Thursday, December 26, 2019

Tarot Portions VIII - King of Swords, King of Cups Archetypes

* King of Swords 
 As swords are element of Air -Communication, Truth, justice, intellect, mindfulness, releasing the past, King of Swords represents the ability to possess all these qualities and use your mind well. He is intellectual, logical and can be a good teacher. He will represent the qualities of self-discipline, confidence, commitment to a goal of education, projects, writing, studying, teaching, self-development. His weak point will be he is not using his intuition and not listen to his heart, emotions.

King of Sword represent the person of authority, related to education, university or Justice. As swords are element of cutting the ties of past relationships, he can also be a person who is single, or divorced. Person of intellectual power, who can give you good lessons. He is honest, open and straight-forward; He is also truthful, but you wont see his negative sides fast. He can be great writer, orator or person, committed to educate others. He is High Priest of Air, representing love for expression, and justice.
His energy resonates with the cards IV. Emperor – ruling with justice; and 4 of Swords – in need of meditation, going within, rest and rejuvenation after time of turbulence and conflict in life. Time of gaining strength and preparation for something.
The King of Swords is person of quest and intellectual pursuit. He will give you lessons of mind, consciousness and awareness. He has good ability to make choices and to cut all from past. His energy is related to movement, change and growth.

* King of Cups 
This is the King mostly desired in love readings, as Cups are element of Water, flow of emotions, deep love, sharing, soul connection, also intuition, psychic ability, love for invisible world. King of cups is filled with confidence, and possess strength to take control over his emotions. He is calm, loving and sharing his feelings; He is also generous, protective, sensual, and wants to take care of his beloved and family. His strength is related to purity of heart and ability to connect with others from heart. He can be a spiritual teacher, priest of advisor. Or a person who wants to commit in a long term relationship. His emotions are stable and not floating, in the same time he is filled with love, passion and devotion to person he loves. 
King of Cups is quite sentimental, romantic and trusting; That’s why is the less dominant or controlling; but he can be possessive and jealous in his relationships. He has strong imagination and can live in a world of dreams and be ungrounded. He has balance between intellect and emotions. The cards that resonates with his power are: IV. The Emperor – leadership, mastery, self-discipline, boundaries, control over emotions, - and 4 of Cups (need to go inward, to ponder about your life and values, to receive messages from Higher self, need of emotional clarity, seeking answers.) As Cups are feminine element, King of Cups has multiple feminine qualities, strong intuition and compassion. He is giving you love, admiration and healing. (as water has healing power).
 [ "Tarot de la Nuit" art of Alexandra Bach]

Nina Lea-Nour *
* Angel`s Medium
* Reiki master 

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