Saturday, July 15, 2017

Ritual for Karma cleansing with Isis

Ritual for cleansing the Karma from past life ~

note: have in mind, any ritual and words of invocation to goddess should be in attunement with your Self. If you don’t feel they are suitable for you, or anything you don’t accept, feel free to create your own words, poem or ritual. Here I give an example for Isis ritual/ initiation. You should follow your own steps and guidance of your angels. There are plenty of different ways, words and invocations to Isis, you can find them in all places in net.
For any ritual is important to have 1. positive intention, 2. to be devoted to what you want to achieve, 3. to have pure, open heart and honor your Higher self and the goddess (deva).

    Rituals are magical performances, that are able to accumulate, move and activate certain energy (which was in state of stillness before). That means rituals are powerful manifestations. Many things can be made in shape of “ritual” and magic and they will work only if we channel this energy from the cosmic stream. We are powerful creatures and possess magical abilities, which we just didn’t want to use or forgot about.
So ritual is important aspect of your energy work and initiation. Any ritual connects you to the divine energy with pure intentions. Ritual is not linked only with witch –craft, as it has roots in all worlds religions and cults. All is made of “magic”, which is part of nature forces given to people.
I suggest here version of magic ritual to goddess Isis for cleansing Karma of past life.
For this ritual you will need: 1. dark blue or golden long candle (size doesn’t matter),  2. blue paper cut in form of circle, bowl with milk, glass bowl with water, new potted flower with blue color (morning glory), clear crystal (or lapis lazuli, blue quartz).

Before the ritual make cleansing for yourself and the space –that you can do with sea salt in water (sprinkle water around altar), wash your hair with water with sea salt, be focused on the ritual, fast 2 hours before and 2 hours after the ritual.)
Follow the steps for the Isis ritual and dress in special blue robe or put on a scarf. Ritual of Karma cleansing should start on a Full moon day (obligatory) and better in spring season in the end of March.
Words of invocation that you`ll write:

Beloved Queen of Night,
Radiant Isis (Au set)
Come and encircle me with blue Light,
Cleanse my karma from previous life times,
Protect me now and be my guide.

Write these words on the blue circle paper from left to right and from outer line to inner. In the middle draw the sign of Isis (moon or her name). Next steps to do:
  1. invoke Isis for protection circle around you (3 times)
  2. write the hieroglyphic name of Isis on paper
  3. Light up the blue candle
  4. write the invocation for karma cleansing on the circle paper
  5. Say the words aloud, drop little drops from the milk on the paper and on your forehead.
  6. dip the clear crystal in the milk (one sec.) then make spiral movement with it above the blue invocation paper, say words aloud again.
  7. write your magic name or a sign (special signature for rituals) on the opposite side of the paper. (say words aloud 3 time)
  8. Put the paper scroll into a little glass (bottle for amulet)
  9. Put the bottle with paper in the soil of newly planted blue flower or tree. (* drink little from the milk and pour little in the soil. Rest of the milk and water you can take ritual bath/ shower and pour it on your head. That symbolizes dedication to your wish.)

Finally say the words:
“I release all from my past
in the dark blue River of WestI let go, and become cleansed
From my time wheel of Karma
With help and power of Isis.”
Make an incense of Isis around your home (myrrh, Sandalwood, rose), you can add more atmosphere to the ritual with sound of ancient Egyptian music.
The ritual of Karma cleansing is complete now. But be aware –this is just the first part of it. As anything in life needs time to evolve, cleansing Karma is long process and needs devotion. If you are already on this journey, don’t be afraid –you are here not by chance.
What you should do next? Keep the flower of Isis in home or garden with other flowers. Take care of it, after 20 days make the same ritual again, but first remove the glass bottle and burn the first invocation – that is sign part of Karma is released and first cycle is completed. Then write another invocation starting from the new date with all written above. Do this 3 times after each other. Then 3 cycles are completed, the final stage is 4 cycle for 30 days. Completing the last 30 days you have totally 90 days of Karma cleansing.
Meanwhile keep yourself in good physical, emotional, mental state – keep your body healthy, your thoughts positive and your heart clean from negative feelings. In the end of this period you`ll feel strong sense of freedom, love of life, joy and strength. That will be your gift from Isis, together with Karma cleansing. Your new powers and abilities are now ready to work and manifest.
After 90 complete days don’t forget to thank Isis and search your new purified self. During this period keep a picture (or card) of Isis in your altar with her stone, make frequent connection with her, ask her for protection and light.

This ritual may seem long for many people with busy schedule, so they can remove some steps and shorten it. Just longer rituals are required to have the best results on so important issues as Karma.
This ritual is closer to ritual of cords cutting.
* I give in the end some magical recipes of Isis for incense, that will increase vibration of the ritual.
Isis Incense of Initiation ~ 3 parts of Myrrh, 2 parts Sandalwood, 1 part Frankincense, 1 part rose, 1 part Jasmine.
Isis healing brew ~ 1 part Rosemary, 1 part sage, 1 part Thyme, 1 part cinnamon.

~ site dedicated to Isis:  

 [ nina Lea-nour * ]
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Friday, July 14, 2017

Devas of the Blue Ray -Isis -II

    Isis - one of the most powerful Goddess in human history. She is famous worldwide with her art of magic, ability to bring protection and strength, healing physical body, restoring feminine power. She is also Goddess (deva) of the Underworld, ruling together with her husband Osiris. Her cult encompasses cults of many previous deities of Egypt (Maat, Nut). She is depicted in some wall paintings, or temple carvings with wide spread wings – symbol of power, freedom and ascension above the time and physical matter. Here I`ll present Isis (and her cult) in unusual way. She is working with all people dedicated to her, specially the one who had past lives as Priests or Priestesses or lived in Ancient Egypt. She is one of the devas of the Blue ray (1) of arch. Michael (faith, strength, protection) and ascended master El Morya. She can be invoked any time for almost any challenge or problem in physical world. Her energy vibrates with dark blue (similar to Lapis Lazuli and Tanzanite stones) and golden light. You may sense these colors around you by her invocation.

* More about her functions and historic overview you can read in my article “….”
The most important aspects of Isis help and initiation for humans are:
~ Cleansing the Karma from past lives
~ releasing pain from past traumas
~ protecting the aura with shield of dark blue light
~ enhancing the Third eye and giving psychic abilities

All devas (goddesses) of the Blue ray are specialized in that similar fields. You can invoke any of them before divination (Oracle, Tarot cards reading), for protection, healing, blessings. When you perform ritual for invoking power of Isis use her symbols always; they are: her hieroglyphic name (written in cartouche, or a rope), symbol of ankh, goddess crown (blue moon and with half moon above). Symbol of Blue devas is Sacred Blue Lotus with five petals, pentagram. Their stones of magical and protective energy are: black obsidian, black onyx, lapis lazuli, Sodalite, Tanzanite, blue quartz, kyanit. Have one of them on your altar in the time of ritual.

Fairies of the first ray are connected with blue flowers – Blue Lotus fairy, Blue hyacinth fairy, blue rose fairy, morning glory fairy, forget me not fairy, blue pansies fairy, blue bells fairy. 

...I hope you enjoyed my article, feel free to add your comment below! thank you. 

[ nina Lea-nour * ]

Devas of the Blue Ray -Isis -I

Devas of the first ray ~ blue, fulfillment of Gods Will ~

Arch. Michael (strength, faith, courage, conquering fears) together with ascended Master El Morya (devotion to Gods will) spread the loving blue light of God to make people conscious of the divine will. 
The first ray is connected with mastering qualities: fearfulness, protection, ways to protect your aura, courage to act in situations, taking decisions, moving in the direction of Gods will, letting go of past traumas, feeling safe and secure in physical realm, faith in your own abilities, faith in the will of God, overcoming obstacles. The energy of the blue ray is amplified by presence of Blue Devas. They are powerful nature spirits and guides (what we have known as gods, goddesses and spirits in worlds myths and legends). They are: Amon Re, Osiris, Isis, Nut, Neptune, Persephone, Rhiannon, Morgana Le Fay, Ishtar. 

  You can invoke them and seek their help in situations when you need special protection, strength, courage, when you are on crossroad or lost the way, and to choose between multiple ways in life.
Invocation of Isis ~ on a little square paper write with blue or silver ink the hieroglyphs of Isis name. This is the best way to connect with the goddess. On a separate paper write your invocation (it can be any words that you feel are in attunement to you) ~

Beloved Queen of Throne,
Queen of Underworld,
Queen of Night –
I invoke you, beautiful ISIS

Wearing diadem with 12 stars,
To descend in your magical power
Upon me and my space now
Oh Isis, surround me 
With your sparkling Blue light

Make me see your presence
In the Moon, Stars and Sky;
Pour your power on me
As Queen Sati of the Nile,
As Queen Renenent of harvest land,
As Queen Ankhet, giver of Life.

I call you with open heart and Mind,
Be my guide, teach me, send protection
for me and my home, send blessings
and magical power to use,
embrace me with mystical light
Of the Blue ray,

Oh Isis come as the Sacred Blue Lotus
And open my eyes.

You may use power of Isis for blessings, healing (2), and reading the future (3) or before Oracle cards reading. 

Remember that an invocation as special ritual, that call upon special power of angel, deva or goddess. You need clean atmosphere, a crystal associated with Isis (preferably blue or any quartz), incense, flowers and candle. Invocation is always connected with special wish, that goddess has power to fulfill. Wear clothes for ritual or attribute (like scarf) in color of Isis. Another very good element to add to invocation is music. (unless ritual is outdoors), so be sure to have high vibrations space in the time when you say the words. What goddess Isis can do for you? She is associated with Moon power, love, underworld, magic and feminine energy. That’s why you can ask her for almost all things: to make protection for your aura, for strength, for love and abundance, for a choice of life path, for magic blessing and energy work, for ascension in Blue ray, for connection of sign from someone close to you, who is departed, for help in magic rituals, for help in spells, for opening Third eye and intuition, for discipline, and specially to increase your feminine energy, also to protect your child. Isis is really very powerful. Have in mind to use magical symbols of Isis – her crystal is lapis lazuli, color indigo blue, Numbers: 7-8, scent –lotus, animal –cat, flower – rose, lotus;
The rhythm of the invocations goes as above (4 – 5 – 6 - 6 -2 strophes) it could be also (3 – 4 – 5 – 5 -2).

Another powerful goddess (Deva) to invoke is the Sumerian Ishtar (or Astrata). She works also with the Blue ray and will send you amazing power to overcome all obstacles –specially in situation when someone is harming you or on the way to take something from you. 

...I hope you enjoyed this article, please feel free to add comment below! Thank you. 
[ nina Lea-noura * ]

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Isis attunements -III (psychic abilities, moon energy)

Attunement (3) Isis ~
~ recharging the psychic abilities with Isis and moon energy, opening Third eye, aligning to your life purpose 

  This attunement –visualization is designed to open your Third eye, enhance inner vision, intuition and psychic abilities. To connect with your higher self, and with the moon energy through Isis.

    Entering the Sacred Blue lotus garden, you are in front of the blue lake. There you see goddess Isis in long dress, with the diadem of moon on her head, and with spread wings. She will take you to a place with beautiful singing fountains, surrounded by nymphs and mermaids. You see the moon light covering all scene, springs and fountains. You have initiation from Isis – 1. she pours on you water from the singing fountain. The water have glimmering magic effect on your clothes and hair, it makes stream of light come through your head and expand your third eye. You see world in new way now. (2) Second initiation Isis gives you crystal cup of magic potion. It will enhance your psychic ability and connect you with moon energy. You drink it and see on the top of your head appear magical blue star (pentagram) that will guide your higher vision and connect your subconscious life and dreams. (3) a mermaid gives you shining blue sphere crystal, that is reflecting the moon. This is the third psychic gift. Your intuition is strong and open now. Isis gives you a crown of Moon energy with blue disk and horns decorated with crystals. This crown is in form of light and energy, but you feel it tangible in the place you are. Wear it every time when you need to connect with the Moon and goddess Isis.
(1) Let your journey to the Sacred blue lotus garden begin. Relax, close your eyes, get deep inside yourself. Take a deep breath. Let go of all your thoughts, all your worries, all daily life. Take a deep breath, go inside yourself. Release any pain you have. Take a deep breath.

    Your journey starts with activating your personal Merkaba. It is above your head in the place of Star peace of soul chakra. Your merkaba has blue indigo light, shining and spinning in clockwise direction. Activate its power by your focus and thoughts. It creates a sphere of blue light all around you. Now you are protected and safe in this sphere of blue mist. You are accompanied by your angels and guides on this travel.

(2) You arrive at the magical place of the Sacred blue Lotus garden. The garden has magnificent blue lake, full of springs, fountains and big blue lotuses, floating above the surface. The lake looks quite and shimmering with mist. Its in front of you now. See the garden around it, full of amazing flowers, rose bushes in white and blue, trees with glowing fruits and stems. All is magical. In this time, the lotus garden is bathing in moon light. You see the Full moon disk right in the sky above the lake, it looks huge and it gives strong light. You feel peace and comfort in this place. Looking around the blue lake, you see reflection of beautiful woman with long black plaited hair. Lift your eyes, you see Isis. She is appears above the lake, right in front of the moon. She wears diadem with Moon and silver horns from both sides. Isis looks at you smiling. You take her hand, and go to another corner of the lotus garden. There is big round fountain, the water flows down making magical sounds producing gentle music as if thousands of bells are singing. In the middle of the fountain you see statue of mermaid, made of marble. You come closer to the fountain. Be quiet for a moment, listen to its amazing music.
(….) You notice in the fountain little fishes and mermaids playing. Isis says: Dear child, your first initiation starts now. Be ready to receive the gift of the moon, and mine.” Isis pours a crystal cup with water from the singing fountain. The water looks alive in the cup and moving with blue light. This water is living essence of Moon energy and will give you special ability to see world with your intuition, heart and Third eye. You sit on the grass, and Isis pours on your head the magical water. You see this water like glowing liquid light, covering your hair and dress. Now you start to glow with blue light and sparkle. Within seconds you see the sphere of blue light encircling all your head, expanding around you. This is the energy of your Third eye. You have special gift, all you need is to allow it to work and feel at peace. You will be able to recognize signs, have higher visions and work with magic in higher level, if you make it with faith and love. You see around you now, all the garden, trees, flowers, Isis, there is an aura of light embracing all objects.
“You have the gift of seeing the true light of the world” – Isis.

(3) Then goddess of the Moon gives you another crystal cup of water. This time you need to drink it, it contains magical potion, that will help you to distinguish true and false, right from wrong, and with your connection to the past and future. You drink the cup of crystal liquid. Then you feel lighter and lighter, as if someone is lifting you from the ground. You are floating in the air, near the ground. You see Isis too in front of you, she is smiling. Just after minutes you return to the ground, and feel again glowing blue light around your head. Now you see a brilliant path of light connecting the place above your head with the moon. Your higher vision is opened. The peaceful blue light spreads above your head in form of pentagram star. This is protection, magical abilities. You have the power now to bind energies of the four elements and directions for good cause.
You receive the gift of feminine moon energy, enhanced inner vision. One little mermaid in the fountain gives you a blue crystal sphere. It is glimmering and reflecting the moon. She smiles. Isis says: Take the gift of the crystal sphere. It will connect you to the world of the Lotus garden and the moon energy any time you need. Just look into this ball with the moon inside. It sends you peace and protection in the place you are, increasing your ability to see behind the veil of the physical world.
You say: Thank you, Isis for all your amazing gifts.

(4) Then you go near to a tree with glowing fruits with white light. Isis puts on your head a diadem with a blue disk in the middle, decorated with silver tiny horns from both sides. This is the crown of the goddess, representing the moon. You feel the crown and see it as made of shimmering light. That’s how the ethereal plane looks like. You feel immense joy, happiness and peace inside you. This diadem will give you the ability to know your true life purpose, and show you the path of your life and spiritual mission in clear way. All you have to do is to allow the energy of the moon crown to enter your body and cleanse all your fears about past and future events. Time is created thing. You are out of the space-time frame now, in garden where all things are possible to create.
Isis gives you a blue paper with the stamp of the moon on it, decorated with silver flowers and lotus. She says: this is the paper from sacred lotus garden. Take it with you. You need to put this paper under your pillow when you sleep in a Full moon night, and put the crystal sphere near to your bed. Do that for 3 nights in the row. Then you`ll know your true life call, and your spiritual mission. In all the nights be sure to write down on paper the signs you`ll receive in a dream –like special animals, birds or others.”
You thank Isis warmly and take this gift with you.
The goddess sends blessings to you, saying:
“ Be sure, dear child, to take time for your moon connection, meditation and creative self. Stay in tune with the universe and all that is. You can always connect with me and my magic whenever needed.”
(5) Your journey in the sacred Blue lotus garden finished. You can come again any time to recharge and connect with the goddess Isis and Moon. You say to yourself: I` m in state of harmony, peace, love and blissful energy. My merkaba protects me and guides me with blue light. I`m happy, in good health, so I can achieve all my desires.”
Breath deeply. Feel the refreshed energy. Your angels take you back to the sun system, back to your world, back to the loving mother Earth. You breath and open your eyes.
In this attunement you ll feel in yourself, and in the same time different, as if there is shift in your energy. Now you have raised your frequency, you have the energy of the moon and sacred blue lotus with you. Remember to use your abilities wisely and with love.

...Thank you, dear souls, for choosing to make the magical journey and receive the gifts of Isis. I wish you to be healthy and blessed. Be true to yourself. 
[ nina Lea-noura * ]

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Isis attunements -II (Balancing Karma)

Attunement (2) Isis
~ Balancing and cleansing the Karma from past lives 

This attunement is made with the power of goddess Isis and the Blue lotus with five petals. Travel within, be free from past, release all that no longer serves you. In this second attunement you go on a journey in a sacred Blue lotus garden. You meet Isis, and see the blue mirrored lake. You swim in the lake, and find there crystals and stones from your past. These stones will be released in the sacred waterfall. You take them, and through the stones into the waters of Blue waterfall. They give golden light. You can go behind the waterfall, where is secret door. There you ll be guided how to cleanse yourself – on a paper with the sign of Isis, take the paper with you in a glass bottle. Then you go to the sacred garden above, with help of Isis you plant 3 trees: tree of gratitude, tree of love, tree of reincarnation and mystery.

(1) Breath deeply, release all your fears, all your worries. Breath and let your heart expand. Feel relaxed, at peace. Let go of all present and past. Your heart is opening, see it as indigo blue sphere of light. It expands more and reaches to your mind and crown chakra with stream of blue light. You see opening lotus flower just above your head. Breath and feel the activated energy. There is a spinning and shining blue merkaba higher above your head –in the place of Star peace of soul chakra. See it how it turns and expands its light. You are safe and peaceful, surrounded by bubble of royal blue light, which helps you to travel in space and galaxies.
Accompanied by your angels and guides, you arrive at the magical place of Blue lotus garden. The garden is sacred space for masters and devas of the blue ray. They help humanity with increased consciousness, cleansing past pains, surrendering to will of God, increasing self-love and Love to all that is. Blue rays devas are Isis, Ishtar, Morgana le Fay, Rhiannon, Persephone. They are always here to help you to achieve higher ascension. In this place you meet goddess Isis.

(2) Entering the sacred blue lotus, you feel deep peace and relaxed. You feel like at home. See beautiful lake in front of you, situated in a magical garden. The lake has mirrored surface with blue color and shine. There are multiple springs, fountains and lotus flowers floating in the lake. The garden around it has amazing flowers and trees, blue roses and golden fruits. All look so arranged like angelic gardener takes care of it.
In the mirror of lake you see reflection of woman with amazing beauty. She is goddess Isis, you lift your eyes and see her in front of you, in the air as she is floating. She has wide spread wings with golden light, raven black hair, diadem of Isis with Moon disk and horns, and long gossamer blue dress. She is smiling at you: “welcome dear child. You are in the Sacred blue lotus garden, where you will release your past. I`ll help you in process to cleanse your Karma and start new Life reborn in spirit. release all your fears now. Be with me.”

Isis invites you to swim in the blue lake. You are safe here, and all divine guides are with you. You come inside the waters of the lake slowly, feeling the cooling effect of water on your skin. You feel deep sense of peace, calmness when you dive inside. See yourself swimming and diving with joy in the blue waters of the lake. Come deeper now, like a fish, as you know how to swim under water, you do it gracefully. You go deeper. See the view of many colorful little fishes around you. There are sea plants and corals in the bottom of the lake. You see a place with piles of stones, and crystals in dark blue shades. As you go to this pile, you are guided to choose three crystals and stones from it, and take it with you. They are beautiful and reflect light as you hold them in your hands. You are swimming further now, upwards, again reaching the lake surface. Isis is near the lake, waving to you. As you go out of the waters, you feel sense of rejuvenation and tranquility. You are holding the stones, now Isis takes you to another place.

(3) On the other side of the sacred garden, there is a waterfall. This is the waterfall of releasing past. It will activate an energy bridge between your past and future, and release all the pain and darkness. This is the cleansing Karma waterfall. You approach it, and see the flowing water stream from above. It has blue mist around it and smell of amber, jasmine, frankincense. Goddess Isis tells you words and you repeat them after:
“I throw the first stone of my Karma and so releasing all the darkness from past emotions, I release all darkness from my heart.”  See yourself throwing the stone inside waterfall down.
“I throw the second stone of my Karma, and so I release all the darkness and negative patterns in my Mind, all the harming thoughts for myself and others from past”. Throw the crystal down to the stream.
“ I throw the third stone of my Karma, and so releasing all the darkness of my energy field, my whole being, all my regrets, my ways of darkness, my sins, my self-harm, my illnesses, I release all my fears and past pains and expectations in these waters.” Throw the stone down.
Now goddess Isis smiles to you, saying : Congratulation dear child, as you released the burden of Karma now. This diadem is given to you as sign of initiation and cleansing.” She gives you sparkling diadem with blue and clear crystals, in the middle there is blue crystal lotus with five petals. It represents Karma and force of past and future and has magical properties. Wear this diadem to be released from all fears, to be above Karma, have strong protection shield in all times.

(4) The next step of your journey, Isis takes you down to the place of waterfall, where you can see cascading water closely. There is a hidden passage way behind the waterfall, revealing a rock. You are taken there with the magical force of the goddess. She pours a crystal cup of water from the waterfall, and pours it above your head. This is ritual of cleansing from all hidden in the past. Waterfall is the curtain or veil that separates your past from your present. The sparkling waters are active power of cleansing in all levels. As you merged now with the water of the magical fall, you are purified from past and entering the new Self. Behind the waterfall, you notice a hidden entrance in the door, looking like a gate surrounded by plants. You approach the gate and come into a large hall, where you see little magical library with many book shelves reaching very high. Isis tells you – this is the secret library of your soul past lives and spiritual initiations. You look around and feel amazed how many scrolls and books are there. The goddess gives you little scroll paper with silver lines and silver flowers on it. There is a stamp of the goddess in the middle of the paper – presenting the full moon, with two crescent moons from both sides. This is unity of magical forces of moon. She gives you to write down on the opposite side of the paper – your magical name and sign, the date, and words:

I release all darkness of my past
In the blue waterfall of West
I let go and I`m cleansed
From the wheel of my Karma
With loving help and power of Isis.

You roll the paper in scroll and put it in a glass blue tiny bottle.
Now there is just one more ritual to do.

(5) You are taken to a splendid garden with many trees and flowers around. All are very carefully placed. There is water mist around them. There is a square on the ground with empty place. Here you should plant your trees. Then watch them growing. Now you make a space for a seed, preparing the soil. Isis gives you little seed, it looks like small glowing ball. You plant it in the place, watering it with water from the blue Lake of sacred Garden. Now you plant your first tree, it grows for a short time in front of your eyes. You watch the stem getting stronger, become bigger, unfolding in many directions as branches of tree, spreading leaves, having buds, blossoming with magnificent white blossoms, bearing fruits. This is the Tree of gratitude. Its fruits looks similar to pear, but it has blue shine around. Now as you sit near the tree and observing its glory, you feel sense of peace, harmony and union with all Universe. You take one fruit of it, taste it. It has amazing taste of gratitude. Then say: I`m grateful now for all that I had in my past, for all my personal qualities, gifts, for all love and appreciation send to me, for all protection from my angels, for all challenges of my lives, for all events, for all pains that make me grow stronger. I m Grateful.
Now you proceed to plant the second tree. This is tree of protection of your heart, tree of love to the world and self-love. You start put little glowing seed in the ground, watch it unfolding into strong big tree, that bears beautiful fruits. Its fruits are similar to cherries, they appear in couple. You taste one fruit that gives white light, saying: “I m full of love, sense of unity with all around me, I love myself and forgive my past mistakes, I m flowing like water of love and appreciation, I give and receive love from the Universe, I release all the past pains of heart, frustrations and love sadness to the universe. My heart is joyful and whole. Let it be.” You water the tree with water from the blue lake.
The third tree is the tree of reincarnation and mystery of Life. This tree will make all your ways to the future opened. It gives you power to receive the universal flow, purifying your energy in higher levels.
You plant the tree, watch it growing slowly, unfolding its leaves, blossoming, sending sweet fragrance in the air, bearing fruits, they look like fruits of fig or sycamore tree. This is mysterious tree, revealing all things from past lives, and make your soul cleansed from all darkness. When you taste the fruits of it, they will cleanse your subconscious mind, and opening your views to the world. This is also tree of wisdom. Eat the sacred fig with pleasure, feel its sweet taste. It elevates your sense, giving you magical power. You are in tune now to the whole universe, aligned with you higher Self, with your mission, your life purpose, with Gods will.
You are complete soul of Light and wisdom.
Now you pick from each tree little leaf and take it with you in a glass. This is memory from your initiation, that you ll keep. You can return to the trees many times later. Put the little bottle with the scroll near the trees in the soil. Here its energy will work for attracting gratitude, love, and magical power for you.

(6) Your journey in the Sacred blue Lotus garden ends here. Isis sends to you streams of purifying blue light, that surround you. You thank her warmly, sending her your love. Now you travel back in your bubble of blue light, with your spirit guides and angels…from all space-time, galaxies, star systems…to the earth, to your place, to your home, your body. Breath three times slowly, open your eyes.

Thank you for letting me guide you to the mystical place of Blue Lotus and Isis. Sending you blessings and love. 

...I hope you enjoyed this article -attunement with Isis. Feel free to add your comments below. Thank you! 
[ nina Lea-noura * ]

Monday, July 10, 2017

Isis Goddess attunement -I

    (* These attunements are made by me and my angels in form of meditation-visualization journeys, that need to be recorded and suitable for listening. I hope you enjoy them.) 

     Isis is powerful Egyptian goddess, that represents many aspects of the Divine mother, feminine energy, love, creation, magical and psychic abilities. She is also moon deity, represents the power over Underworld (together with Osiris), truth, justice, fertility of the land, feminine principle of devotion to beloved.
Here I present my attunements (meditations and visualizations) with goddess Isis. They include energy activation of feminine power and love (1), balancing and cleansing Karma from past lives (2), recharging the psychic abilities with Moon and surrender to Divine purpose of life mission. (3)

Attunements are a way to raise your vibrations and cleanse old patterns from your mind. They purify your energy in all body and open your heart.
(1) first attunement is journey in the sacred Blue Lotus garden, where you meet goddess Isis. She gives you the energy of the Blue ray and increases your feminine energy through crystals, water of lake and lotus flower mist.
Lets begin. Our journey to the Blue lotus garden starts. Breath deeply, relax. Breath deeply, let go of all your fears and worries. Breath and go deep inside yourself. Imagine your heart opening, see it as indigo blue shining sphere of light. The light expands more, connects with your mind and crown chakra through loving blue stream. You are full of peace and calm. Breath and feel the heart energy expanding. Your Crown chakra is open now, in form of magnificent lotus flower. It receives energy from the divine Love. Connect with your Higher self, feel the light of the lotus going higher above your head. You activate now your Merkaba, situated above the Crown chakra (in the Star peace of Soul). Visualize your merkaba in shining royal blue color. Once you see your merkaba radiating light and turning gracefully, you can start your travel.
You are taken in the blue bubble of light which is safe for you, to the special amazing place. This is another space, another galaxy, out of the human time and space. The place has magnificent view. You are accompanied by your spiritual guides and angels. Now as you step in the place, your bubble of blue light disappears.
(2) This place is the Sacred blue lotus garden. You see in front a lake surrounded by springs of blue water. There are various fountains in this lake and all around. The lake surface has color of blue mirror, reflecting all beauty. This lake is situated among huge garden, full of trees, flowers, and places for rest. You can see in the lake little fishes, they are almost transparent and play in the waters. In garden looks as if very experienced gardeners take care of all plants. There are trees with glowing fruits, bushes with blue roses, more flowers of divine beauty, that you have never seen before. In the middle of the lake you can see splendid blue lotuses, they are so big that any human soul can come to rest in their chalice. They are royal blue color and shining, moving around the surface of the lake.
This lake is in the sacred blue lotus garden, ruled by the devas of Blue Ray, and of master El Morya. Their mission is to activate the power of Blue ray in humans, and aspect of Divine will. Some of powerful blue devas you can meet here are Isis, Ishtar, Morgana Le Fay, Rhiannon, Persephone. They are goddesses of underworld, having power over past and future.

(3) As you are closer to the lake, and look to its mirror blue surface, you see reflection of woman in it. You lift your eyes and see in one of the opened lotuses the brilliant goddess Isis. She is smiling, dressed with long shining tunic, her hair is black, she is holding ankh in her hands. Above her head you can see a diadem of Sun disk and two horns upwards. She has also wide spread wings, radiating peace and harmony.
Isis greets you: “Welcome, to the Sacred blue lotus garden, dear child. I`m happy for your spiritual way and ascension.”  She invites you to come in one of the lotus chalices in the lake, and you are taken there, floating in the air like a feather. There are different rules of gravity in this place. Now you feel comfortable and sit with crossed legs in the core of blue lotus.

(4) Isis tells you: Let go of all the past pain, let your soul free like a bird, let go…I `ll give you the precious gift now, to increase your feminine power in world. The gift of surrender, self-acceptance, self-love. Once you activate them, you will have the moon energy in your heart, that will help you to attract love and soul mate. Now you see Isis coming near to you, she stands behind you, places her hands above your head, above your crown chakra, in distance from your body. You feel loving warmth coming through your crown and circulating in all your being. A blue stream of light descends on you from above, directed from Isis hands. This pure light cleanses all your body from toxic environment and removes any negative energy cords from it. You feel uplifted, as if your mind is open and transparent. The stream of light comes and washes away all your subconscious mind, all your brain. You see it in blue light. Isis says “Receive the gif of self-acceptance, dear child”. Another stream of blue light comes inside you, moving though your body resting in your heart chakra. Your heart feels lighter and all pains are washed away. You feel sense of joy, rejuvenation. She says “Receive the gift of self-love, dear child”. The blue light moves down , reaching all little places in your body, washing away, removing all old energies. Isis says “Surrender to the divine Will now, be cleansed with pure light of the Sacred lotus”.

(4) Little time it takes to see again around you. You are now surrounded by brilliant blue light, looking illuminated from inside. You feel uplifted, as if your body is changed. You are beautiful, full of love and confidence. You see now that the lake is moved by elementals –water nymphs and mermaids, they are swimming gracefully around, smiling at you. You have the ability to see them. New refreshed energy resides within you now. Now you see Isis more clearly near to you. She gives you 3 gifts of initiation.
The first is a ring with shining blue stone. This stone is similar to the magnificent Tanzanite, it will give you self-love and acceptance of all that is. This ring is the first guidance of goddess. Every time you wear the ring, you`ll be able to connect with Isis and increase your self-love and confidence, you ll receive more special qualities – determination, inner strength, ability to choose between more things or ways.
The second gift is the crown of goddess Isis. It is made of special blue, white stones and crystals. It is a diadem giving you unconditional love, and attracting your true soul mate in your life. It has blue crystal heart in the middle. This gifts amplifies your feminine energy to the degree you can achieve all your desires and attract Love in your reality. Wearing the diadem of Isis you`ll be free from past and connect with her guidance.

   The third gift of Isis is the blue lotus energy. This special energy is implied in your heart center. It gives you sense of serenity, love and acceptance of all that is. This lotus will attract the best of your feminine qualities, and removes the negative traits. It has also strong protective power and sends you blue shield of light around your body. It will protect your heart from all negative and down energies and people, who are not best match for you. The blue lotus is sign of increased intuition and psychic abilities. That represents the moon and feminine energy.
You are now full of love, light, tenderness, care, warmth, intuition, sensitivity, strength.
Isis gives you a mirror with frame of ankh, symbol of eternal life of soul. You look in the magic mirror and see yourself with so beautiful shining energy, you are full of light, like a goddess. Your eyes radiate love, your smile shines with confidence and peace. Your whole being is changed as old patterns and pains are released from you.
You have now the blue ring, the goddess diadem and the lotus flower in your heart. They are proves of your initiation. You can use them always when you need guidance and support from Isis.

Floating back to the garden, you feel rejuvenated. Say: Thank you, Isis for all beautiful gifts and initiation for me!” Return to blue lotus garden every time you need, and Isis will receive you with love.

(5) Your journey in the sacred Lotus garden of love and feminine energy finished. You are going back to your world, your galaxy, your space-time, earth, together with your angels, guides and the gifts from Isis. Slowly return to your body. Breath deeply three times, open your eyes. You are back to yourself, but with much higher vibrations, radiating bliss, peaceful mind, love and femininity.
Wishing you happy moments with the new energy of love, use the sacred lotus energy in your heart, be wise, feel loved and appreciated in world. Many blessings on your daily travels, sweet soul.
[ thank you so much for being with me in this magical place and letting in the beautiful blue rays of Isis
[ nina Lea-noura * ]

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Spiritual path (attunements)

   What are attunements? What is meaning to tune into something? To be part of the cosmic rhythm, sound, light, taste, vibration of the universe. To be part of the whole, to see yourself as complete system of separate particles, belonging to the whole of God/ goddess. To see yourself as unique piece of the universal puzzle picture, part of God radiance, to feel and connect your inner child, your higher self, and your soul/ heart. This is reflection of attunement.
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Spiritual path is an important choice to make in everyone`s life. People are completely different, so they have different spiritual paths, some have journey that is more quiet and easy to walk, as if continuation from another lives. Other paths are made of ups and downs, like a hills and valleys, following some sequence. What matters is, spiritual path is never easy journey. It takes strong willing, determination, love, devotion, courage and persistence, self-discipline. But once you take it, you`ll feel amazing, uplifted and open to another new world. You ll see everything with different eyes. The higher you go, the clearer you`ll see the divine light, that opens in front of you. That’s why, don’t be afraid of any events, flows, words, ups and downs. Follow the path strictly, and be sure you are already achieving ascension. You are ascended soul –in your level now.

One of the way to ascension is through following the religious guidance of a master, being devoted in religion, festivals and rituals. As they all make love, peace and compassion spread to the world – that’s how process of expansion is possible. Any religion is a way to god, if you observe it with principles of love, compassion, piece and wisdom.
So you can have your initiation with your religion, if you are Christian, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, or follow Pagan believes.

   Here I`ll observe path of spiritual initiation from the New era of Amethyst light. This initiation combines many believes and understandings about wisdom of god and divine presence in many different forms. Its not New age phenomena, its True call of Heart. Everyone feels the truth within himself, so he has the right to choose his own way, regardless of his society, condition, religion, family status, culture...We are all from one Source. We are made of light, that’s how we should feel our unity stronger than our differences. That will happen in the future times to come.
Initiations are made with 1. personal willing 2. determination to follow the path 3. passion and love 4. persistence and discipline. All of that matters when comes to any other way, not just spiritual.
I give example of spiritual initiation, that is not given as rule, but taken from my personal angelic guidance.

Real spiritual initiation is a long process that will continue the whole life. Even so acquiring spiritual knowledge in many fields is also part of the obligation of the student.
Have in mind that when you travel you`ll continue to see many interesting colorful views of life, from many different perspective. You should be happy, curious and full of joy.

So start the journey now. 
Here I wont observe the “Angelic levels” that are for more special people devoted to spiritual teaching, medium and psychic abilities. I write about way of spiritual ascension for everyone who feels connected to do it.

I.                   Green heart castle attunement (this is the first level –to open your heart chakra. Make attunements in green ray; special visualization of green pyramids, green crystals, balls, and green flower of life. Heart healing. Preparing for the higher vibrations. This level duration is 9 months.

II.                 The second level starts with Blue ray attunement and meditations –on receiving power, initiation of strength, courage, willpower, protection of field, cords cutting, cleansing past karma with arch. Michael, as. Master El Morya, Devas of the blue ray – Isis, Ishtar, Morgan le Fay, Rhiannon, Persephone. Releasing past pains and fears, letting go, surrender to Divine will. Self-acceptance. Highly magical ray. It continues 9 months, 22 days are dedicated to each Deva (totally 110 days), and 3 months for work with master El Morya and arch. Michael. Work on Ancient Egyptian pantheon, symbols, believes for knowledge. Symbol of Blue ray – Sacred Blue Lotus with 5 petals, pentagram. As. Masters who work in the Blue rays are: Anubis, Osiris.

III.              Third level is dedicated to White (Pearl, Opal) ray and arch. Gabriel. The aim of this ray is achieving inner piece, harmony, releasing old patterns of thinking, self-love, discipline and Purity in all levels –of heart, mind, body. Work with white ray Devas and as. Master Serapis Bay ~ Quan Yin, White Tara, Iris (Greek), Selena, Aeracura. Important level of self-love and feminine energy. Making purifying circle of pearl white light. Symbol of white ray is Sacred White lotus with 6 petals. (resembling the meaning of Snowflake). Work with fairies of White lotus, white rose, snowdrop, Lily of the valley, Jasmine flower. Attunement with white and pale blue crystals: white jade, white agate, opal, angelite,  Selenite, celestite, aqua aura. This level is for washing away all toxins and negative clouds of dust around you. As. Master working in the white ray is Maria Magdalena.

IV.              Forth level is dedicated to Emerald green ray of arch. Raphael and master Hilarion. The mystery of the level is achieving initiation of Healing, self-healing of physical and ethereal body, knowledge of receiving and directing energy flow, how to heal others, how the energy moves in human body. Work with devas of Green ray – Artemis, Athena, Harmonia, Eirene, Flora, Sita. They will send you healing energy. Ability –healing and recovering physical, emotional and mental body through green light. Symbol of the level is Sacred green Lotus with 7 Petals (seven pointed star). Involve in nature work, participate in healing, practice healing with green sphere of light. Colors – green and golden, light green. The emerald ray is amplified by the presence of Mother Mary.

V.                Fifth level works with energy of Yellow-Golden (Amber) ray, arch. Jophiel and as. Master Lord Lanto. Sun energy, wisdom. Main aspect is achieving wisdom, higher knowledge and understanding hidden truth, reading signs, decoding messages of light, study, practice of meditation in nature. Devas of the Yellow ray are: Amaterasu, Lakshmi, Sophia, Aine, Brigid, Bastet, Andromeda. They work for wisdom, abundance and manifestation of desires. Symbol of the ray is Yellow Sacred lotus with 8 petals. Initiation – circle of yellow golden sacred knowledge, revealing hidden truth. Stones to use in this level are: yellow aventurine, jade, citrine, olivine, yellow calcite. Citrine ray works with as. Master Lao Tzu, amplifying aspect of wisdom, truth, knowledge, expansion.

VI.              Sixth level works with energy of Pink (Rose quartz) ray and arch. Chamuel (as. Master Paul the Venetian). This is the ray of heart healing, unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness. No ascension can be reached without these aspects of divine Light in humans. Heart is the area of love, divine connection with angels, from heart the energy pours into all body up to the Crown and Star Peace, and down to the earth. If your heart is not open for love and acceptance, you cant be truly healed. This ray is dedicated to Devas of love and rebirth: Aphrodite (Venus), Freya (goddess of flowers and love), Juno, Arianrhod (Celtic), Rhea (Greek), Hestia (Vesta), Hathor (Egyptian). All of them will give you the initiation of open heart, abundance, healing heart pains, forgiveness. They are also goddesses of human balance between feminine and masculine energy, Ying and Yang, passive and active, water and fire. Here lies principle of “Integration of Polarities”. The healing ray is soft pink with magenta and pearl shine. The mission to accomplish in this ray is: self-love, acceptance, forgiveness, raising heart vibrations, letting go of heart pains, fulfilling heart desire. The manifestation is pink ray is made with aspects of gratitude, expression of joy, attracting the perfect soul mate, partner. The symbol of Pink ray is Pink 9 pointed star, Pink Lotus with 9 petals. Crystals to aid the energy of the level are: pink kunzite, rose quartz, pink opals. (The energy of Pink ray corresponds to the universal low of unconditional love – as. Spiritual teacher Jesus, Jeshua.

VII.           The seventh level of ascension starts with open heart and unconditional love from previous level. This is the basis for going higher. This level works with arch. Uriel (achieving beautiful surrounding and cleansing environment) and Purple-golden flame angels, with as. Master Lady Nada. Devas of the light orange (peach) ray are teach us how to be more uplifted and fulfill our desires in the place we live, from the point we are, in our surroundings, home, country. This ray can be visualized also in purple and golden shimmering colors. They remove all obstacles from social ground, that may hinder our spiritual progress. These devas are: Aeval, Aine, Inanna, Cerridwen, Eos (Aurora), Saranya (Indian), Lilianna (fairy of lilies). This is the level of harmony, integration, respect, tolerance, inner peace, achieving beauty. Devas of orange ray bring you the cleansing power of crystal Amber. They cleanse your energy in all levels. They use amber light mist, fragrances and essential oils – orange, rose, jasmine, Ylang Ylang, patchouli, nerroli, chamomile. Symbol of amber ray is Sacred lotus with 10 petals, ten pointed star. Mission is is completeness, cleaning, higher frequencies. Amber ray also manifest protection on ethereal level and abundance for all material things.

VIII.         The eight level is represented by power of Amethyst violet ray and arch. Zadkiel. This is amazing high frequency ray, that cleanse all your way ahead – you reach to the cleansing of Mind. Now you activate new mind patterns, new higher goals and spiritual results. You are able to see things from above, without judgment and affection. This ray is amplified by the energies of as. Master St. Germain (teacher), as. Master Buddha. The rays energy is amplified with Violet Devas – Psyche, Ma`at, Fairy Amethyst, Dana, Sulis, Aglaea (greek). They are very soothing and cleansing energy, also raise vibrations of the person with 7 octaves (by using proper tools, meditations and rituals). This is the ray of Crown chakra and open mind to the cosmic flow. You step into new world by achieving this level. Symbol of this level is Sacred Violet lotus with 12 petals, violet 12 pointed star. The stones used for raising the vibrations are: Amethyst, purple jade, charoite, Clear quartz, purple fluorite. As. Masters added to this ray are Astrea and Purity.

IX.             Ninth level is presented by arch. Sandalphone (birth, rebirth, children, spiritual missions, protection) and Turquoise ray. More pure beings working on this ray are devas of Turquoise – mermaids, sea nymphs, dolphins; As. Master Krishna, Poseidon, Nephtys, Nun. This is one of the final levels in personal transformation of spirit, you achieved already some of the best qualities, initiations, protections and perfectly connect with any spiritual beings. This level means clearing and maintaining, as well as protection of others with lower vibrations. Not so many people can go so high. Turquoise opens the ego and dissolve it in cosmic oceans. This is attunement to the cosmic waves and wisdom of God. The self is disappearing in higher consciousness. It is expressed by Sufi masters teachings. Symbol of this level is Turquoise lotus of Sandalphone with 11 petals, 11 pointed star.

X.                The tenth level amplifies already existing powers of the first Blue ray – adding Golden shine. In this ray you work with Golden Topaz light, arch. Michael, Metatron, Melchizedek. It will give you knowledge about higher realms and deeper connection to lift the veil of afterlife and cosmic energy patterns.
XI.             Eleventh level works with the magical power of all angels together, and all ascended masters. This ray is opening the inner passage to divine Light, amplifies aspects of heart and its connection with all humans, all past-future self and the universal flow. Your Karma is balanced now and you achieved deep inner piece. You work through rituals, symbols (stars, pentagrams and flowers, mandalas). The light of the ray is Morganite pale pink. It unfolds in 13 petals Lotus. The Master you ll work with on this level is Hermes Thrismegistus. The ascension knowledge is in Kabbalah and symbols of Gods name.

XII.           The last level is 12. it amplifies all levels and rays before uniting the multiple aspects of self and all universal guides, teachers, masters and angels. It appears in amazing brilliance of the Selenite, Celestite, Aqua aura and crystal Quartz. It has magnetizing properties of the soul, and brings glory of the Soul in final stage with beautiful celestial blue and crystal white. This is the final level, where you achieve your mission of spiritual adept and start your new mission of spiritual teacher of high order. In this level you work with all archangels of light, specially with Raziel and your own angel of mission (Gabriel). You know your path and walk with confidence on it, with inner piece and love for all worlds creations. On this level all returns to oneness of its root. The symbol is ankh – crystal sun and equal arms cross. This is starting of new ascension. This level works also with harmonizing all energies in Self with pattern of flower of Life (in golden, amethyst and pale blue light).

Each level duration is 9 months complete. There is one month period between levels for tranquility, rest, then the next level starts in 12 month. So all the levels are achieved for period of 10 complete years – if you are devoted, focused and have self-discipline. When you are in the end of your path – 12 level – anther path will unfold for you.

Other important things to do during the levels ascension are:
~ first 2 levels require study of ancient mythology and religion (Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Roman); study of one of the elements – plants, herbs.
~ levels 3 -4 require study of mythological symbols, amulets and other tools for protection, more about as. Masters, avatars and devas. Study of Mayan and Zoroastrian mythology. One of elements –herbs and crystals
~ levels 5-6 – study about Celtic and Norse mythology, creation myths, symbols, ritual magic. Mysteries. Reading books about myths, Mircha Eliade, Blavatski.
~ Levels 7-8 – study on Buddhism, Hinduism and Hindu pantheon. Aspects of Kbalah, Judaism and Bible myths.
~ Levels 9-10 – Japanese, Chinese mythology, believe of after life. books, more about Kabalah.
~ Levels 11- 12 – study about Kabalah, symbols, more about religions worldwide, languages, as. Masters and angels. 

...I hope you enjoyed my article on spiritual path, feel free to share and comment below! thank you! 
[ nina Lea-noura * ]