This is part of my series on Divine rays and frequencies of light. ✫
Ruby ray of divine light is higher frequency ray and it can be activated with the help of archangel Nathaniel, Arch. Michael, and arch. Ruriel.
This ray has qualities of activation, inner strength, passion, self-discipline. Ruby light is connected with the etheric body (the first layer of your aura) as it cleanses and activates the etheric and physical body.
On a physical level Ruby ray cleanses and heals your Skeletal system, all body muscles, bones, tendons, skull, backbone, all cells and molecules of the body. Ruby light has properties of rejuvenation and releasing any old programs, fears and believes within your bones, muscles, cells and skeletal system.
- Ruby light cleanses and removes (when directed) ANCESTRAL karma from all cells, bones and blood, also has the ability to remove karmic cords and negative ties with your father, older brother, grandfather. This ray of light can cleanse your imprints of karma 6 generations back in your father`s line and in your mother`s line.
📖Read more about what is Ancestral karma and how to heal it in my article here >
Ruby ray of light can cleanse and remove all fear, anxiety, worry, stress, fear of being unsafe, or not having enough, fear related to money, home and property.
When you work with this light you can activate, heal and expand your Root chakra (Muladhara) and awaken the Kundalini energy in your body. (Which happens through your spinal column).
Ruby ray of light will remove all blockages from your Root chakra infusing you with inner strength, resilience, masculine energy, determination, self-discipline. The quality of this light (and your Root chakra) is Divine power.
Ruby ray connects with the energy of planet Mars and the centre of Divine masculine in the body, urging you to be bold and act on your desires.
This ray is activated in meditation with arch. Nathaniel and AA Michael and ruby light angels of strength.
Meditation on Ruby Ray
You can sit in a quiet place without disturbance, breathe deeply and let your thoughts focus inward. Dissipate all the external surrounding slowly. Imagine a ruby red pyramid of Light that encompasses all your energy, stretching to the perimeter of your room or space. This pyramid is made of the light from arch. Nathaniel and Michael, who send healing codes and activate this light around you. See these angels and your guardian angels around the ruby pyramid, stretching hands of light to you.
Visualize that the base of the pyramid has circle with the stamp of flower of life in it, and you are standing in the middle of the circle and middle of the pyramid. See now ruby red ray entering from the top of the pyramid, flowing down to your higher chakras, Soul star and to your Crown chakra, activating and opening it. See this light going down to all your chakras –Third eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root, activating all of them with shining ruby light. Now your body is connected to the source of Divine strength. This is immense power that will flow now through your physical body, cells, bones and blood cleansing all of them.
Imagine now 6 generations from your father`s lineage as 6 spheres of crystalline ruby light. Say the affirmation:
“I now cleanse and release any negative karma, blocks, programming of illnesses from my blood, bones, cells and DNA six generations back in my father`s line. It is done.”
Imagine also 6 ruby spheres of light surrounding 6 generations back from your mother`s line. Say
“I now cleanse and release any negative karma, blockages, fears and programming of illness from my blood, bones, DNA six generations back in my mother's line. It is done.”
Do this exercise for 11 days in a raw for both lines and your Ancestral karma will be cleansed.
When the ruby light enters your Root chakra it opens beautiful ruby lotus flower, see it spinning gracefully in your chakra.
Say the affirmation
“I am strong and safe. I'm abundant, I have all I need in material world. My home is clean and protected. I am in my Ruby light.” (say it 3 times).
Archangel Nathaniel is angel of strength, resilience and wisdom. It will activate your light and spark your passions to create the life you want. This is also angel of all light workers, as it supports them to go through darkness and turbulent times.
To heal any physical issues with Ruby light you need to first cleanse the energy of your etheric body, then work on your Root chakra, and bathe all your body, cells, blood with this light.
This will create strength of your bones, muscles and restore your cells.
Nina Nour Bluebell ©
medium, crystal healer
Tarot teacher
November 2023 ©
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