Saturday, September 23, 2017

What are energy Portals? -III

   ...continues from part II ...

   So the next energy gate will open on 1. October 10) -2017 – or year 1. Then on 10.10. the same year. Number one signifies union, beginning, masculine force, action, activation, power. Number 2 signifies gentle feminine energy, sub consciousness, dreams, moon energy, passive power of the water, nurturing and giving love. Number three is transformational and unites the aspects of feminine and masculine energy in love of the Christ heart and mind.
That’s why this year was /is year of active power and masculine force, of ego and fulfilled desires, passion and fulfillment. Step forward and do it. Don’t wait, don’t hesitate. Do what you want. This can be year of conflicts and war –potentially in the end of the year –after 10. month. But lets hope for the positive outcome.

Other cosmic portals – appearance of new light body – star, moon, a comet or asteroid flow. Then the cosmic body brings amazing shifts of energy and activates special codes in the mental grid (of advanced souls aura field) for humans. In that time the shift affects also animals and plants and trees, that are here specially to assist you in that energy shift. They start growing faster and spread signals among each other and to the core of earth.

Similar portals open each year in month of September -9. and 22. September Autumn Equinox. Then there is major shift in consciousness, these periods are meant for raising vibrations of all beings, releasing old patterns and awakening to the new waves of energy. That means this is the time to review your past year and past life events. Month of Opal Mist (1-20 Spet) is the beginning of Angelic year, its ruled by archangel Gabriel and angels of celestial white opal light. They release all into purity and raise high vibrations for all planet to be bathed in. This is time for – reviews, making priorities, making lists, setting intentions, and harvesting deeds from the past. Gabriel has very soothing energy, and this time is suitable also for conceiving a child.

During all month Opal there are festivals dedicated to White ray ascended masters and devas, to White lotus and many totem animals. The energy portal 9.9. has also very high frequency for those who are willing to stay in spiritual pattern and are more stable in vibrations.
The next month – Selenit mist is dedicated to arch. Jophiel. It cleanses all on the way and its time to balance your karma by deeds of spreading love and care for others. Its purification of soul month. Also suitable for home decorations, renovation and changes at home so that your space is clean and cozy.
The month of Angelite mist (with archangel Raguel) brings the truth to light no matter how hidden they are. This is month of truth and revelation, of understanding your true mission and life path. It continues from 11 to 31. October.
I wont observe here all angelic months but just these three as signs of purifying and shifting energy after 22. September.

(1)   Personal spiritual portals
These portals are called spiritual, as they involve transformation and awakening on spiritual level. But there is no doubt they affect and should affect also the emotional patterns of the soul. Such personal energy portals are: the date of Birth (your birthday is amazing magnetic event for your aura), the event of birth, event of spiritual marriage (in institution or religion), date of baptizing or accepting a religious doctrine or new religion, baptizing of your child, or any religious ritual involved.
Have in mind that even if you don’t believe with all your heart in the ritual or religion, the changes will happen in structures of the spiritual body, so you need to be aware more than you imagine about the religious views and rituals you undertake. That means if you don’t believe, but you are baptized in a church, some changes will occur in your spiritual body, that may lead your spirit (with your acceptance) in the higher spiritual way. The question is always to accept and go with the flow. The doubt and negative mind is that actually pushes away and does not allow spirit to evolve. Doubt also has another role of catalyst of the soul to another ascension, but that’s another topic.
Such events matter, and be sure they leave imprints on your aura grid and your higher Self. Usually – the more past lives you went trough, the more experienced your soul will be and the more different religious views and mixed conceptions you`ll have. That’s quite normal.

   Other personal energy portals are receiving awakening codes – or major accident or major event of awareness. Codes are send from angels by many ways, just if we are not blind to see them. If we have some minor injury or something that prevent us from going somewhere else –that could be angelic message to us. Be aware, you shouldn’t go there. Or the codes we notice multiple times around – sings of 11.11. on the watch, words that impress us, colors, people that look to us familiar or strange, people who say strange words to us. All that is active codes that universe (angels) send to us in this moment. This is sign to be aware and keep our eyes open. Also if we receive message of 11.11. or repeated numbers or 9.09 – we have to know in this time we have good waves of transformational energy coming to us and around our space, so we can take advantage from them. You may also not take advantage, its your choice, or understand it in a wrong way. Then you will go to another way and angels will send you another signs to return.

What we should do during such opening of energy portals?
We cant leave all what we do and jump to totally different track or pack your luggage and go. That will be also great idea for some people of course. In such situations we need to be more aware and notice all happening around us. What we can do in this time – devote to creative work (for example arts, drawing mandalas), meditation, meditation with mantras, more time to connect with spiritual realm, astral travel (for those who feel safe on it), going to mountain, going to isolated sea area or beach, visiting a religious place or a temple and making photos. These are some of the best activities you can be involved. This is time for self-reflection and self care – for the soul and spirit. So use your time wisely.

That’s all on energy portals for now. Stay tuned, be mindful, abide in divine light dear souls!
* channeled with help and love of arch. Gabriel ~

nina Lea-nour * 
medium ~

What are energy Portals? -II

(3)   Cosmic spiritual portals of ascension

These are very important group of portals, that send real manifestation of transformational energy for all earth. They are namely the Moon and Sun eclipses, planets that align with the earth and Sun. Other cosmic transformation that have character of cycle, but their pattern is between emotional and spiritual are the equinoxes (spring and autumn) and Solstices (summer –winter).
The major energy is generated in the Sun and moon eclipses, these are events with special codes and meaning for humanity. All spiritual sites speak about awakening, meaning… and so on. But no one points out the real reason or keys why these Eclipses happen? They are codes that serves for spiritual manifestation and ascension of humanity, but again not everyone are destined to feel them or understand them. These codes reflect the higher spiritual potential and abilities of Light workers, mediums, sensitive souls and all kind of more advanced souls on the planet. This is like a Morse code for the sea travelers and ships. They send underlined clear messages of Light to all planet. Moreover they send waves of white crystal energy to the core of the earth – and portions of crystal or amethyst energy to the Sun and moon, so the advanced souls can feed from this energy. It is in service of all earth and all creatures, but specially to those, who have knowledge in spiritual world and are aware of these energy and their effect. That’s why Sun –Moon eclipses are special events in energy shifts. 
More – in this time also is sign from angels (Morse code) that the whole earth is traveling near to high intensified energy zone in galaxy, which makes all transformations possible.

   What can happen after such Eclipses or openings?
We have to remember one thing – that all major spiritual gifts for humans come after or with great responsibility for actions and feelings from people who receive it. The forces have its price –such events will be followed by amazing spiritual ascension – many people will be awaken to knew shift in energy, many people start their first spiritual steps, many mediums or sensitive souls receive very clear guided messages from Angelic or other kind of space. This is amazing time for channeling messages from higher realm (as I do that now). In the same time, sadly this will be time for possible big conflicts of humanity, wars or other criminal actions that will have echo in world. These are very subtle energies and codes, that’s why just beings of higher frequencies are allowed to take advantage on them. But the darker energy is always there in the opposite side. These eclipses, as well as spring –autumn Equinoxes are special portals of crystal cosmic light, that is send to eliminate any negative patterns or entities for humans (advanced). 

That’s why now is time to think deeply and reflect on your life direction ~
~ to make list of manifestations
~ to make list of emotional healing priorities for yourself
~ to contemplate and take time alone
~ to spend much time in nature (forest)
~ to spend time to meditate
~ to spend time writing diary
~ to spend time sending, giving love to others (parents, child)
If someone from the incarnated souls would rather say, “Wow, when and how I would find time for that?” that’s will be the first sign (sorry for that dear soul), that he is not prepared for these energies and not advanced. That means there is no need at all he to find any time. For prepared souls, or appointed one –the time doesn’t matter – and time will find them. Not opposite. That’s how it is.
Spiritual time is flexible, dissolving into nothingness and eternity, its vast and endless. There is always “time” for everything. Unless we are unwilling to see it or devote to it. And we will be unwilling or incapable for devoting time, if our emotional and spiritual pattern is negative and not suitable with the higher frequencies. That means with one word – we are not aligned or its not yet our time to be. Or never will be. Depends on our inner passion and willing to be higher.
How long the portal of the Eclipse is opened?
This is hard to answer, angels know better. Here I can say just, the space crystal cosmic Gate will be opened until souls that are needed to take advantage of the energy do so, or until the next major cosmic event – that means Solstice, Equinox, or other planetary alignment. That means the energy will be available and opened for some of time until next such event. The portal will be closed around 10 -11 days before another event, but again it depends on the time frame and distance of the events. The normal time zone such portals stay open is 30 days. Sometimes days are little more, but if next event is very close, then you have something very big going to happen. This will be natural phenomena or conflict that will lead to shift and changes on earth patterns.

Another significant energy portals are opened as code made of numbers. These are alignment of year number (like 2017 -1 ) and number of day and month being repeated figures  -like 1.1. January. 1. 10 October or 9.9. All dates that are the same with the month code are minor energy portals – like 2.2., 3.3. , 4.4. , 5.5. may and so on. That affects also the people born in these energy portals, they will have special key for transformation in life time –no matter if and how they will use it. 

* Thank you for reading my article about energy portals, feel free to share it or add your comment below! 

nina Lea-nour
medium ~ 

What are energy Portals? -I

In this article I ll observe in more details what is understanding of energy portals, how many kind of energy portals exist, what is their effect on humanity and the life on earth, on cosmic beings and more. Hope you enjoy reading.

Energy portals are high intensity energy gates (vortexes) or tunnels of light in the space that have potential for major transformation and shift of humanity. That shift is on consciousness level. During such special opening of energy portals, humans are more aware and extremely sensitive on subtle invisible energies and auras.

   There are many kind of these so called portals, but I`ll observe here just some basic. First there are (1) personal physical energy gates with emotional patterns, (2) cosmic emotional energy portals and (3) cosmic spiritual portals of ascension and (4) personal mystical energy gates of mindfulness (and knowledge of spirit).

(1)   Personal physical portals with emotional patterns 

  This is the first basic group and everyone (every soul) is obligated to go through such major portal. Portal as always gives us opportunity for expansion, to accumulate more experiences, to make certain choices and take certain ways in life with or without angelic assistance. They are physical, because they are experienced in earth plane and their focus is experience of the heavy matter – our physical body. In the same time they have emotional patterns, as they are gates that the soul and body go together, no matter of the special state of the soul. Such portals are: birth, death sacrament, near to death experience (koma), first sexual intercourse, first kiss (usually with someone we love deeply). So these are major events in humans life and also one more energy portal is the entering of baby embryo formation in the women womb (conception). All of these events make major shift in human emotional body and are factor for changing some of charka patterns (specially the heart, throat and sacral charka). All of these events are connected with physical waves of energies that appear and have transformational quality on human. The birth is first physical entering of the soul in physical body of baby (that will be of very low-consciousness). The death sacrament is first exiting of the soul from the physical cover of body in the end of the “tunnel” for this life cycle. The soul experience will be unique and no two lives or two souls can be alike ever. That’s how the universe expands. The first sexual intercourse is also to for some (specially female) a painful experience of allowing another to your inner feminine gate, so your energies to be united in one. That takes time and its connected with shift on emotional level. (I don’t speak here about the purely animal instincts for intercourse in humans, as they are almost free from emotional pattern, so they don’t have this kind of energy.) The first time the embryo comes in the womb is also a sacrament, as this soul was already appointed for the woman. These energy gates are opening and closing, that means they always bring transformation and change to human consciousness and then disappear.

(2)   Cosmic emotional energy portals ~

   These portals or vortexes of very fine energy are generated mostly by the Moon and moon cycles, but also by other planets movement – when planets have certain aspects – like trigon, or square or opposite each other, they open special energy gates. These gates hold keys to energy codes for this time for the earth in general. They can appoint also karmic events and beginning or ending of conflicts, love or relationships. They are important to be understood and read. Full moon and New moons are major emotional portals of feminine energy, that are radiated to the earth. The full moon bring forth the massive shift in energy and washes away (sucks out) the negative feelings and old, past wounds on emotional level. This is the time when energy is suitable to “release and let go” to move on to higher level, to be also more aware on your emotions and make revision of your actions in relation to feelings. How do you feel and why you feel this way? What provokes your positive and negative feelings? What areas of your life needs to be changed and shifted? Do you have high emotional frequency? If not why? These are questions to be asked on the energy portal of Full moon. Its time when all natural forces – specially waters –sea, ocean, river, spring, waterfall – are assisting your magical transformation and ascension. Your soul intention is to be filled up and released or “washed away” from darkness. That’s powerful time, and its specially for all sensitive souls on the planet – females, sensitive and mediums, people who reveal messages, connecting with spiritual realms. Of course to be clear – the moon cycles does not affect everyone on the same degree, nor in the same way! Some people are far not affected by the beautiful psychic moon, and they will do their actions –for example drinking beer, no matter of the energy gate opening or energies around. They cant care and are not expected to.

   The energy of the New moon is time of renewal and regeneration, time of awakening subconscious patterns and erasing old ways from our way further. Its time to change perspective and open new page – now is time to be active, and put in order all previous thoughts and deeds. Make strict schedule and follow it. You will succeed with New moon uplifting energy. Make a list with things you need to do (manifesting them), set new meetings with new people, make a challenge in some habits and emotional conditions. Put things on the new ground and be open for any possibilities to grow.

   The flow of the moon gives us amazing emotional insights and look inwards to our inner child, awakening our magical and healing abilities. All wounds remain in the past with the moon cycles. All goes with the flow and we are part of that natural flow –from year to another, from cycle to another, from season to another. 

* Hope you liked my article on energy portals, feel free to share it and add your comment below! Thank you. Continue to the part II...

[ nina Lea-nour * ]

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

White Tara -Love mirrors II

  ...continues from part I...

   Be aware that the way you react, your thoughts, reactions, feelings to the anyone, who loves you (without you to respond to his love), affects in your mirror. That means its created by both sides for both. In future rebirths all that thought, feeling-action energies are connected with return to you from the mirror tunnel. That`s how all things in universe are connected and nothing is by “chance”.

Creating such love mirror is very special and important process for personal development on earth. The more mirrors are created from you (and for you from others), the more your task is harder and the more lives you`ll need to return their energy into Light.
That means – your appearance will matter, how attractive you seem to others is a factor, how attractive you act and feel, your way of life, your values, your relations with others; It matters if you live in wide social circle, or in alone, separated; if you chose to be in one life time a monk, nun, hermit, or person dedicated to Spirit, this is definitely counted for your side. Such life will remove energy cluster and negative forms of relations from previous life (if led in God). Its so obvious on the earth plane nothing is as it seems; So you could be a monk in appearance, but still “looking for physical pleasures” and indulging. That will count. You could be ordinary person and dedicated to only your beloved. This will count for you.
You do not have a choice for the “love feelings” and people who to come in your life, but you have choice in the way you accept them, and in lessons you learn. You should ask yourself absolutely every time the question “why”. Why this person? Why in this place on earth? Why in this country? All that are questions related to your spiritual existences before and your future life.

Notice what kind of people “love you”, who feels attracted to you in which way? All that is definitely related to Karma.

The more mirrors you create “in vain”, the more tunnels in space you make with energy that returns to you. You cant end the cycle in this way. In order to end, you need to be in higher spiritual level, to understand the Cosmic laws and energy, and to be led entirely by principles of:
~ forgiveness (your heart should be forgiving)
~ compassion (you should feel others feelings, joy, sadness)
~ Loving (your heart should be opened and honest)
~ Faithful, honest (not pretending), sharing (not hiding inside), Giving (not taking only, not counting gifts).

   Only then you`ll be able to create mirror with pure energy, which will reflect pure light from the space to another. Then by this light, you`ll make transformation. Actually what you should do is to change, transform the black tunnels-mirror into white Mirrors of light, that always attract and reflect back pure Light.
That means –you`ll be on the way to God and not coming back, if your energy is pure enough by thoughts, feelings, deeds, as you don’t feel any negative drowning, depressing or egoistic feeling of “love” – physical attraction, but only way you love is the way of Light. That means you wont have feelings of strong physical need and possession of others. All your “needs” on physical level will be changed to pure creation of light. That means – you ll create light and love.
This is the only way to brake the cycle.

You can think well on my words and make conclusion about your love-attraction mirrors now in life. Think how many mirrors you opened? How many others opened for you, which you know? What is your behavior, words, thoughts, feelings to those people? What is your behavior, words to your love partner? Do you have pure, unconditional love in life now? Think well, make balance, observe yourself, change. Only in this way you`ll be on the way of God.

Love mirrors always exist, but you should make them cleansed as crystals in the space; The more physical need”, attraction on primal level you feel, the more you`ll continue to fall in the same cycle, as that is sign you NEED this physical level. It`s logical, the more your heart is close to spiritual gates, the more light comes inside, the more unconditional love you feel (away from physic level), the closer you are to the Angel realm, and the more you do not NEED earth plane, but you DESIRE the next spiritual level.

It`s simple, connected and clear.
Thank you for accepting and presenting my message in beautiful way, L.N. * Message 2 from W.T.

*3 Message

Short description on how to “disperse negative energy from thoughts and feelings. This should be practiced as many times as possible to have ofc the needed result. Have in mind, that in the beginning the process will seem to be very slow, so not very effective, but with the time you ll develop fluidity and make it faster. First the most important thing is to “catch” the thought. That means – never assume that the negative thought-feeling, is part of you. It s already a separate circular energy, that your mind – weaker in this time or more sensitive to pain –attracts in some ways. When attracted the negative thought-pain- feeling – is there in your field and makes you more vulnerable and excited. Imagine this thought as a little fly (visualize it well as a fly or spider), Here visualization techniques are very recommended and helpful. After that visualize by your observation and clean aura field, the fly/ spider turns into sparkling dark silver dust. They existed just second ago, now they are silver dust. Take short time inside your mind (with closed eyes and comfortable position), imagine this dust on your hands, then blow into it gently; The silver dust is dispersing into the space – but outside of your aura; Blow second time and the dust disappears completely. Now visualize in its place white and golden dust, which flies around your head, hair; visualize big smile and happiness. Now open your eyes –you wont remember fast what your negative feeling was, if you do this ritual properly. In order to be practiced well, it needs concentration, visualization, ability to empty thoughts and to look from above"; and repeating. (maybe more than 50 times) until you become good. Try this exercise many times for heavy and for light emotions like sadness, or just discomfort while traveling.



[ nina Lea-nura * ]

White Tara -Love mirrors I

This is revelation from White Tara -my ascended master -in October 2016 on topic of universe and creating love mirrors. Thank you for your tuning in!

              Greetings dear cosmic child, 

This is my second message to you! I`m happy that you connected me, so I can send information waves to you.
Knowing now the work in universal energy, the tunnels and white and black mirrors, now I want to reveal another secret to you. This is the flame of Love mirrors. Similar to all kinds of mirrors of space – they are also collecting and reflecting energy. This energy creates different colors, but usually they are soft pink, lavender, soft violet, pearl white, fuchsia.

   These love mirrors are basic two kind: created by heart (in connection with mind, thoughts, aura), created by physical attraction. In the first case the mirror created in the space has soft transparent pink, crystal, pearl white color. In the case of attraction mirrors have intense color of deep pink, lavender, sparkling violet. They both play significant role in humans life by creating Love affection, sending important impulses of expansion, warming energy and personal value. Love mirrors are very important to be understood, in order to evaluate your lafe path, present and past lives.
What are they? I`ll give a simplest possible description. These mirrors are created from the heart, mind and aura field, in the moment when you “fall in love”, or when you have physical attraction. Even so the love feeling should be intense and for longer period of time, so the mirror to be opened. Once it`s opened it cant be closed, until certain things happen in life (until your personal understanding of that love feeling, of another human, and your personal transformation, which purifies your heart).

   The first kind of mirror in pearl white is related to the first innocent feelings of love. This is platonic love; in this time humans heart is untouched, trustful and honest. This mirror opens very fast and its visible in good way in your energy. That means it will make a stamp in your aura, which can affect your future.

   The first feeling is important, but here I ll say something special about that. What is the function of this mirror? It creates a tunnel of love energy in space. This energy can react as a “white mirror” (normally platonic love and love to friends), which then appear to be closed, but actually can be (and will be) opened in another time (space) in the universe. That means, this mirror created by feelings will transform the energy, and will appear obligatory in one of next soul existences in another form. How that looks in reality? Ex. – if you loved someone with innocent heart, but he didn’t respond to your feelings, you created the love mirror, not just for yourself, but for him too. That means this mirror was open for your energy, and closed for his (in case he was cold heart to you). When the mirror appears to be closed later – that doesn’t mean it don’t exist. It is there and you can open it in the energy memory of this person. However its not functional in this space (and time). When the space changes (after you are reborn again in different time) this mirror will be (should be open by default) again in the space for you. But this time it may be with transformed light. It will be possible this time you again to fall in love in this particular soul (should be absolutely the same soul), and also he to feel love to you; its possible too in this life path another person to be in love, and you to be cold to him. The most important is: the same energy you create, will return back to you. This is a process of repeating spiral, and it can go on forever. (until special events on a spiritual level happen). You can see, that this information means, you cant actually choose the person, who you love, or who will love you; also that means this person can appear to be the same gender, and very different from your age, or even you could be in family relations. That`s not in your power to know.

** But what is in your power here is to choose” how to react, think, behave in this love-relation. Do you choose the side of innocence, or another side? Do you choose honesty or lie? Dark energy, depression, fear, sadness, jealousy or joy, happiness? That feelings are also your choice.
That’s why I want to say dear child, don’t be afraid to love and fall in love with pure heart and open mind. That love has power of transformation and the more you feel, the more you`ll have late clean energy. Have in mind, that the love mirror –if you want or not –is created for you without your willing. That means anyone who loves you with conscious mind and open heart, will create this energy for you. Even feelings that are hidden and stay so, will be saved as energy and “appear” again in the stream energy in your next lives. That means simply, in this life path we meet and love people, who we already know before; Its rarely to meet “new souls” bcs they cant transform us, and that happens rarely, also we already have the stamp of love from previous lives. That happens bcs we have unfinished “lessons”, connected with all that love mirrors. Until the lesson is not finished, the mirror will be opened again and again. The lesson is finished when it leads to Spiritual inner transformation, and when both of you (you and object of your love, desire), either have accomplished your love in strong union (soul mate) with full harmony and purity, or being completely honest to each other decided to love each other with unconditional love, without any little egoistic feeling inside. That will mean, the way for your love mirror is complete and it will be closed. This will not happen until both of you have the same “mind” about your love, or simply transform this love into light.

   Every attraction of one person to another – can be called “love” or feeling. Attractions are not easy to be determined, and there are so many different kind of attractions, that we cant count them here all. They spread from the dark spectrum to the light, and have all possible colors and shades. Any attraction is not love, but its connected with this physical space, your soul and heart, and soul and heart of another. For each physical attraction, or any “attraction”, which is intense the mirror is opened in your field. This mirror wont be closed too, and the same as for love, the energy will come back to you again and again. Physical attraction contains important lesson of personal growth and transformation. Until you feel and understand this lesson (and accept it) it will continue to repeat, involving one the same participants. This mirror works however, in the way of “black tunnel”; it absorbs energy and take it to another space and time, repeating the events in different ways.

That means, if the physical attraction happens it`s almost certainly lead to intimate contact between souls (bodies), if not in this life, in the next rebirths. That`s why the energy created by intimate connection of bodies is very intense and high energy, and will return to you back (as well as to another). The forms may be the same, or may be different. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]

White Tara message -II

...continues from part I ...

     So be prepared, dear ones, to open more and more Light reflecting mirrors in the universe – by your spiritual thoughts, prayers, connections. These are tunnels of light, that return to you now, in the past and in future, and they will be always available to you. (I`ll reveal in another time what happens in the moment of death with that mirrors, but now I just mention – the tunnel of white light that you come in, swirling is a kind of Space Mirror.)

    Now about other kind of mirror – the black. If the white mirrors are creating and reflecting light, the black are the opposite – they absorb light, turn it into darkness and super concentrated matter, which is actually (if we compare it) principle of Yin- Yang. Black mirror is the black holes in universe. These is enormous source of Super concentrated energy (1/ 100 000 000 mln). What is the black mirror? Listen well, this is the highest cosmic archive, which absorbed information from the whole universe, galaxies, moons, suns, stars, planets, life. This huge archive takes information through principle of absorption, suction, drawing in. Actually we have such mirrors, which are not only the black holes as we know it. Such black mirror – or Yin mirror is given to human in form of “dream”. When your consciousness is in another –under level –your mind is actually not “asleep” but sunk in another directory, another hologram. Then the mind creates (opens) the black mirror inside its labyrinth of boxes, which reflects absorbed information. That means in fact, that your mind can absorb and "reflect” in super higher speed –impossible in real life for human brain – mixture of thoughts, actions and realities – including those from your past and future lives (appearances). That’s how you can dream about things, that seem familiar to you, people ,places and so, which are in real unknown to you. They appear from your mind mirrors of black absorbed energies. Because our mind is not trained to use that mirrors in proper way, when person usually has rich spiritual life, or more than 6 earth existences, he will have more complicated dreams, but they wont be “clean” and whole. They will appear like pieces of broken mirrors mixed together. Only the divine messages inside dream have very clean line and structure, so u see how it appears and where it ends, remembering clearly the whole message.

Moreover – the way this channeling” information (as well as to all psychic people in ur plane) is given to you is exactly through the White mirror, and connecting with black mirror too (together). This ability is not common now, but in future order u ll have most of people practice it.

Black mirrors in dreams also are great archives of personal, social, historical, humanity information, and source of special elements (source of symbols). That’s how you see a dream which contain symbol, directly on the surface. Then you can be sure the mirror absorbed and reflect information from somewhere around your space. The hard thing for you now – will be to determine from where exactly comes this symbol sign –past life, future life, past earth plane…so on. What is sure it comes from Yourself –created by space of your reality in some moment of the universe.

  Black mirrors are actually in the universe like wells of high energy of Subconscious mind. They are the well of the universes, and have in mind –well is also a kind of black Tunnel, which absorbs energy. Its truth that black holes are tunnels of space (accelerating and deforming the time). As actually time does not exist, the way u know it. Time has many levels, tunnels, corridors, and mirrors. The same space has multiple levels, tunnels, mirrors. That’s why you cant determine the time out of your own system (sun).

Inside mirror –tunnel the time don’t exist.

More about black mirrors soon.
The mind has the natural ability to cleanse itself –its like dust cleaning. This process can be helped well with meditation and spiritual practices. The only way u know now for cleansing the mind (from there the aura and astral body), is with meditation and visualization. There are many visualization techniques, like imagining Merkaba in space above your head (in place of soul star) This merkaba is swirling slowly, also you can visualize your whole body encircled by Merkaba. Similar effect will have the visualization of energy ball in color.

The most dangerous threat for us is we don’t know the mechanism of black mirrors and how they can affect our life in negative aspect. They are balancing matter in the space, and they also have cleansing effect – but in the way of absorbing the excess energies from our mind. As our mind cant or do not make good balance (bcs of many reasons in reality) the excess of energy absorbed from mind in under level –appears (means is reflected back) in a dream at night –where the under mind is being cleansed.
But this energy of absorption can be dangerous, if we don’t know how to deal with it. Black mirrors create very deep and even branched chain of corridors, which take the concentrated energy in another space. They keep not only the information –the more interesting is they keep the exact imprint of “feelings, smells, sensations”. That’s why we “remember” the past, reconnect with past memories, collect information about future. That mirrors absorb too destructive energy of an event – on earth plane –which then through tunnels of time inside – reflects the event in the past and future. That means, if you create a war and humanity conflict, this will be absorbed as a concentrated energy of Excess in the black mirror, travel in it, keep the exact feeling of it, and appear again in another time or another space.
That’s how the wars always come again and again to the earth plane, bcs they contain the highest concentrated energy of suffer on earth. The longer one war continues, the more and more concentrated black holes it creates, and the stronger it will appear to the same plane (or to another) in different time.
You can conclude that the endless war will create the worst disaster and energy for the future on earth, which then can entirely destroy the whole humanity and earth.

The force of concentrated black energy of war creates also not just one tunnel in space. It creates multiple corridors, which from their sides will reflect in devastating energy in different form on earth – like powerful natural disasters, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes. The whole earth will be put in test, without asking to find the one guilty for the war and killings. The worst possible consequences have the killing of children (including inside woman body), which will have the impact of reflected black energy accelerated 10 times.

    That means – for each child killed by any way – the absorbed energy of black tunnel will be reflected 10 times stronger. In this way you can think well and imagine what future is awaited on earth. Moreover for each 3 years of war conflict, the reflected time will be double for return the black war energy – which will be 6. Then the six will be doubled to find out the time of the next war in earth plane – which will be (in this case after 12 years, or 12 months). The wars create chains of tunnels with black mirrors which make it impossible to be stopped, as one energy become doubles and accelerates the time and events.

This will be the future of earth of Primal matter, which will be filled with natural disasters and spread war conflicts all over.
But the light workers wont stop their work, and only bcs of their devotion and love, they earth wont be destroyed sooner, and special white space awaits them.

Thank you, LN. for channeling the message from W. T.

15. 10. 2016.
Full moon

White Tara message -I

This is revelation from my As. Master White Tara to me in October 2016, I want to connect it with other revelations later. It`s about tunnels of love and relationships, about universe and more. 

Greetings from White Tara,

   Dear cosmic child, I appear now to send you this important message, as your Master. You are moving with acceleration in the universe, and there is much more to be found.

   First of all, release all your fears to the white space, be prepared to meet your authentic self and authentic truth. You are special soul, guided to spread basic and missed information to this earth plane, and to send accelerated messages to other corners through fluid corridors of mind. Be aware of that. Be at peace with yourself in any circumstances in your life-surroundings, as you are given this power for sensitivity and connection. Be peaceful, listen well, open your eyes, see well around you. You are protected now and in any level of your existence here. I want to tell you – be careful of what you search and where. Nothing that comes to you influencing your life, is not by chance. Chance exist just when people think they create them”. We are in synchronicity living, and you should pass many tests before your ascension to be prepared. Know that you are unique Self, who is destined to have higher energy potential and move the energy field.

   Do not be afraid of judgment, Any special soul who want to make big steps in evolution should overcome the fear of judgment. Without this you cant be able to enjoy and use your special power in the earth Plane. You are situated now in the earth plane 4, which is represented by four pointed star of Cosmos. It has meaning and creates harmony. You`ll stay in the zone 4 for as long time as needed until humans are prepared to move on.

   Part of your existence and life is determined. Don’t give up to listen, write and spread information you know about all around you. Be always in harmony and peaceful in yourself, you know what to do. And when. We are on the verge of big awakening, when all science, art and mythology will come together in hand, where all processes of spirit will become faster – for earth inhabitants. All  masters, angels, devas, elementals and spirits are happy for this amazing process happening now. Its not only with your earth, but with all galaxy, whole sun system. You are moving, and spiral is the sacred form of this movement.

Even so be aware of many things around you, in this process. The space you are in is changing, expanding. It ll appear in another higher vibration zone after periods of time. Space is always changing, and your energy structure too changes with it. Your thoughts are mirrors, reflecting the whole structure of energy particles in space. If your thoughts are happy, positive, joyful, they will reflect such energy to the space around, so your energy vibration will be higher. If your thoughts are dark, worrying, depressing, they will reflect the same information to the space around you; Be aware that these thoughts-mirror create a net around your field, which then reflects again back to you! So if you create the happiness, it will return to you again, more and more, reflected from the mirror. If you create depression, fear, sadness, it will return to you again from the mirror zones. So its really in your hands and by your choice what you think –and then what you do. You have the power to create, to move free and move faster than before. Not just your thoughts – as amazing creative energy, but also the whole universe, galaxies, planets, systems are created from different kind of Mirrors. We can say for now, that these mirrors have magical power (its just magical for you) – to create, diverse and change the reality you live in.
That means if the universe takes (absorbs) information codes about primitive substance, It will reflect double more primitive substance, which then from the energy imprint will be created in your Reality.
   That’s how you create by energy black imprints all wars and blood in different part of your earth plane. You continue to live in the Primal substance and behave in principle of surviving- dominant is the Heavy substance, and not light ethereal substance. You are still in the zone of darkness. From energy point of view, your earth as a hologram –looks in colors –black-gray, red, pale yellow and broken in some places with white, yellow and green light. This light parts of earth indicate exactly that the awakening process is started. However, it will take long time, and for the whole earth plane to move higher in the spiral, it`s needed 20% of not just humans, but humans –light workers, who will accelerate the matter and change it. Until now the 20 % are not reached, but they are now increasing number and will reach 17 % in the Sun Equinox of 17 year. That means dear children, that every 2 of 10 people will be or awakening, awaken, or connected with the Spirit, healer or connected with Masters, angels. Be aware, that this number is big, for what we have now.

** About mirrors – Universe and the space around us contains mirrored zones. The are generally two basic kinds (in real they are much more, but you don’t need to know them now); The 2 kinds are black and white mirrors. The white mirrors are reflecting the created energy (that means they create expansion in the universe, and that’s who exactly the human brain should work in the future, creating tunnels in the space). These white mirrors are amazing tools, which you can have through other abilities, by meditation, prayer, connection, study of spirit, spiritual work and healing, reiki fluids, visualization techniques. These all expand the energy to the space, reflecting it to your higher self (means higher vibration space, astral-self, aura field.) that’s how all that works. Let me explain in more details. When you make meditation here in the earth plane, you sit and quiet your mind –that meditation creates (or actually opens already existing portal of mirror zone) which reflects the cosmic energy to your astral body directly. That’s how meditation creates actually the opposite process –the energy fluids work from the higher vibration level To down –level of primal substance. In this way through meditation opened mirror zone reflects energy from your higher self –to your body – as instant connection between them, and makes possible healing of the body with energy. You still don’t understand the reality of this processes but that will be true soon in your evolution.

These mirror zones can be open only with Quiet and free Mind. In order this condition to be true, basis of your physical existence should be healthy living in Spirit, life of unconditional love, help to others, compassion and study. All processes are actually endless, so you cant reach the end by doing humanity work. The more you meditate, the more your connection with the astral body will become stronger, the more your physical body here will be healthier, more peaceful and happy. When you make energy healing t yourself or someone else. You open a mirror zone in your space, where you reflect the same extraordinary healing white rays – which turn again to yourself (the same as reflection of pure light of prism), then this energy reflects to even more zones (which process is invisible for you!). That means dear children, that the more healing work you create, the more health energy will be given to you, the more mirror zones of pure energy will be opened in the space, so this energy will be spread in many forms and will be reflected in the Past and future life. These healing fluids will affect not just yourself – (healing past wounds, traumas, or future illnesses, conditions and predispositions) but also will affect closest people around you (or people who can “touch” and take from your energy field – child –mother –father – close friend –husband). That means that healing yourself and cleansing your field, can indirectly transform to healing to people around you! 

  The same is valid for – thoughts, actions and all kind of spiritual work. The more mirrors (white) your create around you, the more zones of purity, peace and harmony you create. That’s the truth. These mirrors don’t disappear, they can be multiplied, closed in some stages and opened. They are the invisible pure white energy of expansion of the universe. – and the basis of understanding the White matter, the very beginning of creation of your universe, and the source of Peace.
This is the point, where Nothing, returns into everything. Which is not truth formula- the truth form is that Nothing is Everything by substance. 

With love and light ~
[ nina Lea-nura * ]

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Home made face creams (9)

  Use of home-made remedies, face products, creams and masks become more and more popular in last years. We have to acknowledge the importance of essential oils treatments in our life, understand their healing properties for our inner and outer health. When we are able to prepare our home made creams for face, is that not much better and fascinating alternative than to buy a product full of artificial ingredients?
Start by making simple creams for face and sprays for body and you ll discover the magic of true natural fragrances.

I give suggestions for creams and mists, which you can change or add your on preferable ingredients. Enjoy the whole process!

1. Honey face cream ~ soothing, nourishing, anti wrinkles
Mix together in little jar (50 ml) in water bath (placed in another container with water) the following ingredients:

-- 2 tea spoons shea butter
-- 2 tea spoons coconut butter
-- 2 tea spoons almond oil
-- 1 tea spoon pure honey
-- ½ tea spoon bees wax palettes
-- essential oil (Ylang Ylang)

Mix carefully all products in the glass with wooden stick. Then leave it out in the room temperature around 1 hour or 1 30 hour and place it in another jar in a cool place for use. This is will be essential food for your face, as its 100% natural and Ylang Ylang oil reduces wrinkles helping the skin to look smooth and younger. Maximum period of use -1 month.

2. Lemon face cream ~ whitening, removing red spots
Place the following ingredients in a little jar (50 ml) and mix it well in water bath, until they are all homogeneous mixture.
-- 1 tea spoons of shea butter
-- 2 tea spoons of coconut oil (basic)
-- 2 tea spoons of grape seeds oil (argan oil)
-- 1 tea spoon of pure honey
-- ½ spoon bees wax palette
-- ½ spoon of shredded lemon peel
-- 3-4 drops of lemon essential oil

Enjoy the fresh cream with lemon from nature! Apply every morning in clean face. Keep it in cool place.

3. Cacao face cream ~ rejuvenating, nourishing, elixir of joy
Mix the following ingredients carefully in a jar on water bath. Place it in another jar and leave it for 1 ½ in room temperature. Keep in cool place.
-- 3 tea spoons cacao butter
-- 1 tea spoon sweet almond oil
-- 1 tea spoon grape seed oil
-- ½ spoon beeswax palettes
-- 2 pieces of dark chocolate (high quality)
-- 1 drop vanilla, powder cacao

Its perfect for the winter –autumn days, when the skin has lack of sun rays. It brings immediate freshness and rejuvenation.

4. Coconut face cream – refreshing, nourishing, anti aging
Mix the following ingredients in little jar on water bath until homogenous mixture. Place it in another jar to cool in room temperature for 1 ½ hour. Use it in the morning or evening for period of maximum 1 month.

-- 3 tea spoons of coconut butter
-- 2 tea spoons of shea butter
-- 1 tea spoon of apricot kernel oil
-- ½ tea spoon pure honey
-- coconut sawdust ½ spoon
-- 3 drops of coconut oil essence
-- drops of vitamin E oil

5. Rose face cream ~
Mix the following ingredients in a little jar on water bath for about 20 min until homogenous mixture. Place them in separate jar to cool at room temperature for about 1 ½ hour. Use it within a month!

-- 3 tea spoons sweet almond oil
-- 2 tea spoons of coconut butter
-- ½ spoon of beeswax palettes
-- rose petals little pieces
-- 2 spoons of rose water
-- 3-4 drops of rose essential oil

-- 1 drop of geranium essential oil 

6. Orange face cream – refreshing, anti wrinkles, lifting
-- 2 spoons of sweet almond oil
-- 2 spoons of apricot kernel oil
-- ½ spoon beeswax palette
-- 1 spoon of rose water
-- 4-5 drops of orange essential oil
-- 2 drops of geranium essential oil
-- ½ spoon of orange peels

7. Lavender face cream ~ soothing, revitalizing, anti wrinkles
-- 2 spoons of sweet almond oil
-- 3 spoons of wheat germ oil
-- 1 spoon of beeswax palette.
-- little pieces of lavender flower
-- 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil
-- 1-2 drops of rosemary essential oil

8. Banana face cream – nourishing, anti aging
-- 2 tea spoons of almond oil
-- 2 tea spoons of wheat germ oil
-- 2 tea spoons cacao butter
-- ½ spoon of beeswax palette
-- 2 spoons of smashed banana
-- 3 drops essential oil (papaya, banana, orange, ylang ylang)

*note –the smashed banana is added in the end when the mixture is in cooling process.

9. Coffee & jojoba face cream -revitalizing 
-- 3 spoons of Jojoba carrier oil
-- 2 spoons of wheat germ oil
-- 1 spoons of shea butter
-- ½ spoon beeswax palette
-- 1 spoon coffee –high quality
-- 2 drops of carrot seed essential oil
-- 1 drop of coffee fragranced oil
-- 1 drop of clary sage oil

10. Simple honey mask ~ 
Mix together the following ingredients: 
-- 1 t.spoon honey 
-- 1 t.spoon fresh yogurt 
-- 1 t.spoon flour 
-- little cinnamon 

apply the paste on clean face and stay with the mask around 30 min. It makes the skin perfectly nourished and soft. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]