Monday, January 16, 2017

Revelation 2 - life cycles, incarnations

    We know already – we are incarnated beings with eternal soul. Our soul is attached to the physical body in the earth plane” with the only reason – to learn lessons, to develop and expand our experiences. Learning, making mistakes, falling and rising again, repeating the cycle, is the only possible way to achieve spiritual expansion. Learning further ahead and develop our spiritual life provides peaceful and clean energy for us and makes our soul ascension possible. This personal expansion of spirit is the only way for the whole universe and galaxy to expand, and this process grows from “inside –out” – as well as the expansion of all planets, systems and universe.

   Some people, who already are on the way of spiritual awakening, choose to expand through inner intuition, personal practices and connections from the divine Spheres. Others –who don’t have this connections “given”, expand their mind by learning, daily practices and efforts (meditation, visualization, exercises), so they will be able in a higher stages to reach, understand and realize the personal truth of spirit. Then they will also add to the truth of the world on the whole.

Humans on earth are unique souls, implemented in a body, and all of them have unique missions to do here. Not everyone is or can be aware of that missions, but everyone can feel and know his inner call, and attachment of his heart, his passions. Some missions are related with learning to be compassionate, giving love, tolerance, others –to create family, to take care of children, pets, elder people, parents, to connect with others, to learn better ways in human relationships; Other missions are related to higher spiritual levels – to be a spiritual teacher, to guide others, to make connections between earth plane and angelic divine spheres, to help others on the way of spiritual knowledge. There are so many such examples. Even the teachers (or gurus) who are in higher levels than normal people –need to learn and grow every day. They have their own missions and fights.

The aim of the human existence, is not in using material goods, not only in joy, love, relations with others –even they are quite important points on the way. The aim is intensified experience of Spiritual awakening. When we all realize we are like one universal soul – and when we all need to be connected with divine energy and god. That energy will be spread among the masses and majority of humans on earth will feel awakening. This process already started – in 2012. It takes time to be complete, but until 2016 our planet has immensely raised its vibrations. We are living in significant, crucial times for the spirit.
This spiritual awakening –that comes in waves and will be complete in 2017 – will have big consequences for the humanity; people will understand the truth of the absolute Illusion of the world they create and they live in. They ll realize the very damaging and wrong ways of exploitation of the nature resources and material goods. Then they will correct and improve in another level their connection with the nature, with all environment. The process of awakening will affect in massive way many areas:
-         using and connecting with animals world (consumption of meat and factories will be closed)
-         using and over-consumption of water resources and sea food
-         using in proper way the waters of the lakes, oceans and rivers.
-         Using alternative forms of energy instead gas, electricity.
-         Keeping clean and intact vast water areas for our water supply
-         Understanding the alternative forms in natural medicine, closing pharmacy industry; transformation in the healing methods
-         Taking special care of all animal world –instead of destroying it
-         Understanding the values of humans and human life; transformation of many religious views and practices
-         Understanding the meaning of proper education system, transformation in education for children
-         Understanding the fail and corruption of social systems (made for social convenience –like banks, monetary exchange, governments)
-         Extraction, production and spread in markets of world “goods” as petrol and gas industry; it will be destroyed
-         Using of fundamental goods, materials to create irrelevant human habitats and properties (palaces of redundancy and slavery)
-         Removing some professions of “servant” meant to create humans slaves for the higher classes

These and many more changes will be made in next years/ decades of humanity. Process will be slow but stable. All of these things are leading to degradation of soul, destruction of mind, creating zombies not able to use their mind.

The new awakening and social order after it will change dramatically the entire paradigm and will introduce new social system and new laws, caring for nature.

Now I concentrate on explaining the life-cycles on earth plane.
As the soul chooses to incarnate in a body on first physical level – this choice is good already; but what the soul will choose and experience in life – this is secret which everyone should reveal for himself. Each life looks like a separate book with chapters and stories inside. It looks also like a spiral, that is growing and swirling up. The book of life consist of many lessons each person should learn. The aim is the book of life to be bigger and the human to improve his qualities, becoming better “copy” of himself in the end of book –with learnt and understood lessons. Each lesson learnt will give you a bonus “points” in this life and/ or in the next life on earth. That’s why Jesus said to collect treasures in heaven, not on earth, because they are much more valuable and lasting.

Similar to the years of choices in one life-cycle, each person (his astral body, soul) has also transformations, choices and gifts. The astral body and the incarnated human, has special choices and missions each 9 life-cycles. These choices are multiple, different, on many levels and serve the soul ascension. The choices of the soul are related to:
Self-acceptance, understanding of self and others, tolerance, love lessons, love relations, relationships with others, general qualities, overcoming negative qualities, achievement of health and healing energy, spiritual practices, expression of personal talents, connection with nature and animal world, connection with family, devotion, believes, personal power and transformation, achievements, physical world acceptance and understanding; harmonious living…

I`ll describe now what happens to the Soul (and astral body) when we achieve 9 life-cycles and with further development. There are totally 11 soul cycles, which means 99 life-times on earth.
  1. after the first 9 life-cycles on earth (life-times) the soul receives the gift of Green agate astral body (with green light), and permission to chose more soul-mates and love-mates, as well as healing abilities.
  2. After next nine life-cycles (on 18 life time) and 3 rd level of soul ascension (** Levels of soul are each 5 life-times- on her 5th life soul is finishing first level of ascension, on 10 th life – second level..) There are levels (life cycles) concentrated more on practical experiences and development; there are levels with accent on theoretical study and teaching. Both are needed and precious. On the 18 life-cycle (1 soul cycle) the astral body receives the gift of Ruby shining red light and spiritual ability of protection (with arch. Michael). 
  3. On the next soul cycle (3) and finished 27 life-times the soul receives the gift of “awaken inner truth” and ability to have Twin flame (if she chooses so) after her love lessons were learnt. The astral body receives the gift of orange fire opal Light, and ascension in love.
  4. On the 4th soul cycle Soul has the gift of connection to higher self,  seeing past lives and missions and can chose a mission (additional to her given missions). It receives Yellow jade sphere of Light from arch. Uriel.
  5. On the soul cycle (5) – means after 5 x 9 life times, soul is in higher dimensional levels, it can make many choices – including place of birth, can make astral travels free; her missions will be connected more with teaching others and spread the knowledge of spirit. Her astral body will receive the gift of light blue opal Light from arch. Gabriel and her celestial group.
  6. On the level 6 of soul cycle astral body has the gift of Violet charoite (indigo) Light, acquires more spiritual missions and healing gifts, from arch. Remiel. It has permission to understand and goes into universal mysteries.
  7. On the soul cycle (7) the astral body has the gift of lavender-purple light, a cosmic amethyst crystal from arch. Zadkiel, and the ability of unconditional love; also receives the gift of choosing life-partners and love-flames.
  8. On the soul cycle (8) the astral body has the gift of pure crystal and silver light, Aurora quartz from arch. Raziel and ability to travel in time, to see planets and visit dimensions. It can also come freely (for the akashic library person needs preparation!) in Akashic library and read archives. Then the soul should pass 72 life-times.
  9. On the soul cycle (9) astral body acquires Light of all colors, golden shine, and gift of strong aura field with intense connection with divine energy and angels realms. This gift is from all archangels and from his mission angels.
  10. The soul cycle (10) astral body has the gift of pink- golden sphere of Light, the immanent connection with the divine source, priority to choose many missions, priority to see above picture and make structure of lessons past and to move away from dangerous situations. Also it receives energy wings. (that will be visible more as halo in real presence –or the aura field around Crown chakra). This time soul has incarnated 90 times on earth, passed 10 soul cycles and 18 levels (level has 5 life-times).
  11. On soul cycle -11 –the astral body and soul can choose to stop incarnating in a physical body, and instead to have helpful presence as spirit; or can choose to continue in higher missions on earth –given to very special souls teachers and ascended masters for humanity. Astral body acquires golden shine wings and Fluorite green, aquamarine blue Light. This is the final level before the soul ascension in divine realm. With the next level -20 the soul has complete cycle of earth incarnations (99-100) and returns to the essence of pure light – lives in higher angelic realms with angels, or becomes an angel with mission.

Have in mind that all these cycles of earth lives are described in perfect state and conditions. Many times though things do not flow as planned, mostly because of the gift of free choice and free will of humans. It`s like in the school –if you don’t learn your lessons and don’t take the exam- you `ll repeat the class. So it happens to humans to “repeat” lessons more than 1 life time. In this way sadly they go behind in spiritual ascension and can “turn around” in a circle many times, without going further in the spiral. These are the complete soul –paths, and the angelic hierarchy, spheres and order is so complete and strict, that its hard to be given in words for little time.

1222 -9- 
[ nina Lea-nura * ]

Revelation ~ Life cycles

~ this is revelation from my angels on life cycles and karmic lessons ~

    Everyone in his earth life here has determined scenarios (like in screen play) connected with the Karmic lessons (past cycles), with free choices and free Will. There are special “points” or (culminations of events) in each life-path, that are crucial for the human; they are on every 9 years – then one cycle is complete and the individual Soul should make decisions (often fateful one), that will determine her way further. These choice and decisions are from big importance, as in these points is collected Cosmic energy. They are made every 9 years in the humans life.

   When you are 9 y. old you make your first conscious choice – (no matter if you realize it then as a choice or not). That choice leads to change in life – not always visible and tangible, but sometimes connected with inner emotions, states, feelings, principles, connection with love or other. This choice will be also critical and play role in your next life-cycles of 9 years that are: 9 – 18 – 27 – 36 – 45 – 54 – 63 – 72 – 81 – 90 – 99 Usually these are the main points of choices (10). Every nine years one cycle is complete for us, and we have to make a strong honest account and analyze the period we went trough. That can be made also every year – or every 5 – 6 months. In this way we can see clearly and feel if we are going in the right direction, what mistakes we made, and how many times we have repeat the same mistakes. Where are our weak points? What we want to improve and what we want to remove from our traits and qualities? Which new qualities we want to acquire?
On these special points – periods in our life we have more wide spread energy field and we are more sensitive for the invisible world; we have stronger vibrations which serves us to catch the right moments and choice. Then we can also use better our Third eye sense. Its like in a game-book. All options are written for us, but we actually chose just one and we cant go through all. Then we are given the so called “ crossroad” – this are from 2, three, up to five different roads (options) to choose where we want to go. Each of the roads carries an exact special scenario for us, that is pulling us in concrete direction, and has exact development for us in the future. For the people, who had a few or no past life –cycles (lived before incarnated in body), the roads of choice for the Soul are less; they usually have just 2 options of the way that are extremely clear to be seen and choose. This is because they are not experienced enough and cant handle more crossroads or options. One of these roads is always connected with the positive choice and leads to inner development, light and accomplishment in life. The other road is always related with the negative aspects and leads to the abyss of dark – in relations, feelings and events, thoughts – leads to ruin, fall, destruction, degradation. Both paths can have multiple faces. The path of dark if chosen can lead to –self-destruction, obsession, addictions, drugs, falling, aggression, death. Path of light can have many beautiful faces – increased desire, inspiration, personal success, spiritual development, abundance and joy, happy relationships. So it depends on your choice of path, and for people in lower levels” (the one that are reborn just few times or zero times) the options are quite visible and easy. They have to just stretch their hands and chose. The way of the beginners in the incarnation cycles is connected usually with things like: social status, building a family, home, work, connections with people, maintaining good health, travels, love lessons. These things are like codes in humans aura field – they are always existing on different levels. Even if you chose the way of darkness –some things –appointed for you, will happen regardless of your choice. Some things are signs- visions or repeated patterns in life – that will come true.
People with more life-cycles (more than 6) are considered more experienced and will have more  than 2 ways of free will to choose. Remember, all the ways have clear scenarios, but the choice which way you go, is in your hands entirely. More advanced souls have more choices; but even so the maximum choices you can have until 55 life-cycles is five. There are not given to you more than 5 choices, and always only one of them is the choice leading to darkness –and other 4 are leading to path of Light and God. As you can see there should be more chances for people to go on the way of God, love and happiness. Even so mostly there are many traps, confusions and so much inability to see the signs, understand the messages and focus on the good choice, that too many people fall in illusions and become lost in the wrong way.
All that crossroads exist for us, not to make us pain or make us fall from the way, but with reasons of Learning and study lessons. This is the way we learn and we are in life just for the reason to learn lessons. And why we do that? Why we are given these lessons? Because of the ultimate reasons of 1. Soul ascension ;2. Healing the body practices 3. Spiritual expansion; these are the main universal reasons for our hard lessons.

So five are not the every day choices (like to call my friend now or not? To go to supermarket or not? To take shower or not? These are actions that are little and do not affect in any way the bigger puzzle pictures). There are also little actions that can affect the big puzzle of life –but they should be usually repeated more times and there will be always signs to show us we are on the wrong/ right way. Five are the crucial ways that we need to think about more and connected with hard to make decisions. These choices are usually and mostly! Connected with our weaknesses and not with our strengths. If you are good in football already, why to learn just to play football? You should learn something, which you are not so good at, or even too bad, in order to Improve yourself. We are here to improve and be tested every day, every time. That’s why you`ll be given hard lessons connected with your weak points, inner conflicts, hesitations, fears. Always the way of dark and failure is just one. But its enough to be lost for long time –so we need to be aware and carefully choose. The choice is just for yourself –not for God, and the choice wont affect on the Cosmic harmony, nor in angelic realm and spirit world. Choice affects just the humanity expansion on the whole.
The so called –lost souls are these souls, that chose the way of darkness more than five consecutive times in the cycles of 9 years. That means –souls that are failed to become as normal “humans” and develop the basic range of human qualities –will be lost. Just because then it will be too hard for them to return and recognize the way of Light (someone who lived in darkness for longer time, his eyes wont be easily used to pure Light, it ll be too strong for him to look.) Then they are much likely to continue to choose the darkness more and more times until all cycles. But even if they choose once the light –they will be rewarded for that. Sadly these people are too hard to believe in the beauty of the Soul, and their soul is subjected on decomposition, degradation since they are still in physical body. You can observe such individuals from their darkness in aura – and eyes.
Every human has unique composition – prepared just for him – with different karmic lessons, life and love lessons, life and social conditions, birth places…and so on. That`s why we cant be prepared, but we can be aware of all that and look for the signs from our angels.
The choices that we are obliged to make – part of our lessons and exam cycles of earth – are not always well visible. They first come in the spiritual level – and if they cant be made, then they appear in physical level and become visible –for the soul. If we are not able to make one choice –for one or another reason –then it will appear in physical level as a problem situation or trap. That’s why the choice should be made carefully and with the help of our spiritual guides – angels, as. Masters, God. The choice that was not made on spiritual level –will come on physical plane after 3 years – (after the 9 years cycle) – then it will be much more intensive. These choices are usually connected with pain and suffer for the soul, with doubts and confusions; but they ll lead to the highest good through the painful lessons. There are multiple choices in life path – connected with love, separation, inner values, principles, qualities, relations with others, connections, missions (work), social activities, help to others, health, connection with nature and animals, family…Each choice made makes us to grow, to have more strength, increase our ability for future good choices and makes us near to the divine harmony. If we didn’t make the choice – or made choice to not be active –or to “not make a choice” –this is also considered as choice for us; and it will continue to receive different signs from heaven –on the direction we are; then we ll see clearly we need to go on a new way and change direction.
From all is clear, that the more advanced souls have harder exams in choices, more paths in front and more ways to be insecure which one is better. In this way they are also likely to lose direction, or fall behind; They ll need the help of angels in order to be more positive and safe on the way – angels will always help them with love. Remember –you have the option to ask for help. But that does not mean that the person who give you exam will come to write the answer instead of you. Not at all. He will give you a clue, and then wait if you can guess. If not, he will give you another clue and so on...Guides are so compassionate. But then you are responsible for writing finally the answer and doing your work.

Be aware that with end of this life-time the lessons don’t finish. They continue –in the angelic realm, where we stay for a while before we incarnate again in physical body. There we also study and learn – as they are prepared for us so. But the place we study (or we heal) depends on our choices in earth plane. There are also many cycles and study groups there. In this place we`ll see our angels with amazing light in front of us, and we wont need “visualization” to see them.

That’s all for now, Abide in divine light!
1220 -9-

[ nina Lea-nura * ]

Elements - Spring

   The powerful time of spring is related to awakening of spirit, element Air, wind, rejuvenation, change, transformation, activation. The spring brings the new wave of energy, makes us breath fresh air, the nature is awakening from its long winter sleep. Natural flow starts with high vibrations that affect specially human feelings and emotions. The spring archangels are: Haniel, Zadkiel, Chamuel. All the trees are in bloom in this special season of love and joy. Spring is the time of flowers, gardens, fairies, blossoms on trees, increasing beauty; The air and wind are activators of new divine energy, that flows through all cells and organs of human beings. We feel Love, bliss, inspiration, ability for taking new paths, new strength; all seems powerful and full of colors around us. Its time of freedom, making new choices, awakening the soul. In Spring we open our hearts to feel all nature. We are more sensitive, compassionate, understanding. Its our time for new beginnings and inspiration. We express ourselves and don’t hide our voices. Also in this time we are inspired to create, to discover our creative self and make works of art, expressing our ideas. This is time of rejuvenating heart; also of flowing love, healing of heart from past traumas and pains; Making new connections, pouring the creative energy in new important ideas and actions. Love unfolds as a special path of bliss and joy in front of us.

   We are free to manifest the higher energies of Divine. We are confident and unique souls, that have place in this life-time, that have missions, and goals to achieve. We create our freedom and our reality. The power of spring symbols are: flowers, blossoms, rivers, honey, honey bee, butterflies, rainbow colors, rain, clouds. This is the power of mountains, valleys, gardens –and best season for taking care of your home garden. Meditation and awakening sign of this time is Rose. Visualize white shining rose, that opens its petals slowly and shines with light –In place of your Star peace chakra [ 8 ]. That will send purifying waves of energy to all your chakras and aura. You can imagine also opening rose in each chakra with the color of the chakra, in this way you`ll activate your energy.
Make meditation by walking outside, feel the power of the nature, the dew drops, and breath the fresh air. You`ll feel awaken and your mind refreshed. Pick up some spring flowers, or make painting of flowers if you like it. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Elements - Winter

    There is immanent connection between everything in the universe. That’s how as I observed in the text about numbers energy (…) all elements, seasons, world directions, earth special times of change (solstices, equinoxes) are related to number [ 4 ].They represent the earth connection, and color deep green.
Also all the elements are connected with energy of seasons, and they have special appearance in each season.
Winter is represented with water energy; spring with Earth, summer with fire energy; autumn with air, wind energy. That’s how all seasons are connected together in the cycles of elements.

~ Winter ~ 
   Winter season is time for deep cleansing, rest, peaceful state of mind, recovery. The element water has one of the highest vibration forms –snow. The snow in snowflakes is a message for purification, acceptance, peace and deep harmony of mind. We all need that harmony in order to collect our strength and continue on the way. Its time of acknowledging, understanding, deeper thinking about the laws of nature; its time for making account about our past life, realizing our actions, underlining our priorities; Its time of recovery and sleep. The nature falls in sleep, the snow landscapes, covering all have hypnotizing and purifying effect on human`s mind. This white season is given for our preparation for the future events, to collect energy, to turn inside our heart and mind, and re-connect with our inner guidance. Time to make peace with ourselves, to feel harmony of the world, to realize the deep universal symmetry. Snowflakes –as unique drawings of the purified nature – are connected with the human mind, thoughts and feelings. They affect our world and cleanse the lower energies. That’s why the white snow winter is much healthier than winter without snow or frost. Snow blankets gently covers all nature and trees, preserving them in warm hug; so they can survive sleeping until the spring. Snow has effect of soothing, calming, refreshing the mind, drawing patterns of divine cosmic love and peace in our cells. Winter is soothing all earth – animals, nature, earth, humans and prepares them for the next flow. The appearance of winter has vibration of purification colors – white, light blue, silver, it relates to water, night time, night sky with stars and moon, night dreams, deep spiritual knowledge, insights, revelations, mystical power; Winter archangels are angels for deep inner knowledge and cleansing – Metatron, Zadkiel, Raziel, Remiel, Sandalphon. New and full moons are very powerful in this time; the human mind needs cleansing from all past negative cords, past painful events, and goes in higher stage through peace and sleep. 

~ Spiritual work: cleansing, purification, deep inner transformation, open mind, revision of our qualities, removing the qualities that dont serve our highest good. 

~ emotional experience: we may feel little absent-minded, or impatient about things that occur in life; the virtue in this state of mind are patience, increased intuition, inner knowing. Make often meditations for grounding. 

~ Rituals: very good for this season is ritual for cords cutting, removing bad influences and habits, purification and protection of aura and home. it will be beneficial to add diary on your emotional flow and qualities that you release. 

~ Chakras of winter: * of course everyone should work for their most vulnerable chakras and all of them. Here I describe only the correspondence for winter: Third eye and Crown 

~ Crystals for winter: one of the best crystal for purification and mind expansion - Amethyst; You can use it also in crystal grids or reiki work; clear quartz, selenite, tourmaline, black obsidian, black onyx. 

~ elements: winter power if purification and peace by Water (snow) element; direction: North 

~ main angel: Zadkiel and violet flame angels - Be at peace with yourself, expand your mind, seek knowledge. 

~ Meditation for winter: Very powerful meditation for unblocking the higher chakras and receiving energy. Visualize lavender or sparkling white snowflake spinning in the place of Crown chakra. Its light is strong and sending you showers of white and lavender light down to all of your chakras, connecting them in one line. 
~ energy Portals: winter has many portals of high vibration, the first is winter Solstice opening on 21.12. that continues 20 days around - until 10. 01. Other energy portals are: 01.01., 02.02, 20.02. , 03.03, 30.03. 

   The state of peace is first in any meditation –when the mind erases the busy chatter, and focus on emptiness. From this emptiness comes the concentrated light of feelings of love, joy, devotion. Cleanse your mind by imagining a big astral snowflake on place of the 8 chakra – Star peace of moon, where Merkaba is located (about 2 inches above your head). The snowflake is sparkling in beautiful crystal color – with blue, lavender or silver. This visualization exercise will have amazing cleansing effect on all chakras and energy –specially of your mind, do it for at least 10 min. 

You can imagine this snowflake turning in the space inside each of your chakras –so to make them activate and cleansed. Winter and water element is related to feminine aspect of nature –soothing, nurturing, caring, Goddess energy – Mother Mary, Quan Yin; This is the energy of cleansing of all earth chakras and field –on the cosmic level – by individual cleansing and growing. We need to achieve harmony for ourselves, care for others and ourselves in order to raise the energy of all earth. Other symbolic signs of winter are – chalices (Tarot), glass, crystals, sea salt. All of these elements have cleansing properties and remove all toxins from our energy body. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
@  photography 1: Margarita Kareva

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Master El Morya

   Master el Morya is connected with  energy of arch. Michael – he is Master of the 1st ray –Royal blue and golden. He is in charge of protection, power, strength, determination, willpower, overcoming challenges, cutting negative cords, faith and persistence. His spiritual retreat (sacred place in Ethereal plane) is in IndiaDarjeeling. 
Incarnations of El Morya: as son of Enoch, devotee of Zarathustra –Persia, master mason of Great Pyramid (Giza), patriarch Abraham (Syria), Melchior (one of 3 wise men); he was also King Arthur, Thomas Becket, Sir Thomas More, Akbar the Great (founder of Mogul empire in India), Thomas Moore –Irish poet and laureate; last incarnations: prince Rajput, who later became a monk.

“Master El Morya ~ in the name of God will and presence of arch. Michael, I invoke your shining blue ray of Light, to cover me with protection, willpower, strength, persistency, determination, power, faith. Make all fears resolve in the blue Light, and overcome all obstacles.”

Master his ray with meditation, persistency, devotion –with arch. Michael.

The first initiation is 9 months on earth plane. It`s focused on Blue ray of master El Morya and Arch. Michael; after finishing this level the student will receive the gift of fearlessness, strength and protection from all negative entities. He will be ascended to 1 level. 
(these are sketches on Master El Morya for personal use) 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]

References ~

Angels, Ascended masters & Rays

[ * I publish here my scheme of rays, angels and ascended masters. You may find different variations in the different sources. ] 

    Angels have role of protectors, divine healers and transmuting the divine energy and light to humans world. Angels rays and their healing lights are often mistaken with the chakras color energy and the way it expands. All archangels are in charge of our soul and ethereal body – so we have to know that, when calling our special angel of missions.
Even so they are appointed to preserve and save special rays of light – that have healing energy codes when poured on human energy. That’s how we can ask for the light and receive it –in form of love, positive qualities, inner guidance, increased intuition, special protection and much more. I`ll explain now the corresponding rays of light of each angel, which are again –his healing properties.

1. Arch Michael – appears in ruby red and golden light. He is protection angel and can make all kind of protections from dangers in all situations. He is powerful Prince of angels of many celestial spheres. His protection ray of light is – Royal blue and golden shine. This ray when accepted gives us protection and qualities: willpower, power over bad, Faith. That `s the 4 th dimensional higher chakras – Star peace of Third eye. In the 3 dim. Energy Michael will protect us through the first chakra – Root. The ascended master working together with him is El Morya.

2. Arch. Gabriel – appears as beautiful angel of Peace, balance and truth in pure white, pearl, and aquamarine shine in aura. She is archangel of inner purity and hope, and connects with Moon, and astral body. She is angel of (4) White pearl ray of light, sending qualities of hope, justice, harmony, peace, truth, integrity, inner connections, self-discipline, purification to all people in her sphere. She works with the As. Master Quan Yin, and white Tara. (and with white angels and Serapis Bay). Her 4. dim. Chakra is Star peace of moon (13) - self-expression (color violet-pink). Her energy is purifying.

3. Arch. Raphael – appears as amazing healing angel in emerald green color aura. He works together with Mother Marry – who has also soft pink aura. He is helping to activate the 4. dimension chakra –Star peace of Heart – self-love, self-acceptance; his ray of Light is emerald green and has healing properties for the body and mind. He has communion and leading the green angels and ascended master- Hilarion. When asked he can heal any physical, and spiritual issue in your body, reveals secrets in the physical world of science, help in resolving riddles. His energy is soothing the body.

4. Arch. Uriel (Aurora) is splendid angel appearing in shining yellow-golden light, with eyes of amber color. She is always holding a book and sign of golden spiral. She is in charge of the (6) healing ray –in golden (and pink) light. Her higher 4 d. chakra is “Star peace of Sun” – abundance and self-knowledge, that vibrates with pink-orange color. Uriel is leading angels of the golden light, and as. Master Lord Lanto. She requires devotion and self-discipline in order to achieve wisdom. She has inspiring energy.

5. Arch. Chamuel (Charity) appears in lovely soft pink aura with pearl and pale green shine on the outside. She is angel of compassion, love, joy and sharing. She will assist you also with any issues of broken heart and removing past love-pains. The 4 d. chakra of Chamuel is “Star peace of masculine and feminine” of Ying and Yang energies, that is the 10. chakra called also “Integration of polarities”. It vibrates with pearl white and pink color. Chamuel sends healing pink ray of light (3 ray), and works as leader of pink light angels and as. Master Paul the Venetian. She has loving, healing the heart energy.

6. Arch. Jophiel (Christine) appears in amazing soothing peach and pink colors. She works on the healing second ray (2) in Yellow-orange (*or peach color), that provides beautify, inner knowledge, positive thoughts, joy, abundance, cleansing. She works with orange light angels for balance in emotional levels in human mind; as. Master who stands with her is Lady Nada. Her higher chakra is “Star peace of inner power” (strength and beauty), or “Body of Light” – 9. When called she will make cleansing of all spaces, specially in home area. Her energy is uplifting, enlightening.

7. arch. Zadkiel (Amethyst) angels appear in sparkling violet and lavender light. It carries the messages of freedom, forgiveness, unconditional love, Christ consciousness. Her higher chakra connection is “Star peace of wisdom –higher mind”, also called “Monadic connection” –vibrating in white golden color. Zadkiel carries the ray of violet flame (7) cleansing all earth and energy from negative, low vibrations. Her as. Master is St. Germain; the flame of Zadkiel has power of liberation from the old patterns and freedom of Mind.  

8. Arch. Sandalphon (Turquoise) angels appear in shining blue turquoise light. She has very calming, inspiring energy , opening all 3. dim chakras – to the Soul Star (“Star peace of Soul”). She feels as a strong bliss, creative energy and dedication to a cause in service. Her ray is (8) golden-pink (or turquoise blue). Her presence cleanse all energy through sounds and music. Her light brings rejuvenation, beginnings, empathy. She works with arch. Muriel, and as. Master Maha Gohan (and as. Master Buddha). 

Abide in divine Light! 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Thoth - Djehuti

Who was Thoth?
The so special god of science, religion, mystery, literature, hieroglyphs – is the amazing Thoth. He was also god of moon power and magic, responsible as a scribe for Underworld.

Appearance ~
We can see Thoth everywhere in a tombs and temple complexes; he has head of bird ibis, that was his sacred symbol. He has all power over science and religious rituals, as he was god of wisdom and knowledge. Another special symbol animal for Thoth was baboon – guardian of the first gate to Duat.
Other names ~ Djehuti, Tehuti, Djhuti; (Tehuti – from the ancient word –tehu –ibis)
His main role was as scribe of sun god Ra, developing science, language and hieroglyphs, taking part in the final judgment of dead. His symbols of recognition were reel pen, papyrus scroll, moon disk, palm branch, ankh and scepter. He was known with title “Lord of the Sacred Words”. The bird ibis was depicted in his name –hieroglyphs.
Legends ~
   Some legends tell the story of Horus, who lost his left eye in battle with the god of evil and darkness –Seth. His eye was torn in six pieces. The one who helped resembling the eye into whole was moon god Thoth; He returned it back to Horus, and Horus gave it to his father Osiris – in this way bringing him back to life for a while.
Family ~ Wife of Thoth was Seshat – goddess of knowledge, writing and libraries.
As keeper of sacred records, he can be associated with the role of archangel Raziel. He was also master of lunar cycle and stars movement in the sky, creator of the human calendar, inventor of mathematic, astronomy, engineering. Creator of spells and master of Magic, he was one of the most powerful – he created the “Book of the dead”.

Thoth created the greatest library with all kind of magic spells and nature science, that can observe the whole universe and even command gods themselves. In this respect this library reminds of the cosmic “Akashic records” that hold all information of the world in all levels. The function of Thoth here refers to keeper of the sacred scrolls – Metatron. 

Thoth was seen as great teacher and magician;
Astronomy  ~ as a lunar god Thoth took important part in all religious ceremonies (as Isis); the moon phases were of big importance in life of Ancient Egyptians –they measured the time also by the moon cycles. So he cant be away from mysterious connection with moon and magic.
He is depicted in many temples – Kom Ombo, Luxor, but his cult center was Hermopolis (Khnum).
Interesting story tells us a myth of creation of the world – Thoth was in the beginning in form of Ibis, who gave birth to Atum Ra from an giant egg. The sound of his song created the frog gods and snake gods.
In the Cult center of Hermopolis are kept in a scared hall the record of 42 books of Thoth, containing all mystical knowledge and priest rituals, and even believed to show instructions for achieving immortality.
Sadly in this time millions of dead ibises were found mummified for the glory of Thoth and his honor.

The moon god was also linked with the cult to Hermes – the Greek god of sacred knowledge and writing. The famous hermetic text known as “Secret of Hermes” or “The emerald tables of Thoth” – was made of green stone and contained sacred texts. They reveal many secrets of life and underworld, of main elements and their qualities.
Tree of Life ~
There was a tree, believed to contain the knowledge of the Divine plan of all universe and all souls. Function of Thoth was writing the kings name and period of his ruling on the Tree of Life.
Magical symbols ~
Crystal – red chalcedony
Color – orange
Number – eight
Scent – lavender
Animal – ibis
Flower – marigold
Tree – quince tree
Herb – thyme
Food – orange

Invocation ~ Oh Thoth, great master of judgment, sacred knowledge and wisdom, make my mind open and enlightened with your mysteries! 
Thoth and Horus encircling the pharaoh 
 Horus and Thoth in the middle 
 Thoth from the left side -near to Tree of life, from the right -Ptah, Sekhmet 

[ nina Lea-noura * ]
 0108 -1 -

Anubis - Anpu

Who was Anubis?
One of the oldest in Egyptian history gods of death –Anubis, later became assistant of Osiris in the under world.
Depiction ~
You`ll see often his image on temples with body of man and black head of Jackal or dog. Normally jackals don’t have black skin, but in this case black was symbol of death, protection and under world.
Other names: he was know in Ancient society with names Inpu, Anpu, Anup, Imiut – Lord of the Place of embalming.

Functions of Anubis ~ As Egyptians believed in the travel of soul to Duat – afterlife – the role of Anubis was one of higher importance. He was protecting the souls of their way to underworld, greeting them and was guardian of the Scales of justice. He had power over the faith of the souls and where will be their further journey, according to their earthly deeds. With help of Maat and her feather of Truth, he weight the heart of the souls on one scale against Maat`s feather on another. Bad fate expected those, whose heart was heavier than feather of Turht, as they were eaten by the ancient female demon –Ammit. Souls with pure hearts were allowed to enter the world of Osiris, or heaven of gods.
Other important role of Anubis was mummification of dead bodies. He was observing the ceremony of body mummification, together with his daughter Kebechet, took part in the ritual of “mouth opening”. He became famous as embalming of dead, after his help in wrapping the dead body of Osiris in linen.
Family ~
Anubis was mostly known as son of Osiris and Nephtys (sister of Isis, who looked very similar to her). Nephtis was goddess of darkness. Other version claims that Anubis was son of Seth (god of darkness, evil and destruction) and Nephtys. The wife of Anubis not surprisingly has the same features as him – jackal head, but body of woman, her name is Anput. Their daughter – Kebechet – is goddess of purification. His brother was Horus (son of Osiris and Isis)
Temples ~
As we can see, he was worshiped everywhere across Egypt, with special locations of cemeteries, depicted with statues of jackal. But his main city of worship was called “Cynopolis” or city of dog. Statue of Anubis was often put above the tomb, as sign of sealing it and protecting the dead.
Interesting fact: priests, who made embalming on the dead worse masks of jackal.
His symbols are: Imiut fetish, flail, ankh, crook and “was” scepter, jackal head. Many sacred ceremonies and magical spells for the passing to Underworld ae found in the “Book of dead”, where the main guide is Anubis. All tombs in Ancient Egypt were carved with prayers to Anubis. Even his mother was Nephtys, she left him and he was found and raised by Isis.

Magical symbols ~
Crystal – Obsidian
Color – black
Number – three
Scent – musk
Animal – Jackal
Flower – white poppy
Tree – yew tree
Herb – savory
Food – apple

Invocation ~ Oh Anubis, master of the underworld (Duat), weigh on your scale my soul in the day of my departure, make me purified from sin. 
Anubis protecting the pharaoh 
 Anubis in underworld with Crook 
 Anubis with food gifts for afterlife - Hatshepsut temple 

[ nina Lea-noura* ]
0107 -1-