaking up. Even if that causes a negative reaction, that is fine. Because we should find our soul family and soul mates by feeling the reaction and voice of others. If you are silent and closed up, you cant expect others to understand you. So, I encourage you to be bold, with kindness, and stand your ground.

I encircle you with spheres of blue and purple light of protection, with love.


Archangel Michael

channelled by 
Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium 
Faeries guide
© Oct. 2021

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Full moon in Aries - High Dimensional Shift

 Aries Moon 🌕

The Full moon in Aries Portal opens on 20-21 October. It brings higher vibrations and energy of element Fire, and the chance for deeper change, transformation, breakthrough the patterns of life. The old stagnant energy is no more with us here. We are no longer in the reality of the 3D and 3 D conflicts of mind and society. We are now free from anything that was holding us back. Some people may feel it as a painful resistance, or there could be pains in different parts of the body, headaches, dizziness, pain in eyes and nervous system and need for longer resting time. That is quite normal before energy of the old to be released from your energy.

The healing and releasing codes of Golden light we receive in this full moon are amazing and we need to accept them fully in all levels.

The season of balance, harmony and flow in all relationships – Libra season after the equinox, will align us with our inner selves and our values. Together with the energy of Full moon in Aries, it will bring the need for self-love and acceptance before all. It`s the first priority for you to love yourself and take care of your needs before anything else. That is not the form of “ego”, but pure appreciation of your life here and now.

While Libra encourages you to balance your feminine and masculine side, Yin and Yang in your body, Aries Full moon is like fulfilment of your goals and desires with moments of breakthrough.

This Full moon opens to your full potential, what are you ready to give and sacrifice? What are you ready to let go and release? What is your new purpose and direction? What is the field that calls your passion and activates you to be your authentic self? All these questions you need to answer during this time.

Every Full moon we release fears and anxiety from our Sub-conscious mind. In this fiery Full moon we are invited to release fears of:

-        beings alone or out of resources

-        of conflicts and facing others differences

-        fear of showing your authentic self

-        fear of change and deep transformation

-        fear of going out from your comfort zone

    As the moon is in Aries, connect with the Fire energy in your body and divine Masculine. You need to release all fears related to aggression, control and being out of control. In this time your need to awaken the qualities of confidence, inner strength, persistency and courage.

    The Tarot card that represents the energy of Aries and the Full moon is Knight of Wands: moving forward with conviction and manifesting your ideas and plans. This is the most confident Knight of all, he knows what he wants and he knows his purpose. (That energy is quite opposite of the hesitant and gentle Libra).

Crystals to work with or make an altar are: Red Gasper, red garnet, strawberry quartz, coral.

If you want to activate the energy of your strength, courage and persistency, you can light up a red candle and make a crystal grid with red stones (or light 3, 6 – 9 candles) in the South direction, and say short affirmation.

Affirmation of the Emperor (IV)

I` m strong, stable and rooted to the ground. I manage everything in my home, I support my family. I have self-discipline and courage to go forward in any quest. I`m filled with courage and personal power.

Also, write down on a paper these Questions to Self:

- What do you need to move and change in your life?

- What are your deep passions and desires?

- What did you procrastinate?

- do you have any stagnant energy or is something blocking your path?

When you write down the questions you can make meditation for 10 minutes or longer and the answers of the questions will pop up in your head.

The Archangels you can work with in this time are: arch. Michael and arch. Gabriel.

The chakra you need to work on is Root (together with Sacral and Solar Plexus), which is at the base of your spine in red colour.

In this time be careful with the blood in your body, blood pressure, veins, arteries and cells. Take care of your diet and restrain from too much Yang foods.

The Full moon portal is suitable for: renovation, changes, new contract, new job, future planning, fire activation, working with Divine masculine.

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angle`s medium 
Faeries guide

© Oct. 2021

Monday, October 18, 2021

Vibration of Numbers, Kabbalah and Sacred Geometry - One


     ⍟ Here I want to take some time to write about very important topic –about Numbers vibrations and their relation with the universal energy, God and angels. All in the universe is connected, as we know – and the energy of numbers, their frequencies make special geometrical shapes, threats, figures and threads around us. Numbers and Sacred geometry can be seen everywhere in the universe, in our sun-system, galaxy and beyond. Be aware that all dimensions work with this energy of numbers and sacred Geometry, as they are part of the law of energy connections, which encompasses all universes.

I m writing every month about the vibration of numbers in Magic square of the month, using exactly sacred essence of numbers.

 I will write some more details about each number, explaining its connection with colours, Symbols, Archangel, Sacred geometry shape, body organ, and Kabbalah.


Number is related to arch. Zadkiel and colour purple, violet; this is angel of oneness, violet flame and transmutation. He will be your angel, if you are born on date equivalent of 1, 10, 11. Number of God and Divine Masculine. Yang energy, element Air, Crystal. Spirit animal of people born on 1 is Phoenix bird. The Sacred Geometry form of Zadkiel is sphere of violet and golden light. Sphere or circle is the sacred form that is visible all around us, as all planets, stars, suns and moons in the Cosmic space have the form of sphere. This is not by chance, and also the combinations of planets around one Star (Sun) has specific purpose and value. The stars and planets are like giant crystal grids that amplify, move and balance the energy within one Star system. For example our Sun system has exact number of planets and stars. If one of these planets is out of order” or out of the grid, that will affect the whole system, including the Earth.

Because the planetary grids are connected by their Crystalline core (the core of the planets, which have ethereal Crystalline light). The Earth`s crystalline core is connected by magnetic and attractive mechanism with the crystalline grid of all other planets –Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury. That is why we can feel their vibrations when there is planetary transition or moon cycles. (Why do you think the Full moon and New moon affect the water on Earth?). 

Zadkiel is archangel of Higher Hierarchy, he is leading the Violet flame angels, and responsible for the energy healing, transmission and transmutation of the Violet flame on Earth. This flame (Cosmic light substance) has deeply cleansing and healing properties. Many times humans need to work with the Violet flame as one of the Highest flames from angelic initiations on Earth. 

Here are more symbols related to One – oneness, Unity, Universal Laws

1.     is Oneness of Divine power, here is Amon Re, the supreme God.

The Sefira 1 is Keter – Crown – that is the world (sphere ) of super consciousness, Spirit and essence in one. It represents the energy body (aura) of every human. It speaks about Radiance of the divine Presence. The Sefira Keter is linked with Malkut (10 th Sefira) Kingdom, with spiritual quality – humility;

One in Tarot reflects the power, wisdom and higher Consciousness of Major Arcana I. The Magician. And with the element Air, connected with Knight of Swords (Spiritual warrior), from the Minor Arcana 1 is in Aces – hand of God that is giving you a gift with certain quality. It`s up to you to receive this Gift. 

1 is portal of Divine Protection; crystals: Amethyst, Lepidolit; Charoit.

Spirit animal: Phoenix – rejuvenation and renewal, rebirth from death. Element: Celestial Air.

In the Magic Square of your home 1 is in the North-West and presents the Divine Protection (aura), for each human. From this sector the energy spreads to all parts of your home. That`s why for protection you can light one black or violet candle in this corner. One energy is related to the Lungs and breathing organs in human body. Breath spreads through all body bringing life. To activate this energy make breathing exercises, sport, walk in mountain or nature places, and listen to sacred music instruments: Tibetan bowls, chimes, kalimba, rain). This energy is rejuvenating, transforming, changeable, moving, rising, swift.

 Magic Square: 




















Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium 
Faeries guide
© October 2021

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Message from Goddess Kuan Yin for Ascension - 17

 Dear Children of Earth and Higher dimensions

I m coming to tell you the amazing message from the higher realms, the Earth came through the first 2 levels of transition, and now you all can feel the rising of Vibrations on the planetary level. The council of Light, all angels and light beings are sending you love and activating your light codes (in your Ethereal bodies).

Please be aware - this transition is a process, with many of you will be a painful transition, for some others may feel like a very dark, turbulent time, and just a very small part of humanity will be still closed from the Source. We are not awakening simultaneously. The awakening and Ascension is a process, that has many stages. We are now ascended through the 2 Dimencional layers of Darkness, and all of the Light workers, and people, open to receive the healing waves, will feel the healing light codes now. This energy is subtle, but very clear and powerful. Many Souls are going now through Ancestral healing, through releasing the old patterns, believes, and living through amazing Transformation (from inside out). That means: you are able to CHANGE your environment, to change all about your life-patterns, that you do not want, only if you release the old baggage that you carry from past! You need to release now the old trauma, the old pain and old believes, that are not aligned with your New True SELF. What you need to do next is: Be grounded and Centred in yourself. To be grounded will also take time, if you don’t know how you can achieve that. Th Earth crystalline core is sending you healing vibrations in Green, Golden and White light. So, be open to receive them, be open to the flow of energy around, and for most of you : trust your intuition. Be aware what is your next step. Don’t rush into action, before being in state of peaceful mind. Don’t take time to argue or to defend your own position, views and ideas. You are powerful enough as you are. You are aligned with your Light core now, and all cosmic beings are here to assist you in this process.

The energy of this month (October) will have very soothing, but very bold vibration of Emerald green, pearl white and golden. Through these colours you receive healing of all your energy bodies.

With many of you this healing will take time, so trust the process, be patent, and make what is needed for your healing step by step.

With much love, light and Healing codes✩ 

Quan Yin 

Ascended Master

Message Channeled by:
Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium 
Fairies guide 

© Oct. 2021

36 Crystals of Ascension for Light workers and Empaths -II

 This is second part of my list with description of Crystals, their properticies, spiritual power, and Angels. 

19. Purple Fluorite

(purple translucent)

Stone of spiritual devotion

This stone has very high vibration, helps in ascension, when you feel low, or scattered, I brings back all your energy, for focus, cleansing of Third eye, Crown, and opening to wisdom, spirit guidance, self-trust.

Crown chakra

Third eye

Perfect balance between Yin and Yang energy

Arch. Zadkiel

Violet flame

Ar. Michael

Master Saint Germain



(green-yellow translucent)


This is stone of higher vibrations, receiving influxes of light, alignment of your energy, empathic connection, aura washing

Heart, Crown chakra;

Water elementals of mountain rivers


Guardian angels, Star connection, Atlantis, Lemuria


21.Smokey Quartz


Protection of aura, absorbing negative energy, calmness, grounding, integration of spiritual power and light, inner wisdom, self-trust

Stone of guardian protection, hearing messages

All chakras

Guardian angels

Elementals of crystals

22.Red Jasper

(red, bold)

Healing lower chakras, grounding, safety, stability, believe, optimism, calmness, center

Shamanic stone for cleansing Root, Earth star chakra, animal guide

Arch. Jophiel,

Guardian angels

Spirit animal

Cleanse it in earth, soil, red flower.  


23.Tigers eye


Warrior stone, igniting inner fire, power, active energy, Yang, starting new venture, self-reliance, motivation, resilience, strength, faith


Connection to your inner core, self-believe, Solar Plexus

Your Higher Self; Postitive Yang power connection;

Your inner instincts

Your animal spirit guide

24. Rhodonit

(pink black infused)

Heart protection

Protection of heart, healing, joy, illumination, love, opening to love, attraction; stone of positive action; acceptance

Heart chakra

Arch. Chamuel,

Feminine energy, Yin

25.Rutilated Quartz


Higher consciousness, cleansing of aura, protection, spirit attraction, connect with angels, feminine, Yin, love, self

All chakras,

Sacral, cleansed by sea salt, moon light,


Arch. Gabriel

Arch. Seraphiel

Crystal spirits, water elemental

26. Garnet

(red, glow)


Grounding, determination, inner peace, calm, nature connection, confidence, realizing your dreams;

Inner healing, Root chakra, Roots, ancestral connection

Nature spirits

Zodiac sign - Aries

 27. Labradorite

(Flashing blue-green, gray)

Stone of clairvoyance, dreams


Cleansing Third eye, understanding, truth, purity, justice, psychic awareness, clairvoyance, positive cause-effect, astral connection; Astral protection

Third eye, clear vision, eyes-sight; cleansing brain waves, balance of mind; clear knowing

Arch. Jeremiel

Astral angels

Crystal spirits

Scorpio sign

28. Black Tourmaline

Stone of Protection,


Attracts positive energy around the aura, absorbing energy dust, removing black cords and attachments, removing entities, absorbing aura pollution, removing blocks, healing, grounding.

Earth Star chakra, Third eye

Earth elementals

Connect with earth core,

Soothing for energy; Higher vibration

Guardian angels, Arch. Azrael

29. Black Obsidian


Grounding, connect with the fire spirits, self-love, boldness, determination, creativity, inner peace, passion, self-discipline

Earth Star chakra, fire element in the body; removes blocks from down chakras

Astral Angels,

Fire element

Fire signs

(Capricorn) –cleansed in sea salt, soil, sound

30. Kambamba Jasper

(black + green infusion)

Spiritual growth;

Stone of other realms, connection to earth, Anscestral healing, past trauma, soothing, protection of Astral body in sleep; earth

All aura; crystal of relaxing of mental body;

Visual and psychic power, can attract elementals into it.  

All elementals, earth elementals, gnoms, elves, tree spirit




Crystal of joy of life

Joy, love, inner child healing, self-love, sexual energy, rising the feminine, balance masculine energy; going with the flow, acceptance

Sacral chakra

Yin flow

Cleansed by sea salt, sun

Arch. Jophiel, Haniel

Zodiac sign Leo



Crystal of self-love, acceptance and gratitude

Crystal of confidence, positive self talk, removing negative believes, self-love, gratitude, acceptance, joy, harmony and healing of all kind of relationships from past.


Sacral + Solar Plexus chakra

Grid in N.E.

Cleansing on the sun rays

Arch. Uriel, Arch. Gabriel

Feminine energy

Goddess Lakshmi,



33. Aquamarine

(blue Translucent)


Healing throat, aura cleasning, connection with angels, higher self, ocean spirit, water elementals, undines, mermaid,

For travelling overseas, (above);

Soothing emotional body, cleansing emotional clouds, removing negative cords from throat and Heart chakra

Throat chakra, Sacral ch.

Aura / cleansed by water spring, sea, ocean

Arch. Haniel

Arch. Gabriel

Water spirits

All signs

34. Green moss agate

(deep green, infusion)


Healing, cleansing, of emotions, mental body, earth connection, fays and elementals, clear hearing, healing trauma from being lost, depressed; soothing

Heart chrakra

Stone of Tree spirits

Arch. Raphael, green flame angels; tree elementals


35. Malachite

(green river spirals)


Love, deep healing, restructure of all body on cellular level, grounding, protection of physical body, tree spirits, optimism, love, opening to abundance, flow, letting go of old

Heart chak

Tree Spirits, plants and flowers

(can be cleansed in soil)

Arch. Raphael,

Tree spirits,

Taurus sign

36. Lepidolite


Stone of higher realms

Angel connection, higher vibration, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, purity of mind, inner knowing, intuition, awakening to higher realms, self-love, soothing, feminine.

Crown chakra

Being in state of power, knowledge; stone of adepts

Arch. Zadkiel,


Astral angels


Nina Lea-Nour 

Angel`s Medium

© Oct. 2021