Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fairies and Elementals -III

   Other Fairy queens who have stronger influences on ethereal plane and magical abilities for transformation. These Devas are powerful, they control most elements, nature forces, possess knowledge on art of magic, take the moon radiance to create in world, have strong feminine energy. They are perfect magicians, (what today Wiccan sisterhood love), and viewed from others as “witches”, sorcerers, possessing powers over art of love, healing and manifestation. They are lead by the powerful archangels Gabriel and Haniel. These amazing goddesses can help humans in healing, specially women.

~ Morgana le Fay (goddess Morgain, Celtic mythology)  
~ Aeracura fairy queen
~ Ishtar (Astrarta) (Babylonian moon deity)
~ Isis (Aset) Egyptian
~ Hathor ( Egyptian goddess with cow head)
~ Rhiannon (goddess of fertility)
~ Aega (Greek goddess, her mother was Gaia)
~ Aine (Celtic goddess of love and moon)
~ Anahita (Persian) – goddess of moon and Venus
~ Andromeda (stars and ancient Moon goddess, Greek)
~ Anunit (Babylonian goddess of war and moon)
~ Arianrhod (Celtic, her name means “silver wheel”, of moon and stars)
~ Artemis (Greek –more deity of hunt, birth and crescent moon)
~ Athenesic (goddess of North American native tribes)
~ Chandi (Hindu goddess of moon)
~ Cerridwen (Celtic moon (waning) goddess)
~ Chang-O (Chinese goddess who loves on Moon)
~ Hekate (Greek – dark moon and destruction)
~ Ix Chel (Mayan goddess lover of the Sun)
~ Jezanna (Central African)
~ Juna – Roman deity of the new moon
~ Kuan Yin – Chinese goddess of moon, healing, compassion
~ Luna (Roman ancient goddess)
~ Rhiannon (Celtic goddess, her name means “night queen”)
~ Selene (Greek linked to Full moon)

You can work with one of the moon goddesses to invoke special things in your life, that you are missing. They are ready to help you and assist you, the same as angels, only if you are devoted, focused on your inner wish with pure heart and open mind. To attract anything positive in our life we need first to take inner look to ourselves and be connected to our higher Self, and to all nature. We don’t need and shouldn’t try to affect forcefully other people or events. Everything has its own rhythm and perfect time in the universe.
This was list with some of the countless deities, that are nature High spirits, or Devas.

    I concentrate now on the topic of elemental beings and spirits. What are their functions and obligations? Each elemental works in a group with others –they are like community, and their aim is to heal, rejuvenate, purify and clear the dark cords from the specific element on ethereal level. For ex, fairies of flowers (roses group) work with guidance of Rose fairy (who is also guided by Flora (or any flower deity) and arch. Haniel. These fairies are in groups and work to purify, heal and enhance the energy of roses flowers on earth. They start from ethereal levels, and the process repeated many times reaches the heavy earth levels. The best results with this healing process includes the influence and consciousness of the humans. That’s why fairies love everyone, who help them to do the same work of fairy in earth plane. In the same way, water nymphs and mermaids help in healing and purifying energies of the sea and water resources, keep it away from any dark energy.
The efforts they make are big, but nature spirits are devoted to their task and do it with love.

From all nature spirits, fairies are able to feel most close to humans. As they abide in ethereal levels, they love purity of space, attracted by positive auras and emotions –love, trust, truth, kindness, care, joy, laugh.

There is something more –fairies live much longer in time than humans, but they also have soul cycles. In some cases fairies can choose to be born as humans. This is a quite rare event , that’s why we cant assume that all humans who look just nice, lovely, have red hairs and freckles are “fairies”. The outer look characteristics are personal and not related to any past life incarnations. What matters is the light and color of aura. You can recognize a fairy from her aura colors and light (see article about fairy colors). They have usually very vivid, brilliant and light colors like pink, light pale green, green-yellow, soft blue, peach color and silver sparkles. These are the fairy colors. You can recognize them also from some other traits: they love jokes, joy, pleasure, quiet places (out of the city noises), attached to nature strongly, love gardening and surrounded by many elements as possible, specially flowers. They are good in dances and music, have soft voice and slender body with gentle outlines. Their essence radiate strong sense of peace, serenity, kindness and gentleness. They are also very artistic. 

...I hope you enjoy reading, please continue to the next part... Feel free to comment below. 

[ all information in this article is written with the kind help of angels. n.n. ]

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