Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Letters colors and energy -II

* Continue from part I ~

[ Letters have their active energy life in human names, they possess different vibrations, colors, and bring different qualities to people ] 

Karmic letters or letters of Jupiter (of transformation or royal letters)
G – burgundy red; pale yellow; success in profession, abundance, money, fame, achievement in material world; wrong attitudes and habits; not strong connection with others, self-centered
K – crimson red; brown ; royal letter – of inner values, truth, causes, standing on the right side, truth to yourself, overcoming hard times, (illnesses); strength, motivation, fearlessness, power, authority; self-centered;
CH – light red, deep purple; material mind, causes, achievements in material world, fame, popularity, ambition, power over others, speech, realization in work, self-centered; don’t care about others; fast success
Crystal amulet for all karmic letters – black obsidian, jasper, ruby;

Letters of emotional waters, lessons and inner values (of Neptune)
D – purple, violet with sparkle; qualities: silence, inner wisdom, emotional balance; need for love, giving, feelings, attachment to nature and love of trees; healing abilities; achievement – emotional purity; amulet crystal – amethyst, lepidolit, charoite, purple jade.
T – yellow, golden, (yellow calcite) – sacrifice, giving to others, teaching, wisdom, process of awaken heart, spiritual achievements; advanced soul lessons; animal world attraction; forest, and wild life; crystal amulet- yellow calcite and amber;
Th – dark yellow –melon (amber) – personal values, truths, connection with others on higher level; aura in amber color, fear of commitment.  Crystal amulet –amber; carnelian;
Tch – dark yellow, peach color – connection with crystals, gardens, travel to unknown places, soul transition; lessons in fear –brevity, lessons with children

Letters of soul purification ~
S – green-blue, teal; qualities – soul practices, meditation lessons, free mind, spiritual growth, illumination, revelations, connection with angels and invisible world, ghosts; crystal amulet – turquoise, aquamarine, aventurine, amazonite;
Z – sea foam green; (fluorite green),  qualities: ascension, higher vibrations, spiritual lessons, illumination, revelation, love to earth; crystal amulet – green and blue fluorite
C – light blue (baby blue, blue and white) – qualities: love to yourself, connection with higher self; peace of mind; creativity in speech; social skills, uniting people around a cause; love to others ; crystal amulet – blue calcite, aquamarine;
Tz – Silver and green (opal and opalite stone) qualities: astral travel, prediction dreams, reading signs from nature, angelic signs, love to flowers, plants and animals; care for others; challenge – overcoming fear of loneliness and separation. Crystal amulet – green calcite, green jade; green opal.

[ Here I observe letters related to "N" for female, if they react in positive or negative way ]
Letters in relation to letter “N” –feminine ~
Letters with very positive vibrations [ A – O – E ] both male and female
Letters with negative vibrations for N [ I – U ] I could be positive for feminine energy in cases. As a rule they take energy from others.
[ B –P ] very positive letters of soul mates, feminine energy 
[ V ] negative vibrations, misleading energy
[ G –K ] very negative vibrations, misleading, not feeling N energy, Karmic letters, increase fight and tiredness
[ D –T ] negative vibration, steal energy from N, but like being attached to
[ J –Jo- Ju ] very positive vibrations for male and female.
[ Z – S ] very positive vibration for n – soul mate, sharing, understanding
- two letters on chart before and 2 letters after N (surrounding N letters) are positive [ L – M – n – O- P ] very positive connected with love.
[ N ] very positive for female – and negative –pushing away –for male.
[ R ] positive for male R and negative (dual –or positive) –for female R
[ F ] positive for female and negative for male
[ H ] together with K-G – negative and pushing away vibration
[ Tz ] positive vibration – together with S, Z
[ Tch ] positive for female only; [ Sh ] positive for female
[ U; Y ] negative vibration
[ Yu ] very positive vibration – for soul mates and love mates
[ Ya ] very positive vibration for female and male

Best letters for love mates for N – [ A, O, Yo, Ya, Ja, L, M, P, B ]
Best letters for soul mates for N – [ B, P, J, (Zh), Z, S, Sc ]
Relatively good letters for friends and connections –[ A, O, E, L, N, F, Tz, Sh, Ju, Ya ] (Jana)

Negative vibrations for N –stealing energy – [ D, T, G, K, H, Ch, V, R some, I, U, Y [ ะช ]

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0312 -1- 

Letters -colors and energy -I

   * I want to write about one little discussed topic – about letters. Since humans are the only creatures on earth plane using the written word (and values of spoken word creating meanings), we need to understand what is the word and what are its hidden properties. Since the beginning of the writing systems in ancient civilizations, all written words were codes, describing significant things, objects, events, with personal and historical value. Words are codes of energy, printed in time. What is important – every human born here has such “codes” of energy and unique imprint; they are visible in the date of birth (the numerology sign), date of the death, date of marriage, date of child birth, lines and form of palms, lines and form of feet, face features, eyes (iris diagnostic), the name of birth (first name).
    The more we look closely to all these signs, we`ll discover how many symbols and importance they have for the human life. They can hold some of the keys to the hidden meaning of each person. We can use all of them to describe future events of human life, to understand even some karmic reflections in it. Letters of the name of each person, are very significant, and even if the name is changed later, the first given name has deep meaning. The most significant from it is the Initial letter, it possesses special characteristics.
What are the magical characteristics of the letters?
I want to observe them here shortly.

   * Each first letter of the person name is a code of individual, along with all other things – date of birth, astrological chart…Each letter has special color (light), vibration, tone; moreover each letter resonates with other letters in positive or negative way. That’s how for some letters others are balanced – and some have negative vibration and energy, which affects the people connections in all stages of life. Each letter resonates with others (initial name letters) in positive, negative or neutral way.
For example, people with initial letters in the name negative to the letter “N” are likely to correspond in energetic negative way to the person with the name “n”.
Before analyzing the negative-positive connections of letters, I want to turn attention on their colors and underlying qualities.
According to their qualities, and mission letters are divided in groups.

Moon letters ~
L – silver, pearl silver, misty blue; quality: purity, intuition, psychic ability, clairvoyance; sign of moon magic (Luna); crystal amulet: white opal, light blue opals, pink opal, pearl
M – color: turquoise blue, green-blue; quality: devotion, friendship, compassion, clairvoyance; letter of giving support, sign of moon magic; (turquoise crystal amulet, blue calcite)
N – color: indigo blue, tanzanite blue, lapis lazuli (blue with silver and gold), violet; quality: empathy, psychic ability, cleansing, karmic cleansing, letter of balance between sharing and loneliness, moon magic. Overcoming fear of social interaction, of success; crystal amulet: lapis lazuli, lazurite, kyanite, sodalite, tanzanite; dark blue topaz;

Sun letters ~
U – colors: brown, bronze, golden-bronze; qualities: earth connection, abundance, history, historic values, archeology, warm energy; receiving blessings; crystal amulet: apatite, chrysocola, red jasper;
E – colors: soft pink, pale pink/ silver after moon letters; E is also a fairy letter. Qualities: love, attraction, mystery, elemental connection, erotic. Crystal amulet – pink jade, rose quartz;
H – colors: purple, deep purple, mauve; qualities: awaken mind, philosophy, prosperity, material achievements, money; H is also Karmic letter; crystal amulet – lepidolite, charoite, amethyst, purple quartz
A – golden, yellow-golden/ love, consciousness, awaken spirit, truth, justice, bringing justice; letter of faith, no compromises, war, sward symbol, of archangels. (Letter of Muladhara, root chakra) Crystal amulet: yellow jade, jasper, cherry quartz, clear quartz.
AA – balance of physical and spiritual – Yin and Yang energy flow, growth of mind; love for the truth, justice; overcome –feeling of anger, jealousy, revenge;

Earth and nature, health letters:
B – dark green, brown, light brown; harmony of polarities, connection with trees, earth, fruitful commitment, honesty, balanced mind, peace, connection with source; letter of little children, innocence. Crystal amulet: brown jasper, smoky quartz, green quartz, red and green moss agate.
P – light pale green, zest, green-lemon (jade); commitment, authority, rules, returning to the nature, overcoming habit, patience, fulfillment, hard work, motivation, wisdom; Crystal amulet: yellow and green agate, green, lemon jade.
I – innocence, connection with earth, nature, trees, plants, letter of flowers and bloom; yellow-green & deep orange color; of slow and gradual achievement; of science, wisdom, study, teaching, technology, progress. Crystal amulet- green jade, green moss agate, green quartz, orange calcite, aventurine;

Letters of Mars and lows of material world:
R – deep dark blue, navy blue, magenta; qualities: search of truth, inner values, revealing, brake of illusionary, faith, strength, stability; (letter of Muladhara chakra) Crystal amulet – ruby; red jasper, black tourmaline; blue topaz; sodalite
V – ruby red color; fire opal; letter of change, transformation, victory, overcome obstacles, resistance, efforts, faith, courage, intolerance, rules, kingdom, power, self-confidence (letter of Svadishtana & Muladhara) Crystal amulet- ruby, red jasper; fire opal; red agate
O – magenta, deep pink, mauve color; qualities: fulfillment in material world, money flow, goods, devotion, step by step work, persistency, willpower. (Letter of Manipura) Crystal amulet – amethyst, pink jade; coral.

Fairy letters (or letters of Venus)
E – soft pink, silver after moon letters; love, attraction, mystery
Ee – lavender, intense pink mauve – quality- sexual attraction, heart brake, heart desire, emotional attachment, elemental connection; illusions
J – [jan]  - lavender; lime green; attraction of polarities, Yin and Yang, togetherness, sharing values, union, strong connection of souls;
Y – [ Yam ] lavender; light orange/ attraction of mind, connection between similar mind; expansion, invisible world, attachment; element earth and air
Yu – soft pale green (zest), pearl-white; mystery, wisdom, ancient tales, mythology, emotional connection, open heart;
Ya – light orange, lemon/ overcoming emotional wounds, cords cutting, purifying the soul, long life, physical health, healing with nature;
F – pearl white, light golden sparkle; healing with nature, emotional healing of past, asymmetry, broken heart, broken relationship; building personal values; ascension, love lessons

Crystal amulet for all fairy letters – opals, rose quartz, all pink and lavender crystals 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0312 -1- 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Nut & Geb

* Who was Nut?
Nut and Geb – her beloved and brother – were personification gods of Sky and Earth. Nut is goddess of the Sky with all stars above. She is usually depicted on wall art with long blue garment with stars on it, stretching all her body above the earth. Her parents were gods Shu (god of Wind and light ) and Tefnut ( goddess of rain and moisture ) They gave birth to the most famous of creator gods – Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nephtys.
Alternative names of Nut are- Neuth, Newnet

Nut often has symbol meaning of resurrection and rebirth. She is one of the cosmological ennead (the basic nine gods of creation myth in Egypt).
Depicted usually with small water pot in hands. Nut represented also the night sky with stars and death and rebirth.

* Geb appearance and role
~ He had basic functions of god of underworld, dead, earth, vegetation, and life. Later he transfer this functions to Osiris, his son. We see him depicted on monuments wearing the signs of divine authority – the headdress of pharaoh (Khat), tied at the back of head, and Osird – divine long beard (that pharaohs wore after their decent to dead). His sacred symbol is a goose, that he wears above his head. This can be associated with the idea, that Geb gave birth to the “egg” of the world and beginning of the creation. He is also painted with green color skin (sometimes black referring to death) and white clothing (the same like later Osiris), that are symbols of rebirth, and after life, the world of the dead.

He is identified with the Greek god Cronus. 

* Legends ~
In the beginning Nut and Geb were inseparable, so there was no space between them. Ra couldn’t create anything on earth, because of the lack of space. Then Shu –god of light and wind separated both siblings forcefully, making Nut to raise high in the place of sky; her hands and legs form the four pillars of world.
II. it was believed in sun set the sun is entering the mouth of Nut, and on the next day the sun disc was born again from Nut. It traveled all the way at night trough her body. The same way Nut swallowed the stars and gave birth to them again in the night.

Nut and Geb were in the beginning of creation of the world; they were protectors, and gods not just for all living, but also for the dead souls. Nut was depicted also with water container on her head – sign that she was taking care of dead.

Water pot is one of the symbols of Nut, associated with care and bringing water, nourishment to all souls. Another symbols are: sycamore tree (symbol of protection, eternal life, power), ankh (eternal life), waz scepter – divine power, authority, spread wings – (Maat and Isis also are presented in this way) symbol of freedom, balance, truth, connection between divine and human plane.
One of the sacred symbols of Nut was a ladder (which Osiris used to climb to heaven world) called “maqet”. Her titles were “Cover of sky” “the one who protects”; She was depicted on the inner side of sarcophagus, as she had role to protect the souls of deceased. Sometimes she was represented as a caw, who carried the god Re on her back.
Appearance of Nut – She was represented sometimes a winged goddess with wide spread wings, sometimes as a cow, whose role was to swallow the sun in evenings and give birth to it again in mornings. She also is depicted wearing a crown of water container, as she provides water for the living and dead. She can be seen with ankh – symbol of eternal life- and “was” scepter (long staff with symbolic animal head at the end that has magical properties).

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0318 -1-
Dendera temple, Egypt -Nut giving birth to the sun 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

How angels see us on earth -IV

(just additional to my article about angels)
* Which are territories of demons and bad spirits? 

I wont go in details here, just want to point out the main areas where demons are spread (or can have access) ~
~ war zones and places of violence
~ places of murder, prisons, places of executions or torture 
~ places or home of people with evil intentions (thieves, killers, people who deal with dark staff like drugs, cocaine, cigarettes, alcohol, excessive movies (of blood, violence, sex); All that are areas of demons, existing already or created by humans.

~ some graveyards (usually deserted and unclean graveyards, or kept without flowers, or broken statues, or monuments) Graveyards are well known as zones of the darkness and “other side”, and its quite truth. With their feelings of grieve, people in life actually put these places more out of angelic assistance, than in support. They are connected not with love, but with loss, fear of death and disconnection from the world here. That’s all emotions demons like and feed off.

~ haunted houses. ( these are houses usually in remote areas, where there was an unusual event of murder, fire, explosion or suicide.)  They have ghosts many times of humans, as well as demons living with ghosts. That’s how such houses are places of fear from people, and unpleasant to stay. Not because of ghosts –which are harmless, but because of demons.
~ places of people who connect willingly to the dark and devil. (I wont speak about which are they, as they exist and societies with devils cult, and A.C. – they work with dark energies and demons).  

Also have in mind that: fear attracts more fear, depression attracts more depression, hatred attracts more hatred, jealousy attracts more jealousy, lust attracts more lust…and so on for all negative feelings. They feed from themselves and grow bigger. This will be so until the full circle is cut and broken.  

Here I finish my article about Angels – how they see us and when they can help us? Hope you enjoyed.

Abide in Divine light! 

[ nina Lea nura * ]
0312 -1- 

How angels see us on earth? -III

    * Continue from part II 

     Here I want to point out – there are people away from angelic presence and there are places (areas) without angelic presence. The people who are closed, not willing to believe, possessed by dark feelings, by long states of depression, anger, violence, hatred…They are lost for angel connection, until they are in this state. What should they do is to change their state from inside, to change their feelings, or just to ask for help from angels – persistently. So they will receive it. All starts from their willing. Sadly in some cases we cant be willing –if the danger comes from outside. What happens for example with angelic presence and ability to help in extreme situations like: terrorist attacks, killings, murder? In this cases the victims are innocent (as this happens many times) and not aware of the danger. Why they will be without angelic support? Here is the answer. No one is at all during his life time without angelic support, love and guidance. Sadly we are still in primitive state of mind and cant reach to receive this support, when given to us. In the cases I observe, what happens is: the guardian angels of the victims try to connect and send special signs to the people, who are in danger. In this time the bubble of dark energy starts to amplify its power around special area, place, so angels know what will happen. By growing of the evil intention, the dark cloud spreads around. People sadly are not able to sense this energy, so they are unaware. Angels try to give signs or make any clue to people to be away from this place, or event; but they are not existing in a physical heavy plane, so they cant help you physically in all cases. (there are some exceptions with traveling guardian angels). As the angels send signs, but people choose to not see them, or their mind is not tuned into the angelic messages. They are out of reach, not because angels don’t want to help them. In this way, angels prepare for the event, knowing that they cant be present. 

   * In such event angels can see the darkness and giant cloud like a atom bomb, but not anything under it. Even so – as the time is extended – angels will be able to help you until the final moment. That means, if you see a danger, but still not close to it, you have the power to ask your angel to help you with all your heart. That sadly not always can happen or work, simply because your heart (and mind) is well closed by Fear. When fear exists inside you, your senses are blocked and your connection with angels will be cut. That`s how just people who are strong believers, or “fearless” can receive much better help, than people possessed by panic and fear. Until the last moment of the danger, you can receive help. Then of course we live in physical sphere, with all created and existing demons around. We cant expect us to fly suddenly. However we ll fly in afterlife. That’s how angels prepare to receive souls of the dead in such events, and on such places there are angels of soul transition from the groups of Azrael, Sariel, Seraphiel, Cassiel, Shamael (warriors from Samael`s group are spread in places of war and conflicts where are many dead bodies, so they are allowed to be near to this area to help and receive souls); Sariel and Seraphiel are not present in any war areas, or any areas without extreme peace. That’s why their mission is to receive and lead souls in afterlife, moreover special souls of spiritually developed people.

  * I remember one very hard situation in my life. I was young and at the seaside. Lead by curiosity and by need to roam around the place, I bumped into two very dark subjects –men who were smoking cannabis. I went with them to a remote area, just talking, and suddenly we were behind rocks in a deserted place, there was a moon in the sky (maybe it was a full moon), making a path of light on the sea; It was beautiful place, a small bay. But people were not. They had intentions to harm me, but that was not clear in my naive mind in this time. We sat on a rock, and one of the men tried to kiss me. I stand up a went far from them, feeling not well in my heart. Another men came to me, and I don’t remember what he said ,but I was horrified, as felt his bad intentions. He grasped me in his hands and didn’t want to leave me, I tried to pull myself away. Then I felt sudden horror about what might happen and I asked angels and God to send me help. It was too late time and darkness around, and I didn’t know how this help will come. Then just I asked, I listened sound of voices. After little group of people appeared on that place –which was really amazing for me. I had now courage inside me and went to the man almost shouted to give me back my jacket – then after he was quite puzzled from where I have this courage, I took the jacket and ran like crazy from the place, not feeling the sharp grass cutting my legs. I didn’t turn back for a second and ran away. Then I thanked my angels and God strongly for saving me from the bad.

    I took time to tell this story, because in many cases we are involved – “not willingly” in such situations. Not because we want, but we are not aware. We don’t see signs, not able to be reached. I put myself in a trap by going to this place. Even so I was close to big danger, I asked for help, and received immediately. I wont forget that. 

In all situations you are able to ask and receive help. Just angels wont be present in the moment of your losing hope, or when you are exactly under the cloud of darkness. Then this territory belongs to the demons. 

[ nina Lea nura * ]
0312 -1- 

How angels see us on earth -II

 * Continues from part I ~

    * What happens when person is in strong negative feelings of anger- hatred, jealousy, envy or any hard emotion? From energy perspective this person surrounds himself with energy bubble of dark shade and color – smoky black or smoky red, so that he separates himself from the presence of angel. In such condition – of strong extreme emotions of anger, anxiety, hatred, depression – he is out of reach from his angels. Not because they have left him. The energy of angel is always there with us. But the person chooses with his own willing to be “captured”, grasped and closed in a bubble of negative energy; in this condition by rule angels don’t have access, as they are away from negative energies. They ll be with you again though, just by simple prayer or asking them to help you, which can be solution to resolve and cut your cords from the dark energy bubble. If you don’t consider their help, or don’t need any help to go out of that condition, sadly they can not help you. Not without your allowance and willing. That’s how you isolate yourself from the angelic presence and are not able to receive help. That’s how many emotions in humans overflow and possess them, as person does not have control over these emotions. He can have control if he is willing to do that and only then by asking for angelic help –he will receive it.

IV. What happens in events of war or conflicts?

    There is big misunderstanding on that topic – how angels don’t or cant help people in war? How angels or God "allow” this to happen? How angels allow killing of innocent children, babies…? This is real confusion in human mind about that. It shows how much we are still in primitive mind. The truth is – angels don’t “allow” anything to happen or not, they even don’t witness or see this event as we expect. As I gave the example with the man who is angry or in state of hatred, what happens with him and his energy. Now in the events of huge conflicts and wars what happens is sadly much worse. In this case, there are not just one negative energy bubble, but many, that are multiplied too fast in space, and create a giant bubble or energy Ball of darkness. This darkness is not visible” with eyes of humans again, but its quite visible from angels perspective. The darkness of the ball is growing rapidly like a wave of Tzunami, or like a huge avalanche coming and swiping away all Light energies. In this process, the bubbles are so many that they form a giant cloud (looking like an atom bomb cloud of energy), which spreads all around the area of war – or crime. That cloud contains much darkness, and basic emotions of Fear, hatred, despair, hopelessness. This cloud surrounds the place and humans in it and separates their energy from the angelic presence. In this state they cant reach to receive the angelic help. That can sound like angels left the humans exactly in the hardest times. But it`s not so. Angels are separated, not from their willing, but from willing of humans. They cant be connected without faith, they cant intrude or connect forcefully with humans. That’s how the choice of people is that – to be away and separated in a bubble of negative energy. There is something more. In cases of war – as the war in Syria and anywhere else in time – the negative bubble of energy (an atom bomb cloud mushroom) covers the people and the place, and in this place are created demons. They are created or invited to come to presence. That`s how the areas of war are actual places of the devil (demons) and all evil energies. They have their life and their place here in earth plane, and not in afterlife. As the demons and dark spirits feed from the darkness of place, fear of people, blood of people. In this time the only way for the angels is to be not present (they have their protection in form of energy or amulets), but they are not allowed to be in the ball of dark energies. Angels can fight, but their way of fight is quite different. They pour streams of Light to some people, who want help, who want to reach to them, and have hope, so the streams can reach to more places. The help of angels in fight with the divine Light. As they are warriors of God, they do not “kill” demons” this is big misconception. The only demons they can “kill” are inside humans mind and heart.

    Now I want to say the following important statement: understand dear souls, all energy around you is real, moving and waiting for your allowance. Once you allow and accept the negative energy to surround you, it will happen so. You are the one who chooses. Once you allow the angelic presence and light to surround you – so it will be. All depends on your willing choice. Don’t think that angels can lead you here and there taking your hand, if you are blind! You need to see, feel, connect, allow. Then you ll be able to be guided. If you don’t open your heart to angels, they cant reach to you, no matter how much they want. Its like a doorway, you need to open it, or just keep it closed. Nothing will change in you if the door is closed, but you wont receive help.

     I continue on the topic – about angels presence and help. The angels are attracted always by love, purity and peace. That’s why if you connect with angels you ll need to have clean energy –in your heart, body and home. Cleanness is something obligatory for the angels. As they see things on energy levels, they can see any dark spaces or energies in your home, that need cleanness or protection. The same way they see your qualities and feelings that need to be cleansed (polished). If you are willing and allow to be cleansed from inside and your surrounding, angels will be present with you and closer to you. The more open your heart is –the better you connect with angels, the more clean your home and your emotions are –the more you ll be able to feel the angels and listen to their messages. They always want to help you, as this is their mission. 

* Continue to the part three ~ How angels see us on earth? -III 

[ nina Lea nura * ]
0312 -1- 

How angels see us on earth? -I

     * Today` s topic is very important for understanding many complicated events on the earth plane. I want to write – with the help of my angels – about how actually angels “see” us on the earth plane?
Part one ~

     I asked this question recently to my angels: do angels witness and how the events of extreme cruelty, evil and violence of humans – in cases of war, atrocities and crimes? On that I was puzzled. So I received the following short answer: no, they don’t witness that events – or not in the usual way of what we understand by “being a witness”.
Here I`ll write about the explanation about that and what happens exactly.

    I. Angels are celestial beings, abiding in another sphere of life (or dimensions). They are made of pure divine Light of different colors, look shining, but also they are made of pure Love, peace and divine truth. To be made of all that qualities means much – that they actually can not go out of these divine qualities, as they are given to them in order to achieve their missions. Angels have many and various missions, that cant be even counted. They have so wide range of active energy, that is not possible for a human to grasp that. Humans also have many and various missions, and some of them are to assist and help connection with angels, or to help other helpless people in poor condition. Angels are amazing and powerful beings, that want to help all humanity and shift the energy level on earth, to cleanse the negative energies on the heavy plane we live…so that we can experience happiness and joy. Another mission of angels is to guide you, to protect you, to make you not lose connection with your reality and higher self. Angels love everyone unconditionally – that’s their main function and without it they wouldn’t be able to do so much. By guiding you they want to increase your energy, your happiness, to boost your health and to lead you on way of Light. But it is only your choice if you will go with them, or listen to them, or you ll choose another way. Angels are here, but as a tool can be used, or not, so its up to you to choose. They cant force you to be happy and smiling, and also cant lead you to sadness. These are states of your own choice and development inside. Angels are ready to help you anytime you ask them, with open heart and open mind, as the place they speak to you and reach you is your Heart.

II. How angels see us on earth? What senses they “have”?
      Angels can not see us in the same way we see anything on earth, simply they don’t have physical eyes, body of features of this plane. As they are made of divine Love and Light, they "see” us in the way of love and light. And this is exactly so. Angels don’t see your physical body or face –as pretty or not so pretty. They do not judge you at all, as they don’t have this function or quality. They see you as light – colors, shades and beautiful energy. They see your aura, all shades and colors, all information of your aura field, all hidden threats and messages –that we don’t perceive. That’s how clairvoyant people can read the aura and “future” of someone, or telling him about something hidden, or about illness. These people – psychic, mediums and people who connect with angels are helping them in their work, even it takes a lot of energy to do that. Moreover angels not only see, but they have all senses in highest capacity more than what we can imagine, they sense and feel, they know. 
    So your guardian angels see your energy field, moods, emotions, state of heart, health and all conditions, all wounds of past, all your fears of the future. That’s how we can say they actually know you better then you know yourself. They are your best friends and companions –If you let them in your life. Angels see all your weaknesses, your karmic data and relations, energy flow and they only can help you to cleanse your body and increase your mind and love to yourself. For that reason you have to choose to connect with them. But you cant do that, if you don’t believe in their existence.

III. How angels witness, view events of war, cruelty, crimes, hard emotions?

     This is my question I asked to my angels. I didn’t know or expect the answer of it. No, in reality angels don’t witness”, view in any way such events of war, crimes, cruelties and so on. Why is it so? Then comes another question of me – is it possible on such events the angels to leave us? No, they do not leave us at all, specially guardian angels are always with us. In the same time they don’t witness any low-level events. Here is why.

I want to understand and deliver this information with accuracy – as much as I can. There are many realms and spheres of life, that are close to us on earth plane, but in the same time are invisible to the human eyes. As we know angels live in such realm, which is with very high frequency and pure energies. Angels cant – are not allowed – that should remember well – to be close to any dark energies, or other lower level spirits. That does not include the humans that they protect already, as this is part of their mission. The same way as angels abide in their spheres, there are other lower spirits with different vibrations and more negative energy closer to earth plane. These spirits are too many, like demons, ghosts, lost spirits. They cant be in the same sphere with the angels, but they are in a different “portal”. We can imagine for example, that for people who have the ability to “see” all invisible things, there are doors or portals, leading to different sphere. I can see portal and open it to see the light of angels, also I can see and open another portal to see the spirits, ghosts and demons. Between the portals there is no connection other then our own allowance or ability to see them. That’s how some people can see better ghosts, others can see or sense angels and some can see both of them. This is another topic to discuss separately. 

* here is the second part ... How angels see us on earth? -II 

[ nina Lea nura * ]
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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Stages of Soul transition - V

  last part of my article ~
VI. Aspect of cleanness ~
    Did you maintain clean home space area? Clean environment, clean people of care (children, old people, someone who was under your support); cleanness of your physical body, hygiene? Cleanness of your mind, thoughts, intentions? Did you speak what you feel? Was your home area with right flowing energy and vibration? Did you have simplicity of your style of life, mind, surrounding? Did you like in lack of something or in redundancy? Did you make charity if you had enough means? Did you feel enough supported from material possessions and objects? 

VII. Question – did you live in harmony with others? (parents, children, lover, husband, wife, friends, soul mates, strangers, animals, trees).
(* here the important thing is not if you were in “perfect” harmony, as this is not possible in the heavy earth plane, but if you live in total imbalance or abused someone, of the above, person, animal, nature element, or you did your best to be protector and care taker.)

Other questions to you soul – higher self are:
-         did you use nature elements and how much? (flowers, herbs, crystals…)
-         did you reveal and learn your karmic lessons?
-         Did you reveal your karmic relationships and let go?
-         Did you feel forgiveness and unconditional love?
-         What you would like to change in the same life?
-         Were you a passive or silent witness of crime or unjust?
-         Did you live in fear or in joy and pleasure?
-         Did you feel proud from your life mission and achievements?

   After all that – seemingly so wide and detailed analysis of your life path and achievements, you wont be criticized, (that is not in manner of angelic realm), nor you will be punished in any way; Angels are always gentle light beings, that want to help you and support you in all levels of energy. You` ll just receive exactly what you sow – you ll be able to go to your accomplished sphere of light with angels; or will be in the sphere of darkness. In the sphere of darkness, please don’t imagine anything like Dantes “Hell”, even it was nicely described. All punishment that he saw are allegorical and not real. Dark sphere also is under the control of angels (different kind of ,but not demons!) – just as all places in higher vibrations. There people are taught different lessons, they are not suffering in any way “physically”, they already cant.

   So after the angelic lesson on your life and making you understand, they will give you some clues, and give you the chance to write by yourself – (on a paper) or with your mind, whoever is able to write with his mind, about your own life. You`ll think on following:
-     what were your physical life achievements? (you ll write just few words, not a story)
-      what are your spiritual achievements? (practices, values..)
-      what are the main weaknesses you have overcome? (negative qualities you fought with?)
-      what were your main positive qualities in life missions?
-      What is the number of your karmic relationships and love lessons?
-      What are your life (physical, spiritual) mission achievements?
-      Are you proud, happy and satisfied from your life time?

Remember that the life in material body and physical plane is heavy, full of obstacles and traps. Angels are very aware of that, so they see you, observe you and follow you in any moment. It`s not possible to not say or think the truth, they see you better than on x-ray machine. But the principle why we are here in so heavy, hard environment many times, is to learn, understand, know and grow. For the reason of spirit expansion.  The more weakness we overcome here, the stronger we become. The more challenges, obstacles, traps, karmic relations we have, the more weak points we reveal, which we should overcome. That’s how we grow. From inside out.

This is all what I can say with help of my angels. (thank you for taking time). Abide in divine Light! 
[ next series I`ll write more about the angelic spheres where the soul lives for a specific time and lessons she takes with angels ] 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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