Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tuesday Tarot & Angel message (Hush Tarot - 14.09)


Here is spread for this Tuesday energy, whoever feel drawn to look at it. In this spread I use the deck “Hush tarot” with the art of Jeremy Hush, with 6 cards.

You read the cards from down to up and from left to write, starting at the bottom of the “chalice”.

1.     Position: Your energy at this moment. Home.

2.     Position left – Love, what do you feel?

3.     Position right – Relationships, who is in your life?

4.     Position left – Career, money, education

5.     Position middle – Emotional & Spiritual energy

6.     Position – last – Possible outcome, action to take

1.     6 of Wands  - Fire, Heart chakra

You are actively moving forward with inspiration, and open heart. You don’t hold emotions, as they create negative fog around you. This is card of victory and acknowledgement. Take time to see where you are now and the hard way behind you. Do you feel how much stronger you are? You have the power and resilience to overcome all obstacles on your way. With conviction, truth and being brave to face all challenges. Of course you will have the scars of past pains and suffer, but you are filled with resilience and new energy.

6 is energy of beautiful arch. Chamuel – of love; this card indicates your self-love and the need to be proud of your achievements. You`ve come so far! The girl on the card is waving red flag, symbolizing the accomplishment, pride, and new energy.

2.     2 of Cups (Soul mates, longing for love)

In this time you have energy that can magnetize many people around you. You are beautiful being from inside and out. Feel grateful for all relationships you have and connect with others on deeper level. Be willing to share. This card may indicate finding the true soul mate, sharing with a close friend and feeling of joy. You can trust another person, and open your heart to new love.

3.     3 of Cups (emotions, Your significant other)

Now you are filled with positive emotions from others, people surround you with loving thoughts, they like to share with you and seek your advice. You may find that more people are encouraging who you are and love you the way you are. Very uplifting energy, opening your Throat chakra in blue.

4.     7 of Swords (plot, someone sneaking behind you)

In the career and working place, there is sense of negative emotions, too many masks and conflicting energy, but behind the scenes. There may be a plot, betrayal or someone wants to do something to harm you without you are aware. Pay attention to who is smiling too much recently, so that may the person. This energy is harmful like a snake, and some people may have attached entities to them, so they feed on.

5.     The Moon XVIII. (Opening to psychic senses, dreams, visions)

In this time your fears may be high lighted the same as your psychic senses, clairvoyance and intuition. You will feel and know immediately how other people feel, as the energy will be very clear to you. This is time of opening to the deep and vast Astral planes and multiple layers of subconscious mind. Be aware to protect and shield your energy, as you don’t want some negative powers or entities to be attached. Take time alone, in solitude and replenish your energy with sleep. Take time for Moon and star gazing, recharging crystals and seeing cards. Pay attention to your dreams, they will be very meaningful. This card represent [9] cycles of life, releasing, purging of emotions, arch. Haniel will be with you.

6. Ace of Wands – Fire, Opening a Doorway for Personal Power

This card indicates you are ready to move in a new direction and activate your personal power. You have the ability and strength to overcome fire (challenges) and rise up to the place you want to be. Fire is energy of cleansing and transmutation, it can be the Violet fire of arch. Zadkiel. You can work with the violet flame to cleanse all your aura and help you activate the true principles of your Self.

This is special time in your life, when universe is giving you a sign, a hint and opening a Door for you to go through. It is just the beginning. Fire is the principle of Power of your passion and willing to stand your ground.

Angel message (from Oracle "Elle Que" by Arwen Lynch-Poe)

She who guides -Mapulta: New Path, guide, renewal 

The message of this card is to look for a new path. Stop for a moment and consider a course corrction. Listen for the sound of the bell in a song of the bird, the laugh of a child or even the call to worship. Prmise yourself you will make time for renewal. By honoring yourself with space and quiet, you will be able to more easily recognize the guideposts you need to follow. This moment is not for action. Even the nuthatch must pose for a moment to locate the next tree. You will be in transition to a new path until winter. New doorway will open. 

- In what ways I`m open to guidance?

- Where am I heading and how do I change that?

- What can I do today to give myself space and quiet?

Angel guidance:

28. Two Keys

Two keys – Someone close to you is hiding; mistrust, use of power; being delusional about someone, not seeing his face. Hypocrisy, Mystery, unknown. 

Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium 
Fairies Guidnace 

© Sept. 2021

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