Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Spheres of Existence Beyond Physical - Celestial -I

[art by: Mab Graves]

What are Celestial levels? *
        Celestial levels are all spheres that are existing beyond the 10 –th dimension, or the space of Angelic realm. As you know, there are many types of angelic beings, and other beings, related to different spectrum of divine Light, different mission and offering special support to humans.

       Celestial spheres are limitless, and out of time and space reality (as we know it). Beyond the 6th dimension time is not existing, and the Space has different meaning. That`s why Angelic beings are able to be or project themselves in millions different places in world, even in different dimensions. Angels are multidimensional beings of Light and Supreme Consciousness; and they are with you with the mission to help you achieve this Higher consciousness of light, and achieve all your spiritual missions. Until you reach to Divine perfection. This is a long process.
Celestial levels (spheres) are in the space, which I call Angelic universes.

Angelic spheres are organized as a hierarchy on Tree of Life of Kabbalah. They are always expanding, and eternal. That means they never cease to exist. They are also divided in groups according to the colour and quality of the divine Light. (Light is the quality and most important attribute of God`s presence.)

I.       Celestial level – one – Golden and White 
       Students of Advanced knowledge and angels, spirit guides. All Celestial planes or Angelic spheres are places for study and development of the advanced spiritual souls, which means people above certain level that had many past lives behind. They come to the plane of Golden Sephirot, where is the after life training centre for many souls. Here they are separated also in multiple different spheres (or worlds), that represent characteristics of their soul-family. Like mission on earth, spiritual experiences, passing difficult life tests, karmic lessons, karmic relationships, illnesses and others. So they gather together not with their earth families. (which can happen very rarely), but rather with other soul sisters and brothers, with whom they are connected through life, or with beings that will be familiar in next lives. This plane looks like multiple spheres with different colours and light -related to peoples mission and main angels of them. Here people make training and are revealed some secrets about their past life on earth, also what they can do to improve their qualities. What is expected from them for the future mission. They also have angelic lessons, angelic games and plays, and study of angelic music instrument and art. As each human has a special talent to discover.
(This level is equal to sephirot Tipheret – Beauty, Truth, Love- on the Tree of life in Kabbalah).

Thank you for tuning in ,dear children of Light!

Nina Lea-Nour *
* Angel`s medium 
* Reiki master 

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