Sunday, September 3, 2017

Parallel worlds & Conception -I

In this short article i`ll try to explain and answer the questions how many parallel realities are there? How many parallel existences do we have? Is our soul split into many parts? Are we connected with our parallel twins? What happens with the babies when they right after birth?

  So these are the basic amazing questions that I ask my angels and will give you the answer with their help. Surely the answers will be to some also amazing. Lets begin.

I.                   How many parallel forms do we have?
As it happens that recently I thought and read an article about parallel worlds, that left me quite surprised. Some of the things said was exactly in the way I was revealed from my angelic guides, while others were…quite different. I want to clarify here my channeling of information, because I have asked about so many topics. This article was telling about many parallel worlds – which is the perception of the fantasy, fiction and movies. This is very intriguing, but is it truth? As we actually can assume we live in a fantasy-like world, this concept can be also not far away from the truth. In reality – we have just one parallel existing form in universe. This form (human shape) has life experience very different from our own. This form or “twin” has though the same outlook, appearance, body and DNA structure like ours. Even so in some stages of life he could be quite different, or have different perspective and interests than us. Why this parallel form exists? This is a hard question to answer and was not revealed by my angels, as we are not grown for understanding of this question.

II.                 Why parallel worlds exist? How many are they?
There is just one parallel “world”, that is usually a “copy” of the galaxy or the solar system inhabited by humanoids. Its like a two sides of disk, which look the same in “form” but in reality have different records on them. Even so the appearance and outer patterns and structure of matter in both worlds (galaxies) are the same. The information on them is different.
Have in mind that, the pattern of the universe is build by spirals, space and time mirrors, vortexes and “holes”. The so called “black holes” are vortexes in the cosmic time-space. They are real mirrors in space, leading to a parallel universe. Each galaxy has one black hole attached, which indicates that something ends. These holes are usually in the “edge” of the galaxy, or “edge” of information matter. Holes take all information and transform it in copy from another side. That’s why our sun system has a copy or “parallel world” with similar continents shapes and human race inhabiting it.

Why many people accept that we have multiple “parallel worlds”?
The real copy is only one. The confusion will come here as we cant have the knowledge which is actually “copy” and which is “original” if we look things so (on the earth plane as surface). We need very different perspective to understand this. As the universe is made of amazingly many various mirrors (of matter and energy) so we have mirrors reflecting in other mirrors. That causes effect as if we have multiple realities, or parallel worlds, as our galaxy is reflected in many mirrors. But this is a tricky way, they are just reflections, not real. Only one copy (parallel world) is the real one, others are “real illusions” of time-space. In such way our so called “twins” or parallel existences, other than the one, are illusions and exist in the same way as “ghosts” or spirits. Their shadow is imprinted, but they don’t have a soul or actual movement. They cant expand, but they are just like “drawings” in space. As ghosts these twins are reflections of time or memory reflections.

III.              Another illusion, does Afterlife resemble the earth plane?
We tend to think that all experiences on earth plane are so valuable and valid (which is truth) that afterlife also have the same pattern like Earth. Is that truth? Do we meet or reunite our friends, families and beloved in the afterlife? And why?
First of all I will say, read my article about “afterlife” for more clarity (…)

   Afterlife is space lead and guided not by imperfect humans, but by perfect light beings, angels, archangels, masters and more. It simply cant resemble the earth pattern, but it has very sophisticated plan. It consists of multiple spheres inside spheres (levels or angelic planes) where different categories of souls are invited). There are so many levels and different criteria for division of souls, that we cant even complete one book with all of them. There are three main divisions and all spheres are connected with them (quite similar to the earths spiritual patterns). There are lower levels – for souls that are “under grown”, forsaken or banished.
- there are middle levels – for souls that are good but quite not aware of angelic presence, not believing or away from spiritual experiences during their life times.

-  Higher levels – for the advanced souls that are aware about spiritual existence, believing and devoted to Light (angels, God, masters, guides). Usually the last group are prepared to have special missions on earth, to be healers or teachers for the humanity, and the experience soul ascension. That’s quite important. 

* I hope you enjoyed my article on Parallel worlds, feel free to share it and add your comment below. Thank you! 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]

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