Thursday, October 8, 2020

What is Emotional body? -I part


I want to describe shortly what is the Emotional body and how we can understand its structure and elements.

Emotional body is situated as the second layer in the Aura, it represents our emotions, sensitivity, feelings, moods. It`s connected with second chakra which has deep orange colour. This is the most changeable layer of our Energy. Also in the emotional layer, we need to be aware of possible stagnant, slow moving or stuck elements from our previous emotions, that we need to remove.

Emotional layer looks like our central for physical joy, happiness and affection. Physical attraction to another person also can be found here. Emotional body is one of the layers created from the experiences of the body in this physical expression only. It`s not related to past lives of the soul. This layer looks like the ever changing sky with multiple clouds. Imagine the beautiful sky, and imagine how it is changing depending on the weather, sun, clouds and rain. Exactly the same happens with the emotional body. In this layer we can see (perceive) different colours of clouds, different sky colour, more or less light, rain, rainbow and sometimes thunder and lightning. They all represent the same like the feeling of real weather changes.

When you feel happy and uplifted, emotional body has nice pink, orange or white clouds (energy clouds), floating. This aura layer is the most changing and interesting to observe. If your mood is sad and down you can see blue, or dark blue or almost black clouds and rain in this layer. Of course we talk about energy, not “rain” as what we imagine.

This layer is revealing our primal emotions, that’s why it needs to be cleaned regularly. That happens with using sea-salt water, mandalas, by working on your Sacral chakra, or creating things that makes you happy and fulfilled. Opposite, if you do daily things that makes you down, oppressed, or stagnant, this layer will look dark and dull.

If you are clairvoyant or clairsentient you may see different energy clouds” around aura of the person. These clouds have colours and light, they indicate exactly emotional body. With most positive emotions, the clouds will be orange, white or pink, or the sky will be free. If you see black or dark clouds, that means the person experienced recently very negative emotions, like anger, fear, depression, anxiety, stress, which are still in his aura. Clouds in emotional body indicate usually that person is not aware of their emotions, or not working on cleansing his aura.

Some clouds can means also blockages in emotions, resistance (for example if you want to stop feeling something that you feel), or negative feelings to others – like jealousy, envy, hatred.

Jealousy and envy will have similar red clouds, which indicates blocks on deeper level, connected with the Heart (or Astral layer).

Our emotions are very important to acknowledge what we need to do, to improve. So in any time we need to be aware of the emotions and know how we feel. This chakra is holding keys to the Premonition – or the first level of spiritual awareness and knowledge. Emotional layer sends us primal signals immediately ,so we can recognise from first sight how we feel about someone or something.

Let`s say you meet person for the first time. That is physical contact or even contact by energy (or messages). Then you can feel from first sight very attracted to this person, less attracted, indifferent, or repulsed by his energy. That first reaction is “primitive” and comes from your “emotional intuition” or premonition.

Persons energy can affect you DIRECTLY on emotional level. That means if you are sensitive soul or empath, you need very special protection for your second chakra and emotional body.

I want to say the importance of emotional body in our life is immense. Here we can have also blocks from childhood, or from different stages of growth (specially in periods of expanding our second chakra). If you have wounded childhood, your emotional body will hold such energy blocks.

(how you can clean them I`ll speak in next article).

Thank you for tuning in! If you are interested, please continue to part II here ....

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 

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