Wednesday, October 26, 2022

New Moon in Scorpio - Ritual with candles & crystals 💜


This new moon in Scorpio portal is perfect time to attract and activate the energy of inner transformation, psychic connections, self-knowledge, emotional cleansing, cutting of negative ties in relationships and shadow work. These are the aspects associated with Scorpio powerful energy and deep Water element. 

Scorpio is sign of transition, passion, deep love and dedication to a cause, of analysing, discovery, spiritual and personal transformation, psychic wisdom. 

Here you can follow simple steps if you want to make a New moon ritual for transformation, releasing of old energy, cords cutting and life changes.

Step 1 # Aura cleanse

Cleanse your aura and the space using salty water, clear quartz crystal, rose quartz wand, lapis lazuli or black obsidian. You can use any other method, Tibetan bowl, chimes, or sprinkle spray with lavender, rose or pine oil in the corners of the room.

Step 2 # Lighting up

Become still and quiet your mind, focus inward. Light up 3 (6) deep blue candles in the West direction of corner of your room or garden. This is direction of psychic connection, water, sub-conscious mind, life changes, dreams, visions, emotions. Sometimes in Feng shui this is direction of helpful people, friends and spirit guides.

You can also surround the candles with blue crystals or make a crystal grid from: lapis lazuli, tanzanite, azurite, blue agate, apatite.

                                             lapis lazuli 

Step 3 # Magic stamp

Now is the magical part of this Moon ritual. Cut paper in a form of circle symbolizing the moon. Within it draw inner circle and within a six pointed star –or star of David. This is magical symbol of Heart, protection and spiritual awakening. We have this ethereal stamp of six-pointed star within our heart (called Ethereal light seed). In the middle of the star you can write the initials of your magic name (or any name you are associated in rituals). Now on each ray of the star you write down 1. one positive quality that you need to achieve in the next cycle or 2. a desire, dream or goal that you have. You can write anything you want to attract in your life now – but this moon is especially powerful for relationship, wisdom, angelic connection, spiritual practices and spiritual business.

This stamp is a magical tool to help you activate and balance the power of the universe, angels and all directions.

Step 4 # Invoke the angels

In this step you need to quiet your mind and focus within. Feel the presence of your angels around you. Then say the following invocation:

“I call upon arch. Jeremiel and the angels of  Blue ray to surround me with beautiful light of protection and Love. I ask from them and my guardian angels and my Higher self to align me with the crystalline core of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun now.”

(visualize how your energy spreads as a white tube of light from your heart to the core of the planet, the moon and the Sun).

I ask from my angels and AA Jeremiel to send me streams of Divine love, joy, abundance, health and protection in all directions of time-space. Please cleanse and rejuvenate my physical, mental, emotional spiritual body in all directions of time-space.

Please, help me to achieve my goal for this cycle: …. If it is for my highest good.

Thank you! And so it is.”

Step 5 # Closing ritual

On the opposite side of the stamp write down 3 things you need to achieve in the next 60 days. This is one cycle of accomplishment. You can write down short term goals or things like new relationship, new job… (if you focus on healing write down 3 exact areas of your body that need healing!)

Close your ritual with sound of chime, bell or Tibetan bowl.

You can leave the candles burning for an hour, then extinguish them.

Note* it is very powerful if you continue to light up the same candles every day until the next cycle –full moon in Taurus, when you can cut the paper into pieces or burn it safely.

If you are interested in more: 

   🍃  New Moon in Scorpio -Solar eclipse portal. ..

    🍃  Inner child and childhood trauma ....

    🍃  How to heal wounded inner child ? ....

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
Oct. 25-2022 ©

New Moon in Scorpio (Solar eclipse portal) 🌒-Shedding the old Self


The new Moon is portal of awakening, cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole energy body, and mostly we feel light in our Third eye, Earth Star chakra and feet chakra.

Moon is related to the Third eye in Esoteric astrology –which represents our psychic senses, awareness, sub-conscious mind, dreams and body of Astral light, our ideas and imagination.

This new moon has magnificent quality of purging, releasing and deep transformation of emotional body.

Water signs have connection to our sub-conscious mind, psychic energy, vision, also to our emotions, feelings and programs of the ego.

-        All new moons in Water sign (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) signify new cycle of life, new beginnings in sphere of romance, love, family, children, or inner transformation. They are portals of blue light to open and cleanse your psychic connection and chakras of Third eye (Ajna) and Sacral (Svadishtana). With this energy you plant seeds of transformation, inner wisdom and working with your shadow. Scorpio new moon is wonderful for purging and releasing old aspects of Self, old mind programs, ego and control. This is sign of renewal and rejuvenation by deep cleansing. In this sign we focus of creating the new (Sacral chakra) and visualise what we need to attract in our life.

The new moon in Scorpio, which is also amazing Ascension portal (Solar eclipse) makes you aware of your deepest fears as well as deepest desires and dreams. 🌙🌒

This is the moon of psychic connection, immediately before Samhain festival – of connection with astral levels, other dimensions, dreams, signs and synchronicities. Also this is moon of purging and releasing your OLD self. One of the missions of all water signs here is cleansing, releasing and transformation of old self and emotional purity. Most water signs have deep and hidden feelings, or deal with emotional karma/ trauma. 

Activation portal ★

Scorpio moon Portal is time of deep self-knowledge and soul retrieval. Scorpio is sign of deep water, of transformation and transition and rules the point of Third eye (Astral light seed) and the Pineal gland. Psychic information and opening to the Akashic records are possible at this time. Scorpio colours are deep blue and golden, and crystals: lapis lazuli, tanzanite, azurite, blue agate. This is a sign of sexuality, transcendence and esoteric knowledge.


        charging and cleansing your blue crystals, lapis lazuli, azurite

        Cleansing your home space with salt water

          Spiritual practices and meditations

         Connecting with the divine feminine energy

        Understanding your deep fears and desires

This is also time to ask hard questions – like why something is happening in your life or what is the reason of repeated patterns in your relationship.

Alchemical element –Water 🌊

“This is very important primal element with Yin (feminine) energy. The qualities of water are: fluidity, shape-shifting, cleansing, healing, purification, coolness, letting go, gentleness, care, love.

Water is element that connects us to our Sub-conscious mind –there are many layers of Sub-consciousness.

Through water we connect and cleanse our Sub-conscious mind and our memories.”

Ref. : "Alchemical elements on earth" Nina Nour ⭐

Here are some interesting question that I suggest to journal at this time:🌛

-        how much do I realise my feelings and emotions?

-        Am I aware of my fears, shadow side?

-     What practices can help me to release and cleanse stagnant emotions?

-        What are my (negative) emotions at this time?

-        Can I control the expression of my emotions?

-        DO I spend enough time to nurture myself and how?

-        What are my daily spiritual practices?

-        Do I give enough love and attention to my children?

-        Do I have repressed sexual energy?

-        DO I have enough time for sleep and meditation?

-        DO I drink enough water daily?

-        What things in my life need change?

-        What things in my relationship need change?

By answering these questions you will be one step closer to your self-knowledge.

Affirmation of the Death -Tarot

The Major arcana in Tarot representing the Scorpio is Death. Here is affirmation you can say every day until the cycle of the Full moon in Taurus.

I release and let go of my past and all things that no longer serve me. I cleanse and clear the energy of my past, my home. I observe and notice my deep emotions. I accept inner change, transition and movement for my highest good. I experience rebirth and rejuvenation. I see the future clearly. I clean and let go of all my old relationships and people who are not in alignment with my higher Self. I let go and cleanse all negative emotions, anger, fear, anxiety and worry. My Third eye is open, and I see clearly the spiritual world.

Thank you for tuning in! You can like, share and subscribe or buy me a coffee. 🍧

If you are interested in more: 

🍓  New Moon in Scorpio  -ritual with candles and crystals... 

🍓  Channelled message from Archangel Uriel -October ...

 🍓 Ancestral Karma -how to heal and cleanse Ancestral karma? ..

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium
Oct. 25-2022 ©

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Meditation & ritual to cleanse Ancestral Karma with AA Sandalphon & AA Michael - III

 Please read part 2 of the article here. >>

How to cleanse Ancestral Karma? 

photo by Simon Wiffen ©

Archangel Sandaphon is one of the powerful angels working with Turquoise ray of light, and he can be called for healing of our left brain, Hypotalamus, bones and backbones, scull and skeleton. The archangel who cleanses and clears all blockages is Michael, as he can cut all negative ties to people and places.

   In angelic spheres there is no TIME-space. This is something you need to understand – therefore angels can work out of time-space, and they are not conditioned in our earthly laws of nature. They can do energy work (through your Higher Self and with your personal angels), in all directions of time-space, they can remove all negative ties and return your cells and DNA to perfect flow.

   For that reason – you need to make self-preparation, if you intend to make this meditation. Be sure you connect in meditation to your Higher Self and angels and ask for assistance to go through this process. It can be painful for some souls, who have never experienced this. But anything from the angelic world is a blessing and made with pure intention and Love. That’s why you don’t have any reason to be afraid.

You can make simple ritual, or just a meditation, and I will give you some guidance how to do that.

# 🍓note: please, do this Ancestral karma healing, cleansing only when you feel READY for it, not before that. Your soul will know.

I recommend you to do this for 3 days in a raw, as you may include a simple meditation and on the 3 rd day to finish the ritual.

It`s nice to choose a day around cosmic Portal (New moon, Full moon, Solar Eclipse, Solstice, Equinox) as this energy will amplify your ritual and energy work.

Another days you can do this ritual is on 11 and 22 of each month.

Or any other Gateway in the month.

Meditation & ritual for cleansing 🍂

You need to prepare for the meditation, create space and make your room relaxing with nice aroma, and candles. You can play drumming music, Tibetan bowls or any other meditation tools you want.

Call on your guardian angels, AA Sandalpnon and AA Michael, and AA Seraphiel (of the Souls of deceased), to be with you and surround you with protective shield of light.

Now meditate for a while, breath light in and out and visualize how this light enters your lungs as pure energy. Then say:

With pure intention and love I call upon arch. Sandalphone, AA. Michael, my guardian angels, my Ancestors of Light to be with me now and surround me with protection sphere and divine Light

   Visualize sphere of turquoise light above your head, that is growing and becoming bigger. Say:

 I ask archangel Sandalphon to cleanse, remove and heal all blockages, negative energy imprints from Ancestral Karma that I carry. 

(Visualize this sphere all around you and how it enters your body as healing turquoise light)

 I ask with love arch. Sandalphon to cleanse, remove and heal all ancestral karma codes of darkness from my blood cells, DNA, from my skelet, bones, nervous system, backbones, Hypotalamus, and all of my body structures involved. Please remove and cleanse them now with Light.”

Sit for a few moments and see or feel this healing light entering your cells, DNA, and bones, skull, Hypotalamus.

Now say: “I Ask with love arch. Michael to remove any Ancestral karma codes from my Root chakra, my Sacral and Solar Plexus chakra and heal them / May all the negative karma from my Ancestors be released and removed now, as it does not serve my Higher Self and my personal development. May it be dissolved into the divine Light, for the Highest good of all and myself on my Soul`s journey now. May I be cleansed and healed in all directions of time and space. May I keep the blessings and love from my Ancestors. And so it is. I send light with my angels to my fathers line, may all be cleansed and healed. I send light to my mothers line, may all be cleansed and healer. And so it is.”

These are the words for the ritual. You may call any other Light being or angel you want to be with you.

In this ritual it`s nice to light up candles on the North-West part of your home, one black candle or black and red candle symbolizing the power of blood and protection. It`s good to place also black obsidian or other black stone on your altar. When the work is finished, you will be much lighter, and slowly you will notice signs of change in yourself, or how you feel, or in your body. That process is slow and can take around 60 days.

  🍐Thank you for tuning in! You can like, share and subscribe or buy me a coffee.  

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium
Oct. 15/2022 ©

Ancestral Karma - Chakras related II

 Please read part 1 of the article here. >> 

        Chakras related to Ancestral Karma

The main chakras that are related to this karma codes are the lower chakras – the Root (blood, bones, skeletal) is the main chakra, it is our connection with the Earth, but mostly connects with the Father (as you carry his name), the second chakra (Svadhishtana), relates to your mother line and energy of DNA codes of your reproductive system, also of how you connect to your emotions, and how you understand others.

And the Solar Plexus chakra, related to your own children, to your inner child and personal power, the way you express your personal power in the world. Here are issues of power, control, judgement, criticism and neglect when you were child. They need to be cleansed and released. As you can imagine Ancestral Karma is unique and different for your family tribe, and no one else has the same energy codes in the DNA, in your blood cells, and in your bones. Until present development of humanity, we can`t see and proove this energy codes within us, but they exist regardless.

(Remember how many people were burnt on balefire just because they believed that Earth is not flat! That was "Satanic view").

Now we are in different era, so now many people also wont believe the Ancestral Karma exists. Then we can just wait for many years in the future, when that will become very clear. 

Hypotalamus is a major Gland in the forebrain, that controls multiple other things like nervous system, body temperature and cycles of sleep. This gland carries energy information about our Ancestral lineage, and it connects to the blood cells and DNA.

         Why  do you need to cleanse Ancestral Karma?

It`s obvious that all this information and negative imprints are not needed from your energy body. That means, you need to remove and cleanse the Ancestral Karma, and you can do that even if you don’t know your Ancestors well, if you are not aware of their crimes and deeds. This Karma, as any other is a burden that the soul carries all the time. You will be much lighter when you remove, cleanse and heal the negative Karma from your DNA and when you only keep the blessings, love and wisdom of your ancestors.

    Another important reason is that this Karma has very negative impact on your lower chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus. It can be also a root of evil for the family: childhood trauma and abuse, aggression, destructive models of power-control, possessive behaviour and emotional traumas. All these are very common in our Ancestral Karma.

 Therefore, our DNA energetic, blood cells and bones carry much fear, feeling of powerlessness, being unworthy and not good, being unloved, it carries humiliation and destructive models. These chakras can lose their power and even if you work on them daily, they won`t be able to shine in their full Light. Until you clenase, release/ transmute your Ancestral Karma.

 🍧Thank you for tuning in! Please read the next part 3 here. >>

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium 
Oct. 15/ 2022 ©

Ancestral Karma - how to cleanse and heal Ancestral Karma I


In this article I`ll observe the an important spiritual topic of Ancestral Karma with the help of Arch. Sandalphon: what is actually Ancestral Karma? What we can do to cleanse, heal and release Ancestral Karma? How we are connected with our Ancestors from our DNA?

                          What is Ancestral Karma? 🍎

Here I`ll answer this question shortly, even the topic is quite complex, but we need to understand the basic aspects. Everyone has karma since his birth on the earth plane. I`ll not go into topic of Karma, but we need to know there are generally 3 types of Karma:

1)       We have as humans Karma from past reincarnations

2)      We have Karma from our Ancestors, which are on the lower levels

3)        We have Karma from this life time that we create. 

So there are Past lives karma, Ancestral karma and created karma

One of the purposes of existence on earth is Expansion and Ascension of the SPIRIT. (This expansion can be self-discovery, development of any aspect of mind-body-soul). The more we evolve and develop in our human nature, the higher we are climbing the leader of dimensions. As we are now joining the 5 D world with the help of angels and guides, we need to acknowledge where we are now, and where we have been.

 When the soul is born into human body, it carries all these energetic templates (models) from his Karma, Dharma and past lives. When you have multiple past lives, you collect Karma – which inevitably appears in your present life (or will appear in the next ones).

Here we need to acknowledge that one life is not a complete cycle that is related to certain MISSION on earth. Mission is expression of the Authentic truth of the Soul and its implementation into reality. Everyone has certain mission, sometimes more than 1, 2 or 3 that are connected together. For example, in this life time you could be an amazing engineer or mechanic, but also have passion to play piano, which comes from your past incarnation. This passion can be part of your Soul mission here, as with the music you can uplift your energy and heal yourself on emotional level. But, if you feel drawn to Engineering and that is what is your heart desires, it means that is also your Soul mission to help the development of the planet.

  ⭐Everyone carries Karma codes, that are imprinted in his aura. This energy is carried from previous life, when the Soul incarnates. This energy is active, changes and evolves like all things on the physical level. 

Together with these Karma codes, we have DNA codes and blood codes, which are in your blood cells, bones, skeletal structure, and more they are imprinted in your Brain cells (as a program). One gland that relates to these Ancestral codes is Hypotalamus. (Not Pineal gland). So, Ancestral Karma is all that energetic codes imprinted when person is born into his DNA, blood cells, brain cells, nervous system, bones and skeletal system. Imagine what a big effect it has on humans life.

That means – all these Ancestral karma codes function in similar way and are the same in your body, in the ancestry and line of your mother, in the ancestry and line of your father, in your siblings.

You can find that certain aspects, disease, or being prone to depression or other psychological issues, were already in the generations before you, or maybe in your mother and father. You can find that the way you react, or how you express your emotions, or how you act in the world is very similar to these of your parents. That’s exactly because of DNA and karma imprints. Even if you don’t like some aspects of that behaviour, you can still find it within you, if you look carefully.

   One important thing to understand is that these codes are essential for what we carry as individuals from past generations. They are not something negative, but they are key to our Ancestry connection, and to our specific DNA which contains also blessings and rewards. Most of the Ancestral karma consists of red light codes that carry heavy negative energy (like pain, fear, depression, anxiety, or a family curse), and also a very light energy of blessings and love. These blessings and love are spread also through Generations and they come from the support, love and good Karma that your ancestors spread.

Even so, the bad Karma, or the negative heavy imprints in our blood and DNA still exist and we carry them as a burden in all our lives. Without even to realize it can cause us to feel very powerless. But karma can be cleansed and transmuted on stages, and now we know how to do that. 

Please read part 2 here. >> 

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium
Oct. 15/ 2022 ©

Inner child - How to heal wounded inner child? II

🍐 This is part 2 of the article, please read part I here. >>

How to heal wounded inner child ? ✪

  The connection to your inner child can happen in meditation or in sub-conscious (subliminal) conversation with it. In this meditation you connect with your childhood self in any age that appears to you.

1) ⭐Then you have conversation and assure him that he is loved and safe in all levels. You act like a loving and caring parent to your inner child. That’s what you need to do to heal.

You need to understand that the inner child is in constant need of these 3 things:

-        love and joy

-        freedom (incl. emotional)

-        safety and security

All children (and all beings) need love, so in your meditation practice you can hug tightly your child self saying “I love you”, and saying they are safe. That is the first step to healing.

2) We can give our child self feeling of joy by playing or doing something that he loves –or something that was not allowed to her/ him. There are many examples here –playing ballet, dancing, playing instrument, sport, drawing.

Children connect with the world only though their heart (and heart intelligence) and they usually love music and dancing. Also they love all forms of creativity.

3) We give to our child self in meditation –the freedom to express it self without being in danger. This freedom is very essential to the soul and is one of the first human rights here. As the child doesn’t understand duality, it is not aware of the “shadow” soul. Therefore it is innocent and irresponsible.

Imagine your inner child dancing, drawing or creating anything he wishes.

Now you have achieved all these states of love, joy and freedom, which is one step of healing the childhood trauma.

(to go deeper into that healing, you need to revise and re-evaluate all the traumatic experience that you had as a child, seeing it through the eyes of adult.) Notice and feel any emotional reaction to that process. It will be sign that your childhood trauma starts to heal.

    The inner child is more closer to nature and animal world than the adult, and it sees everything from the eyes of heart. This child doesn’t understand “danger” or consequence or “obligation” in the world. Because it exists out of the 3D matrix.

Only by connecting and healing your inner child you can heal also your Heart and emotional body.

The trauma of the heart is one of the hardest to heal, and it takes longer time on soul level; That’s because all experiences, impressions and visions of the child are related to Heart portal.

Because the child lives in state of love, joy, oneness and freedom, it believes in magic and in the magical world beyond. This world we need to re-connect again in order to heal the wounded child.

What in your life is magical now? Do you believe in magic? Do you connect with nature, tree spirits and elementals?

These are all signs of awaken inner child.

As I mentioned before, a child doesn’t understand duality and shadow. But it feels it on a deeper level and it can respond to it by shutting down his joy, love and freedom.

To be placed in the "shadow” reality of war, conflict, abuse in family, restrictions, is the way that the child will collapse, shrink, shut down in his/her shell. Or it responds by copying the same behaviour of the reality – becomes aggressive, abusive and conflicting. That’s a sign of a deep wound.

The inner child is so vulnerable in front of power and control. At the age before 15 the child sees the power and control only as oppression. That`s how he easily can become in state of powerflessness later in life. Many people in fact carry this feeling all their life so they are in fear of power and control. This is exactly opposite of the child`s need of freedom.

In these times on the earth plane most people 98% are dealing with childhood trauma, and many don’t even know it.

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium
Oct. - 15/2022 ©

Inner child & childhood trauma -I


We often hear about healing the “inner child”, wounded child and childhood trauma in spiritual circles. There are many different views on what is “inner child”, so I asked my angels for more details on this topic. Here is their message.

  Inner child is identity construct of the Soul –self. It is the state of Primordial soul before coming to this life (or dense matter).

    You need to be aware that your inner child has multiple levels of existence in different levels and dimensions. The child can also be called “child-Self” it is made up of all emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of You (Soul) when you were a child. That period is slightly different for each person, but usually encompasses the age between 3-4 and 12-13 years. The inner child Self is one living on the liminal space, or the verge before your mind being programmed of the duality world and social conditioning.

   You can imagine that the inner child lives out of the state of all norms and conditions, out of the “social prison” and therefore it is out of the state of understanding logic and mind.

   This child lives in pure emotional engagement, in need of love, joy and communication with the outer world.

Simply put – the child Self lives and accepts all as one, he is in world of oneness, while the adult self is in world of duality (or negative and positive).

   When we grow older (and after age of 16) we gradually forget about the state of purity, joy and oneness, as we learn the rules of the social game – norms, restrictions and conditions. That is our way to survive as social creatures. In this way we come far away from our inner freedom, and closer to inner prison of the Soul.

   Your inner child consists of your childhood emotions, mind, spiritual body and all the early impressions of your child-soul.  Your inner child, as your Primordial soul (which is eternal) is far more complex – it contains the soul matrix of your “inner children” from all past lives and all stars and dimensions beyond this.

That becomes totally different concept from what most people imagine.

The child-Self now becomes strongly connected to your emotional body, heart energy and sub-conscious mind. Exactly these are the places that hold most cellular memory and etheric imprints from past childhood trauma.

                                         photo by Simon Wiffen ©

     The inner child is out of all normal organised realities as we know it. Because it exists in oneness only, he does not understand divisions. (example: many children don’t differentiate gender, race or religion on spiritual level). The child is in state of freedom, bliss and innocence –which continues before the first expansion and creation of the first chakra Muladhara at the age of 12.

   ⭐ The child Self is connected to the imagination and the deep sub-conscious mind and it strives to align your Soul with the soul, emotions of all “inner children” in our past and from all previous incarnations.

That is a quite important role and at the soul level we have this “inner child” imprints always within. But at the certain point in life – we feel abandoned, disappointed and we lose connection with the child-Self. That happens in when we collect enough moments of abandonment in our cells, so that we don’t feel the world as safe as we thought.

There are 3 basic fears of our inner child, that are crucial for our later existence and life view. There are:

-        fear of abandonment

-        fear of shame, guilt

-        fear of pain, control

In the first state these fears come to live in emotional level. The child does not understand” the reality in its 3D form, but it has feeling and intuition to it.

This deeper feeling- intuition and premonition we lost when we grew up in social prison.

Fear of abandonment can play crucial role into the youth and adult life of the Soul – and it can replay the bad scenarios in many cases. That’s because child soul needs to remove and cleanse the early trauma, which happens only with deep healing on sub-conscious level.

Therefore souls often choose people who remind” them (on sub-conscious level) of the childhood trauma or abandonment.

The child (inner child) is free from social norms of duality – in gender, race and differences, also it doesn’t understand the “time-space” and it if free from the agenda “what if”. The child also doesn’t understand the connection between choice – action and consequence.

The child-self is always connected to the ancestral karma, trauma and love. Therefore we can find and heal wounded child in all of these concepts. It holds the matrix and programs of all previous inner children – the way they felt loved, the way they experienced trauma.

What is childhood trauma? ★

If you have experienced all 3 childhood fears – in the age before 13-15 (abandonment, guilt/ shame, pain/ aggression) in any level, then you had a childhood trauma.

This is something like wound of the soul and it needs to be healed in us. That healing happens in stages, not at once.  As we keep our inner child, but in times we have lost our connection to it –so the first thing to do is to re-establish our connection to the inner child.

🍍Please continue to part 2 here. >>

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium
Oct. -2022/ 15 ©