Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Tarot for Spiritual Guidance for Libra! (2 months) ♎

 Happy Birthday Libra!  🎂

This is Tarot specially for Libra in the season between 21. September to 22. November, for anyone with Sun/ Moon in Libra sign.

Libras have amazing energy of dreamful and in the same time realistic, balanced approach. One of the most important thing for people in Sun/ Moon in Libra is relationship and connection with others. That’s why they love being “kind and sweet, they like also to be understanding and compassionate. That’s in their light side of course. Libra longs also for deep love, romance, being surrounded by loving people, friends and romantic partner. Another important thing for Libra for their whole life are: balance, justice, truth and purity. Sometimes they feel quite lonely in the world, as there is a major energy of exactly opposite of what they want: imbalance, injustice and lies. That things can make Libras really sad and closed in another world.

for Libra to work with for opening their Higher Heart: pink quartz, opal, kunzite, angelite, blue agate.

Angel that guides Libra on their mission is Gabriel (but everyone has his own angel, as they are not related to Zodiac sign).

Here is spiritual guidance with Tarot for Libra for 2 months: ♎ 🔮


          Tarot used: Tarot de la Nuit by Alexandra V Bach 

Card 1: Present situation and energy } King Of Swords

Card 2: What you desire, events about to unfold soon (The Hermit)

Card 3: Powerful forces that are influencing you (The Sun Portal)

In this reading we have 3 cards, and the first one is card of Power – King of Swords; The second is card of Spiritual guidance, awareness and psychic power; the third is card of Cosmic Portal of light (the Sun)

 King of Swords: present energy

Now is the time for you to call back your power; King of Swords is someone that takes action with wisdom, knowledge and clarity of mind. Sword is attribute of power, but also could mean war, conflict and standing your ground. You are amazing spiritual being, but often you are called to create healthy boundaries and not let others take advantage of your energy and special gifts. These boundaries and taking your personal power are quite important now. Don’t hesitate to say no to anyone who is coming to you forcefully, or clearly state what you don’t want. That will save you much time and energy in the future. King of Swords indicates action and mindfulness, focus on your goals and think what you want to achieve now. King is also managing well your home and finances; It means wisdom and independence are important for you now. Call your inner strength, and clear mind. For some people can mean that there is someone next to you, who you can rely and who support you, but not a very romantic way. This is man who is mostly an old friend, or someone who can give you advice, support, someone who you can trust as he is straight and honest. For some Libras that can indicate someone from your past, that you need to let go of, and remove his influence from your life.

Card II: IX. The Hermit 

Hermit is a card of spiritual awakening and seeing the light in the world, discerning lightness from darkness. This is very special moment, and until October you`ll feel this energy more and more. Need to not be connected with everyone around, to take time in your own world, to replenish your energy. The attribute of the Hermit is Light (lantern) which is reference of the inner fire, within your heart. That’s why now you need to work on your Heart chakra more, open up to the world of your angels, god or any higher power you believe. Hermit is alone in physical world, but he is never alone in the higher planes. Here you work with arch. Jeremiel and open your Crown chakra for higher guidance. This card indicates you need to retreat from a place that is not serving you; to make practices that need being alone –meditation, journaling, thinking about your life ahead; It can mean also writing a book, exercising or being in nature. The Hermit is also accompanied by the craw spirit, which is connection to the astral world and souls of the deceased. Know that you are guided and protected. Trust your intuition and messages you receive, you are in higher state of consciousness.

Card III : The Sun XIX.  (end of the period –November)

The Sun is card of illumination, of opening of Cosmic portal of Light, truth and Love. This is a deep love, success and sign from the universe that you are on your right way. You have reached important cycle of your life, and now there is an opportunity in front of you. This is a Portal of success, love and abundance, that you need to trust and see clearly. You will have success and all what you desire, just be patient with yourself, and connect your power, boundaries and strength with your spiritual wisdom to see the bigger picture. Don’t feel afraid, as things are going exactly as they should be. In love, this card indicates passion, warmth, desire, all kind of deep love and feelings. Becoming aware of your surrounding, the night is behind you. This card indicates also new spiritual cycle. You are going forward on a new way, and that is the next important cycle for you. Being truth to who you are is needed now. On this card the woman holds white rose, that shows purity and open heart. The Sun illuminates our way ahead. It indicates spiritual enlightenment, success, love. Working on your Solar Plexus chakra and Arch. Uriel to receive wisdom. For some Libra can indicate finally uniting/ meeting your Twin flame, or special someone.

Angels message/ omen: 

24. The SUN : New life direction, discovering your goal, mission, love and commitment; Respect, Confidence in your power; Work by your passion.

Nina Lea-Nour

Angel`s medium 

Faeries Guidance

© Sept. 2021

Mabon - Equinox opening Portal of the Lotus Lake (22. Sep)

 Mabon - Festival and Equinox Light 

Lotus lake portal is opening in time of Autumn equinox; it balances the polarity of mind, and opens Third eye, allowing soothing energy from the nature and outside world. Equinoxes are influenced with balancing, soothing and healing energy from the Earth core –and aligning with magnetic resonance of Earth

While Solstices are connected with aligning of human Heart and mind and Soul star chakra with the Sun, all planets, the Moon and star movement. That’s why we need to connect deeply with nature in all of these portals. 

This year Mabon (usually name used in Pagan tradition for this time) has the number [8] which has violet and purple colour, connecting us with energy of arch. Jeremiel, Karmic cleansing and relation to past lives. That is quite important this year. Mabon starts with Astrological air sign of Libra –which reflects number 8. The Justice in major arcana Tarot. [8] means also opening of the Third eye, sight and brain; Goddess of this portal is Maat.

[ number 8 is from the Magic Square of the year, you can find more information about all numbers and their relation to each season and time, and angelic light } 

1st of October  -revering goddess Maat. Or Justice and truth. People who are born in this month will have special protection of Ma`at, if they walk on their path of truth.

Nina Lea-Nour

Angel`s medium 

Fairies Guide 

© Sept. 2021

Full Moon in Pisces - Healing of Divine Feminine


This Full moon in Pisces is a magical Portal of Healing light in aquamarine and pearl white colour. We can feel the need of healing and slowly shedding our “old skin” and our old Self. We are no longer who we used to be. That’s the mane theme of the Pisces Moon portal – releasing your old self and healing your Divine feminine energy.

About Full moon Portals: Full moons are times of big opening of energy spirals of light, when the Earth is standing in the middle between the Sun and the Moon. In this time on energy and spiritual level big healing occurs and requires our physical body to have rest and to restore. Full moons are times when the energy is being pulled away from us, in this time you let go of all dark, negative or stagnant energy in your body and mind. That’s why Full moon is pulling you out of your body, so you can be closer to the Astral world. During the 3 days of Full moon you can have more vivid dreams, visions or very special insights about spiritual direction of your life. You can connect with your own soul from past lives. The Crystalline core of the Earth is aligned with the Crystalline core of the Moon and Sun. There is activation of your Third eye, Crown and Soul Star chakra – if you direct this energy.

During the time of Full moon you release and cleanse your aura and mind from subconscious fears and negative patterns. When this portal is in the Water sign of Pisces you can release your fears of darkness, death, illness, emotional control, emotional/ sexual obsession; fear of touch and intimacy, fear of dominating people.

This is the time to heal and strengthen your connection with the Divine Feminine, your mother or sister.

This portal in Pisces enhances your psychic abilities, sensitivity, compassion and universal love. It makes possible special dreams and Astral travel. Pisces is one of the most healing signs that invite us to release all that is not in alignment on a SOUL level.

In this Moon your qualities of Pisces are enhanced and activated:

For Pisces they are: devotion, compassion, love, empathy, psychic gifts, clear knowing, tranquillity, going with the flow.

Just meditate on these qualities and feel if they matter to you and how much of these qualities you have.

Angel to work : Sandalphon

Crystals: blue sapphire, blue calcite, fluoride

Tarot card: The Moon XVIII., Princess of Cups

Chakra: Soul Star

Specially in water signs, the time is suitable for emotional and soul healing, releasing negative emotions, sadness and anxiety; connect with water source, or make cleansing with water and salt at home. Connect with your Divine feminine with meditation, self-care and rest. Connect with your Soul sisters, mother, friends.

Affirmation of the Moon:

I m in the flow of my life, I swim in tranquillity of deep waters.  I`m guided by psychic dreams, visions and clear knowing. I m in the magical world, where the truth is concealed and some truth is illuminated. I connect with the souls from the other side. I m in the power of Moon priestess. I love, accept and nurture my emotions, my dreams and my desires. I remove and let go of my fears, illusions and lies. I feel self-love.

You need to nurture the water element in your body: organs like kidneys, sexual organs, bladder are vulnerable in this time.


Read more about:

* Autumn Equinox energy

* Mabon light codes and angel Portal

Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium
Fairies Guide 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Who are Energy Vampires? II

 Part II : Energy Vampires

  ... Being in state of darkness (disconnected from Source energy) is something that looks scary on energy level indeed! I often see such people (even without to concentrate), with huge grey-black spider web around their aura. They made their aura heavy, so anyone who comes closer it can be affected. They also have one or more entities attached to their ethereal body, which makes them even in worse condition. Such entities can be in form of insects, spiders, cockroach, warms, caterpillars, and snakes. Most often I see the entities that are warm-like, in different places or chakras. With energy vampires the entities are around their head (eyes, brain) and backbones). Often energy vampires have stomach problems or bladder and kidneys problems. Such entities can have black, brown, dusty-red, or greyish colours.

The energy vampires will react to their source (in this case prey) in the similar way like a predator reacts to the weaker animal in nature, and in similar way of drug or alcohol addicted person. That means, if you are close to such person, but you have strong energy protection, you wont be very appealing for him.

Be aware also that vampires that feed on you can be very close people from your family, even parents or brother. As long as you feel your authentic power is threaten, take step back and remove yourself from them. (regardless of your relationship).

Signs that you are near to energy vampire 

Some of the basic signs that you are close to such dark individual are: you can feel often dizzy, unable to focus and easily tired. You can also feel headache, warm face, light temperature or even tremble and thrills on body. You can feel nausea or disgust and some unexpected negative feelings and emotions can come to you: like hatred, anxiety or sadness. If you are working or living with such dark person, this will affect and drain your energy strongly, so you need to simply remove yourself from his space. Another sign is that you may feel extremely hungry or thirsty at times and need much more energy for your body than usual. That`s one of the very strong signs, as we often confused the needs of our physical and Spiritual bodies. 

Energy vampires are hypocritical, but they will clearly show anger, rudeness and bad behaviour if you put your boundaries, and limit their access. That’s a good sign, as they feel unable to reach you!

Be aware that energy vampires also can feed from your energy from a distance, not just in real. It will be even more dangerous if you speak with them online, not being aware they are “vampires”. That’s why you should not let your power to go away. 

Such dark souls are deprived from many loving emotions, so what they have is just a façade and a well carved mask. They will like to reach you often or to flood you with a lot of information about themselves (if they are “friends” category), or they will put all pressure on you at work. (which happens often).

There are multiple ways to set the psychic defence and protection against energy vampires. If you are not well prepared, some techniques might not work. One of the best protections is to let go of fear or position of being trapped”, or out of power with the presence of the vampire. They are very good in lies and manipulation, so you need to have also strategy, and not let them in their perimeter. The first thing to do is to say No, regardless of their position and walk away. You can also work to connect with your guardian angels, and make a sphere of golden and deep blue around your aura. You can also call on your spirit animal to be present and help you (that can be great support). DO whatever works for you or receive guidance from your angels.

Remember that if you are in your authentic power, if you are not in state of fear, you can always be in your Light, and you are protected. The energy vampire cant hurt you, no matter what.

 Thank you for tuning in! Share and comment, if you want. Sending you Blissful Light and Love! 


Read part I: Who are Energy Vampires? I

Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium 
Faeries Guide 

© Sept. 2021

Who are Energy Vampires? -I


In this article I ll observe the very discussed in spiritual circles topic of the Energy Vampires. I`ll answer multiple questions and will view this theme from different points, that you may not be familiar with. Are energy vampire real and Who are they? How to recognize an energy vampire and how to protect yourself from his attack on energy level?

Who is an Energy Vampire?

Yes, energy Vampires exist and they are not a little number. Energy vampires can have many definitions, but what I can say about them – they are people, who are in a strong energetic Weakness, state of darkness and blocked Crown chakra, and multiple times they have other dark entities attached to them. (Entities are dark, negative beings from the interdimensional and Astral levels, they feed from the intense dark energy of some humans). So, energy vampires are very real, and I will give you here some specific clues to recognize them.

Energy Vampires are mostly disconnected from the Source energy and from their own angels, and Higher Self. In this way they are in a state of Interdimensional darkness, they can not bring energy from their main power, so they need an external long-term energy source to feed.

That external energy source are usually the most Light beings and people (as pay attention the Bright light has much higher energy source), and they want to intuitively attach to their energy. That’s why they are called “vampires” because it`s like a need for them to drink others energy, which is similar to blood function on energy level.

Many times such vampire people are unaware of their own state of darkness, but without source of other people (or even children), they will feel exhausted and without any energy to act.

How to recognize an energy vampire?

Energy vampires are often in institutions of power or in a place where they freely execute their power, many times in an Abusive and dark way. Multiple times these are people with a lot of “social power” or higher in hierarchy of social, political or educational systems. They can be politicians, teachers, owners of big companies or corporations. (Just pay attention that until now in 2021 these kind of structure of institutions is totally corrupted and broken).

Energy vampires are easily recognized by the following traits:

-        they love to be in power and to Control others, their essential part are focused in control, abuse and manipulation. This is control of Mind.

-        They can be recognized by repetative inadequate behaviour, aggression, envy, arrogance or other dark traits that, they are trying to hide.

-        Most of the times the energy vampires wear masks. They have multiple social masks, according to other people, social event or other person energy. Thus they are sensing very well the brightness and purity of the sensitive person, so they want to attach to them.

-        These people often cant focus to do one task properly, as they always have sense to rule over another and to place their own responsibility on someone else.

-        They are in position of psychological darkness, which means their Crown chakra is closed and in state of black hole. As all energy is connected in human body, their Heart centre is out of balance, with energy dust or blocked.

-        Energy vampires are two faced people, who very often want to hide behind the mask and pretend. Be aware that they can smile at you and laugh and pretend to be very friendly. In the same time they don’t hold any honesty or good intentions to you. They are friendly simply to get you closer and drink from your light.

Energy vampires are unaware of their own authentic power, and they are not able to connect with their Higher Self for a long term. Sadly many times such people are corrupted and stay in the state of darkness for their whole life. Often such people have childhood trauma, or blocked and unhealed emotions, or something they carry from past lives. But to be like that was their choice too.

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium
Faeries Guide

© Sept. 2021

Autumn Equinox Light Codes [ 20 - 30 Sept ]


Autumn equinox is bright light activation in Libra season. It brings awakening, expansion, balance and alignment of the Earth crystalline core with our Mind (Third eye). More specially the energy of this equinox activates light codes in our Astral –mental light (this is a small “light seed” within the Third eye).

In this time all nature is prepared for sleep, relaxation withdrawal. Trees are letting go of their leaves, and flowers are hibernating; many animals are not so active in this season, as they prepared their winter food.

    Similar to energy of Spring equinox, this is time of awakening, rejuvenation and balance between Yin and Yang in our body; the moon crystalline core is aligned with the Earth magnetic grid. Again we are connected to earth element, grounding and connection to Earth star and Root chakra are important. The earth magnetic grid is expanding, changing, and moving faster. The first full moon after the Autumn Equinox (in sign of Aries) will be quite significant.

This is Libra season, and activation of elements Air and Earth. It shows need to balance and harmonise our mental, physical and spiritual body.

In this Autumn equinox energy the archangel to help us integrate the process is Gabriel, bringing soft white and golden light with sparkles of light blue.

In the time frame of 20-30 days after the Equinox we can feel the integration as little dizziness or headaches. As we receive these codes of white light in our Third eye seed (astral light), we activate our inner vision, intuition, and psychic senses.

The codes we integrate are in form of golden-white octagram star (eight pointed star). They change also in some souls their DNA and ancestral memory; by these changes we can release and cleanse Karma and past life contacts and agreements, that are not serving our good. This needs to be an intentional process. 

This light code transmission will enhance our mind, connection with other people, understanding about the whole world, nature and our spiritual self.

Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium 
Faeries Guide  

© Sept. 2021

Who are the Astral Angels?


Who are the Astral angels?

 There are many kind of beings in the Astral, who are not angels. In the upper astral there are kind of angels responsible for the soul calming and peaceful transition in the time of transition from life to death. These angels look different, they are very beautiful, usually have feminine energy and fairy like wings, (similar to butterfly or transperant). 

They have light white sparkling with pink and violet (like opal shimmer), silver shimmer or dark blue shimmer. These angels have the mission to know when the soul chooses her exit point. They come and within time frame of 3, 33 hours they calm the soul and open silver spirals (silver tunnels of light) to take the soul to Astral plane. The presence of these angels is very calming and soothing, they gently caress the soul”, and first make the emotional body “numb”, or out of his place. Astral angels of soothing come in group of 3 or 6 angels. Some of them open silver portals for the soul, others play calming music on instruments like flute, or citer, also they have small bells attached to them. Some bells sound like kalimba (instrument) or wind chimes. They produce very hypnotic, peaceful sound for the soul. Only the soul can listen to them, sometimes "see” parts of their light or wings; and some mediums also can sense presence of these angels. These angels are one of the closest to our Earth plane, so they can be felt and "seen" more easily from the mediums and sensitives. When these angels are around, the soul releases all negative waves (it looks like a dark smoke on spiritual level, similar to extinguishing a candle); This is the moment when the soul is prepared and calmed for its Journey. 

These angels are not appointed by particular person, but they are summoned (similarly to the funeral agents here) to take care of the emotional and mental body before death. When they are around the person may seem absent, out of mind or not recognize people around. That’s because his mental and emotional body are not present within the same realm.

Some people may listen bells or very soft wind chimes before their death. That is most often sign that the Astral angels are summoned and around them for the soothing ceremony of the soul.

The Process of transition of the Soul is much deeper than what we imagine. Death is a process, which is traumatic for the soul, as we all have sub-conscious fear of death, because we resist the biggest change in our life. So, the Astral angels appear, they are some of the closest to the Earth plane and exist in Upper Astral, together with some higher spirits and faeries. Every person is unique, so each case of Astral angels is totally different. Some children who have appointed exit points (time to make the Soul transition) at early age, or before 11 ,they have appointed Astral angels too. In many cases they have their spirit guides from a previous life cycle. Most people who have multiple exit points, don’t have personal Astral angels, but there are exceptions. In the Higher worlds and layers, we rarely have some very strict rules that are valid for everyone forever. That’s because these Worlds are diffusional and change their form. Nothing is set on stone, yet there is eternal peace and harmony, because all angels work in unison and manage the multiverses of and different cycles.

So many people before their departure from earth see something strange, talk to invisible people or souls, or hear something which all other people don’t. That’s the actual moment of Soothing angels with the soul. Another special role of the Astral angels is to protect you in the dream from any lower and negative spirits, entities and demons. You can call the Astral angels to place a sphere of Silver Light around you, it works to create an immense shield against all creatures from Lower astral. If you have nightmares it`s important to do that. 

In fact the soul may feel the Astral plane very clearly in the moment before death. That’s when she is prepared to go through the tunnels. But it takes time, because the soul has choice to go (within 3 -22 hours) or to stay some more time; in most cases the possible time to stay will be not longer than 9 months. That depends on the soul choice. If she decides to stay, her physical condition may become worse and painful. Soothing angels will be beside the soul in all this time, regardless of the choice.


Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium 
Faeries Guide 

© Sept. 2021

Exit Points and Transition of the Soul - II

 Part II

How many exit points are there?

The exit points (or magnetic tunnels of light) are determined and they can be not more than 3. That means soul has the ability to choose between 3 exit points, which are not near to each other usually. Sometimes the distance between one exit point and another is 3 years, sometimes 3 months, or 9 years, 9 months). That is strictly private information and except for the soul and her guardian and Karma angels, no one can know when.

I have to say that most souls have 1 or 2 exit points, and only most spiritually awaken souls (or teachers, healers of light workers) have 3 exit points. Even so they are always determined in exact time-space.

    Exit points are also strongly related to karma of the soul, to her previous incarnations, to her choices in this life. So all exit points are connected with Karmic lessons that soul needs to learn, in order to receive the golden “karma points”.

The only way when soul can choose to departure through suicide, she doesn’t receive Karma points, and all process starts from beginning.

That is really the worst option for the soul. But as I wrote in another place about suicide, I wont go into details.

The soul can choose to die, but even that is determined choice in many cases. Which makes discussion on suicide complicated.

                                           Image: art by Richard J. Oliver

So the soul`s energy should be prepared and in the time of one exit points, the soul will be surrounded with silverfish and cream white light. This is the light of the Astral angels of Soothing. Every time when there is opening of an exit point (or magnetic spiral), that happens with preparation of all possible angels and light beings. First guardian angels are prepared and summon angels of Karma, angels of soul mission; healing and soothing angels of Astral and finally the Transition angels (from group of Azrael).

As you can imagine this is not just any event, and from spiritual perspective is with high importance.

Then if the soul is after accident, illness or any kind of state, she is given time –usually through sub-conscious mind – to feel and understand her transition. In some cases of course soul doesn’t have time, but such cases are always listed in Karma book of the soul.

When the soul has this silver-white energy blanket above her, then some people, mediums or clairvoyant can feel the change in her aura and presence of the Astral Soul soothing angels. These angels come first to surround the person with beautiful soothing light, and to ask the soul to be prepared for next stage.

Then the person and his aura has very special smell, radiates different energy which feels like “astral” and seems more shadowy.

In this time soul can possibly see” or dream about other people and different realities, which are in Astral. That happens many times but we are unaware what the person is “seeing”. Then soul slowly loses connection first with her Earth star chakra, then with Soul star chakra, as the energy is prepared.

If the soul has only one exit point, she wont be able to choose the time-space. In the earth plane that “time” can be very fluid, usually within 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months or 9 months. (Depending on angels of Karma.)

If the soul is spiritually advanced, she can choose 3 different options in different time space. That means her angels will guide her to choose the more far away exit points, and can live longer, to accomplish her mission.

This message was received with the help of Arch. Haniel & light codes. 


Next you can read who are the Astral Angels:  

Part one of the article: Exit Points and the Soul after Life -I

On Suicide from spiritual perspective: What is Suicide? -I

Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium 
Faeries Guidance

© Sept. 2021

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Exit Points and the Soul After Life -I

In this article I want to explain some things that are misunderstood by most people, related to death-life experience and exit points.

With help of my angels and archangel Haniel I` ll give more information on what are exit points? Do soul really chooses when to leave and how? Is the exact time of the death/ exist points determined or related to karma?

What happens before the time of transition/ death with the soul, and how soul is prepared for leaving from this plane.

           What are exit points?

First important thing to know is –of course that death exists as a transition, where the soul gathers the energy from the physical body and travels through spiral (light activated tunnel) to higher spheres of reality. That happens with help, love and gentle guidance of our angels and of angels of Transition, they are many.

On how that happens exactly please read my article about the soul in Afterlife.

On the topic of exit points: they are special energy tunnels/ spirals with strong magnetic activation. That activation makes the spiral opens in certain time-space, which happens first in Ethereal and Astral planes. In order this spirals to be open, they need to have special “permission”, which is within the soul contract.

Many things can be changed in the soul contract, except from the times of entering points (birth), and exit points (death). These are extremely important events, and they have special meaning and value.

Both are written or stamped in the Soul contract with the knowledge of the Soul, guardian angels, Karma angels and angels of Astral. 

So, exit points are special magnetic activated tunnels, open in exact time-space when the soul is supposed to make the transition after death.

The question here is: does soul chooses her exit points? No, the soul has not such authority to make this choice. (And this is obvious from the fact that Soul enters the lower heavy dimensions of earth). But the soul is aware and knows about that points, as her angels and guides gave her this information before incarnating here.

That’s why soul has actually agreed to that contract and the exact entering and exit points.

   Every soul has the ability to know” the exact time of the transition, departure from earth, but that is inner knowledge, and within the aura and Third eye of the soul. It means if you are connected with Higher self and your own energy or if you have any psychic ability, its much possible you to be aware of that moment.

   The more one soul is spiritually advanced (or has many life times), the more she will feel the exact moment of her transition.

Every time when a soul makes the transition to higher spheres with angels, and if the process is successful, the soul receives golden Karma points. These points are like a treasure, as they give her certain benefits, and positive things in the next life.

So transition is very important and we need to be totally aware of it.

Please read the next part of the article hereExit Points and Soul in transition -II

Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium 
Faeries Guidance

© Sept. 2021

Tuesday Tarot & Angel message (Hush Tarot - 14.09)


Here is spread for this Tuesday energy, whoever feel drawn to look at it. In this spread I use the deck “Hush tarot” with the art of Jeremy Hush, with 6 cards.

You read the cards from down to up and from left to write, starting at the bottom of the “chalice”.

1.     Position: Your energy at this moment. Home.

2.     Position left – Love, what do you feel?

3.     Position right – Relationships, who is in your life?

4.     Position left – Career, money, education

5.     Position middle – Emotional & Spiritual energy

6.     Position – last – Possible outcome, action to take

1.     6 of Wands  - Fire, Heart chakra

You are actively moving forward with inspiration, and open heart. You don’t hold emotions, as they create negative fog around you. This is card of victory and acknowledgement. Take time to see where you are now and the hard way behind you. Do you feel how much stronger you are? You have the power and resilience to overcome all obstacles on your way. With conviction, truth and being brave to face all challenges. Of course you will have the scars of past pains and suffer, but you are filled with resilience and new energy.

6 is energy of beautiful arch. Chamuel – of love; this card indicates your self-love and the need to be proud of your achievements. You`ve come so far! The girl on the card is waving red flag, symbolizing the accomplishment, pride, and new energy.

2.     2 of Cups (Soul mates, longing for love)

In this time you have energy that can magnetize many people around you. You are beautiful being from inside and out. Feel grateful for all relationships you have and connect with others on deeper level. Be willing to share. This card may indicate finding the true soul mate, sharing with a close friend and feeling of joy. You can trust another person, and open your heart to new love.

3.     3 of Cups (emotions, Your significant other)

Now you are filled with positive emotions from others, people surround you with loving thoughts, they like to share with you and seek your advice. You may find that more people are encouraging who you are and love you the way you are. Very uplifting energy, opening your Throat chakra in blue.

4.     7 of Swords (plot, someone sneaking behind you)

In the career and working place, there is sense of negative emotions, too many masks and conflicting energy, but behind the scenes. There may be a plot, betrayal or someone wants to do something to harm you without you are aware. Pay attention to who is smiling too much recently, so that may the person. This energy is harmful like a snake, and some people may have attached entities to them, so they feed on.

5.     The Moon XVIII. (Opening to psychic senses, dreams, visions)

In this time your fears may be high lighted the same as your psychic senses, clairvoyance and intuition. You will feel and know immediately how other people feel, as the energy will be very clear to you. This is time of opening to the deep and vast Astral planes and multiple layers of subconscious mind. Be aware to protect and shield your energy, as you don’t want some negative powers or entities to be attached. Take time alone, in solitude and replenish your energy with sleep. Take time for Moon and star gazing, recharging crystals and seeing cards. Pay attention to your dreams, they will be very meaningful. This card represent [9] cycles of life, releasing, purging of emotions, arch. Haniel will be with you.

6. Ace of Wands – Fire, Opening a Doorway for Personal Power

This card indicates you are ready to move in a new direction and activate your personal power. You have the ability and strength to overcome fire (challenges) and rise up to the place you want to be. Fire is energy of cleansing and transmutation, it can be the Violet fire of arch. Zadkiel. You can work with the violet flame to cleanse all your aura and help you activate the true principles of your Self.

This is special time in your life, when universe is giving you a sign, a hint and opening a Door for you to go through. It is just the beginning. Fire is the principle of Power of your passion and willing to stand your ground.

Angel message (from Oracle "Elle Que" by Arwen Lynch-Poe)

She who guides -Mapulta: New Path, guide, renewal 

The message of this card is to look for a new path. Stop for a moment and consider a course corrction. Listen for the sound of the bell in a song of the bird, the laugh of a child or even the call to worship. Prmise yourself you will make time for renewal. By honoring yourself with space and quiet, you will be able to more easily recognize the guideposts you need to follow. This moment is not for action. Even the nuthatch must pose for a moment to locate the next tree. You will be in transition to a new path until winter. New doorway will open. 

- In what ways I`m open to guidance?

- Where am I heading and how do I change that?

- What can I do today to give myself space and quiet?

Angel guidance:

28. Two Keys

Two keys – Someone close to you is hiding; mistrust, use of power; being delusional about someone, not seeing his face. Hypocrisy, Mystery, unknown. 

Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium 
Fairies Guidnace 

© Sept. 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021

Transmission of Pink Light codes with Archangel Ariel -I

 Meditation I with AA Ariel  ဢ

This is meditation for transmission of pink angelic light through Archangel Ariel.

Archangel Ariel is a beautiful angel of Highest angelic order. She has vibrant pink and fuchsia light with yellow and golden sparkles. She is one of the angels to infuse your aura with Divine qualities of courage, self-love, confidence and when you are fighting for a cause. Ariel will assist you to connect your Heart with all other chakras. Because Ariel loves to give your empowerment and be able to stay in your true power, to stand up for what you love, she is known as angel of Manifestation.

Be aware that manifesting something in your life does not happen for a day, but it`s a process. You cant bring something into reality also if you are not ready for it” on an energy level, or if you are not aligned with your Heart.

So this meditation is designed to help you to align with your True self and your heart in all levels.

In order to be aligned with your heart, you need to be clear and honest in front of you about what it is you really WANT to manifest? This is the first part of 4 powerful transmissions, meditations with AA Ariel. 

★  Now you can sit or lie in a comfortable and quiet place, where you wont be disturbed.

Take a few deep breaths, relax, and feel all the muscles of your body to be soft. Release the tension from you’re your head, neck and shoulders; Breath deeply and release tension from your arms, hands, palms; feel soften in your chest, stomach and abdomen, hips, legs and all muscles in your body. 


1. Imagine you are floating in the air, in a beautiful and quiet space. You are surrounded by white light, that carries you like a soft cloud. See the presence of you guardian angels around you. Feel their gentle whispers and wings protecting you in this space.

Feel free to connect with them for a while and feel their presence.

Anyone can receive messages from guardian angels and spirit guides in a different way. For some people it will be a soft gentle feeling, others will listen clear message or short words from their angels, others may see flashes of light or see the presence and very clear image of their angels. In whatever way it comes to you, trust that you receive it now.

You are taken from your angels to a magnificent place – the Pink temple of light of archangel Ariel. This temple is made by the Heavenly template of Gods Highest love, joy and Power. It shines in the light reflecting thousands pink angelic crystals, that cant be found on Earth.

See the temple now, and feel its glorious power. ★ 

In front of the temple there is a huge garden with magical fountains, cascades, surrounded by the most beautiful flowers that you have seen; There are large shining pink roses, hibiscus flowers and lotus flowers everywhere, they release soothing fragrance. Breath in the air of this garden with take time to observe all things around you.

You notice that there are also huge trees with different unique fruits, that you have never seen on Earth. Their fruits are round and shining with pink light.

You sit in a peaceful place in the garden, and feel the presence of Arch. Ariel next to you. Ariel has very strong, determined and joyful presence. Her pink light and wings infuse your aura with Love. 

She holds her hands in front of you and you feel her pink light floating to your Heart and just above your Head in a form of clear light sphere. The sphere has the magical power to cleanse your energy and remove any blocks and dark segments from it. Take moment to observe the 2 radiant spheres spinning above your head and in your Heart centre.

Now the Sphere above your head starts to expand, becomes more translucent, and you feel your vibration rises up to higher level. The pink sphere in your heart also expands, grows and spreads pink light in your heart. The upper sphere now spreads shining liquid pink light from your Crown down to your body like a waterfall. See and feel the stream going down to your Third eye, expand and cleanse your Third eye, then down to your Throat, where it purifies your expression, then connects with your heart, like 2 rivers meeting.

From your heart the pink liquid light flows down to your Solar plexus, purifying your Personal Power, down to your Sacral, cleansing your Sensuality, down to your Root chakra, expanding in your feeling of safety and constant abundance.

No need to imagine the energy just feel the flow.

Sit quietly for a moment and observe how your whole body is filled with pink liquid light. This is infusion of Divine healing codes in your field from arch. Ariel.

See this light flows down through your right leg, right foot and toes, into the ground, where connects with your Earth Star chakra below. Now see the pink light flowing down your left leg, left foot, the toes, down into the ground, connecting with Your Earth star.

This is the stream of grounding, which infuses you with Self love, Gratitude, and Confidence that you are unique being of light. You can manifest all what you need. You deserve to be in your power, to shine your Magic to the world. You should be proud of who you are, of your achievements and that there is always space to evolve.

Your channelled transmission of pink light has ended, slowly return to your breath, take 2 deep inhalations, feel your hands and toes. We disconnect from the energy of Ariel slowly, she steps away. She will be here with you any time you pray, and have open heart.

In the next meditation –transmission you will receive guidance how to make your desire manifest. ★ 

This meditation is infused with pink healing codes of Archangel Ariel. 

Nina Lea-Nour 
Angel`s medium  
Faeries Guidance 

© Sept. 2021