Saturday, March 14, 2020

Love Tarot Reading -March I -13

Welcome dear children of Light.
Today Tarot reading is dedicated to Love and relationships. I use the Tarot of Paulina Cassidy with beautiful art.

I draw 4 cards, you can read from left to right, and one card below.

I. Love challenges * Page of Swords
Your love challenges are related to releasing and letting go of something or someone from the past. You need to overcome what happened in the past, in order to be who you really are. You are innocent, trusting and loving spirit, and you have childlike approach to world and others. You also have the great ability to start new things with new wings of love. Also it means the person, who you are longing to meet has strong intellect and charisma. Your mindfulness and clear thinking is strong asset for you in love.

II. Your heart centre – who do you love? *
4 of Swords – again very mindful card of Swords, which indicates letting go of something past, need for rest, rejuvenation, meditation. Connecting with your deeper self. You are in a time of cleansing your life and heart from old and stagnant energy of Past relationship. Remove someone who no longer serve your highest purpose. Your mind and body needs rest, in order to be able to come in another relationship. Take your time, you are not yet ready for love.

III. Love Horizons (what is in the future?) – 6 of Swords
You will be in period of smooth transition, letting go, leaving the past behind. All what was it finished. Now you are looking forward, and letting the waters of pain or regret to be calm. You are no longer afraid to be alone. You are divinely protected, as you return to a safe place. Travel to new places are near, but you wont meet the right person until healing your Heart.

IV. Best course of action? – 2 of Swords
In this situation, you will feel insecure, doubtful, and not sure which way to take. The best option is to be truth to your values and principles. Don’t be overwhelmed by emotions. Clear your mind, be focused, and feel the energy by opening your Third eye. The best way will become soon visible with your inner eye and trust your intuition. Take time to be quiet with yourself, observe your thoughts. Think deeply, what do you want? Evaluate your past mistakes and do what is the best for you. But in stillness and peace of mind.

All of the Love reading is related to Suit of Swords, amazing. That is clear indication, you are not yet prepared for a new relationship, you still need to be quiet and release something from the past. You need healing of heart and mind, but also time to see the bigger picture. Don’t rush in new emotions, as the time is not right for that. You need cleansing your emotions and fears from the past, reach to state of self-love and forgiveness to anyone. Then the true love will emerge.

Thank you for tuning in this tarot Love forecast.
Stay blessed with Joy, love and Abundance on the path of divine Light!

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki Master 

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