Saturday, March 28, 2020

Fear and Resistance II (What is Resistance?)

    Part 2 } 
       Fear is also essential for survival of the individual, as it creates instincts of self-protection. If you are not afraid of fire (or aware that it will burn you), you will not have the instinct for self-preservation and you will be in danger all the time. But what we don’t know is that this fear needs to be “released” and cleansed from our sub-conscious mind. Every time after we felt such fear.

     Here I want to underline, that fear in its first, primal stage is a healthy feeling, that preserves you from dangers. But fear, as all feelings have different stages and can become dramatic.

Let`s simplify things by applying three stages of fear, 1. Fear as a basic survival instinct in the nature. 2. Fear as intense feeling from a particular danger from outside 3. Obsessive fear from something that is unknown, from inside 4. Obsessive fear that is combined with other negative feelings, creating blocks in Emotional and spiritual bodies, called Panic.
These stages are very important, as not all “fears” are particularly dangerous or suppressed in sub-conscious.
The same can be applied to feelings like sadness, melancholia, anxiety, depression: which are different stages of one and the same feeling.

I.                   What is resistance? Why do we resist?

           Resistance is a feeling of denial and refusing to accept the particular feeling, or situation in your life. Other words that can help describe resistance are: battle, struggle, refusal, protection, fight. When we resist something, it means we totally don’t like something as part of the situation, and want to eliminate it fast. This “fast elimination” is actually the act of throwing out something in the lake of sub-conscious and leave it there. Without any further thought, or observation. But the rule is, what we resist, persist. So we will continue to battle the same issue multiple times again. Until we realize it needs other actions, than suppressing.

When we resist something also we evoke sub-consciously feelings like anger, anxiety, being helpless, nervous and unwell. These feelings in fact support the existing fear, and don’t help releasing it! Because the rule is all negative feelings will attract more of them. They combine well together. While all positive feelings attract more of it. When we resist we actually invoke more of the same.

art by Paulina Gora 

What we need to do with the Fear?
         The answer is simple on the surface: we need to heal it and release it. I will write here particular steps, how to deal with fear (and that is a fear as general concept).
The emotions are not just a net of “invisible feelings” that we put a strings to build a spider web around us. That’s very wrong idea about emotions. They are very active links to our mind and sub-conscious mind. They are powerful, when we focus them.

The first step is to be aware and realize that you have fear. Then to observe it and categorize it – what kind of fear it is? Is it fear of something particular or fear of the unknown? Is it fear from the future? 2. You need to clear your mind and write down about this fear, what is the cause of it? When did you start feeling this fear? How many times it was repeated? Did you have special dreams of this fear? Write all down. 3. To accept this fear. Here is the special part of your action – you should accept it as reality, this doesn’t mean you should “like” it, or “dislike” it. Acceptance means to be aware of its existence and not try to fight against or deny it or refuse it. That’s very important for the whole process. I know for example, I`m afraid of special kind of spiders, so I accept it. But I don’t try to fight against it, because then it will turn to repeated fear, anxiety and panic. Then I`ll surely attract more spiders.

4. Then I need cleanse and remove this fear from my sub-conscious mind. That’s something not so easy, as what I need to do is to awaken old memories and events from childhood, where this fear was awaken. That will take time alone, meditation and writing some memories. But sometimes they are so deeply hidden that you cant take them out to the surface. What you need to do is to be calm in yourself, and say: I accept that I have fear of … and I release and let it go now from my sub-conscious mind and energy. Another method you can try (but not useful for everyone) is to re-program your Mind to not only accept the fear, but to start to like spiders, as useful creatures of nature. Of course that cant be applied to all people, because we have some collective strong fears, where resistance is strong. The way to overcome your fear is to not let it become stronger, or be obsessive. Simply say “I accept spiders as useful creatures in natural balance”, they are hard working, and nice”. Nothing more. Here “spiders” can be substitute by everything else. All dark things in fact create balance.

       The last step to deal with Fear (or any other negative feeling), is to cleanse it, let it go by substituting it with the opposite feeling. That’s like a puzzle game. Please see in the dictionary the antonyms of fear – assurance, calmness, confidence, contentment, peace, love. Take them now, read them carefully. Write these feelings and ask yourself: what will help me to feel all these feelings? To be assure and calm, confident and filled with love? This is the answer – by increasing and generating these feelings, you elevate your vibrations and all energy flow. You start to vibrate in higher "frequency”, which means – you eliminate the thoughts of fear. And that is the rule.

Basic of the fear in universal program }

        Fear as emotion is one of the strongest catalyst of human race, and its divided by multiple kinds. The basis of all Fear is fear of the unknown, and Fear of death, or “the other side”. Linked to this fear is fear of darkness and invisible, fear of spirits and ghosts, that are in invisible spectrum. Anything that is unknown provokes fear, as we struggle in some moments to trust that we are protected. We are fighters and have instincts. Another kind of fear that is very close to fear of the unknown, and death”, is fear of change. Change is viewed as something scary exactly because of the element of the mist and unknown what will happen after that. People s minds (Conscious and Sub-conscious) uses the Shadow feelings” as a base out of the Comfort zone. The comfort zone is all that is nice, positive or accepted already, known, familiar, the place we come from. Comfort zone is a concept, but its also a surface place. In order to overcome anything, and reach to another place, in order to reach expansion, you need to go out of your comfort zone. That happens through change”. You are afraid to go out of safety and security of home. Then you cant move outside and accomplish your mission. You cant meet soul-mates, you cant feel love. You cant be challenged too. That’s why fear is the feeling that provokes you to go out of your comfort zone. For good of your soul.

So realize, observe, categorize, understand, cleanse, release, let go, substitute with higher positive feeling.

That’s all for the topic of Fear and resistance.
Stay on the path of Light, Love, Joy and Freedom!

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki Master 
March, 2020

Fear and Resistance I

In this article I`ll observe the feeling of fear, and also what provokes fear, the main roots of fear and resistance for change.
 Part one}  
Also I ll throw light to some other “negative” emotions like sadness, depression, hatred, anxiety, restlessness.

I.                   What are the “negative feelings”

        What we call "negative feelings” are the mirror effects of our deep Shadow Self that resides mostly in our Sub-conscious mind. Because it is that deep, we rarely are aware of our Shadow Self, which can trigger in our conscious life situations and feelings, that we don’t understand or don’t see the source. These negative feelings multiple and has reason to exist, namely to make us aware of them and become catalyst for change in perception. When something is labels as “negative” it actually comes as a Sign to look within us, and see what is there to be changed? In our thought patterns, in our perception of world, child-memories. That are the signs for inner transformation.
Be aware too that most negative feelings come from suppressed emotions from our past (or childhood, past lives), and in major part are related to other people (usually close family members, lovers and people we are in relationship). All of that makes the picture quite complicated.

         About Sub-consciousness }
       The Sub-conscious mind is like a forgotten dark room, but it can be very chaotic inside. We can throw things in this room without order. That’s why it needs to be organized and cleansed in certain times. Sub conscious mind can also hold key to our fears and all suppressed emotions. What we should not do with all the “dark” emotions is to “suppress them”, so they are going to the Sub-conscious mind. Because these suppressed emotions create later ripple effect and the results are felt on the surface. (in conscious mind).
To explain more clearly, imagine the sub-conscious mind as a beautiful vast lake. What you see on the surface of the lake, floating beautiful water lilies, flowers, birds, and stillness. That surface is the mind. Now see how you go deeper in the depths of the lake, where it becomes more and more dark. First you see little fishes, stones, treasures, water plants. Then you will see nothing, as the deeper you go, the darker will become. That is the sub-conscious mind.

      Now imagine you are there, outside of the lake, and someone gives you an object you totally don’t like, or a feeling, or anything dark, that you dislike. You throw it inside the lake and it disappears. It goes deeply to the Sub-conscious. So everything that you like, you take and arrange it on the surface, and all what you dislike or afraid of, you send to the bottom of the lake. Then it will appear, so clear and clean picture, everything will be perfectly set on the outside”. You can invite a friend to stay with you near the lake, and he will be pleased and not notice anything. Until you “remember” something forgotten from the objects that you throw down to the sub-conscious, and that will come back to you.

About Fear }
         Fear is one of the very strong emotions that many times you suppress and throw to the “bottom of the lake” simply because you cant stand it. But there is danger in suppressing any emotion, because in this way it will come to you in double way. Then you should deal with it again and again. The solutions to deal with fear, as well as other dark feelings, is the following: 1. to be aware of this fear; 2. to cleanse it from your Sub-conscious 3. to substitute fear with the opposite emotion from the positive range (like love).

The difficulty here is, that you need to consciously work with that feelings. To write down, to be aware and follow your own Show side. To work with your shadow, and be aware of it. Otherwise it will come back to you multiple times. The same way that we work for making the body strong, we need to work on our mind (consciousness) and our subliminal mind (subconscious).

art by Paulina Gora 

Fear is a primal feeling that is essential for humans and for animals, and has primal instinctive nature. That means feelings are like colours in the emotional body, they operate with our chakras and affect the whole energy. Fear as other negative feelings are rooted in the collective mind and our individual DNA. One of the reason is to trigger ripple effect, awakening, transformation, change, and finally reach expansion. If you are staying only on the surface, or in one still position, nothing in your life will change and nothing will move forward. Humans (as program) need challenges and need to have obstacles of the negative shadow self, in order to overcome them and become stronger. In this way fear is emotion that makes you to reach out and achieve other feelings like strength, confidence, love, trust, letting go.

Thank you for tuning in! 
Stay on the path of Ascension, Joy, Love and Freedom. 

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

New Moon in Aries on March -24 and Global situation (Tarot & Astrology patterns)

What happens according to Tarot Astrology Patterns in the World?
The New moon energy Predictions: 24 March

      In this amazing New moon in sign of Aries we have beautiful energy of Fire: meaning activation, passion, motivation, transformation and change. The reality is changing as you are the driving force.

Let`s have closer look to the energies of the New moon in March -24.

    From the numerology perspective 24 is equal to [4] in Tarot –the Emperor – power, force, discipline, laws, rules, self-confidence, restrictions, ego, challenges and boundaries. This is the energy of the year 2020 too in general. The Emperor is exactly card representing sign of Aries. Colours red and golden.

Another significant Tarot card reflecting the energy of March is 13. The Death – meaning transformation, transition, deep realization, releasing and cutting away negative habits. Death means a cycle that is ending. This card signifies that something will end in your life, which is no longer good for your Soul mission.
So we have- grounding, taking power, boundaries, responsibilities, and ending of an important cycle in your life.

Another quite important aspect of 4 is connected with Fire energy – or in tarot Wands. That bring the card of Minor Arcana 4. of Wands meaning: celebration, beginning of project or house cleansing, establishment, coming together, joy, happiness, success, financial stability, connection with others. This aspect can be either positive or reversed, based on your personal perceptions.
We have the strong energy of Page of Wands meaning joy, vitality, enthusiasm to do something new, new spiritual journey, travel, trust in the universal flow, starting a project with passion.
That signifies the energy of something New and passionate is in the air.

In order to activate that Spring fire energy you can: plant or draw red flowers; Wear red clothes, or red crystals bracelet – like fire opal, red jasper, ruby, carnelian, agate, or black tourmaline. Another good way for activation is your favourite sport or Yoga poses.

Now I ll look closely to the Astrological and Tarot pattern of the Planets for the global picture 

     Planets Saturn and Pluto are in the sign of Capricorn. The corresponding of Tarot cards: Saturn is equal to XXI. The World (Planet Earth from the Cosmic perspective) and Pluto is reflecting card XX. The Judgement – awakening, judgement, rejuvenation, purification of the past, realignment, Soul purification, Soul regression (past life lessons, or karmic lessons revealed); Both are signals for Major awakening, transformation and rejuvenation, of all Humanity here. And both signal Major changes, events of cosmic importance, Cosmic portals opening, realizing the truth about Who we are as humanity. Awakening of the collective spirit and collective unconscious mind.
In Astrology Pluto is very special planet that brings Higher transformation, death and rebirth, Ascension, power and evolution.
 Judgement Tarot card 20 - meaning revelation, judgement, divine power, awakening, new phase, transition. Notice the colour of the wings of Archangel Gabriel are purple-red. 

Combination of the 2 cards – 20. the Judgement (Pluto) and 21. The World mean strong warning sign. Both are cards of Ascension, Cosmic consciousness and Karmic cleansing.

Now recently Jupiter also went into the sign of Capricorn – which means X. Wheel of fortune (Again major Karma cycle is completed, something new should begin) in XV. Devil (Capricorn). Jupiter is planet expansion, optimism, luck, abundance, fate, understanding. Jupiter in Capricorn will be hard combination as Wheel of Fortune (cosmic portal of Karma, endings) is in house of 15. Devil – materialistic world, greed, lust, addiction to sex, unhealthy foods and habits; negative emotions, envy, anger, egoism, fear and chains to material. For some that can mean expansion of the shadow of Self in order to heal and release something. It could mean also end of relationships. And brings anxiety.

Now you are in process of Karmic cleansing of debt from the past and releasing from the emotional, physical and spiritual body.
Jupiter is also in Tarot 14. The Temperance – reflection on need to work with your shadow and light aspects and make Balance in all things you do. Balance between masculine and feminine, work and rest, emotions and mind, conscious and subconscious. That’s reflection about all people.

Be aware of your major shift in consciousness, and deeper understanding of your Spiritual purpose and path. Deeper understanding of Why we are here and what we can do to help our planet Earth.
All that are warning signs. So further, both planets – Pluto and Saturn and in Sign of Capricorn (equals to the Major Arcana XV. Devil) – that means fall of illusions, entrapment, greed, obsessions, attachments to the material world, sexual enslavement, primitive instincts, source of evil, addictions and degradation of spirit, or need for manipulation and power. Devil is in fact or Shadow Self. So we can see all things are very clear from that Perspective. 

The Devil (Capricorn sign) is showing what we need to be aware to release and to understand, release our addictions, chains, food addictions, negative emotions, rage, anger, envy, jealousy, cravings, and fears from Power in the material world. 
These two planets are in Capricorn.

The Tower card represents energy of planet Mars (Aries) and sign of shocking change, revelation, or the illusions that are broken. You brake free from something that no longer serve you. 

Moreover we have in this New moon Mars in Capricorn, which in Tarot we can translate as the Tower 16. in the Devil house. That means major changes through chaos, instability and unexpected disruption. (It`s here why this pandemic and fear and spread even more on the planet). Things wont seem as usual through this period. It indicates conflicts, challenges and war for power even in hidden levels.

But the old system is going to collapse (the Tower) and have an end for the material world. That wont happen at once. Moon in Aries can give you more confidence, impatience and arrogance to do things, which you didn’t think deep about.

The Sun and Moon (feminine and Masculine) are in conjunction, which means they are together in good balance.  (Conjunction means in Astrology 0 degree) 
The flexible Mercury (friends, communication, intellect, study, trade) is in sign of Pisces, which will indicate time to trust your intuition, you can receive signs through dreams and visions. Be open to spirit.
Now we have very positive aspects like: Venus (Tarot 3. Empress, Aphrodite) love, sensuality, beauty is travelling to the Taurus (which equals 5.Hierophant – life lessons, learning, rules, laws, education). This is positive for money and work, so all your projects will be successful.

Neptune – planet of healing, illusion, imagination, psychic vision, will be in his sign of Pisces. That indicates wonderful opening of the Astral levels, dreams and visions. Spiritual messages will be very active. This is energy of healing and flow.

That`s all for the New moon energies! Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Numerology and Tarot List -Tarot portions XI

Numerology Tarot list:

  1. The Magician: Oneness, Unity, Spiritual connection, Divine intervention; Inspiration; Portal card; Spiritual connection Sephira: Kether- Crown/ Big Bang / Minor –Aces & Kings; Archangel: Zadkiel
  1. The High Priestess (Queen of Cups): Duality, Decisions, Balance, choices, Purity, Divine feminine, Isis; Sephira: Chokma – Wisdom/ Zodiac signs/ Queens; Archangel: Gabriel
  1. The Empress: Aphrodite Trinity, progress, united efforts, beginning of a project, practical, expansion, Soul connection; Triangle; Sephira: Binah- Understanding/ Saturn /Minor Arcana: Threes; Archangel: Michael, Ariel
  1. The Emperor & fours Grounding, Foundation, boundaries, Security, Home, here, present (Emperor), preservation, persistence, Strength, safety, protection; Sephira: Chesed- Mercy/ Jupiter ; Minor: Fours; Archangel: Raphael

  1.  Fives in Minor arcana is the eminence of arising conflict, fire, instable, provocation, fears, challenge, Karmic lessons (Hierophant) Sephira: Geburah/ Strength; Planet: Mars (5 in Minor Arcana); Archangel: Seraphiel, Sandalphon
  1. Six in Minors is reflection of Purification from past, releasing of past, Emotions, karmic relations, self-reflection, inward, transition from past to future -Sephira: Tiphaert –Beauty; Planet: Sun – Arch. Chamuel; Minor: Sixes
  1. Sevens in Minors   are reflection of movement, confidence, Overcoming obstacles, Fire element, challenge, victory, travel; Chariot; Imagination, going on a Quest, Soul journey; Sephira: Netzah- Victory; Planet: Venus, Minor: Sevens; Court: Knights; Archangel: Metatron, Uriel 
  1. Eight represent Ascension, Higher consciousness, Intuition, Water element, Portal opening, Awareness, painful experience; Strength (Splendour) Sephira: Hod- Splendour, Planet: Mercury ,Minor: Eights; Archangel: Jeremiel 
  1. Nines in Minors (The Hermit) represent Synchronicity, End of cycle, Highest point, Rejuvenation, Love, Joy, Abundance, Finalization, Receiving. Sephira: Yesod –Foundation; Planet: Moon; Minor: Nine; Archangel: Haniel 
  1. Tens in Minors represent cycle, Transformation, Reunion, endings, beginning, dawn, Transmutation, realization; Major: Wheel of fortune X. and The Sun -XIX;  Sephira: Malkuth – Kingdom; Planet: Earth,  Minor: Pages; Archangel: Jophiel, Raguel 

Thank you for tuning in! 

Have in mind that this is my list with my personal research and angelic guidance. you can have other preferences or you could have your own understanding, as numerology and Tarot are quite extensive and limitless topics.

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 

Tarot Postions X -List with Tarot cards, Planets and Zodiac signs

List with Tarot cards and corresponding Planets and Zodiac signs

I. The Magician: Mercury – power, self-discipline, confidence, achieving desires with divine connection; infinity.
II. High Priestess: Moon, Crescent moon; feminine, emotions, psyche, intuition, prediction; Subconscious; water elementals, mermaids
III. Empress: Venus – love, nature, fertility, abundance, growth; Mother earth, beauty, sensuality, nature elementals, fairies. 
XVI. The Tower: Mars (war, conflict, shield, revelation, fall)
XXI. The World: Saturn– hour glass, watch – authority, responsibility, restrictions, time, limitations.
O. The Fool: Uranus – air, atmosphere, fly, originality, individuality, change, personal character, freedom.
XII. The Hanged Man – Neptune: illumination, revelation, standstill, pause/ Planet – spirituality, intuition, dreams, confusion.
XX. The Judgement – Pluto: Keys, pomegranate, royal sceptre, angelic voice, revelation, rebirth, renewal, transformation, inner depth, realization, awakening.

 Tarot and Zodiac signs in Major Arcana: 

IV. The Emperor – Aries (21 march -19 April) & the KING of Wands, Fire, Cardinal

V. The Hierophant – Taurus (20 April – 20 May) & King of Pentacles, Earth
VI. The Lovers – Gemini (21. May- 20. June) (King of Swords) Air 
VII. The Chariot – Cancer (21. June – 22. July) (King of Cups) Water, Cardinal
VIII. Strength – Leo ( 23. July – 22 August) (Queen of Wands) Fire
IX. The Hermit – Virgo (23. August – 22 September) Queen of Pentacles, Earth
XI. The Justice – Libra (23. Sept – 22. October) –Queen of Swords, Air, Cardinal
XIII. The Death – Scorpio (23. Oct. – 21. November) –Queen of Cups, Water
XIV. The Temperance – Sagittarius (22. Novem – 21. December) The Page of Wands, Fire 
XV. The Devil – Capricorn (22. December – 19. January) Page of Pentacles, desire, drive, Earth 
XVII. The Star – Aquarius (20. January – 18. February) Page of Swords, Air element
XVIII. The Moon – Pisces (19. February – 20 March) Page of Cups, Water 

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master 

Tarot Portions IX -Observation on the Magician -aspects, symbols

Magician - Magus, one of the very powerful first major Arcana in Tarot. 

       Here is my first lesson and observation on Tarot cards, that are connected by symbols, meanings and numerical value (alchemical). From here we can start to see the chain in the story of Tarot.
     Each card has several correspondences like: Planet, Zodiac sign, Kabbalah sephira, number; additionally each card is represented by a figure, landscape, colours of the clothes and colours of the landscape. All of them have meaning and hidden aspects.
The cards that I represent as the Line I in tarot start with: I. Magician (Magus); IX. The Hermit X. Wheel of Fortune; These are cards that represent Angelic connection, Inspiration, Enlightenment, capacity of change; turning point.

Tarot I – The Magus represents state of freedom, as the Magus acts by using the power of God and angels. He draws the energy from the sky with his right hand (Fire) and into the left hand. He can achieve anything what he needs with his own focus, willpower and pure intentions. These are the qualities of the card I that the person should acquire:

Qualities: focus, willpower, creative spark, pure intentions
Planet: Mercury (communication, travel, change, knowledge)
Archangel: Raphael, Raziel
Symbols: infinity, flying
Sephira: Keter –Crown
Dominion: Yang, masculine energy
Number vibration: 1 Oneness, unity, message from Spirit;
Element: Air, elementals: Elves, nature spirits
Symbol White robe: purity, innocence, illumination, spiritual intention, pure motives, Crown and above; energy body
Red mantel: excitement, activation, passion, vitality, desire, dedication; Root chakra, grounding, blood, fire.
(Together they will represent Yin (White) and Yang (red) balance of masculine and feminine).

In Spiritual concept this card signifies you are a channel of the Divine power and something will be delivered through you. That can be also artistic talent, that is in need to be shown to the world; or a spiritual talent, or anything related to revelation of messages and magical” occult practices.

X. Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter (lightning bolt, eagle, bull, oak tree) planet of Luck, fortune, unexpected, expansion, charity.

XIX. the Sun: SUN – Apollo God, Lyre, music –planet of illumination, joy, success, sexuality, Higher consciousness, identity, individuality. Meaning: happiness, success, optimism, good health, energy, truth, love. Abundance, Radiance, flow. Element: Fire

Practical: Magician means revealing and starting to show your artistic talents in sphere of music or art or writing; Attracting power and manifesting desires. All things are flowing easily and fast into reality, as the Magus has all power.
It points to the qualities that you need to develop, so you can achieve your goals: mastery (continue to develop on your way. Study, practice) 2. Confidence – believe in your abilities; 3. Originality and willpower – Be sure that you make things in your own way.
Keys: Activation of inner energy (talents and abilities) with pure intention and focus.

Magician I is further connected with all Aces from Minor Arcana – as they represents all the Pure elements (essences) that he uses. He is also representation of the Fifth element of Spirit through God.

The Magician is interconnected (and in Strong position) with the cards with the same numerical value: X. The Wheel of Fortune and XIX. The Sun.

Story line – the Magus is preparing his ritual as he wants to manifest success and reach to higher spiritual levels. He had years of education, now he left the group and went to practice his knowledge in the remote place. When he practiced enough, he was prepared to be a leader and spiritual teacher for others (V. Hierophant), but he didn’t reveal all the secrets of the Kabbalah and low of attraction. In his next step, the Magus wanted to be isolated for a while in remote place and pondering on the life deeper meaning, he gained wisdom becoming the Hermit –IX.
That is how all these cards are interrelated and in strong position.
Magus is a card of Personal qualities, but it`s not archetype card. It`s more Portal card, as signifies new beginning thought spiritual awakening and activation.

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s Medium
Reiki master 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Love Tarot Reading -March I -13

Welcome dear children of Light.
Today Tarot reading is dedicated to Love and relationships. I use the Tarot of Paulina Cassidy with beautiful art.

I draw 4 cards, you can read from left to right, and one card below.

I. Love challenges * Page of Swords
Your love challenges are related to releasing and letting go of something or someone from the past. You need to overcome what happened in the past, in order to be who you really are. You are innocent, trusting and loving spirit, and you have childlike approach to world and others. You also have the great ability to start new things with new wings of love. Also it means the person, who you are longing to meet has strong intellect and charisma. Your mindfulness and clear thinking is strong asset for you in love.

II. Your heart centre – who do you love? *
4 of Swords – again very mindful card of Swords, which indicates letting go of something past, need for rest, rejuvenation, meditation. Connecting with your deeper self. You are in a time of cleansing your life and heart from old and stagnant energy of Past relationship. Remove someone who no longer serve your highest purpose. Your mind and body needs rest, in order to be able to come in another relationship. Take your time, you are not yet ready for love.

III. Love Horizons (what is in the future?) – 6 of Swords
You will be in period of smooth transition, letting go, leaving the past behind. All what was it finished. Now you are looking forward, and letting the waters of pain or regret to be calm. You are no longer afraid to be alone. You are divinely protected, as you return to a safe place. Travel to new places are near, but you wont meet the right person until healing your Heart.

IV. Best course of action? – 2 of Swords
In this situation, you will feel insecure, doubtful, and not sure which way to take. The best option is to be truth to your values and principles. Don’t be overwhelmed by emotions. Clear your mind, be focused, and feel the energy by opening your Third eye. The best way will become soon visible with your inner eye and trust your intuition. Take time to be quiet with yourself, observe your thoughts. Think deeply, what do you want? Evaluate your past mistakes and do what is the best for you. But in stillness and peace of mind.

All of the Love reading is related to Suit of Swords, amazing. That is clear indication, you are not yet prepared for a new relationship, you still need to be quiet and release something from the past. You need healing of heart and mind, but also time to see the bigger picture. Don’t rush in new emotions, as the time is not right for that. You need cleansing your emotions and fears from the past, reach to state of self-love and forgiveness to anyone. Then the true love will emerge.

Thank you for tuning in this tarot Love forecast.
Stay blessed with Joy, love and Abundance on the path of divine Light!

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki Master 

Tarot about the Global situation -2020, 03

In this Tarot spread I use the beautiful cards of Paulina Cassidy with "Shadowscapes Tarot" by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. I concenntrate on question about the global crisis and spreading of the Virus C. 

I.                   Beginning
Ace of Wands – It`s beginning of the epidemia and fast spread in the world. There is a Higher power, related to creation/ destruction. It opens the spiritual door to collective fear of Power, and also to awaken consciousness, motivation and spark. This is the Power of Magician – As above, so Below. Ace of Wands is the pure fire of the Virus.

2 – Power –King of Pentacles. 
The Idea of power or destruction (or eliminating something on the way) in Ace of Wands was used by the King of Pentacles. He represented the people from the High Powers in the World; Or people who possess all material goods and want to have Control over all others. They were aware of the consequences.
3. – XXI. The World – 
the Ace of wands – or the high fire, that was invented, was planned to spread around the big territory in the world. That means: Humans are on the verge of Consciousness and Spiritual awakening. They should fully realize the consequences of all their actions, be fully awaken and aware. Now all the earth, nature and animals are speaking loudly for help. On the threshold of New beginning of the planetary cycle. Humans are receiving the consequences of their acts of cruelty and damages to the planet.

4. – XII. The Hanged man 
 All actions on the global level will be frozen. Time of stand still, postpone actions. Many productions, companies and places will be closed and the activity will be frozen for a while. Time of awakening, deeper understanding of World, and of surrender to the higher power. You cant have control over situation. Don’t resist the upcoming change. Massive enlightenment.

5. – 4 of Sword 
Grounding in Mind, time for meditation, separation, isolation; Time for healing, restoration and preparation. Rest and cut away from the reality. Releasing the past. Global Karmic cleansing. Time for understanding the truth.
6. – Ace of Cups – The Future unfolding 
Spiritual Portal is opening of the awaken Heart chakra. Compassion, purification of emotions. Receiving blessings and healing. Opening the Yin feminine energy. Receiving love. Self-love. Global unity and forgiveness. This card indicates the extinction of the Virus C. And reflection on the past.
7. – II. The High Priestess 
that shows big part of the masses will be awaken to the Wisdom and truth, and become connected to Spiritual Self. The vibrations will raise after the Global crisis (or within it). High Priestess (or awaken collective subconscious) uses the tool of Ace of Cups (healing, releasing of old trauma, purification of mind-body-soul) . Signs from the High Priestess that the Collective sub-conscious will change totally. DNA Activation. Psychic powers and insights will increase. More and more people will become aware. Dreams and Akashic records will be available to more.
Connection to the New moon and cycles. Purification of emotions. Self-care practices.
-        Above the High Priestess additional card – 5 of Cups – global depression, fear and sadness – on the other side. Emotional blocks and Karmic lessons of humanity.
8. – Knight of Wands 
Fast moving, tension, fight, conflicts. Taking actions, and impatience. Situation of instability of emotion. Trying to overcome obstacles. Conflicts and determination to reach to a new goal. (Production). Knight is very practical and returning again to the masculine energy of active power. It can relate also to fight and victory, controversial feelings or war in global perspective.
Humanity is on a spiritual Journey and that will be the end of one epoch.

 Thank you for tuning in my special Tarot reading for the Spiritual guidance about global crisis in March 2020. 

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium *
Reiki master *