Sunday, October 17, 2021

36 Crystals of Ascension for Light workers and Empaths -I

I was guided by my angels to create a list with most commonly used crystals that can help all souls, lightworkers, empaths to go beyond the dark energies and to achieve their life mission. Here is list with crystals, properties, corresponding angels and chakra (aura). I will explain later about each crystal and what are the crystals for protection, for attracting love, abundance, and what are the most common crystal spirits for each group, according to structure and color. This is part I of the list. 

Crystals for healing


Chakra focus


1. Clear Quartz


Clarity, higher consciousness, psychic, cleansing, recharging


All chakras, aura field,



All Angels,

Arch. Seraphiel



Stone attracting abundance

Abundance, happiness, joy, confidence, self acceptance

Solar Plexus,

Crown chakra

Grid for abundance: N.E.

AA. Uriel 

sign: Gemini

3. Yellow Calcite


Focus on goal, mindfulness, quiet mind, joy

Solar Plexus

Crystal grid on North-East

Azrael, Uriel

Sign: Gemini

4. Aventurine


Travel, expansion, friendship, beginning


Creative energy

Heart / make crystal grid on the East direction


Sign: Virgo

5. Rose Quartz

(pink) Stone of healing heart

Love, compassion, forgiveness, empathy, for inner child healing, attracting the best partner, relationship stone

Higher heart

Crystal grid to attract love on S.West

Arch. Chamuel, Charmein

Sign: Libra, October Virgo

6. Amethyst


Stone of violet flame activation

Connection with higher self, clarity, cleansing protection, sleep, protection of astral body


Third eye, Soul Star, cleansing & protection

Zadkiel, violet flame; Aquarius

7. Strawberry Quartz


Energy, activation, taking action, optimism, healing, love

Root chakra

Crystal grid on the South

Arch. Jophiel

All signs

8. Blue lace agate

Light blue

Stone of mind sooth

Healing, aura cleansing, Thyroid gland, communication


Throat chakra

Crystal grid for clarity: S.E.

Arch. Haniel, Gabriel

Pisces, Cancer

9. Amazonite


Stone of fairies, elementals

Speaking your truth, connect with fairies, tree spirits, friendship, love, guidance, positive talk, communication, money

Throat chakra, Heart, true self; attract abundance and money; S.E.

Arch. Raguel, Raphael, fairies

Guardian angels; Pisces

10. Kyanite


Stone of guardian angels

Intuition, guidance from spirit, protection, healing, awareness,

Connect with inner wisdom, focus on goal, Throat cleanse

Throat + Third eye, Soul Star chakra;

Healing the mind; Higher self

Arch. Muriel,

Arch. Michael

Guardian angels

All signs


(translucent blue)

Stone of feminine healing

Aura cleansing, removing negative vibes from your emotional body, angel connection, opening to love, releasing

Healing, Throat chakra, self-love

Arch. Haniel,

Moon fairies;

All signs

Water signs

12. Selenite

(moon white)

Stone of cleansing, aura repairing

Aura cleansing, repairing the aura, removing black ties, cords and energy dust; chakra cleanse

Angel connection

Crown chakra, Soul Star chakra

Space cleanse

Arch. Haniel,

Arch. Gabriel

Moon fairies


13. Angelite

(blue, light)

Stone of angelic guidance

Guardian angels connection, truth, love, honesty, friendship, stone of higher mission of earth, compassion, finding soul family

Throat chakra,


Truth, justice, karma cleanse

Arch. Gabriel,

Arch. Raguel

(sign Cancer; Air signs)

14. Moonstone

(yellow, white)

stone of divine feminine

Feminine energy, cleansing of Yin (water) in the body, removing blocks from Sacral chakra, self-love, healing

Sacral chakra,

Third eye

Feminine energy


Arch. Haniel,

Moon angels

Goddess Quan Yin

15. White Opal

(white sparkle)

stone of purity of aura

Cleansing aura, emotional body, balance, washing aura dust, visualization, sleep, meditation, healing of chakras



Crown chakra


Peace; stone of water elementals, mermaids

Arch. Haniel

Arch. Gabriel

Guardian angels

(Libra, Virgo, Pisces)

16. Pink Opal


Stone of emotional healing

Cleansing emotional body, attracting love, friendship, heart healing, balancing of heart; love, soul mates; stone of heart cleansing, fairies

Heart chakra

Healing past trauma

Faeries elementals can enter opal stones after their soul unites with source

Arch. Chamuel

Heart healing

Spirit of Pink opal –fays

17.Green Jade

(deep earthy green)

Stone of prosperity

Grounding, earth healing, prosperity, love, calmness, universal flow, sexual energy; home, planning; family

Heart chakra

Earth star

Stone of Earth elementals, Nymphs, gnomes, tree

Arch. Ariel

Arch. Raphael

Stone of Earth Signs, Taurus


18.Lapis Lazuli

(dark blue, golden sparkle)

Stone of past lives connection, astral travel

Psychic protection, energy protection from dark powers, protection in dreams, astral connection, ascension, healing of Third eye, mind

Psychic power


Third eye, connect with the souls of Astral, good for transitions, dreams; Stone of Goddess Isis, Osiris, Anubis  

Arch. Jeremiel

Arch. Azrael

Lapis Lazuli is mystical stone, and some Astral spirits and elementals can enter his crystal grid


Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium 
fairies Guide 

© Oct. 2021

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