Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Numbers secrets & symbols -III

Numbers of the last line [ 7, 8, 9 ]

These are numbers of Mind – expansion, awakening –higher spiritual levels, connection of human mind with Spirit. Vibration of spiritual Light, golden, crystal shine colors.  
[ 7 ] is the number of magical power in golden yellow Light (Uriel); Its expression is seven pointed star – famous in some Wicca traditions as “elven” fairy star. It symbolizes higher frequencies of energy, connects all colors – in the spectrum of white, and golden (in the colors of Rainbow), The seven chakras in the physical body become one flow with the final “Crown” – center of receiving divine energy through the top of the head. Light of higher mind, openness to the source, transformation.
The flower symbol of [ 7 ] is hibiscus – yellow and red. Planets united around the Sun without earth are seven, days of the human week; Has the power of transformation of darkness into Light; archangels of this number are: Michael, Uriel, Metatron. This number adds one above the humans earth level of [ 4, 5, 6 ] existing in the higher sphere of spirit. It makes connection to the earth from in vertical direction –from up to down, so the main source of [ 7 ] is pouring spiritual light, activating the light body – opening spaces and working with chakra centers in the body, through the Crown.

Number 7 activates and unlocks the sleeping forces of chakras using the divine Light from Universe; number [ 8 ] continues the expansion process on level of aura –outer shield containing our past and future codes; 8 makes expansion of all aura field, cleansing it with golden and blue light from all dark cords hidden there. This is the higher purification number of celestial sphere; symbolizes – high waters –waterfall, powers of arch. Gabriel, Raguel, Muriel. Represents peace, balance, purity and harmony of all aspects. Eight has double healing power on spiritual level (two times 4 of Raphael). Other symbols of 8 are: Octagram ( star of Ishtar), flowers – white lily, lotus, white rose, snowdrops, lily of the valley. 8 is number equivalent of Peace and purity in the celestial sphere, spread to earth. It represents the Throat chakra – divine truth and justice. Vibration color is light blue with silver shine. The element waterfall – nourishes and cleanse all negative vibrations in our space, and has also magical protection power. Also number of celestial nymphs, connects with the Moon energy. (moon has totally 8 different phases, traveling in the sky: New moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, Full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent. )

Number [ 9 ] – has the vibration of angelic realm and crystal and lavender color. It maintains the divine connections between humans and angels; Nine symbolizes end of a cycle and new beginning. It contains energy of preparation, spiritual knowledge, wisdom, ability to feel connected –its also related to 1 – as the Source energy and Oneness. 9 are celestial spheres, and basic archangels ruler of spheres. Its number of completion of all elements, signs and spheres. It represents the left cheek and hand of the universe – or receiving endless love and peace from the divine Source. This is the number of free spirit, flying above all limitations and norms; symbol of free Mind and awaken Spirit in its higher realms. Number of angelic frequencies, signs and choices. 9 is number of Karmic lows and karmic cycles that are finished (9 life times of sacrifice to love-flame until it can become “Twin-flame”). 9 is awakening of spirit, Liberation from the earth prison, expansion of all energy connected with God. The archangel of 9 is Zadkiel. Flower is :Lilac.

The last line symbolizes purification of the Spirit –and its eternal connection with the creating universal energy.

So I end the observation on the magical meanings of numbers –and their symbols. Don’t forget that energy of all numbers of connected and flowing as one from the Source.

Abide in divine Light!
[ nina Lea-nura * ]
לאה נורא

1219 -9- 

Numbers secrets & symbols - II

Second line [ 4, 5, 6 ]

Represents the physical- earth plane, Healing energy, body, feelings, senses, nature plane, natural resources, environment, living beings, animal world, elements; It has the energy of healing, protection and heart in physical plane. Here belong all visible and invisible circles belonging to earth sphere – also elementals (fairies, gnomes, salamanders, nymphs).

[ 4 ] is sacred number related to healing power of Raphael – and protection (cube of Metatron); it is connected with arch. Ariel, animal world, color – dark green, malachite, green jade; this number resonates with love to all living being and love to all nature – being compassionate, helping and with open heart. It heals the heart (4 chakra). In human body represents the Heart (Anahata and the right hand –palms and fingers – principle of giving. People with vibration number of birth -4 can be good healers, if they discovered their ability with the help of angels. This is number of elements – Tree, Fruits, Leaves, herbs, healing the physical body and organs; represents all the nature green areas of the Planet – the Lungs and heart of mother earth. Its symbolizes the energy in the ritual magic – in four directions, four natural cycles –seasons, 4 main points in earth cycle around the Sun (solstice, equinox -2). Four is double power of 2 –principle of Love, devotion, inner vision. It has the balance of all elements together, and healing aspects of the nature (Raphael). The geometric sign of 4 is – four pointed star; cube, Merkaba.

[ 5 ] number has very special and inner power. Its connected with union of all elements but also all directions, levels, spheres and planes meet in 5 point. It symbolizes the 5th dimension –the Gate to the universe, access to Akashic records, wisdom and tunnel of Transcending to another world. This is the Gate of transcending from physical world to the spirit world. It has magic connotations and protection power (in pentagram circle). It has magical energy and combines all elements power. When someone has this number is his spiritual path (date plus month number), indicates he/ she ll have special abilities for manifesting and magic in physical plane –that will be delivered fast in astral and spiritual planes.  
(note – that doesn’t include the life mission number –just the birth date).
Angels protectors of this number are: Azrael, Seraphiel, Michael, Cassiel.
All they have mission to help the transition of the soul and sooth her in her travel to after life (levels). 5 are paths of soul on earth to choose between them, 5 are senses used by humans, 5 symbol is sacred River – separating the spheres – from the life to rebirth. It has deeper meaning of death, rebirth, end and beginning, cycle of events, karmic cycles, even karmic lessons learned on earth. That’s why 5 is number of high power and revision of the lessons in physical plane. It has color shining black, and silver white. This is number of Nymphs, and mystical attachment to the underworld. It contains also the sign of Rain, clouds, fog, steam. In human body represent –nose and smell.

[ 6 ] number – is related to purification with nature and healing. This is number dedicated to feelings of love and Heart chakra– in earth plane. The angels of this number are: Haniel, Chamuel, Ariel, Jophiel. To it belong also the nature spirits – fairies and elves. It has powerful heart opening vibration with color –pale green (peridot), peach (peach tourmaline), soft pink (rose quartz). 6 is number of purified heart connected with all life on earth, its main symbols are: flowers, snowflake, honey bee, honey comb, herbs, fruits of tree. This is amazing number of nature Goddesses of beauty – Freya, of spring, rejuvenated energy, unconditional love and heart healing. It represents also butterfly Queen –Titania with her beautiful wings. 6 signifies world of butterflies, flying insects. It is the harmonious connection of all natural elements, the cleansing power of nature –on human heart. It cleanse all negative vibrations of the space –home, room, and environment. [ 6 ] represents the heavenly sign on earth – Garden of flowers and trees. People with this number in birth chart will be excellent gardeners and will love plants. This number contains aspects of forgiveness, love on a higher level, trust and open heart. It has power to heal emotional wounds, disappointments and take you through hard times of change. In human body 6 represents the left hand- palm and fingers (connected with higher Heart) and receiving energy from the source of love and angels. The flow of energy in human – in peaceful state of mind or meditation – flows from left to right, from down to up; so you can visualize the sign of infinity (laying 8) starting from left palm of stretched hand – through heart –Throat –Third eye, near the Crown chakra –going to the right, making the curve and flowing into palm of right hand –then down the arm –the same opposite way –from the heart center (…) and finishing in the left hand.  This is the complete cycle of energy flow – in upper chakras – giving and receiving are equal. Numbers [ 4, 5, 6 ] rule healing in physical plane, healing circles of energy (reiki, visible, invisible), natural world, animal world, senses, compassion, Heart, love to humans.
Flowers symbols of second line – [4 ] – aloe, cactus; [ 5 ] white poppy, forget me not; [ 6 ] orchid, freesia;

The second line symbolizes the purification of the physical body –in all levels. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
לאה נורא

Numbers secrets & symbols -I

[ numbers first line 1, 2, 3 ]

In my previous articles I observed the basic meanings of numbers and their energy, connection with divine source and angel association. Now I want to add some more information on the mystical side of the numbers.

Everything in the universe is a code – from our birth date, place of birth, names, events, colors. One of the most powerful codes that we can have on earth are the numbers. They are holding the key to understand about divine energy and structure of universe, the keys to our expansion, spiritual development, reading mythologies for the creation of world and humans.

Numbers possess special power –and shed light about past and future events, as well as determine the basic cosmic order, in which we live. They are presentation of cosmic harmony and shifts. In the magic square we see 3 lines of numbers, that I`ll observe here each one giving explanations.

I. the first line are numbers [1, 2, 3 ]
They are vibrating with different colors; their symbolic aspect refers to: Beginning of creation, Root, primal force, Oneness of God, god almighty, the all observing eye of Ra, domination, power, endless existence, no beginning and no end, Core of the universe, cosmic Egg (1). All of them mean: principle of Ascension, Transformation; they are equal to human aspect of Soul, psychic body, astral body and emotions. The color of one is violet-purple; The first plane of creation is connected also to the after-life – the world of gods and divine energy. One represents the masculine power, God, principles of beginning, domination, strength, devotion, one path, Sun, Light, Air; two (2) represents the feminine energy of Love, Goddess, duality, love as universal magnetism, poles of earth, the universal Mirror, love as immanent force of transformation and higher energy. 22 is the perfect mirror number of Love – self-love, compound of Yin and Yang energy, self-acceptance, peaceful relationship. Two represents the sacred union of the souls, sexual energy, the Moon. In human face 2 represents the second chakra from higher plane (down) –Third eye – intuition, magical power, feminine energy, mysticism, clairvoyance, astral travel, connection with higher realms, psychic power. Third eye is powerful organ to see, observe and understand the universal wisdom; 2 in human body represents the second chakra – Svadishtana – orange center of love, intimacy, sharing feelings, devotion to our love-flame. Many aspects can be pointed out here about 2 energy – it also has meaning of Sacrifice for love, determination, following your heart. The universal element of two is Water (ocean, sea, lake). This is the primal water of creation, that all sprung out from it. (in Bible – the God spirit is flying above the dark waters.); Goddess Isis – mother of Horus and wife of Osiris is one of the faces of the [ 2 ] She has power on all life, all social circles in ancient Egypt, influences pharaohs life, as well as after-life. [ 2 ] is the harmony and union between earth plane – and many levels (circles) of after-life. It represents the union of all universal forces (central themes of many monotheistic religions –specially of Zoroastrinism, Islam, Judaism) – like Good and Evil, dark –Light, Masculine –feminine; Heaven –Hell; god –devil; angels –demons; reward – punishment. These are some main aspects of 2. [ 1 ] – God, Universe, Beginning [ 2 ] Goddess, Love, Duality, Spread, [ 3 ] Trinity, union, Jesus, Ascension.

Number three is special number of the activated cosmic power. Something exist –but it cant be spread alone by itself –it needs a moving power and transition. Then it comes [3 ] represents the fruit of the sacred union of 1 and 2 – in Jesus –Jeshua, Trinity, it’s the son of creation, principles of peace, giving love (giving peace), ascended masters. 3 overcomes the duality (or imbalances) of [ 2 ] and transform them into Light. The color of 3 is Ruby red and orange. In human body emanates the Throat chakra – third from up to down –spoken truth to the world –or revelation of the Truth. From down to up it represents the Solar Plexus chakra – the true self, strength, willpower, knowing the right actions. 3 is activated energy of ascension of all levels – and in human Soul. 3 is the battle of light with the darkness, and conquest of Light, it has power of change the mind patterns, burning fire. 3 is universal Love, that transcends time and space, and changes the layers. 3 is the Holy spirit - in human plane it`s the Soul of each person, that has eternal sparkle. In Sacred geometry 3 is triangle –connection with Gods world. Pyramid is the sacred form presentation [ 3 ]
Number 2 is under dominion power of arch. Gabriel, Raziel, Remiel, Zadkiel; its number of Soul –mate, love-flames and other half;
Num. [ 3 ] vibrates with power of Michael, and his sward, cutting cords of negative energies and purifying in light. The symbol flowers of 1 –is rose, 2 –water lily, iris; [3 ] – sunflower

The first line symbolizes the Purification of the Soul (eternal). 

[ nina Lea-nura* ]
לאה נורא

Monday, December 19, 2016

Isis - Aset

   One of the most famous, sacred and discussed Goddesses in Ancient Egypt – Isis; she was personification of feminine energy, motherhood, moon, magic, fertility, love, healing. Isis took many aspects and roles of the main goddesses before her – Maat, Hathor. She was related to similar foreign deities – Persephone, Athena, Cybele, Demeter.

Other names of Isis: Hesat, Eset, Unt, Urethekau, Aset, Aust, Eenohebis; Literary her name means “Queen of the Throne” – that’s why her common headdress was throne-like stair to heaven.
Isis husband and brother was the underworld God Osiris, they had one son – Horus. She was also sister of Set, the evil king, and Nephtys.
She was know for her many roles in any part of social life, and under world, to her were contributed many rituals, and she had immense power over all social groups in Egypt.
Her mother image was celebrated by showing her in statues as nursing her son Horus, or the pharaoh itself.

Many places of worship were dedicated to Isis, her images, carved, depicted and statues were large number. Probably the most famous temples of Isis were Behbeit el-Hagar and Philae.
temple in Philae ~

Depiction: As Goddess Isis was depicted often wearing special headdress of a vulture, as the bird is laying above head of Isis, her wings hanging down on both sides. Goddess has other attributes and signs: jeweled collar, papyrus scepter, an ankh in hand, long gown.
In some images she is depicted with the spread wings (associated with power of Maat –truth and justice); Sometimes she is wearing crown, instead of bird headdress – forming an empty throne –which symbolizes the power of her husband Osiris. Other crowns of Isis are: sun disk, and horns of Ram between sun disk.

Legends and myths ~
Osiris was the elder son of Geb and Nut, so he started to rule on Egypt. His evil brother Set was permeated by envy and wanted to destroy Osiris and take his place. Set made plan and one day of celebration he sealed Osiris in a coffin and threw him in the Nile. Isis was desperate and went searching for her beloved husband. He finally found him (dead) in a column of cedar in foreign land (all symbolic associations); took his body and went back to Egypt. Set found the coffin with Osiris body and tore him to 14 pieces, that spread around the world.
With the help of her sister Nephtys (goddess of darkness), Isis succeed to find 13 of all pieces. The last piece was swallowed by a monster from Nile river. Then Isis in her despair turned to wisdom of Toth (god of moon, magic, written word) – he thought her how to make a spell for Osiris and awaken his body shortly for life. She used wax in place of the missing piece of his body.
When Osiris came to life, she was so happy that the long gone lovers hugged each other in lovers hug. After that night, Isis conceived Horus.
Osiris went to the under world, and then Isis was left alone in the prison of her brother Set. Thoth helped her again to escape from him.
The legend says Isis traveled with her seven scorpions that had names: Tefen, Befen, Petet, Mestet, Mestetef, Thetet, Maatet.
They came to a village near to papyrus swamp. Then Isis found a house of rich woman, who lived nearby and asked her for shelter. The rich woman declined to accept her, as she didn’t recognize the goddess. Isis went further –to a house of very poor peasant woman, who welcomed her in her home. The seven scorpions were goddesses that were angry on the rich woman for being so inhospitable to Isis. Tefen came back to her house and stung her son and made fire in her house. Isis heard the grief of woman, and feeling her loss restored the dead son to life; then she was hiding with her son Horus, to whom she gave birth.

Angels associated with Isis power: Gabriel, Haniel
Isis adopted the son of her sister Nephtys (with Osiris – Anubis) as he was abandoned;
Symbols of Isis: sycamore tree (divinity, protection, strength), Was” scepter – long scepter with animal head in the end possessing magical power, Moon disk – symbol of her moon and magic deity.
Isis was one of the four protector gods of the dead, she was responsible of the liver holding canopic jar. (Liver associated with Solar Plexus chakra); Isis was known also as Aset (meaning “throne”) and the Lady of the Sycamore. Her priests had magical healing powers. She played central role in rituals of spells, love and healing.
Interesting is the fact, the even in the rule of Roman empire, Isis didn’t disappear, but was adopted by Romans with the name Stella Maris (star of the seas). One of the significant names of Isis was Ankhet (from ankh) –creator and giver of life on earth and in spiritual plane.

Magical symbols of Isis:
Crystal ~ Lapis Lazuli
Color ~ indigo blue
Number ~ seven, eight
Scent ~ lotus flower
Animal ~ cat
Flower ~ rose
Tree ~ fig, sycamore
Herb ~ sagebrush
Food ~ avocado

Affirmation: Light of Isis, make transformation of all levels in the world through the great art of magic and moon! 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
Isis and her son Horus ~


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Energetic chakra imbalances -III

* Observing chakras ~ Third eye (6), Crown (7) 

(6) Third eye chakra (Ajna) ~
It`s related to one of the most precious human organs – eyes, pituitary gland, forehead, third eye, right brain (for intuition, creativity, vision). This is the beautiful violet, dark blue center of visions, connection to the higher self, to ethereal plan and feeling the energy flow around us. With this chakra we become conscious individuals, who see, know and understand the world around, respect the nature lows and follow the energy codes of the universe. Ajna gives us intelligence to think, analyze, using combined senses, intuition, and love. This is the basis for psychic abilities and seeing things beyond the visible spectrum. We still need to discover much about this amazing center, as now we are like children, making the first steps to use their long given ability. The basic issues and causes of this chakra are:

-         locked intuition and feeling of others psychological state
-         wrong or false ideas about the world, society and nature lows
-         wrong ideas about the nature energy, misunderstanding
-         undeveloped creative power
-         locked or undeveloped simple visualization power
-         poor visual memory, lack of imagination
-         wrong believes, intolerance, hatred for the difference of others
-         suppressed spiritual development;
-         confusion of real, unreal and illusion world
-         wrong, deformed image creating power.
-         Problems with eyes, sight, forehead; migraines
-         Not able to memorize simple texts
-         Over worried, anxious, sleepless, insomnia
-         Not able to make plans about future, or to remember past events

Some of the best ways to improve your Ajna condition and make it more open are: writing a diary, reading books and making notes, writing schedule, creative writing, drawing and painting  (faces, objects), painting and coloring mandalas, playing brain-games, playing chess, meditation on Third eye, yoga poses, writing down your dreams, remembering your dreams; practicing visualization. All these methods are very effective, depending on your personal time and preferences. But don’t underestimate the Third eye –center of vision, logical and creative thinking, feeling the energies, and being with the universal flow. That’s one of the most important center of calm Mind and connection to higher self. This is the chakra of inner peace and balance. The most important food for helping Ajna in cleansing are: blueberries, maple, blackberries, plums, purple grapes; walnuts, cashew.

(7) Crown chakra (Sahasrara) ~
  The Crown is our top chakra –center of connection with all universe, God, divine source, angels, our eternal love, our energy power, with Solar system, galaxy, planets and stars of our birth. This chakra is also essential for healing, receiving and purifying our being –in energy and physical levels. The bigger Sahasrara is –the more spiritually advanced we are and higher is our connection to the eternal Source; The less our Crown chakra is raised – or if its not shining in clean colors –then we experience blocked Light from divine energy, that can cause many negative situations for us.
Not by chance this chakra is called “Crown” –its our jewelry for the other world –where is our Astral body, soul, where we can have higher spiritual experiences. People can have different color patterns and intensity in this chakra, mostly it s observed in crystal and shining colors –white, pale blue, blue-green, lavender, violet, purple shades. Sahasrara contains information of our connections with the higher realms –that we made in the life time. Our angels communicate through this channel of Light stream. Most people even not knowing, or without spiritual experiences, have inactive or imbalanced Sahasrara; but this chakra is rarely blocked, because everyone needs supply from the divine source. You can live also without “spiritual development”, but then your Crown wont have brilliant colors and you ll be prone to fall in negative emotional conditions, will be not peaceful and out of balance. When your crystal chakra is inactive or defected you`ll feel:

-         tiredness of mind, depression, anxiety, often headaches
-         out of center, unable to concentrate
-         unable to calm down emotionally
-         hard to overcome negative emotion, that overwhelms
-         hard to be patient and unable to forgive
-         wanting to control all –events, situations and people

    Dull color of Sahasrara can mean also a greedy person, who is sank in material world pleasures, possessions, and don’t have connection to the divine source. Person with only achievements and needs in accumulating material goods, and pleasures. One of the characteristic of such person will be obesity; he will be reactive, rude or hypocritical, will be arrogant or with high self-confidence. Now in our planet there are too many individuals with such characteristic and inactive crown without Light. In the future of humanity this will change – even it wont be so soon. Sahasrara energy should be maintained clean and active, which you can do by many ways:

Practicing meditation daily (1 hour), yoga exercises, fasting, restraining from sugar, addictive foods and meat; visualization exercises, walking in the mountain – in nature, walking on the beach, ocean, sea; observing spring, fountain water; taking time alone, lemon water in the morning –drinking, drinking more clean water, having healthy eating habits, having healthy sleep in exact times, salty water shower, bath, essential oils bath, aromatherapy, crystal therapy, reading religious texts. 

[ Thank you for reading! ] 
[ nina Lea-n * ]

Energetic chakra imbalances - II

* Observing chakras ~ Heart (4), Throat (5) 

4. Heart c. (Anahata) ~ One of the most important chakras, spreading light to the whole body – center of your being. The main organs it takes care of are: heart, lungs, arms, shoulders, hands, palms, fingers, chest, breasts, leucocytes;  This is the amazing center of love, trust, compassion, devotion, empathy, sensitivity, respect to others, tolerance, acceptance, forgiveness; all kinds of complex feelings to others are hold from the heart. The color of this special zone is emerald green (it differs in each person), different shades of green, and the more spiritually developed humans have “Higher heart” – another center above Heart in pink color (rose quartz). We have to acknowledge and realize the big importance of this chakra. If the Root is flushing away the toxins accumulated in body, this wont be possible without the work of Heart, as it has the function to allow all processes of cleansing. All purification starts with heart. For that reason you need first to cleanse your heart, then the root c. and then any other center. This chakra is of healing power, for us and others, balance, inner peace and love. All these amazing things are not easy to be achieved daily and always. So many times sadly Anahata is closed due to outer influences, holding negative emotions and negative cords with other people from the past. The main causes for the green chakra to be imbalanced are:

- suppressed negative emotions (anger, aggression to others, jealousy, envy)
- suppressed empathy –or lack of empathy to others; indifference
- lack of compassion, inability to show compassion with actions
- inability for forgive and forget (for others) 
- inability to love and show affection and love
- inability to feel peaceful (feeling anxious, restless, out of balance)
- insensitive – think skin – don’t show your emotions or lack of spontaneous reactions;
- wearing a mask, being overbearing, false, two-faces; inability or fear to show yourself
- fear to lose love and appreciation
- fear to be left from your beloved, to be alone
- fear your close people to take advantage of your feelings
- fear to be unloved from others and your family (or not accepted)
- fear of broken heart, of betrayal; distrust in your partner, friend

Heart chakra imbalance will have deep consequences in all levels, if you leave your energy unclean for longer. For this reason you need to cleanse your heart regularly –even daily with exercises, meditation and showing acts of love and compassion to others. Then your center of healing will be strong enough to take care of your all body. The best natural foods for the green chakra are: apples, pears, kiwi fruit, green onion, broccoli, cucumber, grapes, asparagus; Eat daily at least one green fruit and vegetable and you ll have brilliant health. Herbs: parsley, dill; Very important for good heart chakra is practicing yoga and breathing exercises daily. Other things to do to cleanse your heart – remove all the unwanted people and toxic relations from your life –friends, lovers; Make list of qualities that you want to seek and find in others and qualities to develop in yourself. This will be the first step to attract the positive change in your relationships and love-life. Be brave.

  • Note: I want to add something about an aspect of Anahata – your love center wont be completely closed or ill” after “broken heart” –or event of disappointment, betrayal or distrust from your partner; It can be out of balance, which is quite normal for the condition you ll go through, but heart is a very strong center; with proper care and letting go of these emotions, it will be good soon. But your Anahata will be totally closed and even dark, if you let the emotions like “fear of betrayal, fear of leaving, fear of broken heart” to stay inside you for longer time – as then they can be in subconscious levels and become hidden illnesses

5. Throat c. (Vishudha) ~
One of the high chakras vibrating with light blue color (Turquoise, aquamarine, blue jade), responsible for the organs – throat, neck area, thyroid glad, mouth, tongue, gums, nose, sinuses, ears;
Each chakra is important for the whole body balance; but there are rarely people who never had problems in Thorat center. Its one of the most vulnerable chakras, and easily gets blocked. For many reasons – all issues of communication, speaking out, defending the truth, sharing in relationships, sharing your feeling and thoughts, listening to others – are related to Vishudha. Not by chance this blue center is related to cleansing – to finding your own truth, to cleansing and purification. Many times negative issues (conflict with others and yourself, unspoken words, or spoken offenses) affect directly to Throat. Common cases are illnesses like flue, cold syndromes, soar throat, breathing with nose problems. The basic energy flow defects for inactive Vishudha are:

-         suppressed self-expression and creativity
-         fear of speaking out your thoughts and feelings
-         fear of speaking the truth
-         fear to express yourself freely in social plane
-         fear of being not understood well
-         lack of communication with others
-         broken communication in relationships and friends
-         defects related to social life and your performances
-         defects related to recognition of others for your creativity
-         fear to find your true mission
-         defects in social environment, leading to hidden truths
-         unspoken views, feelings that are “swallowed” 
-         hiding the truth about something, unrevealed issues
-         fear of social performances –or public
-         dishonesty, untruthfulness, reactive, offensive behavior

The list is with defects for this chakra is long. Moreover –it can be really sensitive area connected with all other chakras. Human is designed for living in social groups – family, friends, relationships, work – actually all active life areas are in the category “communication”, “expression”, “speech”. We need to take close attention to our way of speaking with others and the way they understand and accept us as creative beings.
Recently I became ill – this was maybe flu or common cold; having in mind, that I m making regular cleansing of all my chakras and Throat. Little after I became ill, I realized the real reason of my problem. I became ill exactly the day after I broke my friendship with a woman. Our communication was broken and we had actual “unfinished” conversation, or unclear situation. When I decided to broke for my personal reasons, I realized this was the cause of my illness, exactly because of hidden and unrevealed issues between us, and broken communication since long time. If you add to that the not enough intake of daily vitamins from fruits and vegetables in winter season –you can understand how easily is to be affected the Throat. 

The blue center requires devotion for your truth and being confident to speak out your thoughts. It` s directly connected with Third eye chakra above- dark indigo blue (thoughts, mind), and from another to Heart chakra – below – true feelings. Both should be flowing to the Throat. Be your authentic self and show it without fear! Other causes for blocked Vishudha are: not good personal hygiene, unclean or packed with things environment (like children room covered with toys and stuff all around), piles of inarranged and unused things at home, not working, stuck water pipes (sink, bath tube). Now you can imagine how multiple can be the causes of imbalanced Throat chakra. Best foods for it are: chamomile, peppermint herbs, grapes, pears, kiwi fruit, avocado, lemon, lime; Honey and propolis are the most effective natural elements to help Vishudha. You should avoid – chilly and cold foods. 

[ Hope the text was helpful for you! ] 
[ nina Lea-n * ]

Energetic chakra imbalances -I

* Observing chakras Root (1), Sacral (2), Solar Plexus (3) 

   In my other articles I explain how chakras are energy wheels in our body, connecting all in one whole system. The same as in our physical body all parts are connected and work synchronically, also the energetic (ethereal) body is always connected and flowing. That means –if one of your chakra is ill –inactive or out of balance –this will affect for sure other chakras as well, in different degree.
I want to make overview of chakras and related to them causes for illness and imbalances.
Every illness, before appearing on a physical level and become visible as “illness”, start to be active in energy level first. You chakra, for example Throat –will be imbalanced for reason, then after a while the energy blockage or uncleanness will come to the “surface” of the physical body illness. That’s why daily meditation and mantras for cleansing are very advisable. Cause for the illnesses are multiple and various. I said in another text (… ) there is not just one cause that alone will provoke illness in your body. Illness is combination of energetic imbalances, that come together to higher point and appear inside you as syndromes, conditions. Basically the causes for illness are:
-         causes of space, atmosphere, home
-         causes of work space (condition, atmosphere, cleanness)
-         emotional imbalance causes
-         emotional causes and affects from relationships
-         emotional causes of inner personality conflicts
-         spiritual causes 

I`ll observe each of them in separate texts, but now I want to focus on causes for each chakra in short.

1. Root c. (Muladhara) – at the base of the spine; It is responsible for the blood circulation, blood vessels, back bone, bones, whole skeleton, muscles, red cells, feet, toes, joints, large intestine, tendons; This is basic chakra for cleansing the body from toxins and negative energy. That’s why if Muladhara is closed, it will cause easily imbalance in other chakras. The main emotional causes for imbalance in this energy vortex are:  

         - suppressed fear and fear based thoughts
         - high levels of fearfulness and insecurity 
         - suppressed compassion and feelings to others
         - over-exposed self; egoistic behavior
         - lack of persistency 
         - lack of confidence
         - suppressed painful events, memory
         - lack of earth connection and natural resources
         - receiving without giving.

Muladhara causes are among the most well spread in world of energy illnesses. They cause (and affect in final stage) abusive, aggressive, intolerant behavior, imbalance of fats – obesity, sadistic behavior, arrogance, insensitive to other humans and animal world. If your Muladhara is closed for long time, it`s very possible your Crown chakra to be also closed, due to accumulation of toxins in the body. Then your energy will become like a capsule of toxins, as you`ll be with the main two channels closed –one for receiving pure energy – Crown –another for sending the unwanted (flushing) toxins out of body. That will affect your entire system and depending on other emotional gaps and problems of outer atmosphere, will lead to many different illnesses. Be aware to keep your Root clean, in order to have strong physical body. The best remedies for fast cleansing your first chakra are: onions, garlic, cranberries, goji berry, almonds, olives, tomatoes, red apples.

2. Sacral chakra (Svadhishtana) ~ responsible for lower abdominal, womb, ovaries, sexual center, genitals, kidneys, bladder. This is a quite sensitive zone for most humans, and any higher level of toxins and unclean environment can result in imbalance in Sacral area and related illnesses. The main causes for illnesses of the sexual center are:
- suppressed sexual energy
- suppressed positive emotions (lack of joy and pleasure)
- lack of self-confidence – not trusting yourself, lack of self-love and self-acceptance;
- suppressed feeling of guilt (in relationships or with others)
- not trusting others – don’t accept others values
- being in a toxic relationship (your partner has bad influence for you)
- fear of commitment and giving trust
- fear of losing someone close to you
- fear of to leave your partner
- fear to share your inner emotions –to express love to others
- fear of criticism and to share your emotions

These are some of the most spread causes for orange chakra illnesses; the number of people with related to Sacral center imbalances is increasing in today society; this happens for many reasons, mostly due to lack of inner emotional connection between people and energetically spoiled, damaged and not maintained relationships. We still don’t know how to keep the balance in our life-relationships, and they are basis for our love-lessons in this plane. As I wrote already in my articles specially about this chakra – it`s almost always connected with the Heart chakra issues. Your sexual center will be cleaned when the main emotional reason for the imbalance is removed; Look to your relationship first and make analysis, then you ll discover what are your next steps to solve the problem. The most helpful foods from nature to help you with Svadhishtana balanced energy are: garlic, lentils, carrots, pumpkin, oranges, tangerines.

3. Solar Plexus c. (Manipura) ~ cares for the following organs: adrenals, pancreas, intestine, digestive system, liver, gall bladder. Solar plexus as visible from the name can be compared with clear yellow Sun in our body. It` s connected immensely with our own: willpower, self-esteem, clarity in situations, knowing our position in life, knowing our life missions, being confident about our mission, being responsible to take decisions, having self-discipline, being welcome, warm and open to others; understanding your self-worth, keeping your values and life principles. It`s so much important center for the humans. The imbalance in it leads to many problems and illnesses in all levels – becoming indifferent, cold and insensitive to others pain, having belly fats, being slow, lazy, inactive in fulfilling tasks; postponing obligations of every day; Manipura basic causes of imbalances are:

- suppressed confidence (low self-esteem)
- suppressed willpower (hard to implement your ideas in real)
- lack of motivation (not enough faith in your abilities)
- lack of self-control and self-connection
- not respect for your own values and principles
- laziness, inactive behavior
- doubtful, insecure in your abilities
- unable to take decisions or to act properly in hard situations
- unable to meet challenges in life
- difficulty to make choices important for your life
- inability to act in honorable way – to keep your decisions, to be strong in what you think and not affected by others

These are some of the main causes ,but they could be so many. Manipura energetic gaps will create problems in your digestive system and liver. If you are unable to trust yourself and with low-confidence, this will affect in your liver too (and cause excessive alcohol consumption, which will close the circle of illness for you Solar Plexus). All kind of drugs and alcohol affect this sun-area in your body and can have fatal end. This is also the chakra of freedom and how much you can feel free in life – to enjoy and follow your passions. Manipura is also related to cleansing energy from self-forgiveness, and releasing feeling of guilt. Foods that will return your balance are: lemons, ginger, celery, banana, corn, pears, potatoes, saffron, pineapple. 

[ nina Lea-n * ]