Thursday, December 26, 2019

Tarot Portions VIII - King of Swords, King of Cups Archetypes

* King of Swords 
 As swords are element of Air -Communication, Truth, justice, intellect, mindfulness, releasing the past, King of Swords represents the ability to possess all these qualities and use your mind well. He is intellectual, logical and can be a good teacher. He will represent the qualities of self-discipline, confidence, commitment to a goal of education, projects, writing, studying, teaching, self-development. His weak point will be he is not using his intuition and not listen to his heart, emotions.

King of Sword represent the person of authority, related to education, university or Justice. As swords are element of cutting the ties of past relationships, he can also be a person who is single, or divorced. Person of intellectual power, who can give you good lessons. He is honest, open and straight-forward; He is also truthful, but you wont see his negative sides fast. He can be great writer, orator or person, committed to educate others. He is High Priest of Air, representing love for expression, and justice.
His energy resonates with the cards IV. Emperor – ruling with justice; and 4 of Swords – in need of meditation, going within, rest and rejuvenation after time of turbulence and conflict in life. Time of gaining strength and preparation for something.
The King of Swords is person of quest and intellectual pursuit. He will give you lessons of mind, consciousness and awareness. He has good ability to make choices and to cut all from past. His energy is related to movement, change and growth.

* King of Cups 
This is the King mostly desired in love readings, as Cups are element of Water, flow of emotions, deep love, sharing, soul connection, also intuition, psychic ability, love for invisible world. King of cups is filled with confidence, and possess strength to take control over his emotions. He is calm, loving and sharing his feelings; He is also generous, protective, sensual, and wants to take care of his beloved and family. His strength is related to purity of heart and ability to connect with others from heart. He can be a spiritual teacher, priest of advisor. Or a person who wants to commit in a long term relationship. His emotions are stable and not floating, in the same time he is filled with love, passion and devotion to person he loves. 
King of Cups is quite sentimental, romantic and trusting; That’s why is the less dominant or controlling; but he can be possessive and jealous in his relationships. He has strong imagination and can live in a world of dreams and be ungrounded. He has balance between intellect and emotions. The cards that resonates with his power are: IV. The Emperor – leadership, mastery, self-discipline, boundaries, control over emotions, - and 4 of Cups (need to go inward, to ponder about your life and values, to receive messages from Higher self, need of emotional clarity, seeking answers.) As Cups are feminine element, King of Cups has multiple feminine qualities, strong intuition and compassion. He is giving you love, admiration and healing. (as water has healing power).
 [ "Tarot de la Nuit" art of Alexandra Bach]

Nina Lea-Nour *
* Angel`s Medium
* Reiki master 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Tarot Portions VII -King of Wands & King of Pentacles Archetypes

In today Tarot portion I`ll observe the baisc keys and meanings of Kings in Tarot.

The Kings in Tarot are archetype figures, Court cards, that represent different aspects of the IV. The Emperor. They have key meaning of authority, integration, power and control, confidence, boundaries, strength, decisiveness, generosity.
As the Emperor is card of Grounding, protection, being clear cut, knowing what you want. All the Kings hold the energy of:

-        organization
-        self-discipline
-        being in control
-        knowing what you want
-        confidence
-        practical steps
-        taking responsibility
-        Safety, accomplishment

As cards of authority, power and protection, Kings are always Yang Energy in motion.
Each King reflects different aspects of the strong qualities of Leadership of the Emperor.

I. King of Wands 
 He is the King of energy in motion, representing the ability to be devoted and committed to a goal with passion. This King has the desire to move forward, to take practical steps, to make plans and schedule for your goals and priorities. King of Wands will show you how to move to your life mission with devotion, self-esteem while you have control over your passions and desires. (Be aware – the Kings are always in control with their passions). They symbolize stability and steady progress to accomplishment. Need of action and practical steps.
- control your passions and desire
- commit yourself to the certain goal
- make daily plan and practical steps forward
- be filled with self-discipline and creative

King of Wands is the High Priest of Fire. He can be also a Spiritual teacher showing you the way with devotion. King of Wands cards of reflection are IV. The Emperor; XIII. Death, 4 of Wands – related to celebration, euphoria, sharing wealth with others, building a home, commitment, long term relationship. He is King with strong sexual power, can be quite possessive and controlling, and sometimes lose temper, feel obsessed by anger or jealousy.

[ Tarot used: "Tarot de la Nuit" Alexandra V. Bach art ]
* King of Pentacles 
 Pentacles are suit of earth, grounding, stability, safety, practical approach, abundance and wealth. King of Pentacles is person with earthly success, financially stable, but also generous, providing, take care of his family. Home and family are quite important for him. He is grounded, has all what he desire, but also can be controlling, greedy or manipulative.
It can represent the need to control your finances; - overindulging in material goods; - feeling financially secure; - being supported by a person who is wealthy. – it can mean you have to take your power on your home, property, finances. –successfully achieving goal related to investment, business, company, new property.  Give money and efforts to change the atmosphere in your home or work. King of Pentacles resonates with card IV. The Emperor, and also related to 4 of Pentacles (need for financial security, planning and grounding of your energy).
King of Pentacles can be related with Earth, which is feminine Yin element; So he can be protective, loving, compassionate, and also could be obsessed with sensual pleasures or high sexuality. His main principles are steady progress and growth.

Thank you for tuning in, stay on the path of Love, Joy and Abundance!

Nina Lea-Nour *
* Angel`s medium
* Reiki master 

Friday, December 6, 2019

Spheres of Existence beyond Physical - Celestial III

This is the last part of my article on Spehres of existence beyond, and the Highest levels of Angelic realms, representing Binah, Chohma and Keter on the Tree of Life. 

I.       Ketheric Level of divine truth – one – this is level or plane of divine bliss and there is no purpose of study here. Here are also angels and spirit guides and all kind of angels related to humanity, who have accomplished their mission and return back to take another soul” through the earth test, or to have the report about their work with the soul, and to receive guidance. (Equal to Binah -Understanding of the Tree of life in Kabbalah).

II.    Ketheric sphere of Angelic Sacred rose – This is sphere of angels and archangels dedicated to development of earth plane and infusion of angelic energy of humanity. Here are groups and dominions of angels, related to an Archangel – like arch Michael has a dominion with angels, that serve his purpose. They can be called also Michael, the same name, as in angelic realm actually there are not exact names, but vibrations, colour lights, and forms, that are related to specific angel. (Equal to Hochmah -Wisdom on a Tree of Life in Kabbalah)

III.  Ketheric level twelve – or Sphere of the Crystal Spiral; this is the highest level of God light of divine expanding eternal Spiral, which is the core of the existence. This level works as a giant mechanism (like a generator) of energy and light spread to all spheres and universes and all angelic realms. This is the sphere of Source-God which has form of an endless spiral. This is also the main mechanism of Universe clock” as I call it. Have in mind that this mechanism exists out of time, or what we can imagine is “time or space”. That’s why now to the level of humanity (including me), it will be hard to explain in details. This Crystal Spiral is out of all times and multiverses. (Equal of Keter -Crown of the Tree of Life in Kabbalah)
All Ketheric levels have angelic and Archangelic hierarchy, all celestial levels are dedicated to advanced souls education with angels and Spirit guides, all Ethereal levels, have elemental, fairy, or nature hierarchy; all Astral levels have human thoughts, emotions, or demonic, trapped souls, spirit hierarchy.
Note: I want to say all I wrote about the different world and out of physical plane are just the outlines of the truth. But if we want to go into depth, it will take more time, dedication and understanding of Source and worlds beyond that we call “invisible”. Interestingly they are much more vivid and visible than our plane.
Thank you for tuning in my message given with the help of my angels and spirit guides!

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Spheres of existence beyond Physical - Celestial II

This is the second part of the article, observing the appearance, Light, function and qualities of Celestial levels. 

  Celestial level two – Blue and golden * 
  Celestial levels are dedicated to study, test and angelic knowledge of higher level (advanced souls) on earth, who are not yet masters (or ascended masters). They are divided in circles according to multiple characteristics -like karmic lessons, past lives, passing of earth tests, qualities, earth talents and missions, their angels, and archangels. In this plane are the advanced souls of people who dedicated many lives for spiritual development, also they were often empathic souls and had special abilities, or they made steps for humanity healing and succeed in mission of spiritual education for humanity. These are mostly people of mindfulness, higher consciousness, spiritual teachers or related to as. Masters or spiritual schools. (This level is equal to sephirot Geburah (Judgement, Strength, limit of expansion and Outflow) in the Tree of Life in Kabbalah).

II.    Celestial level (plane) three – Violet, Purple and Golden lights*
 This is advanced angelic level – also dedicated to lessons to all people who are spiritually advanced and are able to receive higher education before returning to earth as incarnated beings. This is the level for souls that are almost at the end of their spiritual mission. They can create their reality and move almost like angels in this celestial plane. So they are also looking more angelic. Some of them also can be given special mission to serve later as Spirit guides for another person, or guardian angels. That’s why they will need special training in this plane. (Equal to Sephirot Hesed (Kindness, Abundance, Expansion) in Tree of life of Kabbalah).

Thank you for tuning in, children of Light! 
Be mindful and stay on path of Love, joy and Abundance. 

[art by Yishu Wang ]
Nina Lea-Nour *
*Angel`s medium 
* Reiki master 

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Spheres of Existence Beyond Physical - Celestial -I

[art by: Mab Graves]

What are Celestial levels? *
        Celestial levels are all spheres that are existing beyond the 10 –th dimension, or the space of Angelic realm. As you know, there are many types of angelic beings, and other beings, related to different spectrum of divine Light, different mission and offering special support to humans.

       Celestial spheres are limitless, and out of time and space reality (as we know it). Beyond the 6th dimension time is not existing, and the Space has different meaning. That`s why Angelic beings are able to be or project themselves in millions different places in world, even in different dimensions. Angels are multidimensional beings of Light and Supreme Consciousness; and they are with you with the mission to help you achieve this Higher consciousness of light, and achieve all your spiritual missions. Until you reach to Divine perfection. This is a long process.
Celestial levels (spheres) are in the space, which I call Angelic universes.

Angelic spheres are organized as a hierarchy on Tree of Life of Kabbalah. They are always expanding, and eternal. That means they never cease to exist. They are also divided in groups according to the colour and quality of the divine Light. (Light is the quality and most important attribute of God`s presence.)

I.       Celestial level – one – Golden and White 
       Students of Advanced knowledge and angels, spirit guides. All Celestial planes or Angelic spheres are places for study and development of the advanced spiritual souls, which means people above certain level that had many past lives behind. They come to the plane of Golden Sephirot, where is the after life training centre for many souls. Here they are separated also in multiple different spheres (or worlds), that represent characteristics of their soul-family. Like mission on earth, spiritual experiences, passing difficult life tests, karmic lessons, karmic relationships, illnesses and others. So they gather together not with their earth families. (which can happen very rarely), but rather with other soul sisters and brothers, with whom they are connected through life, or with beings that will be familiar in next lives. This plane looks like multiple spheres with different colours and light -related to peoples mission and main angels of them. Here people make training and are revealed some secrets about their past life on earth, also what they can do to improve their qualities. What is expected from them for the future mission. They also have angelic lessons, angelic games and plays, and study of angelic music instrument and art. As each human has a special talent to discover.
(This level is equal to sephirot Tipheret – Beauty, Truth, Love- on the Tree of life in Kabbalah).

Thank you for tuning in ,dear children of Light!

Nina Lea-Nour *
* Angel`s medium 
* Reiki master