Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Divine qualities and blocks in Muladhara chakra I


     Muladhara is our Root chakra related to feelings of safety, security, home and money. It is glowing red light in the base of the spine. Here I want to explain how you can understand and examine the negative ties or stuck energy in this chakra, what are the divine qualities you need to master here. 

     Root chakra is called so, because it has special connection to the earth, its essential for our protection and feeling of grounding. This chakra is one very strong foundation, and to achieve its balance is crucial for our wellbeing.

    As Muladhara has good initial connection with our Earth Star chakra (2 inches below feet), it` s good exercise to expand this chakra by visualizing red sphere of light in your chakra, then connect it with ruby red roots with the chakra under ground. These roots are moving and growing strong under your feet, similar as tentacles.

This is the energy vortex connecting us to all life on Earth, and to magnetic core of Gaia.

    The divine qualities of Muladhara are grounding and respect to all living things – that includes the earth, forests, trees, animals and humans. Short affirmation on this basic chakra is:

I`m grounded and safe to the core of our planet. My home is protected, safe. I m protected and my roots go deep into the earth. I have abundant resource of money flow.”

 In order this chakra to be balanced and healthy you need to observe some important relationships in your life. Root chakra is connected with your ancestral line and DNA memory of your family; so all relationships –past and present with your father, grandfather, older brother or older cousins (male and 2 or more years older than you) will affect your Root. What you need to do is to examine and see the patterns of these relationships, for example with asking questions.


1. What is your relationship with your father? Did you have positive memories from your childhood? Did you experience fear, resistance, anxiety, and stress, related to him before or now? How are your relationships now? What is your feeling to him now and why? Do you blame your father for something he did or something he didn’t? (It`s good to take time and think more deeply about that relationship.)

Do the same for your relationship with your elder brother, cousin, grandfather. You may have interesting result. 

Include a special dreams or something that you remember from childhood? What are your feelings?

From here you should start to dig deeper into the imbalance of Muladhara.

Then you can make meditation for cleansing and healing the relationship with your father (grandfather, elder brothers).

    This meditation will take 11 days and can be related to just One chosen family member. It includes cutting of negative ties; sitting in a recharging activation red light in a pyramid. Working with arch. Michael to remove the ties and negative patterns from your Muladhara chakra with your father (1) then in all other chakras from down to up, reaching to Third eye. These 7 days you work to heal, balance and activate one chakra –for one person. Then the last 4 days you cleanse and activate your aura, infusing in it only positive light of love and appreciation between you and your father.

 Art by Nicoletta Ceccoli 

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium
© Jan.2021

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