Thursday, December 15, 2016

Love tree & Lovers - IV

    Inspiration. One of the best and maybe hardest way to enjoy your partners love is by inspiration. Being together and sharing can make you both inspired for creating new things. That’s wonderful way to grow, and be happy together; Inspiration can be about anything that you enjoy doing together –music, cinema, art, photography, spirituality. Sometimes of course your inspiration will be “crossed” – that means you`ll not be in the same sphere, but ll complement each other; if your partner is for example director, you could be an actress; maybe your love-mate is photographer, and you love to be a model; maybe your partner is a poet and you love to read poetry! So many combinations are there for both sides…that just by simple desire and inspiration they can do much. Inspiration is the impulse of life and water source.

   Another source of inspiration in this respect can be the common believes (religious views). It`s not obligatory at all your partner to share the same believes about God –universe with you…but your relationship will be much more cohesive (in stronger union) if he does. Sharing common religion and believes is not an issue from yesterday. This is old well thought respective in love life –still highly important in many societies world wide. Some people professing a faith of their ancestors, wont be able to accept their partner in life to have another faith or religion. There are many strict rules and closed societies; (Muslims can marry Christians but they never consider them “equal” moreover only man is allowed to marry woman Christian, and not opposite). Catholic Christians wouldn’t marry any other denomination, even belonging to Christ (like Orthodox, protestant). The same can be said about Jewish, Buddhist, Mormons, Hindus…As we see all that so called “prejudice” exist in the modern world. Many people would say now – we are free enough, we are above the religion views and values, we have love as highest principle. Love is most important –this is true. But its not enough in the physical world –we have to admit. Love is given in multiple forms and lessons, and not as perfect flower- which is sent down as gift from the sky. Love comes with sweet and bitter experiences and should be grown personally by anyone. Its not a perfect flower from God – in this way we would be angels and wouldn’t need a physical body. That`s why, I have to say – the prejudice of the religious societies and norms for marriage life – have their right ground. Love is most beautiful feeling, and we all like to enjoy thinking and discussing it, or write poems about. But its more beautiful always in words and in theory, than in physical world and deeds. All people are amazing poets and have oratory gift to express about love – in words, speech. When it comes to deeds, accomplishment and prove in reality, things are much different. That’s quite normal to be so, as physical world is always heavier and more complicated than the world of imagery. What you dream can become true one day – but rarely in the same shape of your dream.

    That’s why be aware of some statistic about failed and successful marriages between people from different faith. Make a simple research and don’t close your eyes in front of the truth. We can see plenty examples of not only broken interfaith relationships (which you expect to be tolerant), but many of just of different social, countries, races and so on connections. Sadly is truth. Reasons are many, and I wont discuss them here; There are always a nice example of good and strong love-mate stories of the same interfaith kind – but only when both partners don’t have dominant religious views (or extreme religious principles).
    In other cases – if you are Christian woman for ex. – and have specially negative views about Islam in general, condemning violent actions, beheading and role of the women in Muslim society, you wont be satisfied with the strong Muslim partner with the dominant religious views; surely your relationship will fail soon with pain, even if he is the prince on the white horse for you.
Religion and believes matter and are significant for both partners, because of simple understanding of human values, ethics, morality, forgiveness and all what is actually included in growing healthy love-tree.

You need to be on the “same wave”, or in nearly to equal energy level, spiritual level, in order your relationship to be wonderful and to accomplish your dream. You can also survive in another states, with pure and open heart, but you ll feel always something missing.

And it’s the truth – in most relationships something is missing –if we like to admit or not. This is because they are given from past lives for our lessons and growing, and not just to smile and laugh.

If there is perfect love-mate relationship – there is extremely rarely – in relationship of Soul mates and the so called “Twin flames”, that are also not well understood here. 

This is the final part of my article about "Love tree", you are free to add any comments and questions (or critics too, you are welcome!). 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]

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