This week I chose the Tarot of Paulina Cassidy for
update of the energies for the cosmic collective spirit.
My spread is 4 cards, the first 3 cards are beginning
and unfolding of the week, end of the week and card 4 reveals the best course
of action, or what you should do in the present situation.
This spread shows abundance and fear to lose something
precious in the same time. That’s why the energy may seem little contradictory.
Card 1 : XII. The Hanged man
Indicates desire to let go of something, realization
that some things should be accepted as they are, and you need to release need
of control. In that situation you need to relax, observe the world, rest your
mind a bit, see the bigger picture, feel safe as you are. You are divinely
protected and on the verge of Spiritual awakening. It will take time until you
move ahead. Still you can evaluate what you went through, what are future
goals? Where do you need to go? Think and observe your relationships –are they
for your highest good? Give yourself time to go with the flow.”
Card 2: 4 of Pentacles
Fear about finances and precious things that you have.
Maybe you have spent too much money recently on your favourite hobby? Or you
love to go shopping, or buying things that are not necessary in this time. Be
careful about your finances, be more practical and don’t indulge in many
luxuries. This is the time when you will need a bit help and support, and it
will be given to you. Just be patient, be willing to give in return in any way
–time, care and love are wonderful energy.
Card 3: King of Pentacles
Indicates the person, or authority that is willing to
help you. Be aware you are not alone, you are precious, supported and the
universe will give you back in return to your compassion, generosity and love.
The King of pentacles here indicates either a grown man, or a person in
powerful position, who will come in the right time to help you. You can trust
him, he is grounded, honest, and connected with the natural world. He is also
very practical.
Card 4: Queen of Pentacles
What you should do? You are in need of self-care and
to give yourself the pleasures you need. Listen to the desire of your body for
more fruits and vegetables in your diet; make relaxing and pampering rituals
like taking a long bath, use essential oils, and flowers in your routine. Take
care of anything related to your physical body, consider walking in the nature,
gardening or taking care of beautiful home plants. That’s all you need now –
self-love, wisdom of the nature and elementals.
Queen of Pentacles is the High Priestess of earth. She
possess all charm and beauty, and she is dwelling in her garden of abundance.
Because she knows how to satisfy her needs of love. Very nice magical elements
that help Queen of Pentacles are flowers, crystals and minerals. She is also
the Queen of all herbs and spices.
So the weekend is there with pampering self-love and
Thank you for tuning in to this weekly Tarot cards!
Be blessed on the path of Love, Joy and Abundance!
Nina Lea-Nour ©
* Angel`s Medium
* Reiki master
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