Friday, March 3, 2017

Stages of Soul transition (after death) (part II)

  This is part II. Read part I here...>

  The next what the soul sees after awakening – and before angel Seraphiel appear with the cup, is a tunnel of light. This light may have different color, usually it`s radiant white. This tunnel is actually a fast swirling spiral, which takes the soul with the force of magnet. This is the spiral sign of space, dimensions and time travel. The soul of everyone can travel in it even before leaving the physical body, but little people can do that, nor they are aware of that. (what we call astral travel is connected with it.) 

    Then you wont see any of your deceased relatives, beloved, parents or children. that is not possible, due to the strict hierarchy and organization, which allows just people with the same Karmic experiences (or our real soul mates) to meet in the light sphere. In the next stage of the soul transition you are taken to the brilliant place – like a palace or castle, but that looks like nothing you saw on earth. It is made of crystals and has so strong light, that is impossible to be seen with eyes of human, but with your astral body eyes will look magnificent. Here the experience not for everyone is equal. Depending on your last moment on earth and how hard, suffering and painful was your departure, you are taken to place for a rest, so that you can feel rejuvenated. After quite short time, your soul will be ready to go in the “room of purification”. Ancient Egyptians described that process with so vivid and colorful stories – the Soul is judged with the scales of Maat, where the heart is weight against the feather of Ma`at. If the heart is heavier than the feather, the soul didn’t accomplish his life in good and honorable way, so his heart was eaten by a demon female. If the heart is lighter than the feather, the soul lived according to gods laws and now achieving the higher spheres, where she is allowed to enter. Of course that colorful description cant be taken literary as it is. The meaning of the feather is truth and mission of souls life. If the soul was more truth to his soul, mission and loved others, he is ready to be purified. Opposite if the soul is not ready, then she should enter again the earth life, which symbolizes the eating of the heart from demon, or in another case the soul is going in the lower levels.

    In reality what happens to the soul in the purification room?
That process i`ll describe now – having the power and with help of my angels. The soul will enter a large hall with angels and spirit guides. They wont be many, just their presence will be full of light and soothing energy. The feeling is like you go to a miracle land and soul wont feel any fear; she will be accompanied by her earth angels.

  Then the astral body sees beautiful hall, full of fountains, crystals, and other strange objects; it will look like indoor garden too. Archangel Sariel and some angels from his group –or arch. Seraphiel sometimes, will be in front of you there, and invites your soul to rest. He will look to you lovingly, take a big scroll with your archive, with a silver spiral stamp, and start to talk with you. This wont be an "exam”, but a friendly talk. Sariel is not here to judge you, but he will ask you some questions on your earth life (which will remain in your soul mind similar as form of dream). Many of the people in front of Sariel feel deep sadness, regret or amazement, as they realize just now clearly their entire life span, for seconds, and see all like a wheel in front. Some people are even not able to talk or ask questions. Everyone reacts in different way, as in earth life, but reactions and feelings of soul are much pure and out of negativity. Sariel will first congratulate you with accomplishing your mission of this life-time, giving you a special flower (sometimes other object or crystal), that is symbol of your soul or your spiritual order on earth. He has soothing energy, and your soul feels like a baby in his presence. He knows your archive already before you come to the hall of purification. If the soul didn’t accomplish his life mission, or even part of it, and was not on the way of spiritual awakening, nor on way of searching, Sariel will give her a flower, smile and make a special sign on the paper scroll, (in form of flower or triangle inside another triangle) That means you didn’t succeed in most of the life missions. He will not talk with you further, but you ll be send to angel of group of Azrael and another hall. In this way you`ll be aware of your “test result” or if you succeed in life missions.

   What happens next i`ll describe now only for the more spiritual advanced souls or on the way of spiritual awakening. Arch. Sariel will ask you few questions, on your life time, that may sound also as a doctor or healer, as he is such. If he ask the soul on how she feels about her life mission or specific events, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t already know. Angels read and know all your feelings before they are shared. But the questioning is important for yourself alone, and for your deeper understanding. Sariel as well as all angels are not strict, serious or with grim and astute eyes. Just opposite –they are normally smiling, laughing, or telling jokes, their faces are radiant, and eyes radiating love and joy. All their essence is joy.

In this way your soul wont feel even slight fear, uncomfortable or repressed. The only negative feelings as I said, the soul can feel are sadness and regret. As she will not relate so much to the physical body as before, she will view her own life as if its someone else. In this way she will be free to understand better. If you accomplished even one of your life missions, Sarial will congratulate you and give you the flower – usually white, pink, blue or yellow and a little scroll tied with small crystals chain. The next stage of soul travel is gong to “room of earth knowledge”, where your earth angels, together with angel from group of Seraphiel, and your own spiritual group – will be present. In very soothing, relaxed atmosphere, with slow music and fountains around, you ll be given information (without questions first), on your basic steps and challenges in your life. 

[ * note: written with the loving help, support and revelations from my angels & arch. Sandalphon in month of Sapphire. ]

🍒 This is part II, please continue to part III here... >

Nina Nour Bluebell
psychic, medium 
0223 -1- 

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