Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Healing Inner child Oracle for March

Dear children of Light, welcome to my monthly Oracle readings and prediction of energies of March 2020.

Healing Inner child oracle – of March

As we open to a new phase in March, we have energy of Fire and profound Heart chakra expansion. We need to let go of fear and all negative emotions, that are holding us back from reaching our true potential. Fear is one of the biggest obstacles for humans now. In the atmosphere there is a dust of fear, doubt, depression. But the angel of the month –Michael is telling you that you are strong and able to overcome all fears and be filled with the confidence and courage. Go forward and do not look back. You are supported in this time in spiritual realm. Angels and guardian angels know what are you going through, they know your direction, they believe in your qualities and ability to gain self-transformation and wisdom.

In this beautiful month of soul awakening, I use the loving Oracle of Alana Fairchild “Wings of Wisdom” to connect with the energy of collective sub-conscious. This Oracle has the amazing ability to heal your wounded Inner child. It will connect, cleanse and expand your heart centre and make you uplifted from any negativity in your life.
The artwork of the Oracle is made by Lindy Loghurst 

The card I drew for the month of March energy is:
It shows that you are going through a major transformation in your life. All the darkness you can live in the past, awakening your true Self and connecting to your true desires.
The words on the card show: Complete renewal, Courage and Release.

Affirmation: I surrender to my Higher Self to become what I AM.

The card has very vivid colours, the violet sky points to the opening of the Third eye chakra, you will experience increased intuition and awareness and open your psychic abilities. The phoenix itself represents protection and Fire energy of transformation. Going on a high spiritual level. The blue shirt of the meditating girl is linked to Throat chakra – defending your inner Truth, creativity and self-expression. Skills to connect with others. The water waves in the bottom indicate the emotional flow, letting go of negative emotions that are holding you back.

The extended meaning of the card from Alana Fairchild:
Let your ego and its attachment to control give way to a higher plan. You do not need to protect yourself from the outgrowing your previous life and identity. You have the ability to truly become a more fearless and vibrant version of yourself, and you have the courage within to allow this to happen. You and your life are destined to go though a major transformation.

Thank you for tuning in the healing energies of March Oracle with me.

 [ ref. - see the whimsical art of Lindi Longhurst: 

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 

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