Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tarot Portions IX -Observation on the Magician -aspects, symbols

Magician - Magus, one of the very powerful first major Arcana in Tarot. 

       Here is my first lesson and observation on Tarot cards, that are connected by symbols, meanings and numerical value (alchemical). From here we can start to see the chain in the story of Tarot.
     Each card has several correspondences like: Planet, Zodiac sign, Kabbalah sephira, number; additionally each card is represented by a figure, landscape, colours of the clothes and colours of the landscape. All of them have meaning and hidden aspects.
The cards that I represent as the Line I in tarot start with: I. Magician (Magus); IX. The Hermit X. Wheel of Fortune; These are cards that represent Angelic connection, Inspiration, Enlightenment, capacity of change; turning point.

Tarot I – The Magus represents state of freedom, as the Magus acts by using the power of God and angels. He draws the energy from the sky with his right hand (Fire) and into the left hand. He can achieve anything what he needs with his own focus, willpower and pure intentions. These are the qualities of the card I that the person should acquire:

Qualities: focus, willpower, creative spark, pure intentions
Planet: Mercury (communication, travel, change, knowledge)
Archangel: Raphael, Raziel
Symbols: infinity, flying
Sephira: Keter –Crown
Dominion: Yang, masculine energy
Number vibration: 1 Oneness, unity, message from Spirit;
Element: Air, elementals: Elves, nature spirits
Symbol White robe: purity, innocence, illumination, spiritual intention, pure motives, Crown and above; energy body
Red mantel: excitement, activation, passion, vitality, desire, dedication; Root chakra, grounding, blood, fire.
(Together they will represent Yin (White) and Yang (red) balance of masculine and feminine).

In Spiritual concept this card signifies you are a channel of the Divine power and something will be delivered through you. That can be also artistic talent, that is in need to be shown to the world; or a spiritual talent, or anything related to revelation of messages and magical” occult practices.

X. Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter (lightning bolt, eagle, bull, oak tree) planet of Luck, fortune, unexpected, expansion, charity.

XIX. the Sun: SUN – Apollo God, Lyre, music –planet of illumination, joy, success, sexuality, Higher consciousness, identity, individuality. Meaning: happiness, success, optimism, good health, energy, truth, love. Abundance, Radiance, flow. Element: Fire

Practical: Magician means revealing and starting to show your artistic talents in sphere of music or art or writing; Attracting power and manifesting desires. All things are flowing easily and fast into reality, as the Magus has all power.
It points to the qualities that you need to develop, so you can achieve your goals: mastery (continue to develop on your way. Study, practice) 2. Confidence – believe in your abilities; 3. Originality and willpower – Be sure that you make things in your own way.
Keys: Activation of inner energy (talents and abilities) with pure intention and focus.

Magician I is further connected with all Aces from Minor Arcana – as they represents all the Pure elements (essences) that he uses. He is also representation of the Fifth element of Spirit through God.

The Magician is interconnected (and in Strong position) with the cards with the same numerical value: X. The Wheel of Fortune and XIX. The Sun.

Story line – the Magus is preparing his ritual as he wants to manifest success and reach to higher spiritual levels. He had years of education, now he left the group and went to practice his knowledge in the remote place. When he practiced enough, he was prepared to be a leader and spiritual teacher for others (V. Hierophant), but he didn’t reveal all the secrets of the Kabbalah and low of attraction. In his next step, the Magus wanted to be isolated for a while in remote place and pondering on the life deeper meaning, he gained wisdom becoming the Hermit –IX.
That is how all these cards are interrelated and in strong position.
Magus is a card of Personal qualities, but it`s not archetype card. It`s more Portal card, as signifies new beginning thought spiritual awakening and activation.

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s Medium
Reiki master 

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