Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Letters colors and energy -II

* Continue from part I ~

[ Letters have their active energy life in human names, they possess different vibrations, colors, and bring different qualities to people ] 

Karmic letters or letters of Jupiter (of transformation or royal letters)
G – burgundy red; pale yellow; success in profession, abundance, money, fame, achievement in material world; wrong attitudes and habits; not strong connection with others, self-centered
K – crimson red; brown ; royal letter – of inner values, truth, causes, standing on the right side, truth to yourself, overcoming hard times, (illnesses); strength, motivation, fearlessness, power, authority; self-centered;
CH – light red, deep purple; material mind, causes, achievements in material world, fame, popularity, ambition, power over others, speech, realization in work, self-centered; don’t care about others; fast success
Crystal amulet for all karmic letters – black obsidian, jasper, ruby;

Letters of emotional waters, lessons and inner values (of Neptune)
D – purple, violet with sparkle; qualities: silence, inner wisdom, emotional balance; need for love, giving, feelings, attachment to nature and love of trees; healing abilities; achievement – emotional purity; amulet crystal – amethyst, lepidolit, charoite, purple jade.
T – yellow, golden, (yellow calcite) – sacrifice, giving to others, teaching, wisdom, process of awaken heart, spiritual achievements; advanced soul lessons; animal world attraction; forest, and wild life; crystal amulet- yellow calcite and amber;
Th – dark yellow –melon (amber) – personal values, truths, connection with others on higher level; aura in amber color, fear of commitment.  Crystal amulet –amber; carnelian;
Tch – dark yellow, peach color – connection with crystals, gardens, travel to unknown places, soul transition; lessons in fear –brevity, lessons with children

Letters of soul purification ~
S – green-blue, teal; qualities – soul practices, meditation lessons, free mind, spiritual growth, illumination, revelations, connection with angels and invisible world, ghosts; crystal amulet – turquoise, aquamarine, aventurine, amazonite;
Z – sea foam green; (fluorite green),  qualities: ascension, higher vibrations, spiritual lessons, illumination, revelation, love to earth; crystal amulet – green and blue fluorite
C – light blue (baby blue, blue and white) – qualities: love to yourself, connection with higher self; peace of mind; creativity in speech; social skills, uniting people around a cause; love to others ; crystal amulet – blue calcite, aquamarine;
Tz – Silver and green (opal and opalite stone) qualities: astral travel, prediction dreams, reading signs from nature, angelic signs, love to flowers, plants and animals; care for others; challenge – overcoming fear of loneliness and separation. Crystal amulet – green calcite, green jade; green opal.

[ Here I observe letters related to "N" for female, if they react in positive or negative way ]
Letters in relation to letter “N” –feminine ~
Letters with very positive vibrations [ A – O – E ] both male and female
Letters with negative vibrations for N [ I – U ] I could be positive for feminine energy in cases. As a rule they take energy from others.
[ B –P ] very positive letters of soul mates, feminine energy 
[ V ] negative vibrations, misleading energy
[ G –K ] very negative vibrations, misleading, not feeling N energy, Karmic letters, increase fight and tiredness
[ D –T ] negative vibration, steal energy from N, but like being attached to
[ J –Jo- Ju ] very positive vibrations for male and female.
[ Z – S ] very positive vibration for n – soul mate, sharing, understanding
- two letters on chart before and 2 letters after N (surrounding N letters) are positive [ L – M – n – O- P ] very positive connected with love.
[ N ] very positive for female – and negative –pushing away –for male.
[ R ] positive for male R and negative (dual –or positive) –for female R
[ F ] positive for female and negative for male
[ H ] together with K-G – negative and pushing away vibration
[ Tz ] positive vibration – together with S, Z
[ Tch ] positive for female only; [ Sh ] positive for female
[ U; Y ] negative vibration
[ Yu ] very positive vibration – for soul mates and love mates
[ Ya ] very positive vibration for female and male

Best letters for love mates for N – [ A, O, Yo, Ya, Ja, L, M, P, B ]
Best letters for soul mates for N – [ B, P, J, (Zh), Z, S, Sc ]
Relatively good letters for friends and connections –[ A, O, E, L, N, F, Tz, Sh, Ju, Ya ] (Jana)

Negative vibrations for N –stealing energy – [ D, T, G, K, H, Ch, V, R some, I, U, Y [ ะช ]

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0312 -1- 

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