Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What is Lucid dreaming? -II

 Continues from part I....

III. These dreams also have separate category of “past life Soul dreams” – which are related to people and places we already had in the past (or will have in the future). These past life dreams often feel very familiar to us; we may have strong and strange feelings to certain people, or see people we perceive as “our lovers”, who in this life can have very different personality, or being part of our family. The feelings are very tensed and also we may sense a “deja-vu” effect. These dreams come sometimes as a message to our emotional body, which holds all past life existences of the Soul. That may be related to our current situation now, or to have link that we need to heal a wound which comes from past lives. Sometimes these dreams are very powerful and have the effect of “lucid dream”, as we can look around and see the environment as a very familiar and close to us.

 Lucid Dreams }

IV. Lucid dreams are vivid astral dreams, which have the a special quality, namely the Soul in one moment can recognize that she is in a dream "state”. The soul then, if she is willing, can make changes (like  magician) to the dream-world that she abides in.

       Usually such kind of dreams are very intense and they don’t last very long, specially if the soul quickly recognizes the “dream” and wants to be awaken. They have very vivid colours, and you can think in such dreams “Wow how this looks amazing to me, I love this, it looks totally real and I can touch everything here!”. Lucid dreams are like very high quality computer games, that you come in” and start to play, but in one moment fully realizing that you are a player in a dream. That’s the amazing quality they have. They are not happening often and usually have very special message to the Soul. Also they are meaningful. These dreams are very often related to: 

- travelling, flying above places, cities, that look very real and vivid; 

- swimming in waters or pool;

 - going to different places; connection with animals, which you are not afraid of. 

      One very important thing about Lucid dreams – you are not afraid and you feel joy to do anything you want. For example I had amazing dream that I`m flying above city. This city looked very strange, I focused my attention to different objects, I saw srange trains moving, they were transparent and they had something like small houses inside. I was amazed much and thought in myself: How much real is that dream-city, I feel it`s like super well programmed and I can feel it so good. I was in state of amazement, when I suddenly thought: “ Maybe my own city where I live is also a very good program”. Then my soul had the link to the reality” and my dream was interrupted.

      Most often Lucid dreams affect the soul emotionally, and have special effect on the deeper levels of Sub-conscious. There are also Lucid dreams connected to past lives.

     You can see for example one and the same people (unknown to you), or one and the same city, building, house, planet, nature place. And all of that will look very real and vivid; or very familiar.

       Have in mind that dreams are very complex phenomena, which is not well studied until now. There is much more to them. Dreams also use the quality “Soul fragmentation”; which means that what we experience in them are fragments of the Soul, linked with different parts of emotions, or fragments (like broken pieces), of another life times, or fragments of feelings that we had, love, sexual attraction, fears, suppressed negative feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety.

       For example, in hard period of my life, I was aware that “I need to be strong” to not be vulnerable, and not to “cry or feel sad”. But in this way, I (sub-consciously) suppressed my emotions of sadness (that need to be released and cleansed by the Soul). The emotional body has the mechanism of self-cleansing, which happens in the night, specially during a dream. That’s why I had dream that I suddenly start crying so much, strongly, I felt so much broken and sad in that dream, that I was shocked and woke up after long crying. That’s how the great quality of this dream is to cleanse and purify the soul (Heart chakra, emotional body) from all that suppressed sadness. We have to be happy when we have such dreams.

V. Lucid flying dreams, what do they mean?

        Almost all flying dreams are Lucid. That means they have the special quality to send you a message, to reveal aspect of your Soul. Also they are not very common for the simple reason: they signify that the Soul is in a special space (Liminal space) or transition, that she is on the way of spiritual awakening and Ascension. That’s very closely related to Flying dreams. The feeling of flying brings amazing emotions and sensations to the soul: 

- freedom, being unbound to earth reality, 

-being totally in your Self beyond physical. 

Flying dreams are connection to your Higher Self, they can point to your Life and soul mission. They reveal the aspect of soul, that needs freedom, also link to creative energy, inspiration and positive emotions. Flying above something indicates Self-love, feeling complete, one phase of your life is completed and the new door is opening soon; - longing for a new love relationship; - seeing things clearly, powerful psychic opening, clairvoyance; - activating your true potential; -being supported by your Angels and spirit guides; - feeling safe; - seeing the bigger picture; - letting go of the past; - moving forward in your life without regret; - all in all it means Awakening of the Soul.

Flying dreams can occur in specially hard or challenging times, or of transition times, when our Soul needs support. Their message is – you are awaken Soul of Light, and you are not alone. You will overcome all present challenges, and will continue to move forward, or to ascend to higher planes.

That’s the purpose of human life – Expansion of Mind and Ascension.

It is really great to invoke such lucid dreams by keeping a dream journal for all special or symbolic dreams.

I hope that was helpful for you, children of Light!

Stay on the path of Love, light and Abundance!

Art by Yishu Wang 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Tarot intuitive 

What is Lucid dreaming? -I


In this article I`ll observe the concept of Lucid” dreaming. What we call lucid dreams? Is that often occurring, and what we can do, feel or see in a lucid dream? Why do people have lucid dream? How it is related to Astral travel? Is it safe to have Lucid dreams?

 I. About dreaming and dreams

       Lucid dream is an amazing dream, related to our Soul journey. There are other kind of dreams, that has the function and ability to cleanse our sub-conscious Mind from any dark emotions or negative vibrations that we have “accepted” unconsciously in the real life. That’s how we can dream about something, connected with the daily life reality. These dreams (which I call subtle body dreams) are usual and they don’t require much attention. Because they have function of cleansing the “dust” and fears from the drawers of the Under mind.

       As I wrote the difference between Sub-conscious and Conscious mind can be described as a beautiful vast lake. The surface of the lake is clear, we see all things on it, the floating lotus flowers, branches of trees, fishes, and play of the sunrays. This is the Conscious mind.

       When we dive deeper into the lake we are reaching to the Sub-conscious mind, which has already many layers. Sub-conscious has the quality “depth”, and the waters are not always clear, also they change temperature and the quality. That`s exactly how we dream. We are diving deep in the lake, and let the waters surround us and encompass our Mind.

Kinds of Dreams * 

      Dreams are the way we connect to our mirror sub-conscious mind and the way we express our true Emotional (Ethereal) Self. They are indeed, another reality. [ see the link to my article about Astral planes and spheres ]  One of the most common kind of dreams is

I. Subtle body dream 

       ...It is related directly to our emotional body, and represents exact mirror of our fears, hopes, emotions, challenges, and real situations that we experience. It has the function to release suppressed emotions, and to cleanse the Sub-conscious mind from the negative feelings or vibrations. That’s how be aware that the Dark dreams, usually nightmares, the sexual dreams, that we see or feel direct need or desire to someone, are expressions of Mirror-Ego in the ethereal world. This is the way our body is releasing and cleansing from toxic energies or fears. This kind of dreams are very usual, and often we don’t remember them. They are mostly related to fears in the physical reality. Even they may hold some symbolism, as all dreams, but they are not special Symbolic keys to unlock the mysteries of mind. They can have such elements. Because their main task is cleansing.

II. Vivid dreams in astral plane }

      These dreams have totally different quality. They are usually characterized by some of the following elements: vivid pictures of places, people; strong emotions and thoughts; vivid sounds, smells; strong focus on symbolic elements. We have palette of symbols in all dreams. But dreams in Astral plane, we are like diving deeper in the Sub-conscious lake, then we are emerging in another reality. That is exactly the dream-reality, where all things are meaningful. Here we will have special signs and symbols, that represent deep meaning and we need to observe them. These dreams have philosophy of life, related to our life purpose, emotions, and most times they can point us the way what we need to do. Of course if we could manage to read them properly and remember them. These dreams are many times with strong emotions, so they are multiple times remembered. As they may seem unusual, unreal, imaginary, and quite bizarre. These dreams have the function of bringing a message to us. In these dreams we can see something, that our spirit guides want us to know.

      Under this category falls also the prophetic dreams or warning dreams. Also they often include the following symbolic elements: water (ocean, sea, any waters); trees or plants; - animals, - flying in a machine; - any kind of travel from one place to another; - elevator and lifting up; falling; - holding a key; - being naked; - hair, hands; -need to escape; - the moon or stars; mountain; high buildings; -insects; - cats, dogs, wild animals; - colour black; -fishes; - colour red; -deceased people.

Please continue reading part II on Lucid dreaming here .... 

art by Paula Gora 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Tarot intuitive 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

What is Emotional body? -II part

 Continues from part I...

     Emotional blocks appear in form of different geometric formations in ethereal level, in form of black, grey or red cubes, pentacles, or hexagrams. They are rarely in spheric form. They are indication of certain negative experience, specially fear, resistance or hatred provoked from behaviour of others. For example if you are abused, beaten as a child, or if you experienced sexual harassment, offences from people on power, or offensive behaviour, shouting and anger, that creates blocks in your emotional body. They are created immediately, and you need to be aware, and have strong protection and self-defence.

      Some of the good ways to remove emotional blocks are: 

1. Be aware about your fear or what exactly happened and when 2. Imagine the situation now and recall it in your mind, (in peaceful state of mind!) You can do that 2 or 3 days after the negative events happen, in order to not be affected totally. 3. Imagine the same event and what was your reaction, be aware what did you feel in this time exactly. Did you feel afraid, angry, shocked, or disgusted? Fear can create one of the most permanent and strong blocks in emotions. Now imagine the same situation, but remove these negative feelings, by saying in your mind: I`m in full peace, and self-control, I m fearless. Imagine the same situation, but now, you are holding a mirror in front. You reflect back the feelings of this person who wanted to abuse you, back to him. Now feel how much your energy is shining and powerful. See how his energy and whole body is shrinking and shrinking, until he is very small and tiny, almost hard to see.

“You are without any power in front of me. My feelings are not affected by you, now and in all timelines.” This you can say inside our out loud.

“I possess my own power, i`m strong in my harmony, peace and joy. Your ill emotions cant affect me.”

   You can visualize also you expanding your hands with palms outward. Now see mirror strong light, which is reflecting and pushing back to the person the negative feelings.

Even that practice is really perfect, you need to repeat it several times. Also it`s good to take a salt-water bath after such negative event, if you are sensitive, because your energy may be shaken and blocks are created.

Take care of the following: never reply to abusive energy in the same way. First that will not only create more blocks within you, but also replying in the same way to negative emotions is like creating magnifier (or tornado) in the field. It`s like one tornado is uniting with another, they create double chaos. That’s why do not respond to shouting with shouting, to offence with offence. The best responses are: Walk away (but not run); 2. Create a shield. Such shield can be created by eliminating the barrier of fear by silence smile; laugh; or energy repulsing with mirror method.

Even in situation that you are feeling “under control” ,please know you ALWAYS are in dignity position to walk away. Just smile and walk out of the door, nothing else.

Be aware of the following too: when person has abusive behaviour to you or others, it`s because he wants to be offensive intentionally. That intention can be not realised by him, or sub-conscious, but it is intention. He knows that he has power to abuse. That’s why the most important is not to give him any of your power. Now, the "peaceful” response also wont work. Because if tornado is coming, there is no need to just pray. 

Emotional body is one of the basic layers in Aura, that are responsible for Cleansing negative blocks and stagnant emotions, we need to start from this layer for opening to love and forgiveness. It holds the keys to intuition, premonition, attraction and repulsing and personal power.

Thank you for tuning in, dear Souls! 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium


What is Emotional body? -I part


I want to describe shortly what is the Emotional body and how we can understand its structure and elements.

Emotional body is situated as the second layer in the Aura, it represents our emotions, sensitivity, feelings, moods. It`s connected with second chakra which has deep orange colour. This is the most changeable layer of our Energy. Also in the emotional layer, we need to be aware of possible stagnant, slow moving or stuck elements from our previous emotions, that we need to remove.

Emotional layer looks like our central for physical joy, happiness and affection. Physical attraction to another person also can be found here. Emotional body is one of the layers created from the experiences of the body in this physical expression only. It`s not related to past lives of the soul. This layer looks like the ever changing sky with multiple clouds. Imagine the beautiful sky, and imagine how it is changing depending on the weather, sun, clouds and rain. Exactly the same happens with the emotional body. In this layer we can see (perceive) different colours of clouds, different sky colour, more or less light, rain, rainbow and sometimes thunder and lightning. They all represent the same like the feeling of real weather changes.

When you feel happy and uplifted, emotional body has nice pink, orange or white clouds (energy clouds), floating. This aura layer is the most changing and interesting to observe. If your mood is sad and down you can see blue, or dark blue or almost black clouds and rain in this layer. Of course we talk about energy, not “rain” as what we imagine.

This layer is revealing our primal emotions, that’s why it needs to be cleaned regularly. That happens with using sea-salt water, mandalas, by working on your Sacral chakra, or creating things that makes you happy and fulfilled. Opposite, if you do daily things that makes you down, oppressed, or stagnant, this layer will look dark and dull.

If you are clairvoyant or clairsentient you may see different energy clouds” around aura of the person. These clouds have colours and light, they indicate exactly emotional body. With most positive emotions, the clouds will be orange, white or pink, or the sky will be free. If you see black or dark clouds, that means the person experienced recently very negative emotions, like anger, fear, depression, anxiety, stress, which are still in his aura. Clouds in emotional body indicate usually that person is not aware of their emotions, or not working on cleansing his aura.

Some clouds can means also blockages in emotions, resistance (for example if you want to stop feeling something that you feel), or negative feelings to others – like jealousy, envy, hatred.

Jealousy and envy will have similar red clouds, which indicates blocks on deeper level, connected with the Heart (or Astral layer).

Our emotions are very important to acknowledge what we need to do, to improve. So in any time we need to be aware of the emotions and know how we feel. This chakra is holding keys to the Premonition – or the first level of spiritual awareness and knowledge. Emotional layer sends us primal signals immediately ,so we can recognise from first sight how we feel about someone or something.

Let`s say you meet person for the first time. That is physical contact or even contact by energy (or messages). Then you can feel from first sight very attracted to this person, less attracted, indifferent, or repulsed by his energy. That first reaction is “primitive” and comes from your “emotional intuition” or premonition.

Persons energy can affect you DIRECTLY on emotional level. That means if you are sensitive soul or empath, you need very special protection for your second chakra and emotional body.

I want to say the importance of emotional body in our life is immense. Here we can have also blocks from childhood, or from different stages of growth (specially in periods of expanding our second chakra). If you have wounded childhood, your emotional body will hold such energy blocks.

(how you can clean them I`ll speak in next article).

Thank you for tuning in! If you are interested, please continue to part II here ....

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Merkaba activation, day 10


Today in my Merkaba activation day 10 I felt amazing strong light, that was all around my aura. Light was light blue but in very high spectrum like almost white. The energy I felt more dense and heavy somehow; even so I received messages from my guides quite easy and fast.

I was working on my second chakra, and saw milky blue ball of light descending to my Sacral chakra. I saw the flower of life with beautiful light within each chakra.

The Messages from my angels:

“How person can feel tired and out of energy and what is the reason? How can someone refill his energy”.


      You need to align with your body, that’s why this Merkaba activation happens –to help your physical and emotional body to align with the Celestial light. This light is yours, you just need to invite it and align with its purpose. It`s normal now, don’t worry if you feel out of energy. We are in ascension which increases the intensity of the magnetic fields, and the density too. That’s why many people could feel overwhelmed, or anxious, or tired. What you need to do is to understand your own Self.

Now the patterns in the world play the game of Power- Control and Resistance to power. What each soul should understand is, Power and Control exist to make us aware, active and aligned with our own inner Power. So in order to understand/ deal with Power from outside, you need to activate your Self-Power, Self-Control first. In order to create something in all society, world and in others, we need first to work on the same thing within ourselves. Create Self-love, and you ll create love for others. Create self-care, self-discipline, self-awareness, self-control...and all things you wan to see in the outer reality, first for yourself. That’s important step to know.

We repeat that, even it may sound so familiar, and so logical in theory, but practice for humanity on this stage is quite behind. Be aware of your physical body, and your emotions. Then you can create much more.

How we can increase the energy of physical body?

There are many ways. Know that you are aligned with all aspects of Self. That happens through conscious efforts and discipline, and work on these aspects. Human body is created by combination of 4 basic elements and Celestial light. The four elements always have some predominant element and unique combination in each individual. Celestial light is there and each soul can connect with it, based on his willing, desire and spiritual level.

If one of the element is predominant, for example Water in your body, then this element is strong for you. You not only have much power in this element, but should use it for all things you need to do, and to take benefits of it. Water is element of feminine energy, compassion, love, nurturing, deep, wise, caring; water will have more sensitivity, and psychic connection, it`s structure is cleansing and healing. If your water is 65% (we don’t speak about physical body water, but about Essential element) – then you need to work more on the opposite element, which is Fire. It`s much possible you ll lack this element, to create balance.

What you need to do is 1. to use your water power for your life mission purpose; 2. to increase Fire energy by: eating foods of Fire, regular physical exercises and sport. Yoga, jogging and walking in the park are great for increasing Fire energy. Don’t forget that it should be regular.

Red stones and wearing red colour can also increase your fire (to some extend), and lighting up red candles in the direction South in your room. The time of fire energy is between 6 am and 12 pm, so in any period in this time you can just light up 3 red candles in the south with intention to increase your Fire element.

The earth element is increased by being present and by using Jasper crystals or tourmaline, or crystals that are not translucent. In that way being outdoor in nature, taking care of plants, trees, flowers or animals of any kind will increase your Earth element. Meditation too.

 Thank you for tuning in, dear Souls!

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Merkaba activation, day 9

    Merkaba activation -day 9 (personal activation notes)

   Today was day 9 of my Merkaba integration and activation. I work with arch. Haniel, and visualise my merkaba descending as a 8 pointed star and flower of life in light blue colour. The Star of merkaba is flowing down to my physical body and chakras, starting from my muladhara –Root chakra and going up. In this process I feel and see bright colours and receive messages from my spirit guides.

     Todays message was: 

You should know that the whole Universe(s) and creation consists of patterns of Light and darkness, Sacred Geometry forms, multi- dimensional spirals, tunnels of Light, and basic elements. Crystals and Crystaline core is also inside of all existing galaxies. What we perceive are in fact basic and complex Sacred Geometry forms, holding special energy, frequencies, light and colours.

     There are multiple planes and spheres in all that is. What we need to see is the core of all. What we don’t see and can never perceive with our physical eyes is the Core of all. The universe is talking to us in ways of symbols, numbers, colours and sacred forms. All these symbols have an inner stamp (fractals of holographic expressions) within our Subconscious mind. This sub-conscious mind is connected with our Astral body and with our Celestial light body.

That’s how we already have this sacred knowledge about All within our Higher self.

On earth plane all things relate to levels. How much we are ready for something depends on which level we are now. Imagine a floor of high building with many doors. These doors are your paths of choice, opening different opportunities in your earth life. The higher you go, the more doors are presented to you, the more choices you will have. Higher floors are more life-times spend in physical plane, more experiences. That equals to higher spiritual mind. We are here to support you, and let you know – you always have a choice. This choice is related first to yourself, then to others. Your life is created by you, but in limited way. That means all the doors and choices that you already see and have and choose, are already there. They are already CREATED for you. So regardless of which door you choose, the consequences are determined. In this way –all is know, as all is already there.

It`s like a game software. In order you to play it, the creators should already made the story line with all details. Fights and results will depend on you. But the general view, experience and tests are there.

Now see what sacred symbols appear to you for this month. Just observe and let your mind be aware and peaceful in the same time.

I saw symbols:

Pink butterfly – meaning love, falling in love, opening heart chakra;

Seashell – connecting with water, mermaids, cleansing, purifying of physical body, pay attention to your health

Bear – you are protected, you ll have your inner strength, taking back your power, trust your intuition, helping others, connect with your spirit animal; wealth and money.

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Friday, October 2, 2020

Guardian angels, who are they?



Since childbirth we are surrounded by many light beings. One of the most important role is played by the Guardian angels. Here I`ll observe shortly who are our guardian angels?

     Throughout our life time we have multiple being of Light, who surround us, their aim is to support us during special times of transition and changes, to show us signs about the right direction or the right decision we need to make, and to guide us about our health, love and mission.

    Each person has usually more than one guardian angel, who stays with him from his birth until the moment of his transition to angelic realm.


We also have to be aware that the higher level Souls will have more expanded groups of angelic presence. That is simply because they will be in the exact vibration so they can connect with angels. We have the following Angelic groups supporting us in a life:

1.      Protection Angels

2.      Guardian angels

3.      Angels of Karma

4.      Creative mission angels

5.      Spiritual Guides

6.      Astral body guides

7.      Love and Joy angels

8.      Teachers of the Soul (ascended masters)

9.      Spirit/ Totem animals

10.  Higher Self


     You can imagine how many angles are taking care of one Soul. That is to show you how much human soul is precious and valuable for God and angels.

    The First angels that are familiar with you and take care of your energy and overall health and life are the Guardian angels. They will support you from baby until old individual. The interesting fact is: these angels are usually familiar with the soul before his birth, and even they have worked with the same soul before this life.

The guardian angels are closest to person and you can always ask them also questions about your Karma or past lives. Usually they are two guardian angels with each person and they accompany the same Soul and his mission for six life times totally. That means your guardian angels most probably were with you before that life. After the 6 th life time is accomplished the soul gain one Spiritual point of ascension, and his guardian angels will change with others.

    That’s very amazing, because it guardian angels support us to complete a certain mission, and to clear our Karmic debts –together with Karmic angels. They know all about us for our previous life times, even if they are angels of new Soul cycle of ascension.

When the soul completed his mission before the 6 life times, she is given the chance to develop, expand and improve in his mission multiple times. That means, if the soul has the mission to be an artist, but he didn’t discover that in his first life time, or simply he didn’t listen to his heart desire, he will have chance fore 5 more lives to accomplish his mission. He can be also writer, healer, doctor, musician, engineer, trader or anything else. But he has 6 life times to understand his mission and accomplish and gain all rewards. After the 6 lives of soul, the cycle of Soul mission finishes, but she is given the opportunity to Expand and develop this mission on Higher levels. That happens in the next 6 life times.

In such way most souls will be given the opportunity and direction what is their life mission, what they desire to do, in order to expand the Love in planet. However all souls also have the opportunity to fail in their mission or to go in opposite direction or drawn” to material world entirely. That means they will be given chances multiple times until they acknowledge their mission. If the Soul is in lower level, that will be a long process. Then this soul will need usually many life times in order to realize why she is on earth plane. In this case the soul has 18 life times to understand his mission and develop it gradually.

As this is not happen at once, this soul will be most probably a Helper, Warrior or man of Power.


Your guardian angels are always appointed to a higher hierarchy and Archangel dominion. For example my Guardian angels are 2, one is from the dominion of arch. Chamuel, and has beautiful shining pink colour. Another is from the dominion of arch. Jeremiel (Past lives and Karma) and has deep violet and blue colours and golden sparkles.

    If you don’t know who are your guardian angels, you can try to connect with them using meditation and visualization.

If nothing works out, maybe something is blocking you from making contact. Angelic connection requires:

1.      devotion and persistency

2.      cleanness and purity of Aura

3.      cleanness of the space

4.      Quiet space

5.      Clear mind

6.      Open and flowing Heart


While everyone has Guardian angels, not all souls have Spirit Guides. They need to be deserved and they come as a “spiritual bonus” to support the spiritual development of the Individual. (and here I mean spiritual, not religious). That’s why it`s truly blessing if you have Spiritual guides. They will take you to places you need to be.

What kind of spiritual guides person can have?

      There are multiple types of guides, and note that they are not only Angels. Depending on what is the life mission of the Soul, and previous life experiences, souls can have:

- Angels spirit guides, 2) Fairy angels guides 3)Fairies guides 4) Tree spirits guides 5) Flower Spirit guides 6) Water spirits guides 7) Animal spirit guides 8) Ancestral spirit guides 9) Bird spirit guides 10) Crystal spirit guides


Spiritual guides, unlike guardian angels, are changing in life time, and they can come usually in very special times of transition, expansion and spiritual development for the person. My guides have changed since 2017, and now I have new guides, since I accomplished level 1 in Reiki healing. Now I can connect with my new guides.

Again –not all people have these spirit guides, and really not all can connect with them, or even try to connect.

      Spirit guides knows all your aura and energy field (as this is the authentic look of us from higher perspective) and they are here to help you cleanse, heal and balance your energy and remove all weaknesses, dark spots and cords from your aura. They will help you to create protection sphere, to be more mindful and open all your chakras. They are very important in humans life.

Thank you for tuning in, dear Souls! Stay on the path of love, joy and balance. 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Energy update, October -2020


    Here is my Energy update for October 2020, with the beautiful guidance of arch. Jeremiel and my angels. I see October energy in amazing lavender, and blue-green light. It has shape of lavender passion flower.

   The energy of October is deep and intense, of spiritual activation of chakra Soul Star and above, arch. Raguel and arch. Jeremiel are guides of this time. October is month of major transition and going out of the Cocoon of change, which we went through in previous months. It`s totally time of speaking up the truth, balanced connections, purity and expansion of mind.

October in this year has 3 Moon portals, which is special event – 2 of them are Full moons, and notice they fall on the first day 1. Oct and 31. October.

I`ll speak about these Moon portals now – the 1. Oct. Full moon denotes transition, cleansing, removing negative ties and past connections. Also makes us aware of our negative reactions, anger, depression or frustration related to others and the reality as we perceive it.

One Is related Tarot arcane I. Magician – Which has the sign of Infinity above his head, translates as “as above, so below”. Magician activates the Crown chakra – connection with Spirit and angels, his Sephira is Keter, he has vibration of number [1] Oneness, unity, Divine masculine, transcendence, message from Spirit; His element is Air, elementals – elves and nature spirits. Interesting the energy of the month Oct. is 10 – which is represented by spiritual message of Tarot major arcane X. The Wheel of fortune (or Wheel of Karma). Now we have major Karma cleansing, changes of path and points that we reach on our spiritual path that we cant avoid.

Previous choices matter.

Qualities that we need to work on are: Focus, willpower, creative energy, self-discipline. Use all your resources and connect with others in order to achieve what you want. Ask for divine help, and you will receive it.

In vibration of 10 it has new beginnings, cycles, ends, changes of way, redirections; Transmutation, realization. Usually something unexpected is due in this number. Wheel of Fortune is connected with planet Jupiter, which means major events, process of growth, expansion, travel. Possible travels too –which can be also Astral travel.

October refers to Earth element, as all Autumn months – which is expansion, study, horizons widen, travel, balancing of inner world and outer reality. It`s also Expansion of Mind and Astral light activation.

Full moon is in sign of Aries – fire sign. That means also significant movement of willpower and dedication to goal. Working with magical element Fire; Ace of Pentacles and Ace of Wands are here sign of Inspiration and abundance gateways of potential.

      The gateway of New moon falls on 16 this month, which is amazing balance of inner and outer reality. 16 [7] is number of VII. The Chariot, arch. Metatron and going on spiritual journey, movement, change of place, destination, also strength, willpower, devotion, discipline, progress. 

So it`s not month of being insecure or stagnant, but using all your potential to do exactly what you feel right.

XVI. is also the Tower in Tarot major Arcana – meaning sudden revelation, challenges of mind, and destruction of old system. It can relate to power, safety and something that we didn’t expect. In this way October will be filled with intense and active energies. 

Thank you for tuning in, dear Souls! 

Picture: Art of Miho Hirano 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium