Saturday, October 15, 2022

Inner child - How to heal wounded inner child? II

🍐 This is part 2 of the article, please read part I here. >>

How to heal wounded inner child ? ✪

  The connection to your inner child can happen in meditation or in sub-conscious (subliminal) conversation with it. In this meditation you connect with your childhood self in any age that appears to you.

1) ⭐Then you have conversation and assure him that he is loved and safe in all levels. You act like a loving and caring parent to your inner child. That’s what you need to do to heal.

You need to understand that the inner child is in constant need of these 3 things:

-        love and joy

-        freedom (incl. emotional)

-        safety and security

All children (and all beings) need love, so in your meditation practice you can hug tightly your child self saying “I love you”, and saying they are safe. That is the first step to healing.

2) We can give our child self feeling of joy by playing or doing something that he loves –or something that was not allowed to her/ him. There are many examples here –playing ballet, dancing, playing instrument, sport, drawing.

Children connect with the world only though their heart (and heart intelligence) and they usually love music and dancing. Also they love all forms of creativity.

3) We give to our child self in meditation –the freedom to express it self without being in danger. This freedom is very essential to the soul and is one of the first human rights here. As the child doesn’t understand duality, it is not aware of the “shadow” soul. Therefore it is innocent and irresponsible.

Imagine your inner child dancing, drawing or creating anything he wishes.

Now you have achieved all these states of love, joy and freedom, which is one step of healing the childhood trauma.

(to go deeper into that healing, you need to revise and re-evaluate all the traumatic experience that you had as a child, seeing it through the eyes of adult.) Notice and feel any emotional reaction to that process. It will be sign that your childhood trauma starts to heal.

    The inner child is more closer to nature and animal world than the adult, and it sees everything from the eyes of heart. This child doesn’t understand “danger” or consequence or “obligation” in the world. Because it exists out of the 3D matrix.

Only by connecting and healing your inner child you can heal also your Heart and emotional body.

The trauma of the heart is one of the hardest to heal, and it takes longer time on soul level; That’s because all experiences, impressions and visions of the child are related to Heart portal.

Because the child lives in state of love, joy, oneness and freedom, it believes in magic and in the magical world beyond. This world we need to re-connect again in order to heal the wounded child.

What in your life is magical now? Do you believe in magic? Do you connect with nature, tree spirits and elementals?

These are all signs of awaken inner child.

As I mentioned before, a child doesn’t understand duality and shadow. But it feels it on a deeper level and it can respond to it by shutting down his joy, love and freedom.

To be placed in the "shadow” reality of war, conflict, abuse in family, restrictions, is the way that the child will collapse, shrink, shut down in his/her shell. Or it responds by copying the same behaviour of the reality – becomes aggressive, abusive and conflicting. That’s a sign of a deep wound.

The inner child is so vulnerable in front of power and control. At the age before 15 the child sees the power and control only as oppression. That`s how he easily can become in state of powerflessness later in life. Many people in fact carry this feeling all their life so they are in fear of power and control. This is exactly opposite of the child`s need of freedom.

In these times on the earth plane most people 98% are dealing with childhood trauma, and many don’t even know it.

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium
Oct. - 15/2022 ©

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