Sunday, March 31, 2024

April energy - Ascension, Angels, Healing, Crystals, Portals 💗 (2024)

 April energy feels like a whirlpool of energized red mixed with golden light. This is a very significant energy of activation, bold movement and being brave. This is also time when many souls will be challenged to go out of their comfort zone, and to face some “unexpected” events or delayed events. On an etheric level this ruby red is activation of your inner Fire element, which is aligned with the Aries season that we enter.  

These energies are anything but boring, so be prepared for the winds to blow and to stay strong on your feet. You will be divinely guided for what to do next or what will be your best possible action in the cell of environment you have.  

Souls on the planet are invited to connect with their higher self, to take active steps on their mission or life path. You are invited to explore your qualities of courage, motivation, determination, self-confidence and going in your best direction. Make sure you choose all for yourself and don't let anything or anyone interfere with your inner calling.  

The main energy is Double fire, so you need to establish connection to this element of action, to work on your Root and Solar Plexus chakra. Also, you can check where planet Mars is sitting in your natal chart, so you can know the sphere where you are called to move.  

Angels and rays  


We are now in Spring, when all things are blooming around, waking up. This waking up is a call from nature to you to wake up to your highest timeline. The angels who are sending divine rays to Gaia now are Arch. Michael, arch. Nathaniel and arch. Ariel. They are uniting in the power of divine ruby ray, to make you feel more in your own power, to know that you are meant to be unique and not to follow the well-known ways. Humans will also start experiencing more “severe” ascension symptoms, as we are upgrading our DNA and cells with golden light codes from the core of the Sun –which is anchored first into the crystalline core of our planet.  

This can make you feel fatigue, dizziness, problems with the heart, blood pressure or digestive system. However, now is time for purging the old before we may receive the new energy.  

Some major themes for the month of April: 

  • Feeling in your own power, connection with other people and the world  

  • Realizing where you are on your (spiritual) path;  

  • Aligning your desires with the way you live, the way you talk to yourself  

  • Being authentic and speaking the truth for yourself  

  • Letting go of many fears and resistance  

  • Working on your energy boundaries and protection  


Cosmic Portals  


The planet of power this month (3) is Mars. This is also the planet of Aries, which holds the keys to your warrior self, to your activation and power in the world. Eclipses are here to guide you, but you may see more shadows and “dust” coming out.  

We have several intense SUN portals: on 5 April sun will conjunct the Nord Node in Aries, which can create karmic events, ending karmic loop, or beginning new karma, some events that are guided by your higher self. As they are in the sign of warrior, you can be prepared to fight, or defend something, to have strong boundaries and not let fear take you away. On 8 April sun conjunct Chiron which can create for some souls opening a wound which we taught it was healed. Look for guidance or clarity on a health issue that you have. Or look at some unhealthy patterns of eating, interacting or working. Be very mindful at this time. On 21 April sun squares Pluto, which can additionally create inner (or outer) conflict, resistance, self-doubt, but also you can overcome all challenges by being in your power.  

On 8 April we have the strong energy of the Solar eclipse in Aries, which can bring to surface collective shadows, fears and trauma...this was meant to be. Look at your own shadow aspects and make important decisions.  

On 21. April there is even more heavy” energy with Jupiter –Uranus conjunction in sign of Taurus (see where that in your chart is, which house?). Jupiter as a planet of blessings and expansion is in fighting mode with Uranus –the planet of unexpected events, electronics, robots, revolution ideas and great awakenings. You need to be careful when this happens and create meditation to release all things from your past.  

On 23. April is the significant, purging Full Moon in Scorpio – which invites us to dive deep into our sub-conscious mind and heal something unhealed, to connect with our shadow aspects even more, to cleanse.  

Health and Wellbeing  

In this month you need to pay more attention to your heart and blood vessels, and blood flow. 3 is energy of activation, which dislikes slowness. So, make sure to create space for exercises, yoga or whatever movements you like. This is a time of transformation, change, going out and connecting with others, also for manifesting, activation (in all realities), and for clearing the old patterns of mind and ego. Work on your Root chakra and Solar Plexus. Also, you may want to detox and create fasting habits.  

Overall, if your main element is not fire and you are not “warrior” archetype, this month can be challenging for you, but also make you to move in a certain way and know your value.  

Crystals for April  

Now is the time to meditate or connect with the crystal consciousness of red crystals like ruby, red garnet, red quartz, red jasper, mokait jasper. Also, it will be nice to work together with black crystals: obsidian, black tourmaline, black opal.  

You can read the special channeled message from Archangel Ariel for April 2024 here....>

Now is perfect time to work on the Ruby ray of light and to make Karma cleansing meditation. Read the article here to know more!

To know more about Archangel Nathaniel read the article here. ...

Happy April!

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, psychic

March 2024 ©

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Chakras as Portals and Law of attraction - Sacral chakra -II

Sacral chakra attracts LOVE, JOY and romantic relationships

 The chakra that is so strong, yet gentle and vulnerable as it reflects Yin energy and principle of Divine Feminine, is second chakra -Sacral. The name in Sanskrit is Svadhishtana and it relates to the principle of Joy, vitality, rejuvenation; this energy centre activates our vulnerability, emotions, love attraction, sexuality and sexual attraction, relationship with our partner, and all feelings of Joy and self-love.  

If you want to activate your Sacral chakra you are guided to:


1. Have healthy and balanced relationship with your mother, elder sister, grandmother.  

2. Have healthy boundaries with your mother (that is quite important, but many people don’t know);  

3. Having healthy and balanced relationship with your lover /partner;

4. having healthy boundaries with your partner and time alone.   

5. With feeling of joy, self-love and self-acceptance and Gratitude; by taking care of your emotional body and feelings. 

* Pay attention that this chakra is part of the feminine chakras and Yin flow in your body. Together with Heart and Third eye, Sacral is responsible for healing, nourishing, letting go, relaxation, nurturing, which are important processes for the body. So, this chakra takes part in your healing of all wounded cells, and especially important when you work on your emotions.


If you don’t have healthy relationship with your mother that can reflect in (like a chain) unhealthy or weak relationship with your partner too! So, you need to be aware and pay attention to your mother, no matter what your connection is. Some people sadly have already disconnected from their mother, or she was unknown since they were born. That all affects the Sacral chakra and how we perceive our future relationships with all people around. That relates to all people, regardless of their gender. We see these days how many men are attached to their mothers (or detached), and they don’t have balanced relationship.  


Sacral chakra is source of Divine feminine energy, and it reflects our feeling of self-love, self-connection and self-esteem. We need to know we are precious and worthy of love! And you are loved so much by your angels, as you were baby. You need to accept yourself and see yourself as Divine and beautiful being.  

The feelings that block your Sacral chakra are resentment, depression, obsession, sexual obsession, addiction to something toxic (like alcohol, cigarettes); fear of being alone, fear of being left from your partner; fear of losing someone you love.  

Sacral chakra attracts Joy and self-love, and the perfect partner, but also activates the energy of Divine Feminine within you.  The quality that you need to master in this chakra is self-love and self-acceptance.

(blocked chakra means it will stop spinning which means the energy within will become toxic).  

Things that can make your Sacral chakra flowing well and happy are: dancing, yoga practice, meditation, time for self-love practices (bath, relaxation, feeling joyful); healthy sexual connection (with your partner); drawing orange mandalas, painting art, drinking tea from chamomile, orange; Dancing is one of the perfect ways to open your Sacral chakra! As dancing moves the body to cleanse the negative emotions and brings feelings of joy and love.  

That is why I need to underline – you can`t have healthy relationship with your loved one, if you don’t first love YourSELF. To love yourself more, practice that simple thing, move, and feel joy of life, make healthy boundaries and time alone from your partner. (There is no need to stick together, as that will create emotional problems).  

The second chakra is an energy star attracting feeling of Joy and Self-Love. It is very important for human health overall, also it is related to sexual organs in both men and women.  

You can grow orange flowers at home;  

Essential oils are: Ylang-Ylang, Orange; Rose, Neroli  

Affirmation you can say 3 times in the evening and morning:

I am loved, I`m joyful, I have harmonious relationships always. I m compassionate and I can feel and understand others emotions."

Sacral chakra in fact reflects our ability to take care of ourselves, to be nurtured, to rest, sleep, relax and enjoy all things. You can also light up 3 (6) orange candles in direction South-West (direction of love, partnership) and dedicate them to goddess of your choice, or to your Divine feminine.

You can also work and meditate with orange crystals to activate the Sacral chakra: orange aventurine, carnelian, amber, orange calcite.

Tarot cards of Sacral chakra: The Empress III. and Queen of Pentacles; Queen of Wands, Queen of Cups.  

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, crystal healer

March 2024©