Saturday, October 15, 2022

Meditation & ritual to cleanse Ancestral Karma with AA Sandalphon & AA Michael - III

 Please read part 2 of the article here. >>

How to cleanse Ancestral Karma? 

photo by Simon Wiffen ©

Archangel Sandaphon is one of the powerful angels working with Turquoise ray of light, and he can be called for healing of our left brain, Hypotalamus, bones and backbones, scull and skeleton. The archangel who cleanses and clears all blockages is Michael, as he can cut all negative ties to people and places.

   In angelic spheres there is no TIME-space. This is something you need to understand – therefore angels can work out of time-space, and they are not conditioned in our earthly laws of nature. They can do energy work (through your Higher Self and with your personal angels), in all directions of time-space, they can remove all negative ties and return your cells and DNA to perfect flow.

   For that reason – you need to make self-preparation, if you intend to make this meditation. Be sure you connect in meditation to your Higher Self and angels and ask for assistance to go through this process. It can be painful for some souls, who have never experienced this. But anything from the angelic world is a blessing and made with pure intention and Love. That’s why you don’t have any reason to be afraid.

You can make simple ritual, or just a meditation, and I will give you some guidance how to do that.

# ๐Ÿ“note: please, do this Ancestral karma healing, cleansing only when you feel READY for it, not before that. Your soul will know.

I recommend you to do this for 3 days in a raw, as you may include a simple meditation and on the 3 rd day to finish the ritual.

It`s nice to choose a day around cosmic Portal (New moon, Full moon, Solar Eclipse, Solstice, Equinox) as this energy will amplify your ritual and energy work.

Another days you can do this ritual is on 11 and 22 of each month.

Or any other Gateway in the month.

Meditation & ritual for cleansing ๐Ÿ‚

You need to prepare for the meditation, create space and make your room relaxing with nice aroma, and candles. You can play drumming music, Tibetan bowls or any other meditation tools you want.

Call on your guardian angels, AA Sandalpnon and AA Michael, and AA Seraphiel (of the Souls of deceased), to be with you and surround you with protective shield of light.

Now meditate for a while, breath light in and out and visualize how this light enters your lungs as pure energy. Then say:

With pure intention and love I call upon arch. Sandalphone, AA. Michael, my guardian angels, my Ancestors of Light to be with me now and surround me with protection sphere and divine Light

   Visualize sphere of turquoise light above your head, that is growing and becoming bigger. Say:

 I ask archangel Sandalphon to cleanse, remove and heal all blockages, negative energy imprints from Ancestral Karma that I carry. 

(Visualize this sphere all around you and how it enters your body as healing turquoise light)

 I ask with love arch. Sandalphon to cleanse, remove and heal all ancestral karma codes of darkness from my blood cells, DNA, from my skelet, bones, nervous system, backbones, Hypotalamus, and all of my body structures involved. Please remove and cleanse them now with Light.”

Sit for a few moments and see or feel this healing light entering your cells, DNA, and bones, skull, Hypotalamus.

Now say: “I Ask with love arch. Michael to remove any Ancestral karma codes from my Root chakra, my Sacral and Solar Plexus chakra and heal them / May all the negative karma from my Ancestors be released and removed now, as it does not serve my Higher Self and my personal development. May it be dissolved into the divine Light, for the Highest good of all and myself on my Soul`s journey now. May I be cleansed and healed in all directions of time and space. May I keep the blessings and love from my Ancestors. And so it is. I send light with my angels to my fathers line, may all be cleansed and healed. I send light to my mothers line, may all be cleansed and healer. And so it is.”

These are the words for the ritual. You may call any other Light being or angel you want to be with you.

In this ritual it`s nice to light up candles on the North-West part of your home, one black candle or black and red candle symbolizing the power of blood and protection. It`s good to place also black obsidian or other black stone on your altar. When the work is finished, you will be much lighter, and slowly you will notice signs of change in yourself, or how you feel, or in your body. That process is slow and can take around 60 days.

  ๐ŸThank you for tuning in! You can like, share and subscribe or buy me a coffee.  

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium
Oct. 15/2022 ©

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